The one and only thing I can think of Edward is you have to give it up to God. I am not trying to be pushy, I am not trying to tell you that you need to get on your knees and pray right now. No, but what I am going to tell you is that God loves you Edward. God in all His goodness and justness (He never said He was going to be fair, but He always promised He would be just), loves and forgives all of us...sinners! He loves and forgives sinners! How awesome is this? That means He loves and forgives people like you and me. And in His forgiveness when we repent of whatever sins we committed, we find forgivness to give to ourselves and others. Many times people think that asking for forgiveness is a weakness, it is not. It is in fact a strength. And I can hear the pain in your post, I can. It is not easy to post such a question to the public. I can see you are looking for an answer, one that is right...not just one that is easy. And I will let you know right now Edward, right and easy decisions are never the same ones. Right decisions may involve a little more pain than we are used to (or a lot...depends on the situation), but you will be able to live with them later on. Easy decisions will be less painful in the beginning when made (or not painful at all), but later on down the road the pain of that decision will hurt more than if you never made it at all.
God is standing by your side waiting for you, for you to trust Him, to lean on Him, to come to Him to seek forgiveness. To let you know you are loved even in your sin. To comfort you, and guide you along your way. The truth is always out there, the only thing we need to do is just accept it.
God loves you. That is truth. He will forgive you for your sins, He always does because He is good and just and this is what He always promises. But in order to recieve that love, we need to be willing to accept it. His hand is stretched out to you...will you take it?
Psalm 91:14: "Because he loves me," says the LORD, "I will rescue him; I will protect him, for he acknowledges my name.
** Love always begets love. Repentance of sin is showing God love; and in turn He promises to protect us. He always loves us though we may never repent, but the only way we can recieve His protection is by loving Him first. Seek the Lord with all your heart, and you will find what you seek. **