Mercedes Benz for a 16-year-old?
2019-02-27 19:43:43 UTC
My daughter is turning sixteen in a few months and she has had her eyes on a Mercedes Benz G Class for almost a year and a half. We have the money to buy her one, but is that extreme for her? She'll have it hopefully through college, but I'm worried about the way people will treat her.
{No rude answers}
78 answers:
2019-03-04 00:48:08 UTC
Children should get the used cars, not the top of the line cars. She will not respect the value of a dollar if you spoil her and no man wants a spoiled child.
2019-03-02 11:23:19 UTC
NO, that is how my brother got killed. Find the safest car and have very strict driving rules. Teens are too young to have the skills and maturity to drive safe yet.
2019-03-01 17:01:19 UTC
She don't need a Benz to start off with, when she goes to college would be a better ideal, if she becomes a good driver. Get her a safe cheaper car to start off with.
2019-03-01 15:57:11 UTC
Go for it. Some students will probably call her spoiled. Ask her if she's prepared to deal with some envious people.
2019-03-01 00:48:04 UTC
She's a new driver so I think it's a good idea to get her a used car just in case she wrecks it. But get something very sturdy with good safety features.

I think G class is too much for a 16 years old and I bet she'd wreck it before she goes to college. I think it's a good idea to buy a used car so you can use the rest of the money toward her college fund.
2019-02-28 14:16:00 UTC
Far to extravegent
2019-02-27 20:53:39 UTC
It seems a bit young to be getting a Mercedes as a first car, but I doubt that her classmates will treat her any differently.
2019-02-27 20:42:34 UTC
A sixteen year old doesn't need a car like that and a parent doesn't seek the approval of strangers online before buying something for their own child. Nice try, kid.
Pearl L
2019-02-27 20:25:56 UTC
if shes a good driver i would just get it for her and not care how people will treat her, they nnight just be jealous
2019-02-27 19:50:32 UTC
You're kidding , right?

No idea why a 16 y/o would need such a vehicle ( need vs. want) But, it would be nuts to put this thing into the hands of a teenager. and first time driver.
2019-03-04 08:19:23 UTC
The average is having a wreck within 2 weeks of getting a car, then the next one within a year. After that, practically never. Get her something cheaper and get the Mercedes for high school graduation.
2019-03-04 03:52:27 UTC
if you can afford it, get it for her, she will have lots of fond memories to look back on
2019-03-03 23:11:41 UTC
NO 16-year old needs a Mercedes. Just buy her a cheap Toyota and once she finishes colleges and gets a job - then she can buy what ever she wants.
2019-03-02 18:07:54 UTC
That's only for little spoiled brats that come from wealthy families.
2019-03-02 17:00:57 UTC
If you have to ask if this is a good idea you should be seriously concerned about yourself. No it is a terrible idea and even if money is not a issue throwing money at a kid is showing them it has no value. Get her a cheap small car and tell her to earn the Merc
2019-03-02 00:52:53 UTC
Mercedes Benz for no one unless you’re incredibly wealthy and don’t care about inferior customer support. BMW are a better alternative for luxury. for a sixteen year old, 2002 Corolla would be nice
2019-03-02 00:14:28 UTC
Haha no. Especially if she's a new driver. Let her earn the right to that luxury. Last thing you want is for her to grow up and go to college and expect you to pay for ALL of her expenses. She'll never be a functioning adult like this. I'm 15 and my birthday is also in a few months. I come from a less fortunate background but I'm not mad at that it. It's the reason why I am the person that I am today. It's taught me that money isn't everything and that if I want something I'll have to work for it. And I think that's the problem with kids today, they expect everyone to hand them things, that they don't have to work for what they want or need. Mommy and Daddy won't be around forever and eventually you wont be able to depend on your parents. You seem like an awesome Dad but I think you'd be doing more harm than good if you buy her this car.
2019-03-01 17:40:55 UTC
Spoiling children rotten is never a good parenting idea. Not unless they are infants to adulthood, and you spoil them with attention only, not expensive gifts.

Sixteen year old teenagers are not experienced in life and therefore are poor drivers. Accidents do happen and rather than giving her an expensive car, why not tone it down a bit and get her something else, like a Honda or a Nissan Altima. They are really nice cars that will not draw negative attention to her. A kid at school with a Mercedes Benz is just a ridiculous sight and will certainly cause people to either use her or bully her. Why would you even considering doing that to your child? THINK.

I also highly doubt that a parent that can afford to give a Mercedes Benz to a child would post this question on social media. Very suspicious.
2019-03-01 15:25:25 UTC
so you are teaching her that when she move out and graduates from college she wont have to work as hard as everyone else to get what she wants it will be handed to her? i know your rude comments policy but i wouldn't want my kids to grow up expecting a Mercedes Benz even if i had more than enough money
2019-03-01 12:10:36 UTC
Presumably it will cost a fortune to insure for a very young new driver. And even possibly be stolen, no matter what fancy security is built-in.

