Did I go too far?
2014-10-05 20:55:56 UTC
I have a seventeen year old daughter. She gets good grades. I've told her sex is strictly forbidden until she is married. Masturbation is a very shameful thing in my home. Just recently I found out that she had been sleeping with a boy. I found her diary open and upside down Friday morning on her bedroom floor as I was setting her laundry in her room and picked it up. I read something that caught my eye and that's what I read. I was furious. When she came home from school I grabbed her diary and made her tell me what she had been doing. She started to say it wasn't hers and I lost it. I started tearing pages out of her diary and smacked her hard across the face. I completely lost it. My daughter hasn't spoken a word since Friday afternoon. All she has done was lay on her bed. Is what I did too much? I do, however, refuse to apologize until she apologizes for being a filthy whore.
156 answers:
2014-10-07 13:36:59 UTC
You know what I don't get? Why did you ask a question when it is obvious from your attitude that you only want to be told what you want to hear? I noticed your answers to one person's comments, so yeah. Well I'm going to tell you what I think anyway. If I had been your daughter, I would have either hit you back or filed a police report and taken everything you have as soon as I turned eighteen. I have parents that, while they aren't over controlling in this regard, they are over controlling in other regards. They're just lucky I don't have the heart to kill. I've already decided that once I am able to move out, I will do so, and I probably will take a break for at least a year from seeing my parents. In your case, it may be forever. When she has children, she may even decide you will never know your grandchildren. If that happens, then I have to say, you deserve everything you get. By the way, I'm a Christian, and I suspect you are too, only you're one of those overly religious prudes who knows nothing about grace. If so, I feel sorry for you. Go learn from the example of Jesus in John 8 when He spoke to the adulterous woman. Maybe you might learn a few things other than having a judgmental attitude. Calling your own daughter a filthy whore...shame on you!! Just remember, sin is sin, and your sins are no worse or better than anyone else's. You may want to get yours straightened out before you worry about your daughter's or anyone else's. Good day!
2014-10-07 16:03:20 UTC
Let's put aside religious beliefs and such for one moment. This is your daughter, your child and from the sound of her reaction to your 'outburst' she is now currently debating with herself whether you are worth being part of her life or not. That's right, because in a few years time she'll be out of the house and then you may never see her again if you keep this up. Teenagers at this time are trying to 'find themselves' and she's almost a grown woman. She may have lied about the diary to spare your feelings or told you the truth but either way you've left quite the impression on her that will affect your relationship from here on out.

Apologise to her, love her, respect her and learn that not everything will go to according to YOUR plan, she is growing up and being her own woman. AND DON'T YOU DARE EVER DO THAT AGAIN, you are a mother don't be the monster she will see you to be.

Food for thought: the Virgin Mary had a kid with God/The Holy Spirit while married to Joseph and no one calls her an adulterous, so what right do you have to call your child a 'filthy whore'?
2014-10-06 19:52:07 UTC
I can really understand your anger and hurt. I can understand because I can out myself in other people's places in things like this, but this will not teach her a lesson. I would not have ripped the diary up in her face like that. I think I would have had to not be home for a while, because I would not want to see her at that moment. You needed to first let yourself calm down and think before the act. You love her and that is why you are so angry right? So, how will she see that if you are slapping her around at 17??? If she was 13, 14 and 15, bit not 17. She's almost a ground young women. To show her that you care, cannot be so harsh. Not at 17. Now, I would not apologize to her for everything.

My opinion, I would tell her, I didn't mean to rip up the diary or slap you because you are a young ground young women, but I just don't want to see you mess up your life. Let her know you are trying to keep her clean. If she keeps this attitude up, she will just run to the boy even more,. Don't let this happen. It's not your fault she left the diary open on the floor. It's good you looked i it because she is having sex with a boy. That's not good at all. Just try not to apologize for things you should have done, like get angry and excited. Let her cool down for a while. Be smooth about it. I wish you the best.
2014-10-06 20:37:56 UTC
Yes, you went too far. I'm not going to repeat what most of the comments are saying, but I will say this:

If you want to control someone, you must make them believe that they have a choice. Christians have a choice between Hell and Heaven. Because they have a choice, most believe it is their own will (unless you're a Calvinist, in which case, you can ignore this) brings them to God. It is what priests do: they give you a choice and gentle encouragement, information, of why one choice is better.

