My mom bought me the WRONG Easter candy. Help?
2017-04-15 21:29:21 UTC
I made a very simple request: buy me skittles. And what does she bring me? Starbursts. What a f*cking b*tch. She said they were just as good as skittles, and I told her that if they're so good, then you eat them and started shoving the whole pack into her stupid mouth. I was THIS close to choking her.

You may think I'm overreacting, but trust me, this is not an isolated incident. She is always messing up my orders and will invariably cry afterwards to obtain sympathy like the whore she is.

I have had it up to HERE with her idiocy and am ready to punch the living daylights out of her. But I know that our liberal man-hating judicial system with throw me in jail. So what can I do to restrain myself or possibly avoid going to jail if I can't manage?
136 answers:
2017-04-17 19:06:02 UTC
You should break her nose. That should teach her a lesson.
2017-04-18 18:17:04 UTC
let me have the starbursts
2017-04-18 17:51:50 UTC
Once a troll, always a troll.
2017-04-18 00:16:32 UTC
1. stop being a ******.

2. get help you insane bastard
2017-04-17 18:51:42 UTC
Simply return it to the store. Make mom take you.
T tree
2017-04-17 09:24:33 UTC
First world problems.

Actually not even that.

Brat problems.

Never mind the starving children of the world your 'problem' is more important.

If your not a troll I fear for your future
2017-04-17 03:13:06 UTC
get a job and buy your own you ungrateful brat
2017-04-16 18:59:38 UTC
Hey, if you want Starburst so bad, go buy them and stop waiting for other people to hand you things.
2017-04-16 03:32:49 UTC
And the Oscar for best troll goes to...
Pearl L
2017-04-16 00:56:44 UTC
maybe you should just be thankful she got you anything at all, and be thankful you still have your mom around, some of us dont
2017-04-20 13:49:57 UTC
Suck it up or leave home
2017-04-20 13:02:48 UTC
just eat the damn starbursts you ungrateful f*ck
2017-04-18 18:01:59 UTC
From the sound of things you don't deserve any candy, a kick in the man tackle would be much better for you than candy
2017-04-18 04:00:21 UTC
What does Easter have to do with candy??

YOu ought to eat neither, and instead pray
2017-04-17 20:41:33 UTC
Just ask her to buy you skittles later on
2017-04-17 18:26:00 UTC
Just be thankful you have anything at all. There are wars going on!
2017-04-17 17:54:13 UTC
Kill her, you deserve the best candy ever and if you were my son I'd get u the best candy money can buy just jump into this van with me and I'll be your new dad
2017-04-17 15:20:11 UTC
2017-04-17 15:06:22 UTC
You're a whiney bhich,get over it you fool there are other problems in life to deal with, don't start crying and start respecting your mother,she didn't carry you in her womb for 9 months only to abused by you later
2017-04-16 21:28:23 UTC
Yer an idiot.
sookie sookie
2017-04-16 20:26:21 UTC
you should be thankful she got u anything. she didn't have to get i any easter candy
2017-04-16 19:46:44 UTC
You are a whiny piece of crap. Be happy they acknowledged your existence. If you were my kid I would have taken them back and you would not get ****.
2017-04-16 18:49:26 UTC
Go get it yourself
Tasha W
2017-04-16 17:59:08 UTC
Lol well you could have not gotten any candy. How about be thankful that you got candy. That and Easter is a Catholic/Christian holiday that is supposed to celebrate another time in Jesus's spiritual life.(resurrection)

I feel a lot of people forget that since people chose to put bunnies, chicks, eggs, candy, and money in the mix.

Just be grateful you sound like a spoiled brat who has to have everything your way.
2017-04-16 16:21:20 UTC
maybe she'll open her eyes one day soon n kick u out..that way you can get ur own candy n live the life u obviously want to live..which will more than likely wind you up in jail from that temper ...WOW
2017-04-16 12:36:28 UTC
Its not that serious.
Frankie Dog
2017-04-16 07:25:52 UTC
If you are a troll then you are just stupid.

If you are for real you are a disgusting, self centred, selfish punk.
2017-04-16 02:14:28 UTC
And meanwhile, there are kids on this earth who haven't had any food at all in a few days....
ron h
2017-04-15 23:22:19 UTC
When you say "man-hating" i think you're a man. When you say your mother messed up your "orders," I think your 12 years old, so I dunno.

