2015-08-25 23:13:52 UTC
I have done financially well and never been a burden on my parents. My mother always bullied me, abused me and threatened me of unfortunate events. She has practically controlled me all my life. Now I am almost 50. She isolated me from family and siblings. I was dissed by every one despite being better off financially and professionally in comparison to my entire family.
A year back my father became very ill. I looked after him to the best of my ability, but unfortunately he passed away. Then on I was accused of 'killing' my father. My younger brother and mother made my life hell by calling me names and calling me a failure. They never missed an opportunity to let me know about my failed marriage as well.
I just got tired of it all and moved out about 3 months back. Now my mother is hysterical, that I have abandoned her. Family reminds me that she might die if I dont go back.
I am not interested in any inheritance, or any other benefit from my mother. I had no ulterior motives that she grossly painted to the entire world.
Now I am so afraid that she might actually die of a heart break, and yet I know she and my younger brother will never stop being nasty to me. How do I handle this.