2012-04-22 15:31:52 UTC
monday-$5 for keeping clean my room, closet and bathroom. $2 for doing Monday's hw with Mimi. $2 for helping Ben with hw (this prevents "oh I forgot to do my hw"'s). $5 for feeding plus letting out wookiee &picking up all poops and pees (upstairs and downstairs.) $2 for
bathing mimi and getting her ready for bed. $1 for cleaning dishes (if containing meat, please put them in dishwasher :) )
tuesday- $5 for having room, closet, and bathroom clean at all times. $2 for doing mimi's hw with her. $2 for helping Ben with his hw. $5 for feeding wookiee, letting him out, and picking up poops and pees (report to me if any happened at school :) ) $2 for bathing mimi and getting her ready for bed. $1 for doing dishes (if containing meat, please put them in dishwasher :) )
wednesday: $5 for keeping room, closet, and bathroom clean at all times. $2 for doing mimi's hw with her. $2 for doing ben's hw with him. $5 for feeding plus letting out wookiee and picking up poops and pees (if any happened at school, please tell me :) ). $2 for bathing plus getting mimi ready for bed. $5 for weeding and watering the whole yard (back plus front.) the watering helps the plants that the sprinkler doesn't touch.
thursday- $5 for keeping room plus bathroom and closet clean at ALL times. $2 for doingmimi's hw with her. $2 for doing homework with bennett. $5 forfeeding plus letting out wookiee and picking up his poops. $2 for bathing plus getting mimi ready for bed. $10 for babysitting mimi (if at the club) and sitting in little kids room.
friday- $5 for keeping room plus bathroom clean at all times and closet. $2 for practicing reading, writin, math, etc with mimi. $2 for helping brooks or bennett with hw (if they have been assigned hw, or if they have a project, or if they missed a day, etc). 5 for feeding, letting out, and picking up wookiees poops and pees (report to me if any happened at school). $2 for bathing plus getting mimi ready for bed. $10 for vacuuming whole house. $5 for putting away laundry on dining room table. $10 for cleaning bathrooms- scrubbing toilet, wiping mirrors and windows, restocking toilet paper and soap, cleaning sink, mopping floor, cleaning out bathtub, dumping out garbage, taking out laundry.
saturday-$5 for keeping room plus bathroom and closet clean AT ALL TIMES. $2 for practicing reading plus writing, math, science, etc with mimi.$5 for feeding, letting out, and picking up wookiees poops and pees. $2 for bathing and getting mimi ready for bed. $5 for weeding plants and watering plants not reached by sprinklers. $10 for cleaning up mom's plus dad's room- making bed, picking up laundry, putting away papers and books, picking up trash, putting away shoes and jewelry, etc. $10 for cleaning up mimi's room, and the boys room- putting away laundry, putting out dirty laundry, bringing down dishes, making beds, putting away toys, wiping up spills, picking up trash, wiping surfaces, putting everything in place, etc. $5 for picking up living room, dining room, family room, kitchen, eating area, and patio.
sunday- $5 for keeping my room, closet, and bathrrom clean at ALL times. $2 for practicing reading, writing, math, science, etc with mimi. $5 for feeding, letting out, and picking up pees and poops from wookiee.$2 for bathing mimi and getting her ready for bed and church.
It adds up to 180 a week, is that reasonable?