My 15 yr old daughter thinks she is 25?
2016-07-25 17:14:40 UTC
She acts like an adult and will not listen to me. She just recently turned 15 last month. dresses like a 25 year old and does her makeup like a 25 year old and will not listen to me when I tell her it's inappropriate. Her social media is too provocative and we have had many arguments about what she posts, she has "selfies" of herself that show cleavage. She is never home and decides by herself what she does day to day. she will leave early in the morning and come home late at night. I have her on all her social media under fake accounts and therefore I know where she goes. It's usually to eat with friends, go shopping, or run errands and she constantly tells me this but nonetheless she does not ask for permission and that is what irks me. A teenager should ask for permission to leave the house and give mom all the details... she just grabs her keys and goes. She also is starting a relationship with a man who is 19, she denies it but I have seen text messages and overheard phone calls and seen pictures that imply otherwise... this is AGAINST my rules.

She has a job at a bridal boutique and earns her own money so she pays for her cell phone bill and her car payments, therefore I can't take them away. Her dad is the one who got her a car in the first place and she is not legally supposed to drive it until she gets her permit but whenever I confront her she just ignores me and walks away. Now I think she is attempting to move out and I can't stop her... what do I do?
140 answers:
2016-07-27 20:56:10 UTC
I am sorry about what you're going through. Well I just talked to my 15yr daughter on how she wldve liked me to help her..U cld take her phone and also the keys. Then sit her down and tell her that she's illegal. she should not be dating an 19 yr old, an adult, when she's 15. As a parent, u can tell her what to do for the next three years. talk to her friends maybe and tell them not to contact ur daughter bc u have her phone and she needs to learn a lesson. U can also put her in some camp or sport after school so she has to say in that area. If u wanna be even a bit more controlling, put her in an educational subject teaching camp.
2016-07-27 10:19:33 UTC
About the driving thing, stand up for urself. She shldnt be driving at 15, its completely illegal and dangerous. Man up and show her that shes still a minor at the wnd of the day and ahld not be driving. Same thing about her boyfriend though not as much, u need to make sure shes careful with him.

On the other hand, u give her very little trust- understandable but still she's better than many others at her age. If she gets good grades, doesnt drink and does well than that shldnt be an issue. And curfew at 8, thats a little harsh.

About social media and the selfies, ur being a bit hasty stalking her onlin. I know u may have best interests at heart but still, its a bit much. Lots and lots of ppl do that, sometimes from age 12. Its a different time, social media has changed everything and the best u can do is just let it go- shes not posting nudes. Its only a bit of cleavage.
2016-07-27 16:17:34 UTC
I would say since she isn't drinking, doing drugs, etc then lighten up a bit. I understand you are concerned for your daughter and that's great because, some parents could care less. In my opinion, for sure set some ground rules. I'd say school nights her curfew is 10pm and weekends let her stay until 11pm if she's going somewhere just tell her to let you know. As for the car, next time she is out on her own, call police they'll enforce some ground rules into her and that should give her a good scare but, before you take that route talk to her and give her a warning that you will call the police if she takes the car without an adult again.
2016-07-27 18:12:51 UTC
As a mother, you should demand the outmost respect from your little girl. i honestly think that you are away too soft on her. When i was 15, i dared not to step out of the house without permission. I'm 22 now and i don't hate my parents for that.

Regarding the car issue, you need to be a mother and take her keys away! How can you allow her to drive at such a young age known anything could happen to her. Don't make it a bigger deal than it is. Tell ur husband its a wrap for her car and get rid of it until she's of age to drive. Not only will taking away her car show her that you are the one in charge, but it will minimise her going out.Secondly, simply because she pays for her phone does not mean she can do anything she like with it! like i said earlier be a mom and establish concrete rules! at 15 she needs parents before she can set up any data plan. monitor her data and let the phone company put restriction on certain cites.Yes, there will be a lot of anger when you do all these things, however if you back down simply because she throws a fit, you give her the power defeating the purpose all together.Getting good grades is her responsibility she owes to herself, so don't make her good grades an excuse to allow her to be disrespectful. Yes she doesn't go out drinking and getting pregnant, but guess what, at 15 you shouldn't be doing those things anyway.About her makeup, you can go into her room and get rid of it yourself! let her know you are not playing games!!Establish your position as the MOM in the house and demand respect all while showing her that you love her.

Don't be the nice mom who will end up losing her daughter simply because you were not hard enough n her.
2016-07-30 11:45:53 UTC
I agree and disagree with some of the comments. I think you shouldn't have given her her own car til she was legally able to drive it. If she is doing good in school and staying out of trouble like you said she is then you can lay off of her a bit. Let her hang out with her friends. And as long as she isn't showing her nipples or vagina. Let her be. Especially now every girl is wearing booty shorts or crop tops. There isn't much you can do. As for the BF. That's a big no no. It's illegal because she's underage. And make sure you let the BF know that too. Guys at 19 think differently than 15 year olds. At 15 years old you're barely getting out there and I wouldn't want her to get pressured into something she isn't suppose to be doing. I agree with calling the cops if she takes the car without permission. Similar situation happened with my sister. My parents gave her a warning and she didn't listen so they called the cops. And they picked her up and gave her a scare.
2016-07-26 10:40:43 UTC
I have a feeling you're trolling, but if you aren't, then seriously? It doesn't matter if she pays the phone or car bill. She's a MINOR, and you are the parent. Until she turns 18, you are in charge of her and right now you don't seem to be doing your job as a parent. That's just me, though.

I'm 15 and I have a dad who, from what you said, seems a lot like her dad. But still, if I ever dreamed of breaking the rules like that, I wouldn't see the light of day. Stand up and be a parent for once, or before you know it, your daughter will be 10 times worse.

The makeup and selfies aren't a big deal. She should be able to do what she wants when it comes to stupid little things like that, but you're honestly dumb af if you're gonna let her drive a car at 15. What if she gets pulled over? You're responsible. Start being a parent.

UPDATE: Amelie, how retarded are you? Sure I'm 15. Just because I'm 15, doesn't mean I don't know what I'm talking about. You were a teenager once. Shut the fck up.
2016-07-29 15:43:28 UTC
I'm sorry to go against the grain but I have to disagree with the majority. I'm 20, so it was not that long ago I was 15. The issue is you are suffocating her causing her to rebel.

Her make up is really nothing you should worry about and as long as she does not show nipples etc I dont think you should worry about that either on her facebook. They're just breasts. I'm sure you have a beautiful, intelligent daughter, let her grow and make her own mistakes and have faith.

She is not doing drugs or skipping school, she's experimenting and a rebellious teenager. This is normal. I did it and honestly I turned out fine, got into a good uni, good grades, like to think I'm a good person.

