Im really sorry to hear that.
I used to know someone who was in your current position.
Even the strongest person breaks sometimes so dont feel useless about yourself.
*You dont need to cook, have catering sent to you.
Pay daily,weekly or even monthly.
*Do light exercise so that your muscles wont feel stiff.
You'll get used to moving around slowly.
*Laundry and house cleaning can be done weekly,
or once every 3 days.
*Remember to take things one day at a time.
*Try not to focus on how disastrous things are at the moment
but rather focus on your own health.
*Dont worry about the gardens,as long as theyre outside -
the sun and rain will accompany them;) - they'll survive.
*Some people can be quite unreliable nowadays so stay strong.
Dont let their insensitivity get you down.
Hope writing this to you cheers you up.
There are people who still care.
Things will start working when you start being supportive of yourself ;)
Take care
ps: dont forget to go for regular check-up :)