What do you do when you have no money, no job, and your mom wants to throw you out of the house?
2009-06-15 20:47:08 UTC
My mom's throwing me out of the house. She's psycho and threatens to have my dog put to sleep. I have to keep my dog in my sight at all times or I don't know what could happen. I'm getting back my car soon. It's registered in my name and I'm getting it back soon. I'm 20 and I guess that sort of thing happens in life and I'll get my first taste of freedom.

Now, I am not exactly sure what I should do. I am a couple semesters short of getting my aa degree. If I leave florida, I might lose all those credits. I was thinking of finishing that and then joining the navy or another branch of military.

I need to find an apartment quick because I might be living in my car for a few days. I am also stuck with several thousand dollars of bills from lawyers etc or my insurance won't pay. Any advice on what I should do?

So I really need help finding a job. I've been looking for awhile in south florida, but everything seems really bad. I tried looking craigslist and ads, but they're a waste. I don't want to get into street fighting or man whoring no matter what. Computer jobs are always full and food service doesn't cut it (not saying I wouldn't work in it, but the pay is too low to even afford a tiny apartment).

So I'm packing up, selling what I can, giving away the rest, and leaving behind what I have to. What are my options? Should I leave the state or even country? Is it safe to live in my car and can those bills draw the last few dollars out of my bank I need for food/gas? Thanks.
Five answers:
2009-06-15 23:12:02 UTC
The world always needs floor moppers. Mcdonalds is always hiring too. If you really want money, you'll go there.

If not, you're really not hurting that bad.
2009-06-16 02:23:34 UTC
How have you been supporting yourself up until now? How have you been paying your parents for rent and food? How have you been able to pay for your dog's food, licenses and vet bills? Did you recently lose your job?

Food service CAN pay enough to make a living. In food service, being a waiter can pay very well. Seventeen years ago I brought home an average of $18 an hour in tips from waiting tables. You can rent a room cheaper than a whole apartment.

You're 20 years old and have been an adult for two years now. I'm sure that you know how to be responsible for yourself. Yes, you should finish school. If you can't work and go to school full time, you can always cut your classes back to part time--it might take a little longer to graduate but it'll happen.

Living in a car is an interesting idea but you will still need to put gas into your car, and find a place to shower and use a bathroom. You will still need to eat. And you will need money to do your laundry. And how are you planning to keep supporting a dog while living in a car?

Any job will do. In tough times, I've worked at fast food places and cleaned apartments. I did whatever it took because I had to. The worst job I ever had was in a machine shop where I breathed metal shavings and it made my nose bleed every day. But I did it until I found something better.

I'm sure you'll find work again. At least something to tide you over until you find something that you enjoy. As soon as you find a job again, simply explain to those your owe money to and see what kind of payment plan you can set up. Did you have a payment plan already when you lost your job? Maybe they will start that up again. Yes, they can garnish your wages if you fail to pay and it will definitely be a ding on your credit record---and that ding may keep you from getting good jobs, apartments or loans. All of these people do credit checks. The sooner you can reinstate your payment plan with them, the better.
2009-06-17 10:51:13 UTC
Find a room for rent not an apartment first of all much cheaper and less work. Then get whatever job you can and continue applying and searching even with whatever crap job you have landed. look into doing promotional work it pays well and you can fit it in extra time. living out of your car isn't too bad if you have a gym membership you can take showers there before you have interviews. Look around did you put your skills in and ad on craigslist. Also i am a firm believer in "everything happens for a reason" maybe you should re-evaluate your life at the moment. Why is your mom kicking you out? Do you need to finish your credits right now. Is this the right place for you to be? Think about it this gives you a whole new world to think about...
2009-06-15 20:57:01 UTC
any job is better than no job.

you better get some incentive or you will be sleeping in your car for more than a couple of days.

get off the computer and go fill out some applications if you really want a job.
2009-06-15 21:53:19 UTC
1. Number one, I'll give you the MOST Important piece of advice I utilize and give to all my friends . . .if you believe in God, ask for his help!!! The creator already knows what you need BEFORE YOU EVEN ASK FOR IT. So, please refer to the scripture at Matthew 6:31 that says, . ."never be anxious and say, "what are we to eat? "Or what are we to drink?" Verse 32 . . .For your heavenly Father already knows you need these things . .Verse 7 of Matthew Chapter 7 states this . ."Keep on asking, and it will be given you; keep on seeking, and you will find . . .Verse 8, "For everyone asking receives and everyone seeking finds . . ." Your heavenly Father loves you, wants you to be healthy and happy, ASK for help everyday, work with your prayers . .if you really want to find employment, make sure you are really actively searching for a job . . .God can't bless you if you sit on the couch and wait for some miracle to fall upon you . .it doesn't quite work that way . .God helps those who are willing to help themselves!! (I'm not accusing you of being lazy . . just providing a reasonable example for you to get the point.)

Next - You don't really tell us what work experience you have. But, let EVERYBODY know you are looking for a job. Even if you never really had a real paying position, still create a fabulous resume stating all volunteer work, personal experiences, any skills acquired, hobbies, any/all education. don't EVER LIE on your resume or application to make yourself look good, but do sell yourself. Dress and act professional even if you are going after some temp job, fast food or janitoral job. If you need some job coaching or help with your resume, look for a mentor, this could be a family member or friend who is successful, check out your local WORK SOURCE organization. Go online and search for Work Source's website. This place is a great resource. Sign up with a couple of temp agencies. Many times they offer free computer training (Work Source provides training too.)

Place to live - could you move in with some relatives for about 6 mos? How about a couple of really good girl friends? What about your grand-parents?? BTW, if you move in with friends, set goals as to how long you will stay. Draw up a contract between them and you about the WHOLE arrangement, rent, utilities, how long you plan to live together, etc. GET ALL PARTIES TO READ THE CONTRACT CAREFULLY AND get EVERYOME TO SIGN IT. Verbal contracts just don't cut it now a days and people end up losing friends.

As a last resort, if no friends or family, try your local YMCA. The rent is cheap, but I don't know if they will take pets. And/or go to your church and ask your pastor for help. Churches have many programs to help people with bills and for homeless.

More on jobs- I know it's not a permanent solution or permanent career choice, but we are talking about survival. You MAY have to take a job temporarily at McDonalds or clean some expensive homes for rich folks. Some money is better than NO money!! Right now, you need some funds so you can get your own place. Start a business, you must love animals . .you said you have a dog. Advertise that you will dog sit for folks in their home, start a baby sitting service. Create a flyer and go house to house to advertise your services. Post your services here on Yahoo! And, don't forget to advertise on Grocery stores. Try to get a job at Publix. They pay pretty good and have great benefits for employees. If you are really smart, tutor young kids . . .charge hourly. Again, advertise your services!! Survival is all about the hussle!!! WHEN you succeed, and notice I did not say IF you succeed, when you look back, you will have gained a wealth of experience in life, you will be able to handle future crisis in life without falling apart, and you will know how to rely on the creator for assistance when your chips are down . . .and, when the sky is sunny and blue TOO! You can do it!! Eveyday, say or read something positive and affirmative. Attitude is everything!

I can tell you these things from personal experience that the above advice really works!

Blessings to you my freind!!

Ms. Queen

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.