Also, 8pm is very early to expect her to be back too...and this will just push her away because she sees your rules as ridiculous. Your intrusion and atempts to control her are just pushing her away. Time to rip off the bubble wrap.

I would however worried about her driving at 15!
2016-07-27 18:08:06 UTC
This is a tricky one.

First off, why the hell does she have a car at 15? I didn't get my own vehicle until just before I turned 20. It was a Jeep that my dad handed down to me and a reward for me maintaining my part time job, respecting my parents, doing work around the house, and getting accepted into college. In other words, I earned it. And behaving like how your daughter is behaving would have 'earned' me diddly-squat.

Don't argue with your daughter. You are her mother. What you say, goes. It's not up for debate or compromise. I'm sure she depends on you much more than you depend on her. Start taking things away from her, and make her EARN things back.

In addition, where the hell is the father in the midst of this? Instead of buying his extremely disrespectful daughter cars, he should be utilizing his iron fist, not his wallet.
2016-07-28 10:16:34 UTC
Your kid sounds like a nightmare I'm sorry but it's true it's not your fault she is that way... But I can't believe what I'm reading, this girl sounds like she needs a lot of discipline, I know it sounds bad but keep her inside when she isn't working and if you have to hold onto her physically she is at no age where it is appropriate to do this. I know if I did any of these things I'd get the belt lol but some parents don't believe in physical punishments, which you should do unless you are too against it but you should use the belt on her not too hard but enough times that she will understand she is still a child even with a job and all the ridiculous freedom you give her am sorry but it is true my dad doesn't even let me go to see my bf down the street who is only 16, is an honor roll student and lives with his grandparents who never leave us alone, I just don't get it, but anyway restrict her from how much money she can use tell her to pay part of rent I know it sounds weird but if she wants to act older than her age then make her feel older than her age and she will regret it, and if you go to the store and she tells you to pick something up tell her to buy it herself don't even give her dinner, it is legal... Make her feel like she is completely independent and just ignore her and she will notice she really will and eventually she will come crawling back. So I guess it is part of your fault just not all of it. The rent thing will be helpful tell her to put 50% of what she earns into rent and that is also legal because she isn't 18 yet... I know some parents tell their 16 year olds to just hand them their paychecks, and the belt thing is legal to I have had a lot of research on it you can look it up too it says it is only child abuse if you leave bruises which sounds horrible but it's tough love. I know I will get thumbs down but this is how I was raised to be and I am more matured and have great manners that most people my age (15) don't seem to notice exist if only you started out early, but you will straighten her up easily, because she kind of spoils herself and when she has limits she will hate it. It's okay to have your kid hate you at one point it means you did a good job as a matter of fact not sure if everyone has heard that saying before :/ but good luck on your daughter :) Hope this helped
2016-07-26 14:33:01 UTC
What keys does she grab when she leaves? the car, the house? Don't you wait up for her and give her a lecture? Why would you give her a house key? When was the last time she listened to your rules? Start there and figure out what went wrong. What is the age of a pedafile in your area? If you sense the man is having sex with your daughter you can find out from her phone (some phones can copy one from the other just by being hear them) and turn that in to the police and they will pick him up and jail him for a while if there would be a test kit or a condom as proof or a child on the way.

You're right though in that technology has played a big part in her behavior but she's going to get her bf in big trouble, enough to ruin his career and life.

If she's working and living in your home or apartment and she's not paying rent to you then insist that she MUST. If she's 15 and has a car even if she pays the payments on it perhaps by your state's laws she's too young to sign a contract therefore the car belongs to theparents. She has no permit so you can get the police to pick her up. But it looks to me like she's going off on her own and without additional schooling and maybe even a pregnancy to come she will be stuck and who is she going to come home crying to. The boy isn't going to help her out then.

I'd say her dad needs to give her a good talking to, set down the rules (your house laws) and insist that she pay rent and take her car from her. There are dangers to doing some things like that these days so get the feeling of esp as to how she would behave. You are supposed to be responsible by law for her till she's 18 so if you're not doing your duty to keep her home the law will put you and your husband in jail so you MUST take the bull by the horns, lay down the law and then call the police on her. She will hate you so be careful and protect yourself. If she gets beligerant then call the police and baker act her.
2016-07-27 19:50:17 UTC
Probably because YOU act like you are 15. You command NO authority. How does she get on Social Media??? Take her phone and smash it. Password protect the internet and don't let her use it. Pawn her laptop, I pad and anything else she can gain access to the internet with. Cut up her slutty clothing or donate it to Goodwill. Call the police and tell them you suspect a 19 year old is molesting your daughter. - You know - BE A PARENT! And if she wants to move out, let her move, but only with her dad. If her dad is the problem, take him to court. If she tries to move anywhere else call the cops and have her brought back home. You should have been doing this type of thing when she was SIX!! But no, you probably just wanted to be her 'friend' while she was a kid. How's your 'friend' treating you now, mom???
2016-07-30 14:05:00 UTC
14/15 is when girls start acting crazy.

So you're not the only parent who has this problem.

So.. I have an idea. (I'm kind of a military brat and grew up around the army and am thinking of being in the USAF when I'm older)

Anyways... Usually girls like that... HATE getting dirty and HATE hard work.



How? You may ask..?

Well, If you know someone who was in the military or you know some about the military.

Act like a Drill Sergeant towards her... (Since its still summer) Every time she does something bad she got herself a WEEK of bootcamp.

And find jobs for her to do... Set up obstacles make her do sweaty/dirty work.

Thats how they tell new recruits that they are boss!!!!!!


If that doesn't work... Then send her to military school.
seedy history
2016-07-25 17:36:19 UTC
Well, she's not insured so if she gets in an accident, gets hurt or hurts someone else... you will be held legally responsible and liable for the consequences. Apparently that has not concerned you. She can't legally work a job without your permission.. that apparently has not concerned you. She has unlimited access to social media, you know she's has multiple fake accounts and though you play confused and shocked.. you've done nothing to curtail her activities. She comes and goes and does as she pleases because her parents have allowed it. She is a product of her upbringing. If you don't like the result of your efforts, change your efforts. It doesn't sound like you've been putting much into it... complaining is not effort, i'ts just complaining. Sounds like your daughter figured that out long ago.

Your RULES clearly hold no weight because you have not enforced them. It is not legal for her to move out at 15 unless she can prove she's self supporting (which she might be), able to provide a safe home for herself (which she might be able to do) and will continue to go to school until she's reached either the age or educational level that your state requires. Up until then, whatever she does YOU are held responsible for. It's on you babe. IT's on you to be a parent and raise your child. You either did, or didn't. What do you think?

