It may seem pretty cheesy- but have you actually sat down with him and talked about your reasons for this particular hatred?
If you haven't: Choose a time when he's relaxed but not too sleepy or distracted, you obviously want him to pay attention, and try not to get exasperated while explaining. If he's an interrupter, ask him before to please wait till you're completely finished to say/ask anything. Obviously the best time would not be to do this when he is agitated or stressed out from work etc. Try not to be too repetitive, or take long breaks between points, no one can stay completely focused through a long lecture : /
If you have: Maybe a different approach is needed; you can't ask for someone to completely sacrifice something, especially if it is pleasurable, without sacrificing a little yourself. You could ask him not drink around you, or return to your company after drinking. If the problem is being drunk, ask him to limit his consumption so he's not drunk, but still happy from being able to drink a reasonable amount, or only drink in excess on special occasions. Plus, you have to tell yourself that he won't always follows the rules, and if he comes home after treating himself, instead of yelling or getting too stressed out, do the same: treat YOURself. Try something relaxing like a hot bath or doing something you really enjoy.
(The way you make it sound, I personally just wouldn't go to pubs. Thats like me needing an inhaler and going into a hookah bar; it just doesn't make any sense.)
I'm sorry that you suffer because of another's mistakes. Hope this advice can help ease the present pain a little :)