Many youngsters have the notion of having fancy cars, but the practicalities say "no" in so many ways.
2019-03-01 05:34:51 UTC
If you want to buy it for her, buy it for her.
2019-03-01 03:58:37 UTC
Get her a chauffeur driven Limo
2019-02-28 19:44:21 UTC
well here is a better idea, you buy her a nice less expensive car and put the rest of the money in a college fund
Functionally Illiterate
2019-02-28 16:43:23 UTC
I can think of about $100000 reasons why that’s a bad idea.
2019-02-28 15:03:59 UTC
I don't think it's appropriate. A dependable and safe vehicle for a young girl doesn't have to be a luxury vehicle.
2019-02-28 03:06:13 UTC
For my 16th birthday my dad got me a BMW and kids at my high school were just rude. Some, who didn't talk to me before, tried acting like they were my friends. And I didn't even ask for a car, my dad just bought it for me. I had this one girl who I was in our group of friends say," WTF why does she have to get a bmw for a first car?" she was clearly taking smack to my other friends and they told me, I would think about it more. I never told my dad, but even though he would probably say to ignore them, I'm sure he would have gotten mad. Maybe compromise? Get a less expensive car, for now, as she starts to become more used to driving and accustomed then consider buying the mercedes?
2019-02-28 00:37:49 UTC
If she travels in circles where other kids will have luxury vehicles she’ll fit in just fine. But of course the more her car seat s worth the more likely she’ll be to be carjacked or have her car stolen.
2019-02-27 20:23:04 UTC
Not sure why you're worried about the way people would treat your daughter. That is, if you even have a daughter. Somehow, i don't think you do.

Most parents i know don't seek approval for buying something for their children
2019-02-27 19:55:37 UTC
Even if I was a billionaire I wouldn't buy my kids luxury cars. It not only publicly labels them as the "rich kid", but it doesn't teach them the true value of the car you just bought for them. Not to mention giving a kid a car with over 200hp is downright dangerous, especially as they gain more confidence driving, kids WILL test the limits of their car (I certainly did). Kids need a healthy fear of failure and if they always assume the family checkbook is available that won't be there. George Lucas famously reminded his kids "I'm rich, you are not."
2019-02-27 19:51:27 UTC
Whether your kid is treated differently because she's rich, fat, has a lisp, wears glasses, is doesn't really matter. It's your job to teach her how to handle that when it happens, not shelter her from it.

As a parent, I'd be more concerned about instilling my core basic values in my child and I'd probably conclude that gifting a 16 year old a brand new Mercedes would be in conflict with the big picture (working hard, earning the things we want, living within our means, being patient, valuing education and experiences over material things, etc.).

I could certainly afford to drive a brand-new Mercedes, but I choose not to. I actually really love my 19 year old Honda. I was really glad to get it back after it was stolen.

Your values may not be the same as mine. There is more than one way to parent.
2019-05-21 07:39:19 UTC
She is 16, you need to buy her the oldest and slowest car you can find
2019-03-03 20:41:08 UTC
Ask her drivinginstructor. Also be a good parent, you’ve known her 16 years now reflect over her skills as a driver and is she responsible enough??

Noe. Can she handle a huge car? Yes or no. Don’t overthink. There is your answer..
2019-03-03 18:50:14 UTC
No matter how responsible you think your teenager is, 99% of the time there is things they are hiding. They might say they are safe drivers, but in the midsts of hanging out with a bunch of friends they might try to impress by reckless driving. I know it sounds stupid but i just got out of my teen years, I know how it is. Beyond that, a part of their brain responsible for decision making is still developing, meaning that their response time is longer then yours and they are generally more distracted then you or expierience drivers. I suggest a safe car incase of accidents. Personally, a brand new car seems entitled but that’s completely up to you as the parent.
2019-03-03 02:20:38 UTC
At 16 that’s crazy, try something less expensive due to still being immature
2019-03-03 01:20:01 UTC
are you KIDDING ME? who cares if you have the money! do you have any idea how high insurance will be? ok ok does she have good grades? I'm 18 and I started working at age 15. I saved up for a 1969 Chevrolet Camaro SS. I worked my tail off for that. I have a well paying job. meanwhile your daughter will be spoiled with a very nice car. make her work for it herself. she would get bullied and would probably brag about it.
2019-03-02 22:13:48 UTC
No, She is too young. She will get into an accident within the first year or two.
2019-03-02 15:43:58 UTC
This would not only make her a target, but used by others, who may see her as a means to an end.