Also, depending on the state you live in, it is likely illegal for this 19 year old to take up with your little girl, illegal for him to cohabit with her and illegal for YOU to allow it! Where did you think your parenting style was going to lead to anyway?
2016-07-28 04:43:34 UTC
I think you are in very fragile situation whatever you take the step she is not going to listen. I think this happens due to our current environment in which we live. So to change her you have to change her environment.

You said she is doing job and earns money... Tell her that she don't need to do any job right now whatever your expensis is you are ready to pay... Just be focused on your studies because once you complete your studies and become a successfull pearson you will have lot of time to earn money and spend it on whatever she want. Try to show her movies that are related to her life (hear ultimate moto is to make her feel that whatever she is doing now is affecting her future and her family)... this should be happening unknowingly I mean she must never know that you are showing her movie with some intentions.. and please don't force her... the more you pressurise her more she will resist you....time is the only solution for this problem.... call her friends on weekends and make her feel that her friends are special to you as well...

Try these tricks I hope you will get some positive results... I also had same problem with my sister so I can understand your problem quit wel...

Another this which is most important always think positive ... once you start loosing your self the situation will seem to get more worse... take every negative situation and find some positive point in it.... it will help you lot
2016-07-29 15:06:37 UTC
You sound way too controlling to me, she earns her own money, which most 15 year olds don't do, she doesn't drink or do drugs, she sounds like a rather independent child, and it's usual for girls to dress up and wear makeup these days, there's a huge social pressure to look like celebrities, so maybe think about all the pressure SHES under instead of treating her like she's a bad child. If my mum was like you I would have told her to **** off a long time ago, I would have rebelled, she has a job at 15 for crist sakes, so you're lucky to have such a bright, independent and driven young lady.
2016-07-27 14:46:12 UTC
are you serious? everything I just read can and will put you in PRISON for ENDANGERMENT and CHILD NEGLECT. Until she is 18, you have full responsibility for her actions. If she gets pregnant by this 19 year old, you will have to go to court. They will ask you why didn't you prevent this and you could even lose your daughter. I had a co-worker who's daughter got pregnant at 15 by a 27 year old and had to go court for child neglect. Why the hell are you letting her drive around without a license or even a permit. If she causes a wreck you will have to pay for all the damages and she could be sent to jail. Please take my advice and be an actual parent instead of a friend before your life is turned upside down.
2016-07-25 20:13:14 UTC
Just because she got a job to pay the phone bill doesn't mean ****. I bet the car isn't on her name so you can take it away especially since she lives under your roof. YOUR rules not hers. Plus its illegal to drive without permit. Until she turns 18 and can get her own place with no problem she still needs to be a kid and parents are supposed to know whereabouts their child is.

Every teen will rebel against their parents. It's a phase. Let her wear makeup but tell her to tone it down. And tell her she's not allowed to wear skimpy clothes.

Her boyfriend is legally an adult and shouldn't be with a minor. You can have a talk with him and try to mention about calling the cops if they proceed to do any further thing in their relationship. She shouldn't be dating some older guy. She should hang out with friends and should date boys her own age. Some boys are immature but some young adults take advantage of these young kids. What happens if she got pregnant and the guy decides to leave?
2016-07-30 08:54:04 UTC
You could call the police about the illegal driving? Also, if she's a "grown woman" now maybe you should charge her for rent/food/utilities/internet. Also, if she has good grades and a job, and she cleans up after herself, I don't see why she should be cleaning up after anyone else? You should probably start with a compassionate approach, voice your concerns, try to get her to put herself in your shoes, try to make sure the rules you want her to follow are for her safety and wellbeing and not because you're "the boss" and what you say goes, teenagers have egos and you could really make her become more difficult if you don't handle this right. You should also find out who exactly the guy she's dating is, there's gotta be something wrong with him if he can't date a girl his own age. Also, if she's out past curfew, you can call the cops to take her home.
2016-07-27 07:31:41 UTC
You are too controlling and you stalked her online. The more you try to impose your rules on her, the more she wants to get away. Remember everybody has different personality. That apply to your child as well. Some children do better by following guidance, some learn by experience.

My brother is the first one. I'm the second one. I learned better about myself and world by experiencing things. Probably, your daughter as well.

Curfew at 8pm, seriously? Some people just ate dinner around that time. I have a friend and during highschool (even until uni), her parents made curfew at 9pm, she wasn't allowed to learn how to drive, etc. She followed them. The result? She ended up being dependent on her surrounding! To her friends, to her boyfriend even until she graduated and having a job. We, the friends, always end up delivering her home and always rushing when we dinner out. Usually we just started eating at 8pm. So it wasn't fun taking her out. She couldn't do sleep over too, even with all girls. And what we were doing just watching horror movies and chat. I wouldn't listen too if i were your daughter. C'mon she is a teenager. Time to get her more freedom.

She gets a good grade.

She doesn't do drugs.

At least, she does a safe sex... Not being pregnant.

She works for her stuffs.

Even with your attempts to stalk her soc med, you can't find her does anything wrong.

She is dating 19 years old, what? She is not dating a sugar daddy. 19 years old only 4 years difference which is normal.

Couldn't help it if she wants to move. I think she is sensing that you are restless, worry, try to control her and wants to know all the details in her life. She is not your ten years old anymore. She doesn't like your rules, as long as she can be responsible with herself, pay her own bills, she can move out anytime.

I understand you are worry, but the problem is you don't trust her.
2016-07-27 22:50:15 UTC
This woman seem like an extreme version of me lol. She is powerful, stubborn, and very smart. She believes she should be able to be her own person and be able to do her own thing. And I agree with her! Completely! If she wants to move out, let her. If she really wants to be independent, she will no matter the cost. Don't be too overprotective. Some things you can do in the meantime: have a curfew, but not a bedtime. Take away food privleges(if she can afford a phone, she can affird food and also take this privilege away if she keeps dating him), and tell her you will take her keys AND report her to the police if she keeps using her car(w/ or w/o permission). Hope this helps!
2016-07-27 02:06:56 UTC
You're not doing a good job at being a parent. You need to enforce the rules that you made. She doesn't pay the bills and she is YOUR child a minor so she must obey by your rules if she's living under your roof. Put your foot down cause it clearly wasn't if she thinks your rules are a joke. Ground her, take her phone away so she knows not to cross the line! Growing up I had a tough mom. I'm glad my mom enforced rules and boundaries for me and my siblings. You need to take your keys away, why are they even in plain sight for her to take? And if she takes the car without your permission you can have the police escort her home! if you don't like the makeup DONT BUY IT FOR HER, and if you don't buy it then tell who ever is buying it for her to stop. If she is breaking curfew then don't let her leave the house. If she leaves without your permission again you can have the cops escort her home. if she doesn't have a strong male figure in her life it could be why she acts out.
2016-07-26 20:44:00 UTC
She's out of control. And girls who take selfies with the cleavage a lot of the time want attenymtion from men and she most likely has already had sex. Or is thinking about it...if you know she's dating a 19 year old you need to report him. You will be responsible if anything happens. Time to stop the lectures and start grpunding...or putting her at a school where they make u behave. Or maury show? Lol.
2016-07-29 19:53:09 UTC
Don't confront her in a "parental" tone, that's not gonna work. Tell her you're worried about her, and you care about her, and you just want her to be safe. Tell the boyfriend if he goes near your daughter, you'll call the cops. Hide her car keys. Buy her less revealing outfits, and give them to her whether she wants them or not. But don't use your authority unless you have to, instead just act as a caring parent who doesn't want her daughter doing that stuff, like an intervention. If you have to use your parental authority though, make sure she can't go anywhere. And be assertive with the boyfriend; threaten to call the cops if he goes near her again (but don't tell your daughter you did), tell him that he has to break up with her, and that if he truly wants what's best for her as well, he'll help you to encourage her to be less provocative and stuff.
2016-07-26 17:54:20 UTC
you can and should charge her rent, food, electricity, maid service, etc. and maybe down the line, babysitting services