Help? Go mow the lawn or wash the dishes and STFU. You really don't want to face a "conservative" judge after you hit your mother over SKITTLES!!!!!
my 2 cents
2017-04-15 22:42:17 UTC
"She is always messing up my orders", YOU DON"T GET TO GIVE HER ORDERS. She's your mom. buy your own damn candy and stop expecting to get anything
2017-04-21 03:37:30 UTC
break her nose over skittles? I think a black eye would suffice.
2017-04-20 12:31:36 UTC
I'd have been sorry for you if you were allergic. You're just an ungrateful bast*rd to be honest. My Mom and Dad don't buy me any candy at all. Be f*cking grateful you stupid tw*t
2017-04-18 22:45:15 UTC
Yahoo Answers is honestly a better source of comedy than any TV show or movie I've ever seen.
2017-04-18 17:49:57 UTC
Don't feed the trolls...
2017-04-18 17:14:11 UTC
Eat the starburst and be thankful she bought it for you.
2017-04-18 13:30:11 UTC
No one cares
Ms. Bou
2017-04-18 13:02:18 UTC
OMG! The world is ending because mum bought Star Burst instead of Skittles. Sad when "Answers" attracts trolls such as yourself. The answer to this problem is simple. Mum should not purchase any more candy for you until you learn some manners. The world will still revolve, just not around you, over this mistake. I doubt that your mum did this on purpose and you should be thanking her for buying you something, Your profanity and attitude are disgusting and if you spoke to your mum in this manner, you should be confined to your room when you are not in school until you apologize to your mum and be sincere with your apology, As a side note to your mum, please don't buy your son anything for the foreseeable future since he is such a brat and speaks so badly about you.
2017-04-18 02:52:04 UTC
Are you joking you are an awful person who makes me hate the internet more everyday starbursts have actual fruit juice in them. I am glad I do not like sweets very much seriously you need help. I have never wanted someone to know what suffering is really like. Move out of your mothers house she is to good for you. Tell her get you gift cards you worthless sack of crap. Then you can get all the skittles you want. Worthless SOB
2017-04-17 11:49:47 UTC
It's the Easter Troll!
2017-04-17 08:14:04 UTC
Mir Quasem
2017-04-17 03:08:32 UTC
Be cool. Pay respect to your Mom
2017-04-17 03:04:14 UTC
then you buy yourself
2017-04-16 23:57:11 UTC
I seriously hope you're a troll. If you're serious, and that actually happened, then yes, you are overreacting. Nobody should treat their mother (who makes you food, does laundry, pays taxes, runs errands, does chores, etc) with that kind of disrespect. You didnt get your skittles?! Cry me a river. Be happy she at least got you something, it may not be what you wanted but she tried her best and got you something. She has a lot more to do than you, she does so much for you and you treat her horribly. There are millions of kids who would kill for a bag of starbursts, and here you are insulting her and disrespecting her because she didnt get you the right candy. Millions of kids spend all day working in child labour, and barely get anything to eat. Are you aware of how ungrateful and disgusting you're being? How selfish can you get? I feel so bad for your mother, and the fact that she has to deal with you. If i were her i wouldn't bring you anything.

BTW- If you want your precious skittles, get the f*ck up, and get them yourself. She isn't your servant.
2017-04-16 22:09:10 UTC
Go get your own candy with your own money and bring it back to your own apartment which your mother is not paying rent for and not taking care of your stupid a** because if I treated my mother that way she would have beat the s*** out of me. If I was there when this happened I would have grabbed the skittles from you and shoved it down your damn throat. Be grateful that your mother cares for you enough to go out to the store to get you some damn candy.
2017-04-16 21:39:03 UTC
I mean.. That's a little melodramatic. But holiday candy is always half price the next day, the day after Easter just go to the store and get Skittles for half off. Simple as that.
2017-04-16 14:08:00 UTC
You are a spoiled kid. Be happy she got you candy you little ******* *****.
2017-04-16 00:08:46 UTC
you're a disgrace to society. You are a terrible child, your mother has given up so much money and so much precious time for you. **** you, I hope you do rot in jail for the rest of your life.
2017-04-15 22:28:37 UTC
This questio puts it out there. It should be good to find a woman of your dreams. One who says: "oh you turn me on when you're angry". She will be satisfied 24/7.
2017-04-15 21:41:23 UTC
Forgive, it is only Easter Candy for crying out loud
2017-04-15 21:32:55 UTC
Call CPS and they can get you a new mother who will be better. You don't deserve a mother that gets you the wrong Easter Candy, that is child abuse and she should go to jail. You can tell her so !!!!!
2017-04-20 07:01:47 UTC
Since when did trolls get so boring and obvious??