She would have to be definitely mature, to consider this, even when she's with peers who are on her level of the money line.
2019-03-02 03:57:29 UTC
Get her a Jeep Wrangler

You can never go wrong with a jeep ;)
2019-03-01 16:32:22 UTC
One of the problems with a lot of kids is they have no incentive to work. Give your kid such an expensive car? When I was 18 I borrowed $1600. to buy a used VW. What the heck are your cripple your daughter so she feels the world owes her a living? Let her work to save, at least a downpayment on a good used car. Don't spoil her by giving her everything she wants. Pity the poor guy or girl who marrys her.
2019-02-28 20:04:46 UTC
Mercedes-Benz is NOT an appropriate car for a first time driver, even a 16 year old. I'd start my 16 year old off with a cheap used car to see how she takes care of it and handles it. I rather be prepared for my daughter to have a different car knowing it won't cost so much if she were to crash it or something. MERCEDES BENZ is not for a 16 year old.
k w
2019-02-28 18:56:44 UTC
can she afford the maintenance,?........................... I doubt it......
2019-02-28 18:17:13 UTC
A 1966 MODEL
2019-02-28 16:15:31 UTC
NO 16 yr old needs that expensive of a car! I don't care if you can afford it or not. She didn't earn it and mommy and daddy will be paying for the insurance which probably will be almost as much as the car itself! Get her a nice car that is more reasonable in insurance, etc.

When she has her own job and can pay for a Mercedes, she can buy it herself.
2019-02-28 11:19:15 UTC
I don't believe for one second that someone who has the money to blow on a Mercedes for a spoiled 16 year old is going to go to 10 year olds on YA for advice.
Jerry S
2019-02-28 03:19:57 UTC
I would get a less expensive car for her.
2019-02-28 01:35:45 UTC
Most parents don’t ask strangers before buying their kids things. I recommend you don’t buy Mercedes Benz. My first car was a hand me down with window cranks instead of buttons. Try to teach your daughter to deal with being treated differently (I doubt they will care though).
2019-02-28 01:31:44 UTC
She's going to crash it, are you prepared for the insurance and repairs?
2019-02-27 22:08:57 UTC
I'm with P. I grew up in a wealthy Chicago suburb, and almost nobody I knew got a car at 16. We all survived.
2019-02-27 19:57:00 UTC
If you're worried about how she will be treated, by her a Honda or something.
2019-02-27 19:46:54 UTC
Well it depends on how good of a driver she is and how much you trust her not to crash it and raise your insurance costs. I think to start, give her an older car that you won't care about in the future and then once she gains more experience driving, give her the mercedes. It can be a little extreme to give a new driver a nice car, but once she shows growth in being able to drive, it could be appropriate
2019-03-04 07:26:12 UTC
Get ready for the bill for all the repairs
I care
2019-03-04 02:20:51 UTC
That type of car isn't suitable for a 16 yr. old or not......please teach her better than giving her all at once...…..she needs to learn more responsibilities than this. Mine worked and paid for their own cars, insurance etc. Once when dad's job ended they were right there to keep bills paid and food on our table.....see it works.

It is best working with each all things.
2019-03-03 00:58:06 UTC
M8 really? Like REAAALLLY? A Benz g class for a 16 year old is a bit extreme lol. Clearly you have the money to buy one, but I don’t know why a 16 year old would need such a vehicle. Sure, if she’s passed her driving tests, is a responsible driver and of course you can afford it, fine. Also, no parent in the right mind would use THE INTERNET to take random strangers opinions on your parenting choices, so I can tell your some 10 year old living in Birmingham tyrna act like a rich parent for some reason. Go play fortnite kid.
2019-03-02 17:28:23 UTC
The original Mersades Benz was named after the company owners daughter (Mersadez ) if it's good enough for her then it's good enough for your daughter. The owner, her father, gave her the car.
2019-03-02 16:04:03 UTC
Happy daughter, but as the first car she should rather use a cheap car for learning. The first car should be cheap to maintain, reliable and above all safe.
2019-03-02 01:33:42 UTC
Used car first so she can get used to driving and then do this
2019-03-01 23:56:56 UTC
you gotta be kidding
2019-03-01 12:40:26 UTC
buying a 16 year old car without making them pay for at least half is rude
2019-03-01 05:20:29 UTC
As my mom told me when i was a teen:

"Teenagers do not need fancy cars. We buy you a lamborghini and you crash it who will pay for the damage? Not me and you dont make enough money to pay it. Youll do just fine with a used car" she gave me her 2008 chevy malibu and it worked just as fine as a lambo. Im 21 now and still got the malibu. Your daughter WANTS a mercedes. But doesnt NEED it. Want vs Need. She will do just fine with a used car. If she throws a fit then tell her if she wants the mercedes she will need to buy it with her own money. At 16 mommy and daddy shouldnt be buying her a car. She should have a JOB and get her own car with her own money. I only got my moms USED car because she was already going to buy a new one anyway. I paid for the insurance and any maintanence on it since i was 17 years old. I didnt need her to hold my hand, your daughter shouldnt either.
2019-02-28 22:21:46 UTC
I think she is too young for a fancy car , like that. I think her first car should be a less fancy car
2019-02-28 22:16:00 UTC
No1 needs to buy a fancy car som

of the bst cars on the lot are cheaper

& get a heck mor gas milage p/Gallon.
2019-02-28 19:02:16 UTC
People want alot of things they will never get. If she gets one at this young age she is going to keep expecting more and more and more. Then it will be Your Problem.
2019-02-28 15:50:11 UTC
Do you really want her to be the laughing stock ? Mercs are used as taxis in Germany by the Asian community.... and no self-respecting non-Asian would be seen dead driving one.. they prefer something more classy like a Jaguar
2019-02-28 01:49:06 UTC
Must be nice to be rich.
2019-02-28 00:47:24 UTC
Mercedes Benz for safety reasons yes, but a G class for a 16 year old No.
2019-02-28 00:31:55 UTC
A high-school girl who hasn't yet turned even 16 needs a Mercedes Benz like she needs a hole in the head.

Even if you bought one for her, what good is that fine car going to do her? What's she going to do with it - look at it setting in the driveway?

At 16, she's not old enough to have an unrestricted driver's license that will allow her to drive a car without being accompanied at all times by a licensed parent or a licensed adult next to her in the front seat; so she certainly won't be able to take her friends for a ride or drive it to school or anywhere else by herself.
2019-02-28 00:25:26 UTC
A sixteen year old doesn't need a Mercedes Benz. Buy her a Toyota or Mazda and see how she takes care of a car. If she appears to handle the responsibilities of car ownership well, then buy her an expensive car when she graduates from college.
2019-02-27 23:57:20 UTC
It’s up to you honestly.
2019-02-27 20:02:59 UTC
It's nice that your family has that kinda money ($80k+). You worked hard to earn it. Make her work hard to earn what she wants. She'll appreciate that more, later.
2019-02-27 20:01:05 UTC
Too extreme. It doesn’t matter what she has her eyes on. Show her your good judgment by getting her something more appropriate.
2019-03-02 17:40:07 UTC
no parent should ever buy their kids a car
2019-03-02 16:47:48 UTC
2019-03-02 16:08:08 UTC
my dad bought me a new car at 17 and i totaled it 6 months i would have her test drive your car first for a few months then purchase the car that she wants
2019-03-01 17:52:46 UTC
I wouldn't start out a newly minted teen driver on a new Mercedes. Get her a cheaper used car and tell her that if she's responsible with it that you'll help her get what she wants.
Jason Klajic
2019-03-01 02:46:53 UTC
I’d say yes get her the car if you can, but ASK ABOUT WARRENTY! My first car was a Bmw 5 series and I found myself in such crazy situations because bmw and Mercedes are not reliable but if there’s a warranty then go for it! Our cars are extremely safe and very durable in the event of an accident. They’re very heavy which means they are sturdy. I say GO FOR IT, many people will tell you to get Honda and Toyota but that’s just because they’re more reliable but my thing has always been safety! And Toyota and Honda are just not the more safer options here they’re too light. Congrats To your daughter on her first car!
محمد - نور بروق
2019-02-28 12:33:17 UTC
Hello, I add, advice him.. then he/she... is free while he will pay from his money, where the now no one buy cars, the life is moved, where the person take taxi at the needings forever, and use any appropriated and desired rental a car when he desire by logical symbolic cost each time he/she.. desire... forever..
2019-02-28 04:23:53 UTC
Not sure why you'd get a mercedes benz for a kid that young, but if you think she is a good driver and you think there's little possibility of it getting broken into or stolen, then go for it. In high school, she will suddenly have a bunch of fake friends asking for rides if they didn't know her family was wealthy already. She'll also have people talking behind her back calling her spoiled.
2019-02-27 23:53:23 UTC
A Mercedes-Benz is a STATUS SYMBOL. Let your daughter first demonstrate that she can handle the responsibility of a car, regarding safety, registration, insurance, car upkeep, etc., on a decent second-hand car.

If she whines about that, she is clearly not yet ready for the responsibilities of car ownership, let alone ready for an expensive car. And if she does well, then an expensive car would be a terrific high school graduation or 18th birthday gift 👍

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.