Explain to her that the 19 year old man could be charged with statutory rape.

Why in the world would her dad buy a car for her, someone who is not legally allowed to drive? What was he thinking? Can he be prosecuted for it, or required to have her return the car to him? I would definitely check into this.

She is crying out for your actions, not your words. You need to stop telling her what to do, just give her consequences, if she does something illegal or that you don’t like, then you will do (this) to her. And if she does the so-and-so you don’t like, then impose the consequences on her. Every time.

If she moves out because of the consequences, then so be it. If she really wanted to move out, she would have by now.

If she does want she wants, when she wants to, how do you know that she is not drinking, doing drugs, getting pregnant etc.

So basically STOP telling her to do or not to do things, just TELL her if she does certain things, she will expect certain consequences. And if she does those things, then give her the consequences. Every time. No exceptions.

Case closed.
2016-07-26 08:25:43 UTC
Get some court-ordered parenting classes for your ex. Get some counseling for yourself. If he is letting her have a car and drive it this is illegal. The makeup isn't that big of a deal. However, if you are so afraid of her that you won't take the keys (im sure dad will just give her another set anyway), you also need help.

Someone has to be writing the payments for this car. Does she have her own checking account? How?

Dad seems to have you scared to death. They are acting as a team. Even if you put your foot down, I think he would just over-power you. I feel for you.
2016-07-27 19:09:15 UTC
Let her go. I personally would absolutely hate being in this situation, but once a kid has freedom, how on earth can you make her go backwards? Lovingly and firmly tell her that you're going to be there for her, but that if she can't respect you, she needs to go. Let her move out. Let her see just what being an adult is. Let her pay even MORE bills and try to provide for herself. Let her face eviction and utility cut-offs. Let her be hungry for a bit. You can always oversee her like you're doing now, and catch her when she falls- IF SHE'S RESPECTFUL AND GRATEFUL. Also, call the law on this 19 year old, geez.
2016-07-28 03:44:55 UTC
I'm 15 and four months post partum. I think everyone has crazy teenage days, mine were over very early, but I was the same way your daughter is. She'll get a lesson taught to her. Wether it's a baby or a trespassing ticket or your rules. She will learn and one day in the future, apologize
Sur La Mer
2016-07-25 17:22:58 UTC
"will not listen to me when I tell her it's inappropriate" Kylie Jenner's dad, Bruce before she became Caitlyn . . . when she was 13, she started to wear makeup. He said: "you look like 35, but eat like 13." Now, she's a famous Instagram with 68.6m followers, just purchased her 1st million-dollar house, and one of the richest kid her own age.

I'm not saying, that's OK, but SHE'S A TEEN, and all teens go through phase. You did, I'm sure, we all did.

Would she listen to you? Of course not! Teenagers, for as long as they're influenced by the beauty industry & the media, they will do anything & everything they want, unless you tie them to a wall and ground them, which will only make her do what she wants & rebel forever, until she's 50. When she's nice & ready, she will find out what she's doing are chemicals going in her skin, her skin will show allergic reaction, or worst her lashes or eyebrows will fall out.

I was one of those teens, that looked like a 'streetwalker' @ my sister's wedding, when after I saw her photos with me the only one looking sunburned from wearing too much makeup, I woke up and stopped, that less is actually more.

When TWO PARENTS aren't on the same page, they will continue to push buttons, and you can't deal it alone without your husband's support. Right now, I can see, he likes to spoil her! This is a problem, that you & your husband created.

" she laughs and ignores me." She obviously do NOT respect you. Talk to your husband. It may not be too late, to show her some respect, too, if you want respect from her. You all need to SIT DOWN & TALK. Everyone must have 5 mins. each what's on their minds. Ground her! Talk about it, etc. she's 15.
2016-07-26 21:19:39 UTC
Realise she's growing up and won't be a baby forever. The more you try restraining her, the more she'll hate you and try to act like an adult. Give her some room to breathe and let her know you love her but you are upset by what she's doing.

Also, sell the damn car and if you catch her driving again, call the cops on her. It's illegal and seriously unsafe and someone could loose their lives.
2016-07-28 06:18:06 UTC
Mom you need to get a backbone. Put your foot down! There's no way in hell a bridal shop job pays someone enough to pay their phone bill/car note/& give them the idea to move out. That makes no sense. She's 15. Idk what car note she can pay. Sit her down and have a serious talk if she doesn't comply then treat her like a 25 year old. Take away everything you and your husband provide. Kick her out. She won't last long it seems.
2016-07-28 02:43:56 UTC
For the social media thing just stop. I get you're a mom and are protective but thats normal now a days. As for the makeup, she can always change it. Its her face and its not permanent so who cares!? Let her wear whatever makeup she likes. As for the car... Take it away! Its illegal for ger to drive it. Take her keys and have her stop making the payments. Why would she even be paying it if shes not gonna be able to drive it to begin with? And the boyfreind tell her its illegal and to get one that goes to her school and she talks to in person at least! As for her going out. Make her tell you where she's going. Also if you take away her car that shpuld stop most of that. Hope this helps!
2016-07-26 17:45:30 UTC
Your daughter doesn't do drugs, isn't pregnant gets good grades. She earns her money and cleans up her mess. I know I will get a lot of **** for this, but be grateful and don't ask the internet for advice, it's full of idiots. She is a teenager, how she acts is normal. If you try to stop her she will only become worst because that's what we teenagers do.
2016-07-28 13:51:59 UTC
About the clothing and makeup, I think that's it's probably ok that she's expressing herself. About the other stuff, you still have legal rights over her. Until she's 18, you can legally control where she goes, and what she has. Regarding the social media: The cleavage is indeed questionable, but I think that she hasn't crossed a huge line. Tell her you don't appreciate what she's doing, but allow her a little bit of freedom. Take away her phone, car, and other privlages if needed. Make the curfew at 10:00, if you give her more freedom, she won't see a reason to rebel.
2016-07-26 19:46:30 UTC
When I was around her age I acted out in the same way (I'm now 18). At the time I didn't realise that the way I was acting affected my parents. The worst thing you can do is shout/argue with your daughter because this will make her have resentment towards you and may even encourage her to act out even more. My mother decides that if I was going to act like a grown woman and act like I didn't need her then she was going to treat me like I was. I had to provide my own food, when she cooked for the family I had to buy/make my own food, if I came home after my curfew she wouldn't let me in the house. I had to do everything for myself. she even gave me the silent treatment and that honestly made me value everything my mum does for me. Now me and my mum get on like two peas in a pod :)