Children need an outlet, or else you set up a system where any crack in your iron grip can create a massive upheaval of power, like what happened in the Salem Witch Trials. I would suggest reading the Crucible by Arthur Miller to really understand, but the point is that the children and people there used their power of accusation as a sort of outlet. It was suddenly holy and right to confess that you adulturized, if you said that a witch made you do it.

Anyway, I disagree with your way of life, and I say it's unhealthy to never speak of a very basic human characteristic (in fact, I think it's stupid most people are still squeamish when speaking about sex. It's just a normal biological act, jeez). I wouldn't be surprised if your daughter never spoke to you again, and I wouldn't be surprised if she called you sexist for calling upon such names as "filthy whore." As for her diary, besides being a major faux pas on her privacy, have you no thought of the future? Have you no thought that someone at one point will want to read diaries to find lessons within?
2014-10-08 02:16:42 UTC
What a F*CKING HARD A$$ MAN, if you keep this up

she'll run off and maybe be a porn star the second she turns

18, because that's what I would do if I was her.. And being a coinsurer of the pornographic arts, I'll sure as hell be waiting to see THAT, you $HIT HEAD..

The girl's growing up, and although you may not like it she will lead her own life because it's hers do make the most of or to destroy through drugs, sex, or promiscuity as she sees fit..

I got a daughter who turned 18 a few years back when she came to me with all kinds of questions about what to expect when it was time for her to go out into the world.. We sat down and had a nice long calm talk about her options and that what ever she wanted to do, I'll back her up 100% and be there if she needed me.. After five years she's now a nurses aid/med-tech who's studying to be a RN.. I couldn't be more proud of her..

I have never interfered with her personal life what so ever as it is NONE OF MY BUSINESS..

I told her when she turned 15 and wanted to start dating that her personal life was her business.. And if she wanted to be a rug muncher that was her business..

I've tried to EDUCATE her as much as possible about all the pitfalls and the responsibilities of having a personal life.. Then I gave her a hug and a peck on the cheek and crossed my fingers that she would make the right choices which are HERS to make NOT MINE, OR YOURS.......
2014-10-07 07:00:03 UTC

I understand how you feel. Being a mother, protecting our children is one of the tasks we can never let go no matter how old they are. We would give our lives just for them to have a beautiful life. I know you might be scared and i know that you're just trying to protect her. In my own opinion, what you did was part of you being a mother. What you did was right. However, being in a world where everything evolves almost everyday, its no surprise that at a young age of 14, women get pregnant. I dont mean to scare you but that's what it is today.

If you would ask me for my own opinion, Yes. What you did was right. But then, we also have to open our eyes to what really is happening. I think you do not have to apologize for getting mad. You only wanted to protect her and you always will do that as a mother. The only thing i may take note is, privacy. We all want some privacy. Teenagers nowadays take privacy as something really sacred. It would be wrong that you snooped around her stuff eventhough you are her mother. Ripping it apart, i guess only made things worse. A teenager myself once, I also had a diary that i tell evrything to. Those things that we cannot tell our parents yet. Our frustrations. i mean, everything.

Let the storm calm, and maybe you two can talk. you dont have to apologize but you only have to make her understand everything. you cant stop her from having sex. i dont think that would even happen. Just guide her. it may be too hard for you to take but if you try to hold her down, evrything will get worse. I think you have to become her friend. That;s what most teens are looking for especially during times like these. we believe what we want to believe and when people get in our way, we think that they dont understand us.

Talking to hera bout evrything would eventually make things easier. I hope you'll be able to oversome this.

Good luck!
2014-10-06 14:46:19 UTC
I'm sorry you guys are going through this unfortunate situation. When our kids make poor choices it can be pretty devastating. I know you were upset with her, but it sounds like you let your anger get the best of you and probably didn't make the best decision.

Others have answered your question very well. I've seen this scenario play out many times in many different families. If you're not careful, you may lose your daughter forever. She needs to know that you love her in spite of her poor decisions.