Troll score: -0
2017-04-20 01:10:52 UTC
Take it or leave it, asshole
2017-04-18 04:22:51 UTC
Omg how stupid. Who doesn't know what skittles is?
2017-04-18 02:44:24 UTC
at least you have a mom..
2017-04-17 22:46:59 UTC
You should not be harsh with your mom.. Gently ask your mom to return it and ask her to buy what you wanted.
2017-04-17 22:39:39 UTC
talk to your mom or go with her to the store
2017-04-17 21:17:18 UTC
Absuing ur mom on the she wud be so proud of you
2017-04-17 04:48:01 UTC
I hope this is a troll lmao
2017-04-17 04:12:54 UTC
you mean the Easter candy in between her legs?
2017-04-17 03:18:55 UTC
Starburst are not as good as skittles
2017-04-17 02:41:26 UTC
2017-04-17 02:34:01 UTC
2017-04-17 01:56:51 UTC
Just be glad that your mom got you something for Easter.
2017-04-17 01:29:40 UTC
2017-04-17 01:24:41 UTC
I say get out of that house immediately...she don't care about you....she's just selfish so go find someone willing to buy you skittles...because that is what's important.
2017-04-17 00:20:08 UTC
it is painfully obvious your a guy and a heartless dick s well
2017-04-16 19:02:02 UTC
lol nice story~~~~~~~~~~troll
2017-04-16 17:01:21 UTC
Maybe she'll get rid of her "idiocy" and actually kick you out of her house. She doesn't deserve to have to deal with someone like you
2017-04-16 07:41:07 UTC
She should stop buying you candy. It's bad for your teeth.
2017-04-16 00:18:27 UTC
Silly Troll, Skittles are for kids!
2017-04-21 00:59:30 UTC
You made my night!!! Lol.
chris h
2017-04-20 08:02:17 UTC
Next time get off of your lazy a.s.s. and go buy them yourself.
2017-04-19 22:11:41 UTC
You can buy your own candy. Anyways you had a basket of candy for Easter.
2017-04-19 05:04:18 UTC
Did you know skittles are just little starbursts coated with a hard candy shell? Go look up a recipe for hard candy shell and make up a batch, then cut up your starbursts into little pieces and dip them.

