Sister claims she's not homophobic but she makes fun of me for my sexuality?
2016-06-07 13:04:27 UTC
I'm 15 and my sister is 17. She claims that she isn't homophobic but since she discovered I'm gay she has made fun of me and ridiculed me for my sexuality and things linked to my sexuality. She calls me hurtful names such as "big puffter" and "little fairy". One time during our mum's birthday, she said to me in front of everyone, "I bet you can't wait for the day some random dude puts their d**k in your bum, can ya?"

She also makes fun of me for liking the current artists:
-Lady Gaga, Lana Del Rey, Britney Spears and Beyoncé.

When she has the chance, she says things like "Off to listen to your gay music in your fairy world?" And when I don't listen to her she says "Come back here you big lump of gay! I haven't finished talking yet." She recently found out I have a Twitter account and an Instagram account dedicated to Gaga, Lana, Britney and Beyoncé. When she found out, she said, "Just when I thought you couldn't get any gayer, it happened." She even told my friends and family about it. My family don't care because they think it's fine, but a few of my now so-called friends have made fun of me about it as well.

Is my sister actually homophobic for the way she acts towards me?
172 answers:
2016-06-08 20:39:01 UTC
I don't think that your sister is actually homophobic or thinks that homosexuality is wrong, but she does seem quite insensitive. I mean my brother makes fun off me because I'm a total introvert and have no friends and I make fun of him for his pathetic math skills and inability to spell better than a kindergartener (btw he's 13 and i'm 15). But we both know that the other person is just kidding and neither of us take it too seriously. Obviously you are taking this a bit more seriously so maybe you should just tell her that even though you know she doesn't have a genuine problem with you being gay, all her comments and jokes are rude and insensitive and you would appreciate it if she would stop making them. If she doesn't stop, then your parents might be able to talk to her or do something about it.

An alternative scenario is that she might be uncomfortable with the situation and doesn't know how to handle it, in that case you should still talk to her about it. But it's more likely that she's just being a big sister and trying to annoy you by teasing you. Btw she's definitely not homophobic if she doesn't act this way towards other gay people.
2016-06-08 14:28:49 UTC
Well... possibly not homophobic, but definitely uncomfortable. You have to realize, you're both still fairly young. Neither of you has the life experience of an older person. Your sister felt like she pretty much knew who you were, but now you've given her information that she feels is important and she doesn't know quite where to put it in her picture of you.

If you have a basically good relationship, you can tell her that what she's saying is hurtful and anyone who overheard it would mistake her for a homophobe. If your relationship isn't that close (and just being related doesn't guarantee you're close), then you tell her that it's hurtful and if she ignores that and does it anyway, remove the provocation. She can't upset you if you're not there. Put in your ear buds and listen to music, leave the room, whatever. She'll either get the message and quit or at some point accuse you of avoiding her, to which the answer is, "Of course I'm avoiding you. I told you that you were hurting me and you kept doing it." Depending on her reaction, you might have to repeat the process, but in time she'll learn that insulting you equals no you, and will taper off.
Jedi Jan
2016-06-09 05:04:36 UTC
Well as far as I can tell she certainly fits the bill. She sounds very immature for her age whether she is or not and she certainly has a lot to learn about discrimination. I cannot see her working in a field that requires her to have any customer contact. She has a lot to learn about good manners and behaving in a professional manner. If she hides behind the excuse of just having fun (and you at are fault for being sensitive .. which you are not!) then that is behaving even weaker still. I don't know how I can help you but I would have thought your parents would have spoken to her about her potty mouth and immature behaviour by now. Perhaps they still regard her as a little girl, not an adult within a few months. 17 hey? Perhaps a dim 15 year old may say such stupid things to get a rise out of you, but she is getting too old for that nonsense. Could you possibly print out a dictionary page dedicated to the word homophobic, with detail and stick that on her bedroom door? Takes some people time to get the message hey. Steer a wide berth from people like her. Perhaps she will grow up one day and actually apologise for her behaviour, but until that happens don't associate with her. At least, that is what I would do.
2016-06-08 10:39:05 UTC
Well... possibly not homophobic, but definitely uncomfortable. You have to realize, you're both still fairly young. Neither of you has the life experience of an older person. Your sister felt like she pretty much knew who you were, but now you've given her information that she feels is important and she doesn't know quite where to put it in her picture of you.

If you have a basically good relationship, you can tell her that what she's saying is hurtful and anyone who overheard it would mistake her for a homophobe. If your relationship isn't that close (and just being related doesn't guarantee you're close), then you tell her that it's hurtful and if she ignores that and does it anyway, remove the provocation. She can't upset you if you're not there. Put in your ear buds and listen to music, leave the room, whatever. She'll either get the message and quit or at some point accuse you of avoiding her, to which the answer is, "Of course I'm avoiding you. I told you that you were hurting me and you kept doing it." Depending on her reaction, you might have to repeat the process, but in time she'll learn that insulting you equals no you, and will taper off.
Claire Chenault
2016-06-08 11:03:57 UTC
In answer to the question you asked: yes, whether she's willing to admit or not, she's being homophobic.

However, if you want her to stop, it may not be helpful to tell her she's being homophobic, because she'll likely turn it into an argument about how hurt she is that you think she's homophobic. It may be more effective to tell her, "[sister], I know you aren't homophobic, but calling me 'poofter', 'fairy', and the like, and making sexual comments about me, is homophobic behavior. It's hurtful, and the sexual comments are creepy, and I know you're better than that. Stop."

I don't know your sister, so depending on whether she'd still take that badly, you may also want to try leaving out the bits about homophobia entirely and just telling her it's hurtful and you want her to stop.

