2007-12-03 17:00:37 UTC
Listen to 90's rock,
play gutair,
hang out with friends until 9:30PM
get in trouble at school
not do homework
flip hair.
He's 12!
My husband gave him a drumset, microphones, amps, and a gutair for christmas!
I didn't want him having that, so I said I'll take it away.
And I will.
But I walked into the garage, (where the drumset, gutairs, amps, etc is,) He didn't hear me come in, so he was on his guitar, and singing. He sounded amazing. He sounded like a younger Kurt Cobain. I was half proud then, and half furious.
He wont wear anything I ask him to wear, I tried to put him in a sweater vest that looked SO adorable on him, and he wouldnt wear it.
Should I let my son continue his "rock" thing?
Or should I get the sweater vest out?
I swear, he sounds like Kurt Cobain!
If you listened to him, play and sing, you'd be amazed.
We made a deal once, A+, NOW THEY ARE C-!