You made the statement that you will not apologize until she apologizes first. Let me encourage you to change that way of thinking. If you will take the iniative and sit down with her, I think you will find that she will open up to you and trust can be re-established.

Focus on the Family has a series of articles entitled "Sticking with Your Teen" - It might be a good idea to take a look at those. Hope that helps. Good luck!
2014-10-07 07:57:45 UTC
Being a 16 year old who last year was called a filthy whore and had never had sex. Yes you did go too far, way too far Id been called that for 2 years and it took me a while to get my confidence back up. I dated guys that were bad for me just to feel wanted. I didnt keep a diary because I felt like my privacy would be invaded.. Like you did here, when you found her diary you should have just left it there. The more you tell her she cant do something the more she will want to do it. As long as shes having safe sex even though you guys see it as wrong she should be okay. Put her on birth control, not to show her its okay to have sex but to teach her there are consequences to having sex, she could have a baby and it would ruin her life right now. If she is smart the least you could do is apologize, not call her a filthy whore, love her for being your daughter and make sure she is not going to end up pregnant if you cant keep her from having sex.
2014-10-08 18:24:25 UTC
YOU WENT WAY TOO FAR!!! Wow! That is the most terrible thing I have ever heard. I can't believe you would call your daughter a *filthy whore*. TIMES HAVE CHANGED!!! I don't even have the words to express how wrong you acted and all those rules and now you are just gonna lock away your daughter??? How is that any different from being locked up in jail? If you keep your daughter from the world, how is she ever suppose to be able to experience things and learn things about the real world. You are the worst parent I have heard of. I can only imagine what you would do if she was gay. Such old beliefs!!! O.o I thought we live in the 21st century, apparently not all of us. You are no different from those Indian parents who give their daughters to marry some old guy, because of their religion and beliefs. I hope for your sake you will learn how to get rid of your pride and apologize, but it wouldn't matter anyways, because you will probably never be forgiven.

If I was your daughter I would definitely run away from you. There is nothing to go back to anyways you love your pride more than your daughter and I hope to god you will get what's coming to you. Ever heard of something called unconditional love and forgiveness?? The damage has been done. I will pray for your daughter to find peace and happiness in her life, because you most certainly are gonna be the black hole in her past and she will have nightmares destroying what's left of her teenage years. There is no such thing as a bad child, only a bad parent that treats their child wrong and then that child is gonna be messed up for life. The damage has been done. #YOLO and life is too short to not live it to the fullest.
2014-10-07 13:57:57 UTC
Quit being an uptight ****. Seriously, most people have by the time they're 14 or 15. Teaching them it's a terrible thing until marriage is the worst thing you could possibly do. It makes them think it's a terrible thing for having human urges. We're just ******* animals and that's what animals do. She's 17, she can have sex with whoever she wants. It doesn't make her a whore and by telling her that you're brainwashing her into thinking she's a terrible person for being human. You're a ******* piece of **** and shouldn't have been allowed to reproduce. Get ****** and die, ****. I guarentee if you keep this **** up, when she turns 18 she's NOT going to have you as a part of her life. Which I wouldn't blame her, if you were my parent I'd smack the living **** out of you.
Mama Mia
2014-10-06 20:54:33 UTC
I think if you want to see your daughter once she turns 18, you better go and talk to her. Calm yourself down and get realistic about what your situation is. She has not followed your rules, but I am willing to bet that you didn't follow every rule your parents set for you either when you were 17. You were wrong to call her a whore. Apologize for coming unglued. Yes, she started having sex with a boy, but she probably thinks she is in love, and he may or may not believe that too. She isn't a whore if she isn't spreading her legs for numerous guys or selling her wares on the street. You are supposed to be the adult in this, and probably, on some level she wanted you to know this was happening, or she wouldn't have written it down or left it for you to accidently find. You can turn this around, or lose your daughter , so you decide what is really important. She needs to know you disapprove, but she also needs to know you still love her, she is special and precious to you, and that you are sorry for being hysterical over something that she plainly was trying to let you know without actually saying the words. Forbidding her from seeing this boy, or having sex is going to backfire. the horse is already out of the barn.
2014-10-06 08:47:39 UTC
Yes you went to far. Go and tell your daughter you are sorry and Give her some credit to be able to live a little bit of her life, without you tearing up her diary, and being so stern with her. She will really leave your house when she is of age quick fast and in a hurry if you don't tell her you are sorry for the things you have done to her. Try real hard to check your self from losing control of your bad temper- so you and your daughter can start all over again and get along much better. It is not to late -to make up and become a nicer mom to her. Good Luck
2014-10-06 15:30:46 UTC
Yes, you took it too far....