If she doesn't stop, you need to be ready and able to enforce your boundaries when she starts making homophobic comments. Leave the room, hang up, put on headphones, do whatever you need to do to get away from her or out of the conversation.
2016-06-08 12:50:10 UTC
Depends on her body language and tone. If she seems openly malicious when she says these things then yes she is homophobic and horrible for treating you that way. If she's not and just uncomfortable, that's still a horrible way to treat another human being and she should probably invest in some therapy. On the other hand, she could think she's being playful and not understanding that these comments are hurting you. I'd say talk to her, and find out which one of these is true, but you've probably already done that.
2016-06-08 09:03:35 UTC
The answer is no, your sister really isn't homophobic its just she's been trying to tease you and has taken it way past the line.

And also if she was homophobic she would be this close to you instead she would avoid you and not tease you at all.

And besides liking all those female singers isn't something wrong for a boy who is homosexual or not as boys are meant to listen to female singers. If you think about it your sister has just gave you a reason why she's not homophobic as she knows you like female singers
2016-06-08 22:14:43 UTC
Look, this is simple. She's your sister and you two are kids. It's just an easy target to get you riled up. Confronting her would likely only make it funnier to her. Just let it go for what it is.

She's your sister, and probably loves you. You are going through something pretty scary (adolescence) and look to her for support, but it is different and likely makes her uncomfortable because it is not the same thing she is experiencing. Giver her a pass, but don't play into it. The mature stuff in your sister relationship wont happen until you are actually more mature.
2016-06-12 23:33:00 UTC
I think it's possible that your sister may not be homophobic, but simply doesn't know how to deal with you being gay. Also, have you always had this kind of snarky relationship? If so, she's just got an obvious target for her jokes now and it's getting tiresome.
2016-06-08 11:34:38 UTC
If she's only like this towards you and not other homisexual people that she knows then no she's not homophobic. She's just teasing you like siblings do, only in her case she's crossed a line. She's downright and sounds like she can't accept the idea of you being gay and so is being gay. No one can really tell you why she's behaving the way she is but yes, she's very mean and rude.
2016-06-08 02:00:45 UTC
My brother makes fun of me for every thing under the sun. I actually haven't talked to him for a year since we moved far away from each other. Not out of spite, trust me, it's just kind of nice to have a break from being joked at for literally everything....all day, everyday, for the last 28 years of my life lol.

I thought a lot of it was funny, and most of the times I didn't care, but sometimes they will go too far, and I think this is what your sister is doing. She is going to ruin you're relationship as brother and sister if she keeps it up. Just tell her that you don't mind when you joke around, but that's just going too far and hurting your confidence and self esteem so you'd appreciate if she stopped. It's good to be around people who bring you up.

I have major problems with self confidence as it is, so I'm slowly gaining that back and would appreciate if my brother didn't make fun of the clothes I wear, the way I talk, my interests, how I eat, who I date, how I walk, my job, whether I go out, whether I stay in...literally EVERYTHING. I would tell her now instead of letting it spiral out of control for the next 29 years like I did lol. It does feel like getting bullied, and it made me crave ...well...positive attention for a really long time. I'm 30 now and feel better and plan on talking to him again, but probably at a distance. I actually find it weird when someone compliments me because I am soooooo used to my brother saying stuff 24/7 (even texting me).

Btw, I did ask him to stop, but since he did that all our lives, he got annoyed when I asked. :/

A joke isn't a joke if it's not funny.
2016-06-07 21:49:19 UTC
I don't think she's homophobic. What I think is, #1 she thinks she is being funny or

#2 she's just taking an easy shot at you when she wants to piss you off

In the end, tell her what she is doing isn't cool and that the things she says make her sound ignorant and homophobic.
2016-06-08 15:03:14 UTC
She might not be resorting to a very hateful attitude towards you simply because the rest of the family accepts you.Right now she's sticking to teasing you cause your living under the same roof with your family. Id be patient with her. You should look at how she treats you when u two are alone with no family around, does she get worse??that would mean she is homophobic or else it just means she's an immature fool who likes to embarrass u infront of friends and family and will grow out of it when she grows older
2016-06-08 20:57:08 UTC
It seems she is being homophobic but she could also be uncomfortable in the situation you should really sit down and talk to her about it and that it doesn't make you feel good to hear her say hurtful things like that, she may not even think she's doing anything wrong
2016-06-07 17:18:45 UTC
No, it does not sound like she is homophobic, but more so disagrees with your lifestyle. There is really no excuse for her to call you names. I am a little curious. How do you know you are gay? You are pretty young. I remember when I was your age I dated several guys and trying to really learn what I wanted in life. I know the singers that you mentioned are really popular and has really influenced this culture. Sometimes we can be influenced by what we see. You know it's like watching a commercial and they are showing pizza and all of the sudden that's what we want. I was reading an article that made me think about your comments. I just want share with you.
2016-06-08 23:58:53 UTC
Stand up for yourself

You are what your tolerate

Go up to her or after she makes a rude remark

Say "stop being homophobic"

Just keep repeating it over and over

And if she denies it


"think of the last words you just said to me,"

And walk away and be all dramatic I

But dam this is your sister

You should be able to be all savage and rude back lol I mean it's family

They have no choice but to love you

Also tell your mom

Everything you just write tell on her

If you don't want to do either of these well then

Publicly humiliate her too!

Always say comment infront of people like

"Oh my gosh look at this post so homophobic, I bet ( insert sisters name) can relate to this !"

