To all Parents: What can we do as a community to remove this user from this site?
2006-11-30 11:31:59 UTC
When questions regarding the molestation of children are freely asked on this site with no apparent attempt by Yahoo to permanently remove this type of user, does it not concern you and what steps can we take to ensure that these sick people are not permitted here? While I am sure that Yahoo does suspend offenders, it would appear that the individuals are free to return after a period of time to yet again spread their vile messages.
Take a look for yourself at the example to which I am referring:;_ylt=AlcJwNPJVIQC501anTVncvTAFQx.?qid=20061130105002AAQb9rc
21 answers:
2006-11-30 11:39:14 UTC
send mess to all your friends tell them to send mess. an tell there friends too get it ok tell them to send mess.. to yahoo too stop this you r on the right track by doing this keep up the good work i will send out mess to all my friends now thanks for your concern
2006-11-30 11:37:05 UTC
The solution seems to be to keep your kids off Answers (I say "your" because i have none). Yahoo! can ban people all day long, but they can create new aliases, use other IP addresses and come right's a constant battle that cannot be completely resolved as long as the offender has access to a computer and the sick desire to troll and be offensive (or worse).

It's not easy being a parent these days and protecting your children...I have tons of respect for those that work hard to do so.
2006-11-30 11:41:39 UTC
All of you should unite and call the hell out of yahoos customer service number!! They will only do something if people are complaining like crazy. Maybe this yahoo answers site wasnt such a good thing afterall. I mean you parents do see all of the questions that are asked on here that children have absolutely no businesses reading.
2006-11-30 11:34:50 UTC
Look for the little tag that says Report Abuse, and click that. It'll give you a list of reasons why that comment violates the Yahoo terms of use, and you can take it from there. I believe if enough people do it, the user will be banned.
2006-11-30 11:44:01 UTC
Everybody just needs to report him... but if we do and his account is terminated he can get another account. I know its sad that people do this sort of thing and its hard to protect children I really don't know what we could really do that would be effective and completely resolve all of the issues. I mean I would not want a child I know on here getting "advice" from all of these sick twisted and twisted individuals.
2006-11-30 11:37:02 UTC
Well...2 things.

One, he could just be bored and looking to get people's underwear in a bunch.


Two, I'd rather have these guys posting so they are in plain sight instead of stalking the neighborhood playground. At least here there's an internet trail of where he's at. I'm sure the gov't and/or Yahoo keeps the IP addresses logged.
micah z
2006-11-30 11:39:22 UTC
There was one person who answered that question that said they were going to get the I.P. address and report him to authorities. Their name was zzhoundzz. Unfortunately there is not much you can do through yahoo because he can just get another user id and keep participating. We need to stay on yahoo to report this kind of stuff to authorities and give i.p. addresses so police can track down these pervs. I am with you girl and i will do anything to help you out when you find out what we should do.
2006-11-30 13:40:41 UTC
I would have viewed the link you included, but unfortunately the page has been removed by Yahoo.

You can't really do anything about any individual users. Just report them and ignore their messages. Other that that, there's really nothing anyone can do.
2006-11-30 11:38:34 UTC
If you are not happy with what yahoo is doing, first forbid your child access to the site, second report it to the authorities outside of yahoo. The police and child crime divisions are interested in people like this.
2006-11-30 11:36:31 UTC
This is a problem. There was a similar question about a 15 year old not to long ago. I always report abuse.
2006-11-30 11:36:07 UTC
I think most of the ones who post things like that are just trying to get a reaction out of people.......Yahoo will suspend the account but that does not prevent them from creating a new one.....the world is full of sickos.
2006-11-30 11:37:16 UTC
Click on the "Report Abuse" tab and Yahoo'll take care of them. I've done it and it works.

Thanks for the Intel on this guy. Yuck Like Hugh Hefner....sicko pedophiles.
2006-11-30 11:37:25 UTC
Well, having been molested as a child, I would call this a prank. Has anyone reported this individual? If not, maybe you should. Hopefully it will discourage future comments.
bobbie v
2006-11-30 11:37:01 UTC
I totally agree with you, but I'm not sure what can be done about it. I think the best thing is to educate children about these kinds of predators. They can at least be aware and stay away from them.
2006-11-30 12:23:49 UTC
Yeah this pervert is sick i think he might be a kid or just some sick person trying to be funny I'm going to report him . we all should report him
2006-11-30 11:36:35 UTC
yes i just read what chester wrote,Hopefully he will not be able to get back on here!but i dont think yahoo even notices stuff like that,just report him and hopefully people will do it enough and he wont be able to accest this site anymore.
2006-11-30 11:34:37 UTC
the best action you can take as a parent is to take an axe and destroy your childs computer, never let them be exposed to the real world ever
2006-11-30 12:16:04 UTC
this is the sick world we live in.

I sometimes think that it is the authorities, trying to flush out the sickos so they can bust them. we can only pray!!!!
Mom of One in Wisconsin
2006-11-30 11:42:06 UTC
Just another dirty old man looking for attention. That's all.
2006-11-30 11:38:55 UTC
well u may dont like him

may other people like him

who know

just report him if u dont like him
2006-11-30 11:35:13 UTC
thats pretty gross

I really doubt he was serious.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.