1.) Even in a religious household, a teenager needs to be told about sex in a rational, non-judgmental way. Severe mental hang-ups can manifest due to being taught that sex and masturbation is a disgusting thing, because it's a natural part of the human psyche. I am not religious, but I have a few religious friends... One of them was taught the same way you taught you're daughter and she ended up pregnant at 14 years old. Another one was told about sex in a rational way, but was calmly told that it was best to wait until marriage. She didn't wait until marriage, and her parents still love and respect her. If you screw kids up about sex, they may have issues through out their lives...

2.) You didn't give her an outlet when it came to discussions about her sexuality. When you act like your home is off limits to any form of conversation about sex and masturbation, kids will find another outlet. Some kids ask other parents, some kids do their own research, some kids ask their friends, and some kids just go out and do it.

3.) Everyone is sexually driven, even the most up-tight human beings. It's a part of our biology and psychology. Trying to suppress it is unhealthy. And masturbation is a safe way of understanding your sexuality without getting pregnant or losing your virginity.

4.) You should not have read your child's diary. That is a huge invasion of trust. I wouldn't trust you again if I was her, or at least that trust wouldn't return until I was an older adult and able to forgive you for your transgression.

5.) You should never hit ANYONE unless it's for reasons of self defense of yourself or others. Physical abuse is never productive in a relationship or family unit.

6.) Filthy whore? You'd call your own child that? Even if you don't agree with masturbation, or out of marriage sex, that's taking it way too far.
2014-10-08 14:23:10 UTC
Yes you obviously went to far there, she's SEVENTEEN, experts say that that's the right age for a teenager to start his/her sex life! I know it's hard but you will have to let go her sometime, also you told her that sex is forbidden until she is married, that's not right either we aren't living in a cage and sometime we have to break up from the daily routine and experience other stuff aswell, thus she will no longer be under your autority from 18 (or 21 if in America) age.

Slap her ? Yes you took it way to far for something that's normal at her age.
2014-10-09 09:39:42 UTC
You went too far. WAY too far.

And to call your daughter a filthy whore? What were you thinking? Sorry, I just couldn't believe this post when I read it.

How was your life? Did you make mistakes? Take into consideration that people make mistakes, and no one is perfect. The way you react to your daughters mistakes are going to effect her in the long run, and effect how she feels about you.

Look at it this way. What's done is done, so how are you going to handle it? Maybe try sitting your daughter down and asking her why, be nice to her. Make yourself approachable or else your daughter is going to have no one to look up to and will keep making mistakes. Approaching problems with hate/anger/negativity is going to get you no where, except for bring your soul down. I wouldn't talk to you either if you were my mother, until I received a sincere apology.
2014-10-07 16:14:54 UTC
Parent(s) your heart is in the right spot for your daughter but please live in the real world. Keep your position but keep an open mind. Most kids are going to have sex and some and some way more than others. Put your girls on birth control and give them access to condoms. Boys are pigs most of the time when it comes to sex. No STD'S for your daughters. It sounds like condoning the behavior but it's just making sure your daughter is prepared when you are not around. PS stay out of the diary it's private.
2014-10-09 14:14:48 UTC
You went way too far. But I don't want to yell at you or dwell on how wrong you were, I'd rather try to help you and encourage you to handle things differently in the future. I'm sure you were absolutely furious after reading her diary, but instead of blowing up at her you should have had a conversation with her about it. I know that sounds unrealistic, but its ur job as a parent to guide her to being a good, productive person; instead you control and JUDGE her; which WILL backfire, i guarantee it. You know what would have worked better than slapping her, calling her names and ripping up her diary? Telling her you're disappointed in her. Simple as that. If you could have controlled your anger and just said "i'm so disappointed in you", she probably would have apologized and begged for forgiveness right there. And you would still be in the "power" position you obviously crave (which is messed up btw). As for the diary, yes, you ripped up the terrible sexual encounter she had, but you also ripped up every moment she deemed important enough to write down. Those pages held things she wanted to cherish and remember for years to come, and you selfishly took that away from her. Shame on you. Honestly I'm so appalled by ur behavior that im having a hard time keeping my thoughts straight. as for the slap and "filthy whore" comment... You can't hit a child these days. I totally support a swat on the *** every once in awhile when ur CHILD gets out of hand but you do not SLAP a teenager (i mean she's almost an adult!). And there is NEVER an excuse for calling your own child any name, let alone "whore"! She is not a whore by any means. I'm not saying it's right, but kids these days start exploring sexuality at a much younger age. Ur daughter slept with 1 guy; I'd say you got off pretty lucky.