Or infront of friends or family be like "oh my gosh ( sisters name ) I can't believe you called me a fat piece of gay "

Even if she didn't say it right then and there be like you called me it earlier

How could you " blah blah

Be supper dramatic and in her face

Play the victim card

And for those friends
2016-06-07 16:31:10 UTC
Yeah, I get that siblings fight and all and make fun of each other... but... Your sister is a *****. Honestly, if she's making fun of your sexuality at the age of 17 I can already tell how immature she is and how she needs to stop being full of it. That is just plain rude and too far in my opinion and anyone who makes fun of people that are gay can go **** off. People need to understand it's not their fault that their gay and they are born like that. So if someone is making fun of something that you can't control I find that rude and really immature. Don't worry about your sister, she will grow up one day(hopefully) and stop making fun of you. Hang in there.
2016-06-08 20:18:32 UTC
I don't think she's homophobic, but she clearly isn't supportive and finds some kind of satisfaction in teasing you a lot. Maybe she like to tease you because she's really uncomfortable about it and does not know how to approach you correctly. Eventually she will get tired and her teasing will stop, so for now you can ignore her or tell her to **** off.
2016-06-07 15:45:28 UTC
She is just being your sister. No matter what, siblings will make fun of each other. If they see it bothers you they will continue and continue until they don't realize they are doing it anymore. She probably isn't homophobic she is just being a sister. It is best to turn the other cheek. You will be with you for all of your life so LIVE FOR YOURSELF WHO GIVES A CRAP ABOUT WHAT OTHER PEOPLE THINK
2016-06-11 17:57:43 UTC
I think you're way too sensitive, reading too much into it and possibly exaggerating, and too hard on your sister. Siblings fight all the time. She probably just wants what's best for you and makes jokes that you interpret as something it's not. I think the problem is you. Are you using your sister as an excuse to hide your own negative feelings about yourself? Perhaps you target your sister because she gets the boys and lives the life you crave? Maybe you feel you let your family down and that your sister is the "good one" because you're gay? You need to make peace with your sister and examine why you have such paranoia and low self esteem.
2016-06-08 22:06:15 UTC
I don't really think it sounds homophobic, it sounds like she's messing around or just trying to irritate you. Some of those things... Yeah, they definitely go way too far. I'd try not to take it too personally. If she actually loves you, she will accept you no matter what. Some people just have a weird obsession about making disturbing, insensitive jokes about gay people. It's really stupid to me, I don't understand it.
2016-06-08 06:34:19 UTC
Your sister is being a d**k. I don't think she's homophobic, but she's taking advantage of your sexuality so she can tease you. Most sisters tease their little brothers, but this is far too extreme and can be really, really hurtful. Just ignore her when she does it and bop her on the nose when she continues to do it for a long period of time,
2016-06-08 08:13:58 UTC
Ok, first off a 15 year old CAN'T be gay...just like a 15 year old CAN'T decide to be transgender...teenagers can barely decide what they want in the McDonald's drive thru, let alone decide that they want to be the opposite sex or that they are homosexual...if you feel like you might be gay, take a year and don't be romantically or sexually involved with ANYONE and that includes looking at are far too young to make a decision like being homosexual without a LONG LONG TIME of consideration and weighing pros and cons...your sister probably is really terrified of the choice you made and the HUGE impact it is going to have on everyone in your need to make sure this is what you really want...many men and women decide they are gay after years of being rejected by the opposite'll notice many lesbians are not what society would call "attractive"...same with gay guys...most gay men are not the fashionista super sexy guys that you see on tv...they are regular guys who just aren't making it with the ladies...just make sure you aren't feeling like you are gay for the wrong reasons...
2016-06-09 02:23:43 UTC
Your sister sounds like one of those annoying girls in primary school who only hang out with other girls and try to make fun of guys, who don't give two schits. You also sound thin-skinned. If those names you said she has been calling you seem mean and hurtful to you, mate you are living in a nickelodeon TV show. Grow thicker skin and scoff at whatever lame joke she says. I'll get plenty of thumbs down for this comment, but it's the reality. People are working everyday to pay their rents and your life is hard because of sexuality jokes. Get a grip
2016-06-09 05:40:15 UTC
2016-06-08 10:52:12 UTC
And besides liking all those female singers isn't something wrong for a boy who is homosexual or not as boys are meant to listen to female singers. If you think about it your sister has just gave you a reason why she's not homophobic as she knows you like female singers. I don't think she's homophobic , she just has a attitude
2016-06-11 21:45:01 UTC
No she isn't homophobic but is using it as leverage against you. Did the same **** to my brother. Who was a queen and a fairy and thought him being gay put him on the same rung as a woman, don't get that part twisted you're still a man you can not spit on her and hit her just because you're gay, that was the case with my brother and it fueled the homophobic remarks I made to him I doubt you do those things but if you're respecting her as a woman she's just being a 17 year old asshole you guys will grow out of this sibling stuff soon and either get along better or part ways but your sister is not homophobic in my opinion if call my brother a ****** and then chill with my gay best friend who was twice as flamboyant as him it's just like if I was hardcore into reading and we were siblings in time of disputed you'd probably resolve to call me a dork and to tell me to go live in my stories.. Own your **** if she calls you a fairy skip away
2016-06-07 18:08:50 UTC
Sounds more like she is just trying to have fun with it , but I don't think she's homophobic , she just has a attitude
2016-06-07 23:20:51 UTC
I wouldn't say she's homophobic. She's just an a-hole. This is not acceptable behavior, even for a sibling. I sure as hell wouldn't accept it from my sister, and she's had the bruises to prove it.
2016-06-08 06:23:03 UTC
Perhaps her attitude is less to do with homophobia than the need for attention. Maybe she feels that you are getting more approval due to your sexual orientation and is jealous. Perhaps a word with your parents would be helpful as she is also spoiling events like your mother's birthday, should they make it clear that they value you both equally but her behavior is making things difficult. Your so-called friends as a group seek to belong and have found a common victim, I suspect that they are acting this way in order to conform, rather than any real dislike of you as a person, they individually and alone probably just act this way to conform. Just be your own person and try to treat their silliness with the contempt it deserves after all you have the courage to own your sexuality, that says a lot for you and the way your parents have raised you.
2016-06-07 15:01:11 UTC
She may not be homophobic, she may just be a bratty sister tryng to annoy you/make life miserable for you..... kids do that to each other- especially siblings- she may grow out of it. If it bothers you as much as I think it does, try to sit down and have a heart to heart with her and tell her it hurts your feelings- if she doesn't stop after that, start ignoring her when she does it. If you don't give her the satisfaction of seeing that it bothers you, she may lose interest and stop
2016-06-07 18:05:28 UTC
I wouldn't say she's homophobic. She's just an a-hole. This is not acceptable behavior, even for a sibling. I sure as hell wouldn't accept it from my sister, and she's had the bruises to prove it.
2016-06-07 20:18:17 UTC
Your sister is 17 , and dealing with the initial shock of learning her younger brother chooses to be gay , she's dealing with that the best she knows how for a 17 yr old. As she matures maybe she'll get over it and let you live your life. I wonder though , how by age 15 you come to life's grand decision or grand illusion that you're gay.