Also she's at the age where she wants to do her own thing but give her time she'll soon mature and realise that the most important relationships in life are with your parents.
2016-07-27 17:08:35 UTC
I'm 15, and I hardly go out, I went out the other day after telling my parents and letting them know what time I'd be back.

You'd never know what your daughter could get up to, even if she's driving!
2016-07-28 03:02:09 UTC
Dresses like a 25 year old? How does a 25 year old dress compared to.a 15 year old? Clothes are clothes we wear them.because in our society we are not allowed to walk around naked - anybody can wear any clothes at any time.
2016-07-27 10:26:29 UTC
She is testing her bounderies. You have to step up dad. Tell her to get legal help to be emancipated 16yr old or start following the rules. At 16 it would take all her income to get insurance and then you still have to sign off so thats incorrect. She needs to take school bus. She needs to be in a youth group at your church and in church with you Sundays. She definitely needs allot more time with you dad. Take up golf together or something. Please call police if she is driving without a permit. Take her off your cell phone plan. Butt things back to a normal ground. Teens are work, believe me they make your hair white. She is not mature enough to do school and a job either. So slow that bus down. Mine was a life guard and swim instructor at 16. She like to go on ski trips and did pool partiez wuth local families I knew and group movies at the mall. If you look away they know it and trip the boundry wire, some of them. My next daughter was a wild spirit and I was on her constantly.
2016-07-28 12:50:07 UTC
If you were gong to try to have control over her behavior it should have begun a long time ago. She obviously feels she can get away with dong what she wants if there are no rules she has to obey. You are just lucky she seems like a responsible person in some important parts of her lfie so she should turn out all right but it seems too late to start trying to control her at this stage. The only thing you could do would be to try to not create a breach between you maybe have a talk with her so you can do some things together instead of continuing to drift apart.
2016-07-26 21:51:37 UTC
Home at 8:00 PM. Don't argue with a 15 year old child it demeans you and destroys your respect by your child. There is a pregnancy and this smart kid will make the "brave" decision to have the baby and generously let you rear her baby. Life is real and she needs to know that. It is not that crap on the cesspool called TV.
2016-07-28 17:49:38 UTC
I turned 16 just a few weeks ago and know what it's like to be her age, but you need to enforce rules with her. dressing the way she does and wearing makeup is common because most likely all her friends are doing it so she feels the need to fit in or impress a guy so you shouldn't be too worried about that. her reasoning for lashing out could be because she's angry with you for something and just isn't telling you or she has no regard for authority. either way you have to figure out what's going on with her and don't allow her to stomp all over you. I, myself, could never disrespect my mom without feeling any remorse but there must be an underlying reason behind her behavior. once you find that out, you're golden
2016-07-29 04:21:16 UTC
I understand where you're coming from. You feel like your loosing her. If I was a mother, I'd feel the same way you do. But going through all her Instagram accounts? Reading through her text messages? Listening to cell phone calls and tracking down her location even if she's just at the mall with close friends? I understand you're worried because your daughter is growing up too fast...but you have to think, WHY? Why does she WANT to be an adult so fast? Maybe she posts pictures of her cleavage because she's lonely. Maybe she's out with her friends because she's lonely. Maybe she has multiple Instagram accounts so those accounts can like HER pictures and make it LOOK like she has more friends? have a NORMAL teenage girl on your hands! She wants to prove herself to the world! She wants to clean HER OWN dishes and pay her OWN bills and have a mature boyfriend who understands what it's like to pay HIS own bills. She young, and is trying to re-create herself. Don't stress.
2016-07-30 03:10:07 UTC
I'm 21. I know its hard for parents to control teenagers.

Speak to your husband/her dad about her attitude towards you. He should understand that she needs to be more respectful towards you. Seems like the relationship between them might be better. Have him talk to her. Wait a little for change.

If she does end up moving out. Before she leaves speak to her about all the responsibilities she will have if she does. She is only paying her phone, car, and mall expenses. Talk about rent/deposit, gas&electricity, trash, groceries, internet, water, toiletries, emergencies. Cooking, cleaning.

Cut her off completely. She is still a minor but if she wants to act 10 years older than she is, let her.

Let her learn. Let her struggle, let her learn to live. Yes call her, ask her how she's doing but act detached. Yes she's your daughter, your baby. But she wants to act grown, let her experience being grown. Let her live in her car. Otherwise she will never learn..
2016-07-27 09:19:11 UTC
So treat her like she's 25. Start making her pay for her own food, her own clothes, rent, etc.

And btw, she's still a minor. She can't legally enter into any contracts without an adult to help. So you absolutely COULD take her stuff.
2016-07-27 15:09:12 UTC
she is a minor, she cannot drive a car legally and she can't be named on your insurance policy as she isn't old enough to drive, so if she gets stopped for anything the car will get impounded and your insurance co. will cancel your policy for letting an unlicensed driver have a car. she is not old enough to have a job unless you say she can have one. does she have a work permit? does she go to school? you could call her work and tell them she can't work. she

isn't old enough to sign a contract, so she doesn't have a phone completely in her name, and depending where you live, her moving out and being with an adult male could be a felony for him, especially if they leave the state. she can think she's as old as she wants, but the reality is she is a minor child and cannot legally do anything on her own.
2016-07-27 17:52:13 UTC
I think her curfew is a little farfetched, my brother is seven and he goes to bed at nine. Acting like an adult at her age shows that she's an independent person and that's not a bad thing. I know you love her so maybe you should talk to her about how you feel when you get the chance.
2016-07-26 07:37:29 UTC
Try disciplining her. She lives under your roof, there are child labor laws that enforce childs to not work. That's why you don't pay for your check up as a child. Disciplining can help effectively. Her boyfriend is crazy mad for dating a minor, he can take advantage of her and financially take away your family's money leaving you poor. Your daughter is a child, she neds to act like one and have fun, she is not cut out for adulthood. She will learn of hard paperwork soon if she keeps this up.
2016-10-29 09:31:45 UTC
i think you are in very fragile situation whatever you take the step she is not going to listen... i think this happens due to our current environment in which we live... so to change her you have to change her environment...