If i were you I'd start thinking of ways to apologize to her, because idk if she's gonna get over this one. Buy her a car, tell her your sorry and start kissing her ***, otherwise you might lose her forever.
2014-10-09 18:25:13 UTC
Yes you went too far. Taking away her public schooling? For online courses? Are you kidding me? No offense, but good luck to your daughter getting into a good college with those kind of credits. Also hitting her? I don't care if it was one time, that is still child abuse. You did a complete full invasion of her privacy as well. Sounds like you also can't be wrong. That makes you a very ignorant person. How could you call your own daughter a filthy whore? And dirt? The reason she rebelled the way she did is because you are controlling. If you were a good mother, your daughter would have told you herself if she had had sex or not.
2014-10-05 23:06:30 UTC
She is 17. Like all teens, she has sexual feelings. But you have made it impossible for her to learn how to control them in a normal, healthy way. You have problems with masturbation, you clearly are not capable of having mature conversations with her to teach her about how to deal with sexual feelings and make good decisions... Now you're surprised she has gone out and had sex?

You created an atmosphere where she had no way of dealing with her normal feelings. She obviously couldn't talk to you, you made her feel that masturbation is bad. Because you made her feel that anything sexual is bad, she probably decided that once she did ANYTHING sexual, she was a bad person, so why not go all the way. This is usually what happens to kids in households where parents are weird and shaming about sex.

YOU created this situation. Now you've assaulted her and have continued to say nasty, damaging things about sex that will probably mess her up further. You're lucky not to be getting a visit from the police about the assault.