Maybe one day the someone brainier than myself can help me to understand this then again I'm 55 and I might never understand. Sometimes I get the impression that young boys and girls are more relaxed in being with their own gender, as they begin to mature and the thought of being with the opposite sex makes them uncomfortable to the point they just elect to not leave their comfort zone.

One thing for sure , it seems we have this problem in society today that the G&L advocates demand all people accept this as the norm in today's world.

Welcome them with open arms , and teach our kids gay is good.

That presents a problem , because the normal people don't have the right to demand you be normal, yet we're expected to cave into demands this be taught in grade schools that it's aokay to be gay.

For all young kids today that struggle with their natural gender , why not try finding a couple meaningful normal relationships that last long enough to actually get you to an age where the chances of your decisions for life can be sensible one's ? Lets face it , most 15 yr olds don't make sensible life choices.
2016-06-07 17:53:21 UTC
She verbally abuses you and you should tell her to stop disrespecting you. You deserve respect. She doesn't love you. You need to talk to your parents about her as well. That bully needs to be put in her spot. Even though she never does any physical harm to you, just verbal is enough to get her sent to juvi (or jail depending on the adult jail age in the state you live in). She is not homophobic, she is a bully. I am so sorry about what you are going through with that abuser. As of those so called friends, those aren't your friends. They disrespect you and verbally abuse you too. They are also bullies.
Texas Czech Chick
2016-06-08 14:09:18 UTC
She's your sister !!! For her to make fun of you is really kind of normal. Toughen up. Don't be so offended.

I work in an office with a female secretary who has a Gay Male best friend. If he doesn't call her, she will

tell him:" Why haven't you called me you f'ing fa@got"...... It doesn't bother him a bit, in fact he likes it ---

he knows that she loves him. Like I said, toughen up. Quit re-acting, and she will eventually stop.
2016-06-07 18:07:49 UTC
Sounds like you enjoy playing the poor little gay victim and you want people to tell you just how wonderful you are and how horrible your sister is.
2016-06-07 13:26:54 UTC
Awful sister. I'm straight and love Lady Gaga, Beyoncé, Britney B####, and more. They are commercial stars... The point of being "commercial" is drawing the biggest crowds... If you fall for their songs, you are just plain normal.

From what you're saying, she is awful, mean, NOT supportive, and definitely Homophobic.
Eric M
2016-06-08 07:29:44 UTC
What do you mean by "homophobic?" If it's a fear of homosexuality then no I don't see any indications of that from what you relayed. If it's some all-encompassing definition that renders itself almost meaningless by it's scope meaning anything that could ever even remotely be construed to be anti-homosexuality then yes. Also, the correct response from you would be to own it. The next time she calls you "little fairy" just say "Yeah this little fairy will be pulling some hotter man-meat then you ever will."
2016-06-10 16:25:41 UTC
Ask why she picks on you about your secual preferences, then you tell her how it make you feel. And then basically stay away from her or ignore her until she can be respectful. Or just tell her straight up "if you can't be respectful towards me and you dont have anything positive to say, please dont even attempt to talk to me." i dont know what kind of relationship you guys have. But if she doesnt heed what you say, id start fwtting physical and slap her every time she does it, I'm sure she'd get the hint after a couple of tries.
2016-06-10 06:59:27 UTC
She's homophobic
2016-06-08 18:41:12 UTC
Coming from a gay guy himself I don't think she's homophobic. I joke about my sexuality all the time. However, your situation seems a bit extreme.. So you may want to talk with her.
2016-06-08 09:17:32 UTC
She is not homophobic, just immature and rude, as sisters can sometimes be with younger brothers. Act like it doesn't bother you, she will stop. She only continues because she knows it digs at you.
2016-06-08 14:37:11 UTC
ye, what you're describing is DEFINITELY Homophobic behaviour. Its also psychological Bullying. Your sister may not realise it, but she is without a doubt Homophobic.
Gary B
2016-06-07 14:13:22 UTC
How do YOU know you are gay? Who, at age 15, are you having sex with in order for you to be gay? WHY are you having ANY sex at age 15, not to mention the kind of sex (gay sex) that causes an unspeakable number of DEADLY disease, like HIV and Syphilis?

You are probably PRETENDING you are gay, because that is the "cool" thin to do. She would make just as much fun of you if you pretended to be a cowboy, and galloped around the house riding a broom like a horse.