you said she is doing job and earns money......... tell her that she don't need to do any job right now whatever your expensis is you are ready to pay......... just be focused on your studies 'cause once you complete your studies and become a successfull pearson you shall have lot of time to earn money and spend it on whatever she want... try to show her movies that are related to her life (hear ultimate moto is to make her feel that whatever she is doing now is affecting her future and her family)......... this should be happening unknowingly i mean she must never know that you are showing her movie with some intentions...... and pleease don't force her......... the more you pressurise her more she shall resist you............time is the only solution for this problem............ call her friends on weekends and make her feel that her friends are special to you as well.........

try these tricks i hope you shall get some positive results......... i also had same problem with my sister so i can understand your problem quit wel.........

another this which is most important always think positive ......... once you start loosing your self the situation shall seem to get more worse......... take every negative situation and find some positive point in it............ it shall help you lot
2016-07-27 12:14:46 UTC
I agree with Sleepie, you need help. Please get counseling for yourself so that you are able to function in your role as parent and so that you are not intimidated by this child. Working and paying the car note does not entitle her to drive this car. She is too young to sign a contract, so it is not possible for her to own this car, nor to have a checking account to pay for it. Therefore, dad owns the car and the checking account and he is allowing her to illegally drive the car. Give the car back to her father, take away her house keys and lock up your house after her curfew time, report the boyfriend for statutory rape, and if she continues to disobey your house rules, have her legally removed from your house. Harsh, but the inevitability of teen pregnancy, STDs, dropping out of school, automotive accidents, and being lured into the sex trade by some pervert online, are also harsh realities. Parenting is hard. Get some help.
2016-07-26 16:10:41 UTC
I don't know why she's acting like an adult and living almost like an adult like having a job, paying for her own bills and car payments. I think she's missing her childhood and that's sad.

Or was she forced to be an adult? Who knows.

I've only heard your side of the story so this is all I can say for now.
2016-07-27 22:23:39 UTC
She doesn't think she's 25 she's a typical 15 year old girl
2016-07-27 15:50:32 UTC
i going to be plain and blunt and this is coming from a 14 y/o YOU ARE A ADULT YOU NEED TO STOP ACTING LIKE HER FRIEND...THAT IS PLAIN DUMB...YOU ARE HER MOTHER SHE IS NOT A ADULT THEREFORE YOU MAKE THE RULES DONT LET YOUR CHILD RUN THINGS LIKE SHE IS A ADULT THATS CRAZY (you must be a white parent) take her stuff away and take her phone and tell her if she walks out the house again she not coming back change the lock do something cause im tired of hearing about parents acting like their child friend these days it's getting ridic and if she trys to threaten you call the police stop playing

Stop playing with your daughter and act like a real mother dont raise no disrespectful child cause she has not seen the real world talking bout she going to move out if i said that my mom would put me back in my place( btw you have permission to hit your child)

The 14 year old girl

2016-07-28 06:51:11 UTC
Tell your Daughter if she grows up too fast she is going to miss out on alot of things that some of us that are older wish we had done growing u, trust me I wish i was 15 again I would do alot of things different than I Did she is very lucky and needs to realize at that age she dont have to worry about many of the things us grownups have to worry about.
2016-07-26 20:17:18 UTC
About the makeup and "selfies" part is not a big deal, but the other stuff is . So I dont know why your considering that a problem. I'm 16 and I wear makeup but I know I'm not 25. Just let her have fun with the makeup and selfies but the other stuff is.
2016-07-25 17:32:38 UTC
When she gets in the car call the cops and report an underage driver. Give them her license plate number. Take the computer out of her room and smash it. Take the provocative clothes out of her closet and toss them in a dumpster away from the house. So far you are not being a parent. You are letting her make the rules. Either step up as a parent or you may end up visiting her at the morgue.
2016-07-28 18:48:02 UTC
time f you to cut off al the things he likes like a phone a computer and going out also might not buy her close any more for a long time see if she goes and gets a job to be her own, she's a minor report her when she takes off in the car your the mom take control unless you want her to continue to dictate to you what she's going to do as for the phone she can not sign a contract without your permission as for driving tell her one time before she leaves if you take the car ill call the cops and do I, and go down to where she works but tell her first that your going to do it unless she starts listing to you. if she does not next move is to go to where she works and report her as underage to even work but most of all talk to the owner and tell him or her what's going on and you need his help to fire her. she has to know your serious
2016-07-25 17:33:19 UTC
You are a bit confused. You are the parent and she is a child. You can take away the phone, the car, and refuse to allow her to work. You gave up parenting her and she is doing as she pleases. She will do that until you take back your position as parent and start telling her no.