You are obviously not equipped to deal with this situation. I usually don't advise counseling because it is expensive and hard to find good counselors, but you need it to avoid damaging your daughter or your relationship with her any further. Start by going to her school and asking if someone there can recommend a family counselor. Because of your violence and awful comments, a professional needs to keep an eye on any conversation you have with your daughter. You need to talk about good and bad decisions as far as sex or get someone else to do it.
2014-10-10 00:38:14 UTC
You have gone way too far... My god, calling your own daughter a filthy whore? Shame on you. Nothing in this world is going to stop her from doing something everyone does. She's young, I understand you have religious beliefs, but oh my gosh no... No, no... You don't treat your daughter that way. Slapping her, taking her out of public school, and calling her names is completely unnecessary. You call yourself a mother? The way she is acting is a sign. Anything could be going through her mind right now, and you'd feel very very guilty if you woke up one morning and she was no longer with you. How did she get here in this world? That's right, sex. I don't want to hear no bullshit like you followed the rules, because you didn't and just about anyone can agree with me. No one follows every rule. Plain and simple. This is probably the most outrageous thing I've read in a while! I'm assuming she lost her virginity to this young man, and if that's the case pulling her away from him isn't the right thing to do. I can tell you from experience that you get very attached to someone when you lose your virginity to them, I guarantee you that your daughter is broken hearted, and defiantly hurt. You need to lighten the **** up, what the hell is wrong with you?
2014-10-10 05:01:04 UTC
"She agrees on what I call her, no matter what." You have forced her to a point where she is very very hurt and now thinks that it isn't worth explaining it to you or arguing with you or even talking about it with you. She doesn't consider you worth anything. You are her mother. you are supposed to love her no matter what wrong she does. You did wrong and you should apologize if you don't want to loose her forever. She slept with a boy that's certainly wrong but that was all because of you. Instead of telling her how forbidden sex is you could have told her how important a girl's dignity is or what are the prons and cons of having sex at this age or without marriage and how the world out there is not trustworthy enough and that too in a respectful tone and affectionate manner. You should have guided her to the right path not forced her into it without letting her use her own brains on what is wrong and what is right. If i ask a kid to not touch the fire without explaining him properly that it is harmful and can hurt, will the kid just stop touching it? No, i'll have to tell him/her that its hot and it can burn and eventually hurt him. You dont tell the kids what is wrong or right, instead you ought to tell them what makes things right and what makes them wrong. you cant enforce you should only suggest. And I dont think she agrees to what you call her, she just doesn't give a **** what you think about her. May be she calls you a whore behind you and that's normal because that is what kids or teenagers do. Calling your teenager daughter a whore is truly a parenting failure. What a shame. I'd never call my daughter a whore even if i knew she were. You should hug her and tell her that this thing will spoil her life. She is just a teenager and does not deserve this attitude. Every teenage girl is tempted towards such things. It is the tender love and care of a mother that protects her from such things. In your relationship as you mention how you talk and act towards her, i dont see any tenderness, there is only rigidness. Talk to her nicely and tell her that you are worried for her because you love her and she does deserve an apology from you not because you should be sorry but because she is respectful and this will make her think that you really love her. In short, try acting more like a mother than a step-mother. you have already messed up with your relationship now try to fix what you did wrong keeping aside your ego. A mother has no ego but only love and protection for her children . Have you ever thought who will protect her from you, her mother? If she is lucky, she may find someone who will embrace her even though her mother did her wrong. But if she is not fortunate, what will happen of her? and your inappropriate parenting plans will be responsible for any further short comings.
2014-10-06 12:09:15 UTC
Well dear, however angry I have been at any of my children I have never called them a 'filthy whore' or anything similar. You're SUPPOSED to be the adult; but you behaved in a disgusting fashion.

So -- your daughter is having sexual relations with her bf. Yes, it's wrong -- BUT IT'S ALREADY HAPPENED. So, my suggestion is to apologize to her, tell her that you should never have gone crazy; and suggest that it is obviously time for her to go on birth control pills.

I say that because she is NOT going to stop having sex with her BF, and it's best that she be on birth control otherwise she could find herself in the family way; and judging from your behavior, she'd probably be tossed out in the street with her belongings.
2014-10-07 03:25:09 UTC
Um, you're an awful human being. You slapped your daughter across the face with a freaking diary? People say that slapping isn't child abuse, it's just discipline, but you are just a controlling, abusive person and its people like you who are screwing up the world. Your daughter is not a filthy wh**e, she is a natural, hormonal teenage girl you monster!
2014-10-05 23:57:52 UTC
o. o This is just a rhytm for never hearing from your daughter when she's able to move out.

Good luck picking up those broken pieces.

You did everything wrong, you read a private diary.

and you kind of forced your religion down her throat.

That's on you.
2014-10-10 14:36:51 UTC
You know what? I always thought waiting ‘til marriage was the right thing to do too, but lately I’ve been thinking, once you have sex you could get divorced a week later, and then waiting wouldn’t even matter. Now I think if it’s someone you love its okay. I’m not saying if you have a crush when you’re fourteen and you want to see what sex is like then go right ahead, but maybe it was your being a f*cking horrible parent that made her upset and want attention from a boy. You absolutely went way too far. And you took her door off? Really? Is she going to invite him over at her house? Your poor daughter better get the f*ck out of your house of hell ASAP. A parent’s job is to love and take care of their children, not beat them when they do something they don’t like! I’m not going to cuss you out because if I did that I would be sinking to your pathetic level. Honestly what did you expect me to say? “No you didn’t go too far you’re an awesome parent that little slut should burn!” Even if she did something terrible, you would be no better than her for calling her dirt.

1: You smack your daughter

2: You take off her door

3: You breathe down her neck

4: You treat her like she’s five and call her a filthy whore

I feel bad for your poor daughter.
2014-10-05 22:07:05 UTC
Yes you did,you took it way too far.