Stop pretending you are something you are not. Concentrate on SCHOOL, not someone's d1ck.
2016-06-09 00:36:22 UTC
Thats nasty sorry dont mean to offend as she is still your sister, but if u tell her she might realize if not then at the nextfamily event even if not true say i heard u cant wait for some guy to pop ur cherry see how she takes that and i bet she will shut right up after a few times, im sure she will realize after embarrassing her how it makes u feel. Im so sorry I justfeelterrible for u u poor thing.
2016-06-09 06:38:51 UTC
I think she's abusing her 'right' as your older sister to make fun of your sexual orientation.
2016-06-07 22:53:28 UTC
Well, Sisters are Sisters. And sometimes their ***-holes doing their *** holelish ways yah know. Have you checked if she has made fun of you for diffrent things? And if you really want to get to the bottom of this. Follow her around. Around her friends and stuff and see if shes really homophobic. If she does'nt shes either jealous or she loves you.
Gaia’s Garden
2016-06-07 13:10:30 UTC
She's not homophobic. A phobia is an irrational fear. She's just a hater.
2016-06-07 18:35:07 UTC
I feel for you, and hope this advice might help/. It does not seem your sister is homophobic, but she is abusive, and mean. I know it hurts, when someone makes fun of you. Even your sister has been, and will in the future be make fun of, as you will, as I will, as everyone will once in a while. The mature thing to learn, is to, handle it. First I want you know when I was your age, my friends in high school, called each other ***, ferry, girly man when we wanted to make fun of each other. And we knew we had a few friends who were gay, but we just never talked about it. I really did not think about being gay or strait. When I was 25, and gay man was harassing me, until I beat him up. It took a few months but he apologized, and eventually we became friends. But yet I still did not think, about it. It s not until a manager, thought I was gay, and mistreated me. I choked him for about 5seconds, and said if he ever mistreated me or insulted me in public I would hit him. It also finally got me to think about being gay or strait. I am not, but no one should be mistreated. If we all gay strait, black, white, do not stand up to the evil who singles out one group, and mistreats them, we are saying someone else can mistreat us. Its not what people do to you, but how you deal or handle it. One way, in public, after your sister, mistreats you, talk about something embarrassing, about her. Like, true or not, say, by the way sis, you left your period undies on the floor in the bathroom, this morning. Or, sis, I found your vibrator, the 12" black one, in the dryer. You might need to get a new one. She will get mad. So just tell, her, if you do not stop abusing me, calling me names about being gay, I will keep embarrassing you with your friends. and The next time, I will make things up, that are even more sick. However, I always say, give her a 2nd chance and tell her first, that she is being abusive. That what she says to you hurts your feelings, and you want her to stop. In will not hang around you much if you do not stop. And if you do not stop I will tell personal things about you to your friends.
2016-06-07 17:26:31 UTC
There's no such thing as, "homophobia". It's a fake term, made up by homosexuals, to defend their insecure minds. Disliking homosexuals is as natural as earth, air and water, and it will NEVER stop. You can NEVER force people to like, respect or admire your homosexuality. If you'r sister is mean, then avoid her.
2016-06-07 21:52:43 UTC
I am sorry you are going through this. It doesn't sound like she is homophobic. It sounds like she's just picking on you. However, among all things siblings tease each other on, this is one of the worse things she can tease you on. She should be supportive.
2016-06-07 19:22:07 UTC
She's a bully. Tell her how you feel if shes still disrespectful, she's not a good sister/friend
2016-06-07 16:35:01 UTC
She is clearly RUDE though it is not really clear whether she is specifically homophobic or not. I would personally try doing the same thing back to her in the same way, using her manners towards me as the model for my manners towards her. If she does not object to your saying crudely, "Yeah, I really DO and I bet you can't wait for a big old Straight man to shove his big old **** up inside your C*NT too, Sis" does not trouble her then she is NOT homophobic, just a crude C*NT.
2016-06-07 19:12:04 UTC
No. Homophobic is the behavior associated with someone who fears homosexuals and what they represent in society. This can present itself through various anger and discrimination. I don't think that's what's happening here, she's just hazing you.
2016-06-08 22:31:32 UTC
She isn't homophobic because of it. But what she is saying and doing to you is totally wrong.
2016-06-07 20:37:48 UTC
Sisters are sister. We all fight with each other but the same time love them no matter what is going on. Your sister is the closest thing you have as a best friend you may not see it now but she is gonna be the one sticking by your side until you die. Your sisters may not agree with some things you do but honestly it isn't any of her business. You do you and your the only person that can be you. Embrace yourself not every one will like the thing you say or do but it's about you it's your life not hers. Maybe she's just jealous of you after all or she's playing get back games. Your sisters should matter but her opinion on who you date and see shouldn't matter
2016-06-12 01:59:09 UTC
Just ignore her, even when she asks something like want a chocolate bar, don't acknowledge she exists. she'll catch on and stop, if she doesn't catch on then snap back at her n she should finally catch on
2016-06-07 18:58:38 UTC
Start asking similarly charged questions. I mean, there is always the tried and true, **** shaming! You really want to drop her jaw, ask her for professional advice on performing fellatio. Go even deeper yet, consider asking if the football team's rings are comfortable in there. Do they pay her storage fees? If she were my sister, as my sister knows, be careful what you do to me. As what you do to me, sets the rules for the entire game.
2016-06-08 19:20:06 UTC
Your sister is just being a asshole to you because she's insecure about herself and probably see's things according to how she wants to see them in her small world thinking her way is the right way.
2016-06-08 02:11:04 UTC
I have removed my answer. Good luck to all that respond. The asker is not understanding of what a phobia is and we have all told very similar scenarios as to why his sister is or is not. I concede.
2016-06-08 09:08:37 UTC
Angela Noelle Schrute (née Martin; formerly Lipton) is a fictional character from the US television series The Office played by American actress Angela Kinsey. She is an original character, and has no equivalent in the original British show, The Office.
2016-06-08 12:04:15 UTC
If you didn't tell her yet that you don't like those comments then tell her. Maybe she doesn't know that you don't like it or she is really homophobic.
2016-06-08 09:43:35 UTC
It sounds to me that she has gone beyond teasing you. Since she publicly shamed you and made your friends change how they feel about you, I can only say that she appears to be homophobic. You should let your parents know how it makes you feel. If they truly respect your lifestyle, they will try to make your sister treat you better.
2016-06-08 22:50:58 UTC
I don't think she is homophobic. She may not understand that she is hurting you and she may think that she is being funny. Talk to her and tell her how you feel!
2016-06-08 17:43:09 UTC
I think she's trying to give you the "ol' elbow nudge" type of humor, but is being very immature about it and taking it too far. Maybe talk to her on a serious note and explain your frustration about it.
2016-06-07 20:29:20 UTC
Oh boy. You're so sensitive, dude. :D Are you the youngest child? If so then you've been babied too much.

