What are you getting your mother for Mothers Day?
2006-04-27 17:57:22 UTC
What are you getting your mother for Mothers Day?
Four answers:
2006-04-27 17:59:44 UTC
i can't tell u. wut if u were secretly my mother in disguise knowing that i can't resist teling secrets to attract me 2 answer this question so that u would know so that it wouldn't be a surprise so that u would get mad because u already knew so that u would throw cooked carrots at me again.
2006-04-28 01:02:31 UTC
I got her a ticket to a concert that she wanted. Why get her something else and make it a surprise if that is what she really wants? Question I ask myself.
2006-04-28 00:58:53 UTC
I got my mom a flower necklace with a poem inscribed on the back ^^
2006-05-01 16:40:38 UTC
a flaming bag of poo

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