1st you shouldn't have ripped up her diary, she keeps track of things in there... my mother has dairy's from when she was a kid, and loves them. You just took that away from her.

2nd YOU SLAPPED HER that's some bad parenting RIGHT THERE it doesn't matter what she did, you cant just abuse her.

3rd Your daughter like it or not has her own personal needs, and if that is one of them so be it. Yes she shouldn't be, so you can punish her for it, but not like that.

NOW go apologize for what you did, because you didst just over react and take it to far, you damaged your daughter emotionally. If you don't apologize first, say byee when she turns 18. Because she WILL remember what you did.
2014-10-07 00:32:10 UTC
you're a mother, you should be there for her at a time like this. the reason why she hid it from you ( supposing she did sleep with the guy) is because she's scared of your reaction, and well she was proven right cause you did react harshly. i made a mistake too and mum made me break up with my boyfriend. she shouldve helped me through the situation cause he was my first true love and therefore my first boyfriend, and that break up was just so tough on me, but i had no one there. that was the time when i needed her the most but she was the one against it. mothers are supposed to be there for their daughters. yes, you are harsh to tell her no sex before marriage, not that its not a good rule to have, it so is because thats what i go with too, but if she loved him so much and he loved her too, i think you shouldve just accepted that, and reacted in a more calmly manner. please recognise your mistake and be there for your daughter. how would you have felt if that was you and your mum?? it must be really hard for your daughter right now,and she needs you a lot right now. be ther for her. be the wise one and apologise for being so hard on her. im sure she must have a good explanation behind all this. good luck :)
2014-10-06 21:34:31 UTC
You did what my mother did. It is so wrong. We stop talking to each other after the same problem, now I'm 33, we haven't talk to each other ever sense, and is not gonna happen in any future. Kids now day are having sex at a very early age, girls are expose to sex every day all day, so they gonna have sex behind you back sooner or later. My advice is now that you know she's having sex and is gonna continuing doing it not matter what you said and how much you control every minute of her life, is that you should talk to her and explains her the risks of having sex, pregnancy, infections, and stds, you may not be comfortable to talk about all that so openly, so tell her you can help her to get some information on You Tube. Prohibited her to have sex, you don't have to be one of those mom that buys comdons for their kids, but at least make sure she have better information about sex. You don't want her to get pregnant so young. But you can't control her either.
2014-10-07 05:43:30 UTC
I am 17 myself, I can see your concern as a parent but doing what you did is wrong. You need to set an example for your daughter, not make her feel ashamed of herself or her sexuality. Had you been my dad, You probably wouldn't have the ability to ask for advice. Domestic violence can go both ways, just hope your daughter doesn't figure that out.
2014-10-09 20:23:03 UTC
Yes you certainly took it way to far. She is a teenager! Teens mess up sometimes. Anyway, it is her life and she should be able to do whatever she wants to do with it. You putting restrictions on her only made her want to break the rules even more. And you snooping through her stuff, taking away her privacy, and slapping her across the face makes you a very cruel mother. How dare you treat a person like that. If I was her I would get a restraining order.
2014-10-10 10:50:30 UTC

First of all, shes 17. You need to give her a little bit of space.

I mean in this day and age, no one waits till marriage to have sex. With that being said, do i think girls/guys should whore themselves around. No.

But, a young girl her age, needs to experience things on her own. An by you shunning her, and taking things away. Shes only gonna rebel.

So if you wish to see your daughter after the day she turns 18. Go apologize. Tell her you wont go threw any of belongings ever again. And move on with your life.

Try and bond with your daughter.

Because we don't live forever. You should love and cherish every moment you get to have with her.
2014-10-08 16:05:04 UTC
Your'e a f-cking mad woman is what you are. If you never let her leave, never let her see any friends, shes gonna f-cking hate you, and rightfully so. She's gonna pick up on other bad habits to deal with the pain of you ruining her life.

