how do i write a speech for my son's bar mitzvah?
2006-04-27 20:06:48 UTC
im not jewish but my son is..i need to write a short speech but dont know how to go about it. can someone please help me
Seven answers:
2006-04-27 20:10:33 UTC
Well, I don't know. But good luck.

I love Jews.
2006-04-27 20:15:49 UTC
Most bar and bat mitzva speeches refer to some element of the weekly portion read from the torah (5 books of Moses) and the prophets in the jewish bible ("old testament"). Check a Jewish calendar or your local rabbi or knowledgeable Jew to find out what chapters and verses are being read the Saturday of the event and then read through the text to find a story or a person or a law or an event that you and your son may be able to relate to or learn from. This approach will show your son, family and friends that you value your son having a connection to the Jewish tradition that can help guide him in life to be a better person and a better Jew. Hope that helps and good luck. Mazel Tov!
2016-12-19 00:42:19 UTC
> some thing to do with the way it now and back looks like weren't that fantastic to one yet another,yet he continues to be so particular to me sounds like a large sentiment Bar Mizvah speeches tend to tie even though you prefer to assert to a verse interior the Parsha or Haftorah or a minimum of a few part of Tanakh you are able to have a glance in there
2006-04-27 20:18:40 UTC
debra I am not jewish so I wouldn't have a clue but would it not be a good idea to ask the canter. wish you luck pauline.
2006-04-27 22:36:58 UTC
ask the rabbi...or ur husband (if u have one) or another family member for sum ideas...but u can mostly just talk about ur accomplishments..n all that
Miss Raven
2006-04-27 20:10:12 UTC
Get drunk........the words will magically appear. (Delicious)
2006-05-04 18:45:12 UTC
if your son didn't ask you to, don't do it, you will screw up he's life!

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