what should you do when your mother-in-law interferes with your relationship?
2006-04-29 04:38:05 UTC
and he does'nt do anything about it but keeps denying it.
Eight answers:
2006-04-29 04:43:45 UTC
challenge her..but don't make it too that movie monster-in-law
2006-04-29 04:46:21 UTC
Don't ask for his help anymore. When she interferes, simply say the magic words, "Please don't go there. I'd rather not talk about that because it's upsetting me." And change the subject. After enought times of not talking about your business, she'll get the hint.
2006-04-29 05:00:50 UTC
Send him back to his mother and tell her she did one hell of a bang up job with her boy.
2006-04-29 04:43:00 UTC
Honestly i wish i knew i had the same problem
2006-04-29 04:46:21 UTC
Tell her yourself to butt out its not her relationship
Evil J.Twin
2006-04-29 04:54:35 UTC
keep telling him that it's upsetting you and she is doing it whether he notices or not.
2006-04-29 04:43:02 UTC
its bad you have to talk to her what you dislike
2006-04-29 04:42:38 UTC
Kill Her!

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