How about this? Just keep on keeping on. Don't be one of those people who run to the internet just because someone called you a mean word. Buzzfeed people recruit people like you, avoid them, avoid buzzfeed, please.
2016-06-07 19:45:52 UTC
she is a homophobic douchebag. sounds like she's threated by her younger sibling having a sense of identity when she is still nothing but a big bloated hideous waste of space.
2016-06-07 23:03:08 UTC
Well I guess she doesn't know that being gay is sth u born with and is natural and sge wants to change ur sexuality in this wand doesn't know how badly is hurting her brother my idea the best way is that u 2guys go to a psychologist and let him/her to find out what the problem of ur sister is and then try to solve it.good luck
2016-06-07 19:53:51 UTC
My family cracks jokes about me being lesbian but I know they aren't against it. Maybe she's just fooling around. But that would upset me if I were you. If it does upset you, you should have a talk with her about it.
2016-06-07 13:07:22 UTC
She's extremely immature and very unkind. And yes, her behaviour is very homophobic.

But she's young, very silly, insensitive and rather pathetic. Maybe your parents could speak to her and explain that she's being nasty, childish and her behaviour is inexcusable.
2016-06-07 18:45:51 UTC
She is absolutely homphobic. She uses hateful, belittling language and is constantly striving to humiliate you. She tries to degrade you with crude language, but it only makes her look crude and vulgar. It is not a case of her "disagreeing with your lifestyle", because being homosexual is not a "lifestyle". It's your sexual identity, and your sister has done nothing but try to throw mud all over it because she wants you to feel ashamed and embarrassed and dirty. That is hate. That is homophobia.
2016-06-11 10:27:08 UTC
That's not right.
2016-06-08 23:49:31 UTC
Its just teasing. you know sibling love. im sure if someone on the street called you a *** or what have you she would step in. Ether way she'll grow out of it, dont take it to heart its not coming from hers. Get me
2016-06-09 07:46:19 UTC
She sounds like the biggest b i t c h in existence. If that was me I would beat her a s s and while I'm pulling on her arm and she's on the floor writhing in agony as I'm seconds away from snapping her arm I would shout "Say something else bi tch! Say something Else!" but that's because I'm a ghetto a s s b I t c h with no class. You on the other hand should be straight with her and tell her that what she's doing is wrong (It would also help if you got someone else to agree with you and tell her that what she's doing is f u c k e d up because if it's just you telling her this the b I t c h will probably blow u off

it helps when it's two people against one.
2016-06-08 13:23:11 UTC
she's your's her job to make fun of you for wearing glasses, having big ears, wetting the bed until you were 7, being a virgin, and the time you bought thong under pants.....SHE'S JUST BEING A SISTER!
2016-06-07 18:08:51 UTC
It doesn't mean she homophobic
2016-06-08 04:31:02 UTC
2016-06-08 11:52:47 UTC
Your sister is homophobic. I have a hard time believing that she loves you and she certainly does not respect you.
2016-06-08 20:40:31 UTC
It doesn't matter what you call your sister, you're the sicko who likes boys. Calling her "homophobic" doesn't fix your problem.
2016-06-08 13:44:57 UTC
Don't listen to your sister, distance yourself and live your life.
2016-06-07 14:03:27 UTC
Your sister is being very rude and you need to tell her to stop or tell your parents. As for your rude friends, if they can't accept you for who you are, then get rid of them.
2016-06-10 12:31:49 UTC
I'm bisexual and my younger sister likes to crack jokes about it when we're alone. I honestly think your sister isn't homophobic but she's definitely being weird and making insensitive jokes that I can understand would be annoying and even a little mean. Idk why nearly everyone here is convinced your sister is homophobic because someone dare joke about homosexuality. Me and my other gay friends love making jokes about each others sexuality, I think you just need thicker skin because it could be way worse. Just tell her to tone it down but remember to laugh at yourself every once in a while.
2016-06-08 05:00:45 UTC
2016-06-07 15:12:41 UTC
Punch her in her face and have no regrets about it. I am so serious. She will not bother you anymore and she might even respect you. You parents can only do so much about it because, let's face it, parents are parents. Show her your pride.
2016-06-07 13:32:05 UTC
I think she's waiting for you to snap and let her know what your boundaries are. Have a talk with her about it, so she knows how much you dislike it.
2016-06-08 18:32:04 UTC
Honestly it sounds like it. Does she have anything else to do?? Just ignore her completely bc she shouldnt treat u like that and your friends aren't good friends. Your sister sounds miserable and like she loves drama. Dont give her any she might try harder but she will get bored of trying to antagonize you.
2016-06-07 16:11:45 UTC
She is just trying to get under your skin. Man up accept who you are and just own up to it. If she gets no reaction out of you she will stop. That is what I would do If I was gay. I would own it and be like ya I am gay. If you need some pointers on how to give a good ******** hit me up.
2016-06-07 21:39:08 UTC
JUst get the fact that sisters are sisters and we all are a family. I as a younger sibling always disagrees the fact my older sister gets a chance for EVEYRTHING!! if she is making fun of your sexuality, get over it.
2016-06-08 19:30:20 UTC
She is your sister, and siblings are always looking very for something to used against each other. In most cases, it stops when sibs mature, so picking on you is simply immature behavior.
The Football God
2016-06-07 19:09:24 UTC
She sees you as competition for the penises she's gonna wanna get. So back away ***** it's on. Happy gobbling.
2016-06-07 19:20:51 UTC
Sounds like she's kidding, but you should talk to her about it
2016-06-07 17:06:35 UTC
No, she is a closet h***$**ual herself. The only reason for a person whether; family, friend, acquaintance, or stranger; for anyone to have OCD over someone els's s**ual preference.

