Love yourself.
Stay positive
unless your a negative person then do whatever keeps you happy.
Your doing the best you can.
Handle your problems one at a time
Start small fix the little stuff first and build up to the bigger stuff.
Decide which problems you can handle and which you need help with.
This is unorthodox but maybe you could take a look at your debt and decide witch cards are salvageable. Loan consolidation is not bankruptcy
Your credit is all ready screwed because you pay out more than you could afford in terms of a new loan.
Make your big moves now
Dont let your biological clock ruin your thinking
Ive seen women close to me make that mistake they end up with loosers.
Its comparable to a man thinking with the little head.
keep positive
I would pay the minimum on the cards and pay off smallest cards first.
basically juggle the creditors.
Set small goals for yourself
Call your creditors explain the situation they may be able to deal.
Most important dont feel alone keep positive.
Whats the hurry with moving out if they dont mind.