why do we feel a death wish sometimes?
2006-04-28 06:06:16 UTC
why do we feel a death wish sometimes?
Four answers:
2006-04-28 06:12:40 UTC
go to your doctor they make stuff for that...I am being sincere. Do not accept those feeling for your life. It is too precious. Tomorrow may be the best day of your life.
2006-04-28 13:20:45 UTC
well coz sometimes we are so stressed out and think we have more problems than we can handle but keep in mind that god never gives u more trouble than u can handle ,so death seems the easiest way out , and i think everybody wishes 2 die in some days so its ok , lol.
2006-04-28 13:08:39 UTC
our lives as been so crappy we dont care if we live or die.
2006-04-28 13:07:14 UTC
We? or you?

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