Try to think of him, right now. Im a kid and most kids i kow who have guitars,sing, and a drumset arent really good at any of them. . . To tell the truth they SUCK!!! If your sons as good as you say then try to encourage him, but try not to fill his head with fantasies of being a rockstar cause theirs a small chance of him being one. . .
As for his grades, again encourage him, but try not to pick on him about it, I hate it when my parents do when I miss one assignment and they act like the worlds going to end. Is he working hard in school? Look at his grades. Is it just one class hes not doing his homework in or all of them?
Hes 12 right?????? He sounds like a skateboarder at my school, Gabriel. Skateboarding, gets in trouble by the cops and at school (but thats only because he skateboards at store parkinglots), doesnt do his homework because hes busy skateboarding!! Maybe its the skateboarding, have you asked him to show you his moves?It would show him that your interested in his life.If hes good feel for him, if hes bad tell him to keep on practicing and that he'll get better, but try not to act like a know it all. Bond with him. try to listen to his music, if you both like a song tell him, lying wont help. Listen to him while hes playing the guitar/drums, if hes good tell him what you think, try not to be negative. If he offers to teach you tell him you wouldnt be as good as him(in your own version) but you would try to learn (if your willing to, its good to try to understand him;flattery). Try to encourage him to sing it might let his feelings out, listen to his songs. What are they about? If your like them tell him, embrace him. Do things with him that hes into.
When you bond with your child the right way then he or she might understand you more and you might understand him or her more. If you try to bond but by doing things hes not into, it just might end up being a disaster and he might not look at you as someone worth bonding with anymore.
Once you've accomplished a strong/tight bond you just might be able to talk with him about is personal life (many parents make the mistake of rushing into problems and trying to fix them when they dont know their child very well, no im not saying you dont know your own child you just need to understand him better... sorry). Try not to rush it, ask him in a calm/understanding voice why he isnt doing his homework, try not to get frustated with him or that might ruin your bond. Understand him, if he needs help, help him, if doesnt want help, respect that. But tell him that education is very important to life, and that he needs it, but again try to be very calm and understanding, listen to his voice and what he says. If he agrees that he'll work on his schoolwork then thats good, if he says something like "I can't" or "My teachers out to get me" then talk to him about it. Be nice and very persuasive about this, ask him if he wants to have conference with his teacher about his grades, if he says no then tell him okay(please no begging), but if you really want him to improve on his grades then you can go behind his back and have a conference with the teacher(s) and tell them that you dont want your son to find out cause then that might ruin your bond, they'll understand. Thats a LAST reserve, that I dont recomemend cause what if he finds out??????You'll be destroying your relationship with him. . .
Hes 12 hes only a child, right? He just might be in that rebel period(usaully around 12 to 14), when he doesnt listen to adults, and wants everything his way. Dont worry it might end if you let him do what he does, but add some rules to it. Please dont rush him hes just a kid.
Does he have any older siblings? That might help him out.
Are you a single parent, a father might do him good? But if you are dont think he needs one; dont go out and date some guy(stranger) cause that might hurt your bond. :(
Are you a first time parent??
Do you have anything in common? A hobbie? A favorite food? A favorite tv show(for me and my parents "moonlight" and "ghostwhisperer") If you dont. Ask him if he wants to do anything?
A sweater vest just might not be his style. Sometimes kids might get picked on by the way they dress.
I hope you two improve on your relationship, best of luck.