2010-02-08 15:36:56 UTC
my lil sis, who is not so lil , 16, came into my room almost in tears.
she said that a few months ago she strted talking to this girl on imvu and they got real good friends. and then one day this girl said she could have her sisters account cos her sister said she was too old.
my sister, lets call her... ann, was thrilled. but she logged on today and got a horrible message off a girl lets call her....fran. then fran and a friend invited her to chat and were being really nasty to her asking why she hacked fran. but my sister didnt and tried to tell them but they just tried to blackmail her into giving up the account by saying they would tell everyone she was a hacker, report her and send her to jail. could this even happen, jail i mean?
but my sister said she didnt want to give up the avi as she didnt believe this girl fran. the girl my sister became friends with told my sister loads of things about fran and they're all true but yet fran claims she doesnt even know this girl, even though they're friends.
so my sister came crying to me absolutely terrified she was going to go to jail for something she didnt do and told me she has no idea who to believe and what to do but has just blocked these 2 users so far.
please does anybody have any advice?
i would really really appreciate it