Advise for all?
2006-04-28 11:21:21 UTC
Im here to listen, if u wanna talk, ask a question i can give u advise to help ur frustrations am 19 year old male and u dont always have to be older to be wise
Three answers:
2006-04-28 11:22:20 UTC
what qualifies you?
2006-04-28 11:24:01 UTC
I got one , why is my boyfriend so lazy, but he always wants to take over everything (btw he's 20)?
2006-05-03 05:48:18 UTC

i really love this boy ye i no i'm only 15 but i really love this guys (he's 16) and me mate tolled me that he was 2 timein me with her but me best mate said that she lie's alot who do i beleave???? i need help before i finish this guy kk thanks love ya Amy e-mail me if poss

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