They are pissed at my husband and I right now. The current issue is that we were planning on going there tomorrow (they live an hour away), but my MIL said that they were planning to come to our house on Friday instead and I would be making dinner for everyone. After I bought groceries, my husband was talking to my FIL and suddenly (and typically of them) they were not sure when and even if they were coming. This didn't make me happy and I was not holding back all that much and pushing for an answer and my FIL could hear me and was very upset by what I said. Husband talks to his mom, gets chewed out, apparently our plans were only tentative (to them, not me) and she made the comment that they can't ever see their grand daughter unless it is planned. I like plans, they refuse to plan anything until the moment it happens. So, besides keeping my mouth shut- how do you resolve this? They see no problem showing up at my house and I want plans and pre-warning. How can I see this from their perspective, because I don't at all.