You will have your plenty of (semi) home made Skittles.
2017-04-19 00:15:33 UTC
Go live on the streets, and buy your own damn Skittles.
2017-04-18 00:18:04 UTC
you should be ashamed to talk that way about your mom!! you should be thankful you got any candy!!
2017-04-17 23:33:51 UTC
Go choke on them skittles u waste of skin!
2017-04-17 23:18:39 UTC
You're nothing but a spoiled *****
2017-04-17 21:54:06 UTC
so ******* ungrateful
2017-04-17 21:36:49 UTC
Lol your sound so ungrateful. Maybe she forgot which ones you like.
2017-04-17 20:57:26 UTC
Dont worry young ladd, I've been where you were be4. My mother always hit me when I talked back. All I asked for was some mountain dew and she then got mew diet. I was so mad that I wanted to hit her but I never did. Shen then proceeded to tell me that she would disown me if I ever try to hit her but she ended up hitting me with a bike. That's why I like turtles.
2017-04-17 20:57:02 UTC
you need to grow up
Smokies Hiker
2017-04-17 16:49:50 UTC
Your language seems to indicate you're fairly old...old enough to have a job and move out on your own! THEN you can do and buy whatever you like without involving your mother! I'm betting she'd also benefit from your moving out of the house! I'm sure you'll go far in society with an attitude like you display here!
2017-04-17 16:02:15 UTC
Beat her so she knows her place
2017-04-17 15:36:43 UTC
you are a troll
2017-04-17 12:34:43 UTC
Maybe she trying to tell you something, like get the hell out of this house you ungrateful git.
2017-04-17 10:28:02 UTC
2017-04-17 06:46:43 UTC
Girls run fast you can tell how you'll be treated by how a guy treats his mom. So stay away from this fool. buy your own candy i hope she laces it with poisen.
2017-04-17 00:15:41 UTC
You should be grateful she even got you anything. If you want starbursts so bad then why don't u go out and get them yourself?
2017-04-16 22:35:11 UTC
Stop being a ******* piece of ****
2017-04-20 21:14:38 UTC
God your stupid.. Im laughing so hard right now, I could make a comedy out of this
2017-04-20 12:40:59 UTC
Stop trolling, get some help. Nobody needs a little kid trollin on here, and if this isn't a troll, just be happy she bought you somethin at all. Guess what I got, socks. There u go. U can have my socks and I'll take ur starbursts. Case closed.
2017-04-20 03:57:31 UTC
what a ******* asshole. children are ******* starving and ur freaking about starbursts vs skittles. i feel like this should be a comic skit or a comic strip. our "liberal man hating system" will let you separate from your mother, if you feel it neccessary to leave her over messing up orders. wow, that ***** is REALLY just out to get you, kid.
2017-04-19 21:57:01 UTC
You spoiled a**hole, f**k off and leave her alone
2017-04-18 19:15:57 UTC
Buy them yourself then you ungrateful *****
2017-04-18 05:47:42 UTC
Kill her
2017-04-18 01:12:03 UTC
You ungrateful ****. It's sugar and colouring, who cares what your mum bought you. My mum would do anything to give me a good life, so I don't ask for petty things. If you want something... save up any cash you find behind the coach, because from what I read you don't deserve what you have! Anyone who says to be rude or unkind to your mother needs a hard kick up the backside that would send them to Mars and you need a reality check, kid! And by saying that you were close to choking her you are making a verbal threat and that is serious! That's what serial killers think about! I hope that you vomit those sweets up, I have never been so disgusted in my whole life! Get your head straight and stop being Veruca Salt! There are children in the world that don't even have a clean pair of socks, they would cry happy tears if someone gave them a toothbrush! Your a dick head for calling the woman who gave you life a Whore! Well big news kid... no one likes a brat! Get your act together you ungrateful spoilt little pig!

And BTW I'm a girl! And I wouldn't touch you with a barge pole if we went to the same school! You brat!
2017-04-17 19:28:49 UTC
Man you need a ******* kick in your balls
2017-04-17 14:23:59 UTC
go masturbate, you should feel better
2017-04-17 08:28:10 UTC
2017-04-17 05:18:42 UTC
If you made this whole thing up because you wanted to troll people, that's hilarious. However, if you really think these things, keep reading. Respectfully, I would recommended giving more thought as to how particular behaviors and ideas are communicated with family members and other people in general.
2017-04-17 04:00:10 UTC
fake question
2017-04-17 02:35:36 UTC
trolling? but really be happy you have candy
2017-04-17 01:56:31 UTC
Liar! The Easter Bunny gave you the right candy.
2017-04-16 23:40:27 UTC
R you crazy or just plain stupid? If you were my daughter u wouldn't have anything to chew them with!!! There are babies with nothing to eat or drink. You may not care but how dare you speak her like that
2017-04-16 21:58:46 UTC
Omg you are insane go get help at a mental hospital if you treat you're mother like that you first class spoiled brat stop playing the victim if you want something that badly done do it yourself!! It's Easter candy for goodness sake be thankful your mother still cares about you when you act that horribly to her
The Football God
2017-04-16 09:31:17 UTC
I'm impressed. Most Kunts can't type.
2017-04-16 05:19:52 UTC
Don't know exactly why you hate your mother so much. She tries.. When the last time you've done something meaningful for her? Without receiving anything in return or without wanting praise for it? . Stop calling ur mother a whore.
2017-04-16 03:11:27 UTC
Sorry, kid. YOU do not give your mom orders. If anything, SHE gives you orders!