🔲 🔳 🔲 🔳 🔳 🔲


2016-06-08 20:25:47 UTC
Being gay is abnormal -- people make fun of abnormal things. Doesn't mean she has a phobia.
2016-06-07 15:09:27 UTC
Shes not homophobic. Homophobic should mean if a lesbian tried hitting on her and she got scared ..that should be the tht thats mentioned have a lesbian hit on her ;) scare her wits , like a dike lol! And tbh shes prolly just playing if not **** her . im not gay my sister is . i.dont judge but sometimes i make fun.of her eating vagina ... Maybe as your older sister she just wished u liked girls.. To carry on the family name or idk . id be a little hurt if my nephew turned out gay.but i mean its his life , just noone can.hurt them or ill hurt them
2016-06-07 19:22:01 UTC
you guys need to stop playing the "Homophobe card" everytime you start to get a little offended over something petty....does your sister HATE gay people? or does she just pick on you. calling everyone a homophobe will turn the straight community against you
2016-06-08 02:53:10 UTC
she's your sister giving you works from some long proxy communication system, ask her where your girlfriend is
2016-06-07 20:52:15 UTC
If you rape her, I'll bet you she'll stop making fun of your sexuality then.
2016-06-08 10:33:13 UTC
I honestly dont think shes homophobic shes just teasing you
2016-06-07 20:27:42 UTC
She's just being an a$$hole just tell her to stop and be cool.
2016-06-08 20:30:36 UTC
people who most fear their own homosexuality are the most cruel against homosexuals. . .

One day she'll convert to lesbianism then you can heckle her for hypocrisy(a far worse crime, in Jesus' eyes, than homosexuality)
2016-06-07 19:36:16 UTC
Sounds like a sister brother thing, where one gets under the others skin. Ignore and it will pass.
2016-06-07 19:02:10 UTC
She is probably uncomfortable thinking about it and so she tries to make a joke. She probably cant wrap her head around it so belittling you makes her feel better. If its not that than she is just an ***..
Special EPhex
2016-06-09 12:51:25 UTC
Grow up! If your sister was actually homophobic, she would go out of her way to say way worst things than that, or likely avoid you altogether. I don't think she cares either way, (as the oldest sibling, myself), and would still find something to give you $hit about, because that is what older siblings do. Anything my younger brothers liked, I gave them $hit for, because 'they liked it', not because I had anything against the things they liked. It is just how it goes.

Our society has been conditioning our youth to be overly sensitive and put feelings over reality. This is stupid, and programming our future to be "crybaby pushovers", that cannot cope in the real world that does not care about people's feelings or how sensitive they are. The "anti-bullying" campaign is teaching people not to develop the skills necessary to manage when we leave our "safety zones." I am not condoning bullying, but without the hazing ritual, that strengthen fraternal bonds in groups and society, one is left unprepared when serious threats are impending.

You should either accept that your sister is just razzing you because that is the nature of siblinghood, or just tell her how it makes you feel, even if it is not her intent to make you feel that way. Regardless, YOU, have to be the one who has to make a move here, because it is your problem, and only you can resolve it. I can understand it being hard to stand up to an older brother or sister, whom you may admire to some degree, even though they rag on you, but you got to be strong and mature, especially because of how your sexuality is received, in large by society.

Try to think about what people like had to go through just a few decades ago, when society was less tolerant to homosexuality.
2016-06-08 17:32:25 UTC
You need to tell her how you feel about this. If it continues, tell your parents they need to haveca talk with her...idk how they haven't already honestly.
2016-06-07 16:10:37 UTC
She hs a normal and healthy attitude toward a abomination
2016-06-07 16:19:23 UTC
Sounds to me like she's just a b i t c h.
2016-06-07 16:55:29 UTC
Punch her, she's a b!tch to be honest.
2016-06-09 06:16:34 UTC
She just likes teasing you because you're a *** lol
2016-06-08 14:09:47 UTC
I'd probably call it that.
2016-06-07 14:49:38 UTC
Be glad I wasn't your brother...
2016-06-07 22:54:30 UTC
she's clearly an idiot who's not comfortable with you being gay.

but then again, this is what families do...............mercilessly tease each other.