If you can't, then take her to court and tell the judge you cannot control her. He can control her. He can put her into foster care where she will have to obey rules or end up in juvenile detention.
2016-07-25 21:11:17 UTC
It's a phase but you need to discipline her . With everything going on in the world you don't know what will happen.Also how does she even have a car? She's too young for a car to be under her name let alone do car payments .
2016-07-27 08:42:10 UTC
Go to court and make her an emancipated minor. Give her a few thousand dollars, a plane ticket to Hawaii and let her go. A friend of mine did that with his son, and now the kid is a cop with a wife, a house and a son of his own. Sometimes these things work out.
2016-07-30 16:01:56 UTC
You are a parent. START ACTING LIKE IT. You take the car keys or disable the car. Her father can sell it or take it to his property because you don't want it on yours. Next you take the damn phone. I expect respect from my children. I make them work. Then they get freedoms that their peers don't have. If they do wrong, they lose those privileges. It is give and take. You have to prepare her for real life, but protect her from herself and the world. It is a tightrope walk, but you have to do it. You can't sit on the sidelines and blame her. You have not been demanding the respect you want for years. Why should she suddenly have to have it. Remember that it is all your responsibility. and good luck.
2016-07-27 01:00:03 UTC
She is 15 and pulling this crap? And you are LETTING her? Maybe you should start removing privileges and start calling the cops when she leaves the house without permission. Inform her boss she will no longer be working there, give her a** a flip phone so you know where she is, and K9 block her computer. (Invasive parental controls). Be the grown up! If she wants the PRIVILEGE of "playing grown up" she first needs to learn to RESPECT her parents and household.
2016-07-28 11:36:02 UTC
Why do I feel like a kid write this, and wants to see what others would think of this behavior? Like if this is an actual parent though.... You really need to get it together like she is your kid, and you still have a say in what she does, and it doesn't matter if she pays for it or not.As long as she lives in your house, you have the right to take that **** away! I mean if you live her, than ******* stop her!!! Like why in the **** are you not taking action when she is doing **** that is ILLEGAL, AND DANGEROUS!!??? Like do you even care if she gets in a car wreck?! Do you even care if this man takes advantage of her!? Well it sounds like it somewhat since you are asking...but honestly asking isn't going to help if you don't take the Damn advice. Also, it seems to me you dont know how to be a created this little monster yourself by not disciplining her. You can't expect her to follow rules without them being enforced, or having no consequences for breaking them.
2016-07-26 23:42:42 UTC
No worries, if she is really 25 she will think she is 15.
2016-07-27 11:38:21 UTC
How is she driving at 15? That's illegal you have to be 16. I'm guessing this is a troll lol
2016-07-25 23:42:47 UTC
I would suggest to the little darling that she lives under your roof and will abide by your rules. Also, that this rule will stay in affect until she reaches the ripe old age of 18. At that point she can move out and live any way she wants.
2016-07-28 04:22:33 UTC
Its what teenagers do. Once they head into high school or realize theyre growing up they begin acting out because they think thats how to become an adult. Take charge and let the brat know that its not acceptable
Smokies Hiker
2016-07-28 13:10:21 UTC
Update: She gets good grades and is not out drinking, doing drugs, getting pregnant, etc. ...that you know of! She's likely too young to be emancipated yet, depending on the state you live in, but she's headed for big trouble in the near future, and will pull you and the rest of the family right in with her! If you can't put your foot down and be a parent to this child, then you need to seek assistance with raising her. If you don't, you may be seeing her only at "visiting hours!"
2016-07-26 11:28:30 UTC
Troll, 15 year olds don't drive cars
2016-07-29 00:39:23 UTC
You need to make sure she knows you're the parent. She doesn't follow your rules because you let her disobey them. You pay for her to eat and give her free lodge. You at least deserve some respect in return.
2016-07-30 11:42:35 UTC
You need to confront her and tell her the longer you avoid it the longer it will to on. Tell her! Do what you are Doing but know that im your mom and you need to respect where I come from and if you don't then you need to think more about your actions. Because it will get hard and you

Will learn
2016-07-27 15:13:21 UTC
She sounds really dependent You should make her get emancipated if she is staying with you she does not want to go by rules she doesn'ts want to tell you where she's going she wants to come and go as she pleases as an adult then she can get a job she can get her own apartment and she can worry about herself and then what she fails I guarantee she will come back to you
2016-07-28 13:38:28 UTC
My cousin is very simmilir to your dsughter........but i unferstand that you said she has her own job and pays 2 bills of her own but what you can do is take all the things that u have bought her that you kniw she care much about and and put it somewhere where she will never find it like her clothes that u bought her go to a thrift store and buy her some thrift store clothes and see if her attitude will change and if it does then you can give all her belongings back thats what my aunt did and to this day she is a differnt person just because of one little simple thing just to show her where being ungratiful and grown can get you
2016-07-27 12:09:18 UTC
weenagers of that age feel hormones driving them to adulthood,that hormone says,'ALMOST ALMOST,,GO FASTER GO FASTER,

parental presence,especially of dad,serves as a governor on that accelerator pedal,,without which kids so often crash n burn.

dad ought to come down on her attitude,you,,tell her,

'fine,,you feel like an adult now act like one,I want rent,and more help around the house,where you will remain till you are 18.'

if dad folds & says,' letter be',dad is foolish. ,also,,the kid might be missing extra sleep,which prepares them for 30 years of wakeups at 4 30 to bring up the next generation of cranky teenagers,more sleepin time weekends might turn the trick in her ornaryness.
2016-07-28 16:50:11 UTC
I dont think its even legal for her to move out at 15. Heck, im 14 and cant imagine being out in the world like that. Its just wrong. You should make her dad do something, to take away her car and talk to her and straigten her up. "Don’t withhold discipline from a child — if you beat him with a stick, he won’t die!" Gey raging mad that its scary. Tell her when she comes back home at night "WHERE WERE YOU? NO EXCUSES! YOU LIVE UNDER MY RULES, NOW GET TO YOUR ****** ROOM BEFORE I FREAKIN BEAT YOU! WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU? TOMORROW, IM GOING TO SET YOU AND YOUR STUPID ACTS STRAIGHT YOUNG LADY! YOU WANT TO BE A WOMAN NOW? HA, SWEETIE YOU WOULDNT SURVIVE ONE DAY IN THE WORLD, THEY WOULD EAT YOU ALIVE!" Trust me it works whenever my mom does it on me. The look that you know your dead is more powerful than you think. At this point, a peaceful talk isnt going to straighten your wild child. You should ground her in her room too.
2016-07-27 16:19:42 UTC
I wish my mom gave me more freedom like you. I'd say let her do whatever she wants as long as she's not going wild. She's still a teen and she's still discovering life. Let her discover, but don't forget to protect her though. She shouldnt forget that she has parents.
2016-07-27 03:22:06 UTC
also,15 yrs old daughter is an adult age he is thingking different thought&maintset&25 yrs is an matured age,don't like athor person advice,possaiveness it's my thought,etc......
2016-07-26 07:28:22 UTC
Let her be herself if anything happens she will learn lesson but if she pays for her bills of course she will act older be happy that she doesn't act like she is 8 long as she is happy that's all what matters
2016-07-28 07:22:41 UTC
If she is going out without asking for permission then you should be punishing her. For example if she is on social media and you have told her not to, then take away her phone.

