My father and my mother got seperated 3 years ago. About 5 months ago, he started dating this girl named Christy. She is in her 20's, while my father is in his 40's. I don't like her, because she calls me things like retarted and stupid, when he is not around. When he IS around, she acts like she loves me. I told my dad this, and he sighed, and said "Christy told me you would get jealous" And then he said "I'll ground you if you ruin this between me and her" Yesterday, she spilled red wine all over the couch, and said that I tried to dump it on her! I wasn't even in the room! But my dad thought I went there to look like I did not do it,so I got punished. Alot of things changed with my dad, like when he started buying her cigarettes from the store, he started buying some for himself...Now he smokes about 2 packs a day, and this is really starting to get on my nerves...At the dinner table, they smoke together, and the room smells like smoke all the time...She even blows it on my face! What can I do about this? I can't move with my mother, we lost contact with her, and my relatives. I am really getting tired of secondhand smoke and being treated like crap.