But she's being an azz, either way.
2016-06-07 18:51:16 UTC
Not homophobic but just a *****
Linda R
2016-06-08 12:52:48 UTC
To each his or her own. If you can't stand her remarks..........then how are you going to face the rest of the world.....
2016-06-07 13:06:27 UTC
She may be teasing you, but a little bit too much. I suggest you tease her back. Make period jokes and tell her to make you a sandwich.
2016-06-08 00:18:48 UTC
Yes your sister is and you need new friends
2016-06-09 08:38:18 UTC
Sister's always make fun of their siblings for anything they can even if it is because your hair is a different color, making fun of a sibling is just normal sibling behavior. I got made fun of because I was the only girl in an all guy house. I got called a Martian for years because I once had green pantyhose that looked like they had a green vine growing up them.
2016-06-07 23:37:53 UTC
Whod homohpif
2016-06-07 20:17:24 UTC
She is a closet homophobe AND a big, spiteful jerk.
Pearl L
2016-06-07 15:02:13 UTC
thats really mean the way your sister treats you and you can tell her i said so, if i had a sister like that i wouldve disowned her
2016-06-10 07:41:58 UTC
If she only teases you I don't think she's homophobic, but you should talk to her about it.
2016-06-09 08:03:25 UTC
If your sister isn t scared of you or any other homosexual then she s not homophobic. If your gayness scares the **** out of her then yeah there is a good chance she is. Your problem is you sound like you re a little to sensitive and just need suck it up. (no pun intended)Stop being a pansy, a nancy boy what ever. Toughen up, don t take it personally and dish it back to her worse than she gave it. Make that ***** cry! You like what you like and goddamnit sometimes you just have to fight for what you like! If you are gonna be queer be the toughest, meanest, most bad *** queer in the neighborhood. Go watch "Fight Club" and listen to "A Boy Named Sue" You need to own that **** man!
2016-06-08 03:23:23 UTC
Seems like she is. Tell her to grow up and just accept people for who they are she seems pretty bi*chy
2016-06-10 10:01:29 UTC
Homophobia is an irrational FEAR of homosexuals. I've never met a homophobe and neither have most people. Let's stop using words incorrectly.
2016-06-08 01:03:29 UTC
Please ignore those feelings, and look for a guy who'll make you happy, it's better.
2016-06-10 12:28:32 UTC
Your sister is not a very nice person. She is a bully.
2016-06-07 16:20:23 UTC
I know how you feel dude, I am lesbian and my bother made fun of me for it
2016-06-10 09:03:05 UTC
She needs to get a life.
2016-06-09 10:07:18 UTC
Since she hasn't done anything that shows that she's afraid of homosexuals, the term "homophobic" clearly doesn't apply. Homophobia means "fear of homosexuals". A person who dislikes or treats homosexuals poorly isn't homophobic. Learn the correct terminology before you use it, please.
2016-06-08 20:13:09 UTC
thats sum funny stuff. I like your sister
2016-06-12 09:32:14 UTC
Sounds like that she is to me
2016-06-07 13:19:55 UTC
She has found a way to torment you. She is enjoying using it.
2016-06-07 21:44:59 UTC
She is homophobic, and also a complete asshole.
2016-06-07 18:23:07 UTC
stab her eyes out and make it into a soup

- from a gay rattulsnake
2016-06-07 16:34:39 UTC
Lol sorry for ya
2016-06-09 08:37:43 UTC
do not take notice of her. I left the family many years ago all she wanted

was my money and have never had any contact anymore. I found my love

in 1963 and here ware fifty year later. Never had any more contact with her

or anyone of the family.I did found out her son I now a drug addict. hope she has a bad life
2016-06-08 05:10:19 UTC

Source (s):

2016-06-08 06:25:47 UTC
I feel sorry for your parents. A ****** son and a ***** daughter....
2016-06-07 17:31:42 UTC
phobia means fears
2016-06-08 20:52:07 UTC
Slap the shet out of her
2016-06-07 18:51:59 UTC
she is hateful, if not homophobic
2016-06-08 18:19:05 UTC
don't even listen to her, MAKE AMERICA GAY AGAIN 🌈
2016-06-07 16:08:54 UTC
Have you tried to be straight
2016-06-10 07:09:27 UTC
Seems like she's just childish
2016-06-08 17:06:41 UTC
sounds like it
2016-06-09 08:37:23 UTC
I don't know
2016-06-08 17:00:15 UTC
Well she is your sister
2016-06-10 10:07:14 UTC
I think shes just being a sister and looking for any excuse to tease u
2016-06-08 04:40:16 UTC
She should make fun of your gay ***
2016-06-09 07:14:08 UTC
2016-06-07 20:39:50 UTC
She is being a btich.
2016-06-09 00:44:51 UTC
Thats when u go and snob the ***** in the snout
2016-06-07 20:02:11 UTC
Who the F cares, pillow biter
2016-06-07 16:26:14 UTC
2016-06-07 20:05:06 UTC
She is
2016-06-10 08:47:21 UTC
It is natural and good to be homophobic
2016-06-09 07:54:04 UTC
It is clearly just sibling banter and you should tell your parents that she is making you uncomfortable
2016-06-10 18:43:10 UTC
I think your sister is just uncomfortable with the situation and immature. Very immature.
2016-06-10 14:56:59 UTC
I thinks she just teasing and messing around with you
2016-06-08 08:47:27 UTC
she's just being stupid. maybe she is stupid.
2016-06-08 21:48:05 UTC
talk to her
2016-06-09 04:26:26 UTC
2016-06-08 09:59:41 UTC
Kick her in the clit
2016-06-08 07:01:19 UTC
if u agree with watever she says, it upsets u.
2016-06-08 18:33:49 UTC
2016-06-09 10:17:35 UTC
Tell her your mum has aids, so therefore you both have it from birth
2016-06-09 15:04:36 UTC
not homophobic, just a *****
2016-06-11 13:43:00 UTC
2016-06-07 15:59:17 UTC
2016-06-08 16:07:37 UTC
2016-06-09 08:41:12 UTC
i think she is just against it
2016-06-08 06:04:05 UTC
Welcome to the real world
2016-06-08 21:56:09 UTC

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.