I am 11. So today when I get home from school, my 14 year old brother tells me to come upstairs. So I go up and he has a laptop computer in his lap. At this point, I was speechless. There was a shipping box on his bed and he told me to look at the address. It had our neighbor's name on it. His first name is the same as our dads so I must have got mixed up. My brother said it came to the house before he had gotten home. He said my mom probably did not look at the address. But what if she did? How is he going to keep this a secret? The dude lives across the street! My brother told me not to tell anyone, especially in our neighborhood. Hhe is keeping a Dell new version of laptop that he has always wanted but is not his. Is this theft? Could they track it down? MOST IMPORTANT QUESTION! SHOULD I TELL MY PARENTS AND LET MY BROTHER GET IN BIG TROUBLE? HELP I AM NOT THAT GOOD AT MAKING THESE DECISIONS???