But I think that if she is using makeup or taking selfies, then that is fine. She is not harming her self doing those things.
2016-07-26 20:25:56 UTC
you cant really do much

teen are very disrespectful these days

when i was growing up i wanted try lots of things like drinking

so my dad gave me beer etc to drink and i got drunk after that never did it again

i would sit down with her and talk to her what time she need to get home

yelling will not help either it will encourage them to break the rules even more

calmly talk to her and tell her that if she can do (this rules) you will reward her etc
2016-07-26 07:31:38 UTC
I'm a 17yo boy, and I'm as independent as she is rn and I do whatever the f*ck I want. Have u had arguments since she was a kid, or have there been any other problems at home?
Gaia’s Garden
2016-07-27 14:11:05 UTC
Take away her car keys. Hide the charge cord on her phone. It will run out of power soon and that will end the selfies. You can call the police and report her tag number. They'll stop the car.
2016-07-25 18:05:33 UTC
I suspect you are trolling. The 8PM curfew gave you away. If you are not, give custody to her father, because she is out of control. If she gets into an accident with the car then she can wipe you out financially and legally for life. and financially responsible for her until she is 18.
2016-07-26 18:51:17 UTC
It's just this generation. I'm 13 and people in my grade do this!! I don't like it either! Kids in my grade DATE. All of them wear booty shorts and their butts hang out of them! They also wear tight leggings and lots of makeup :( I try to dress modestly, but I am very religious.
2016-07-26 19:56:56 UTC
Kids start rebelling at that age and don't listen to parents At this age, kids really need parents to be tough. It is the hardest time in raising kids.
2016-07-29 20:51:18 UTC
This is how teenagers are nowadays, if I was a parent I'd honestly beat the **** out of my kid, I couldn't put up with it like that, I applaud you.
2016-07-26 08:04:22 UTC
15 is high school age so of course she is going to want to wear make up. Let her! But tell her, she will need to buy it with her own money.
2016-07-27 04:43:45 UTC
When TWO PARENTS aren't on the same page, they will continue to push buttons, and you can't deal it alone without your husband's support. Right now, I can see, he likes to spoil her! This is a problem, that you & your husband created
2016-07-28 16:42:35 UTC
Start disciplining her, reminding her she's 15.
2016-07-26 11:37:13 UTC
Lay down the law. You're the MOM in the house. Start acting like it and don't take that bull crap from her. My mom would slap me if I even talked about provocative selfies.
2016-07-28 20:21:47 UTC
One great thing to do is to block her phone from using your wifi. This will force her to use her data and you have to act like you don't know what is going on.
2016-07-26 08:56:11 UTC
The cops can help you a lot. When she drives away in "her" car, call the cops. When her boyfriend drives her away call the cops and tell them she's jailbait. But make sure she has birth control; preferably something she can't "forget." I suggest an IUD.
2016-07-27 03:40:45 UTC
My mom makes sure i obey her even if it has to be physical so get a belt and show her who pays the bills then after say "i put in the world and i can take you out this hurt me more than it hurt you"
2016-07-27 19:41:46 UTC
Your child is acting like SHE runs the house and SHE pays the bills. Take everything YOU paid for away. Sad to say but you need to stand up to your CHILD
2016-07-25 17:30:16 UTC
Well...the trick is you have to start ignore her like how she did to both of you....block her number and never open the door when she comes to home..just need some strict guts
I identify as a Helicopter
2016-07-25 17:19:59 UTC
You don't need to do anything.

I know it may be difficult for others to understand, but some people need to be independent. They want to explore their individuality, but, mistakes come with that choice, and it sounds like she will need learn by making them.
Alan H
2016-07-27 08:44:54 UTC
She is a typical 15 year old.........but far more responsible than most.

Be proud of her.
2016-07-28 21:17:43 UTC
Just make sure you tell her 10pm curfew. She can't bring boys over. Lay down the law.
2016-07-27 10:46:35 UTC
When she turns 16 kick her out and let her be a slut .. she will find a sugar daddy and perhaps live better than you
2016-07-29 01:27:38 UTC
Parenting. How sad for your daughter that you never heard of the concept.
2016-07-29 19:31:02 UTC
we'll be seeing her on the pole in 3 years
2016-07-30 03:01:49 UTC
And this is why I wouldn't want to be a mother because you know what they all say...No kids no stress js
2016-07-25 18:46:24 UTC
Can you post pictured so I can see if I approve of her actions or not? If she is hot I will support her. If she is ugly she needs to act her age.
2016-07-27 15:12:20 UTC
Try telling her that im worried about her and tell her that you know that she isnt doing anything wrong but i want you to listen to me just because i love you
2016-07-26 11:51:30 UTC
Sounds like something thatd be on dr phil or some ****
2016-07-26 18:04:11 UTC
My advice is to pay someone to violently rape her. You must teach your w hore about consequences for being s lut. Very effective. Trust me.
2016-07-26 11:55:34 UTC
she's your daughter if she can't obey your rules just kick her out
2016-07-26 16:35:14 UTC
Slap her and tell her she's a little sl*t.
2016-07-26 12:15:01 UTC
Needs a butt whooping or reality check
2016-07-27 20:29:46 UTC
Teenage years, Such fond memories. Oh well, it will pass.
2016-07-26 20:44:42 UTC
Just make sure you do your part as a parent
2016-07-30 16:27:25 UTC
Honestly, you should just step back. Many teenagers just do stupid things like this just to rebel. If she has nobody to fight back against, then she'll stop.
2016-07-28 15:49:59 UTC
In ten years, she'll be right.
2016-07-25 17:19:21 UTC
you are a troll if your daughter is driving illegally you can take both the keys and the car.
2016-07-26 21:19:07 UTC
I would let her open her legs to see if she can handle sex at that age.
Scott Carey
2016-07-27 17:43:39 UTC
Take her car keys for starts...
2016-07-26 16:50:12 UTC


" Youtube "
2016-07-30 17:59:28 UTC
For her social media and makeup, that is not for you to control. She can represent herself the way she wants to. If her makeup be fleekin and she loves that selfie, let her be happy.
2016-07-25 17:19:37 UTC
cancel the cell phone account, disable the car, and tell her boss that she can no longer have a job
2016-07-30 00:21:48 UTC
Put her up for adoption
2016-07-26 08:32:56 UTC
Take her keys and take her electronic if you see her flashing her boobs cover her
2016-07-30 03:09:56 UTC
Be more strict. You need to show her that YOU legally own her.
2016-07-27 10:56:18 UTC
thats hot
2016-07-27 05:49:21 UTC
2016-07-27 21:12:52 UTC
I guess no social that what you want...girls grow up faster...
2016-07-28 11:10:38 UTC
Stop sexualising her body..
2016-07-27 12:00:18 UTC
Call the police
2016-07-26 13:22:21 UTC
2016-07-26 10:14:38 UTC
2016-07-25 21:55:26 UTC
2016-07-26 20:41:24 UTC
friendly advice from maine
2016-07-28 20:29:08 UTC
Tough love is just that...tough.
2016-07-26 07:52:55 UTC
get dad her and yourself together and talk it out
2016-07-25 23:45:40 UTC
Slap her then
2016-07-28 14:46:11 UTC

Beat.. The.. Ever-Loving... **** out of your Daughter!!!

2016-07-25 17:22:18 UTC
Whip her.
2016-07-27 18:34:06 UTC
I was the same way.
2016-07-28 14:26:39 UTC
2016-07-28 12:58:48 UTC
slap her
2016-07-27 08:12:50 UTC
2016-07-28 13:44:56 UTC
if you want her account down come to me <<<<<<<<<
2016-07-28 10:04:57 UTC

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.