You are ready to "punch the living daylights out of her" and you think she is a "bi*ch" because she disobeys your "orders" She needs to beat the living crap out of you.
2017-04-15 21:34:47 UTC
If there any tequila in your house? If so, I suggest you quickly guzzle down the whole bottle. You should be dead in about 15 minutes and your mother will be put out of her misery. There, that should put an end to all your problems.
2017-04-27 23:22:25 UTC
You are either a miserable troll or else a totally spoiled inconsiderate brat.

Both of my parents and both of my wife's are all dead. How we wish they were still here to buy us the wrong candy! You need to appreciate what you have while you have it, and embrace your loved ones, not whine about them like a 2 year old girl.
2017-04-21 17:36:22 UTC
wow...your mom sounds so sweet and she is cursed with a BRAT like you

I feel sorry for her.

BUT, I do not believe are a troll and you know it
2017-04-20 10:46:43 UTC
How about you thank her for getting you any candy at all, as there are plenty of people who don't have parents who get them candy, or, pretty frankly, any parents at all. Be thankful and appreciate what you have, rather than whining about what you don't.
2017-04-19 02:05:21 UTC
Go buy your own candy instead of being a parasite and leeching off of your mother.
2017-04-19 00:00:05 UTC
lol wtf
2017-04-18 06:50:50 UTC
Quick, get some psychiatric help.
2017-04-18 06:06:36 UTC
Gonna be honest she might have made a slight mistake on her half but you on the other hand be happy you got candy at all my brother got no candy on the half he was sick I did share with him when he got better just be happy you have candy at all kid
2017-04-18 02:44:06 UTC
This better be a troll question...if not then just be grateful. There are some kid that don't even have homes or even food on their plate and some kids that would give anything for one good meal! And your complaining over Easter candy? I mean I wanted some art supplies for Easter but I didn't get any but did I complain to my mom? No. Instead I just enjoyed what I had and was grateful for what I did get.
2017-04-18 01:18:47 UTC
Why don't you crawl into a hole
2017-04-17 20:25:43 UTC
How inconsiderate and unforgivable. You should report her to the International Court of Human Rights.
Yujin San
2017-04-17 18:33:06 UTC
Imao FWP (first world problems)
2017-04-17 15:34:01 UTC
First world problems lol
2017-04-17 11:25:14 UTC
stupid troll
2017-04-17 00:25:58 UTC
r u for real? If the worst thing that ever happens to you is that you got the wrong candy for Easter, I want your life.
2017-04-16 21:21:23 UTC
2017-04-16 18:26:44 UTC
Oh, the homies in the jailhouse are going to looooooooov you. I bet they have already sharpened their broomsticks and shanks for the welcoming ceremony. Will be looking to instagram for live pix.
2017-04-16 16:52:25 UTC
Candy is candy, at least she bought you something for Easter, maybe it was wrong but it was the thought that matters.
2017-04-16 08:42:43 UTC
There are people being made homeless in war-torn countries. There are children suffering in hospitals, some of them terminally ill.There are people working 15 hours a day for a slave wage. And now there is someone who didn't get the candy they prefer at easter. Problem after problem. I hope god takes pity on all who have suffered, people like you.
2017-04-16 03:35:01 UTC
You obviously haven't had any kind of discipline, grow up it's just candy. Don't call your mom a b***h either, she's raised you and taken care of you and this is how you act? Seriously, and you don't "order" your mom around. Show some respect.
2017-04-15 22:52:58 UTC
The language you use shows clearly who is the problem. It is not your Mum, it is you. You are an immature, foul mouth spoiled brat. Why should your Mum bring you anything. By showing your attitude in a few sentences, I would send you to boot camp for at least a year.!!!!!!
Ya girl
2017-04-19 01:10:36 UTC
How old are you? 5? Go buy your own candy. It probably only costs around $1-$3 depending on the size candy you buy.
2017-04-17 23:05:53 UTC
lol mine got me chick peeps when i clearly asked for the bunny ones. HAHAHA grow up.
2017-04-17 19:42:45 UTC
Is the wrong candy really all that big of a deal
2017-04-16 17:42:36 UTC
Be thankful for what you have
2017-04-16 07:43:11 UTC
You should spank your mom
2017-04-16 07:24:21 UTC
Call this phone number: 555-GETALIFE

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.