Seriously, you shouldn't have had kids if you can't handle them.
2014-10-09 12:51:13 UTC
WOW, you are making it so your daughter will never want to see you again after she turns 18. Isn't your relationship with her more important than you religious beliefs, because you are setting her up to rebel your ****. This is horrible, I feel sorry for your daughter, have you told her that you love her and you feel that her innocents has been taken away and it makes you feel bad, that probably would have been a better way to approach it, rather than, slapping her in the face, taking away all of her privacy, friends, reasons to want to live, and calling her a dirty whore. I just can't get over this, tell her your views and why you feel that way, but she is her own person and free to make her own choices whether or not you agree with them, those are your beliefs, are they hers? Your the kind of mother that makes kids run away and not want to live anymore.
2014-10-06 10:35:24 UTC
It will be ok.. :) To far yes. It is understandable to be upset and angry one should reason with a child calling her a filthy whore is only going to drive her away from you and she will not talk you about anything. It is great and commendable you are raising her to have morals and clean values and standards. Parenting is hard for anyone. She may have lost her way and needs your guidance and understanding about her feelings. Being patient is the best way for communication. Teenagers have it rough they are developing into another phase and with puberty and emotions running high they can be lost at times which leads to them being misunderstood. You love your daughter and just want to protect her which is admirable! :)

Talk with her lovingly and ask her what led up to her sexual activity then encourage her to value herself and save sex for marriage as you have, she does not want to be with someone who does not value marriage or her. Because 1 that is what

God Jehovah being his name Psalms 83:18 stated sex should be between the husband and wife. Hebrews 13:4-Let marriage be honorable among all, and let the marriage bed be without defilement, for God will judge sexually immoral people and adulterers. Let her see for herself as you show her the way our Creator Jehovah God made us and how he wants us to live.

encouraging information go to

Bible Teachings then Teenagers- Sex, Morals, and Love

What if I'm Being Pressured to Have Sex?

How Can I Keep My Mind Off Sex?

Am I Ready to Date?

Am I Ready for Marriage?

download options to phone and computer

There are many topics you may choose even ones for white board animations on bullying, how to choose the right friends and being smart and safe when using a social network.

You will be ok just talk to your daughter and say a prayer first on how to approach the situation, Jehovah God hears you

Psalms 65:2 and loves and cares for you all very much!!!

1 Peter 5:7 :)
2014-10-10 09:49:11 UTC
Arek Kauthe goes too far
2014-10-07 00:27:47 UTC
You can't forbid people for doing natural things, she isn't you she is her own person and its not wrong to be her own person a parent you should be the person she feels safest with and can be honest and her truthful self with or eventually she just won't be in your life at all
2014-10-12 17:36:18 UTC
completely lost it. My daughter hasn't spoken a word since Friday afternoon. All she has done was lay on her bed. Is what I did too much? I do, however, refuse to apologize until she apologizes for being a filthy whore.

Update : I haven't apologized and I won't. To me my daughter is dirt. But, she's been fine. Quiet and not doing much, but fine. I found out who the boy was and she is no longer allowed to see him. By the end of her fall break she will be doing online schooling and no longer pu
2014-10-11 20:47:37 UTC
Sex is forbidden until she's married.... well that's your take on it, but she will be 18 soon, and likely is at the age of consent in your State right now. It's not your decision whether your daughter has sex or not... .if you don't want her having sex in your home, then let it be known. It's her life, her body, her choices. Hopefully she will be making sensible ones. And at 17 years old, we are sexual creatures.

Masturbation - it's not a crime, it's a natural act and it's common to humans as well as many species of animal, from egg layers to mammals.

You are trying to fight nature and also giving your daughter the message that the natural, sexual nature of the human is vile. It's not. We are basically sexual creatures. Maybe live your life as you see fit (frigid, non-sexual) and let the rest of the world conduct their sex lives as they wish.
2014-10-07 00:05:34 UTC
If you were my parent, I would probably suicide, or run away.

Your daughter is seventeen, she isn't a child, and she is above the legal age for sex.

Masturbation is perfectly normal, she is a teenager, she obviously would have sexual feelings.
2014-10-10 12:18:53 UTC
Yes you DID go to far !

Not only that, you are a terrible parent and don't understand females.

Sorry, but you need to attend parenting classes.
2014-10-08 14:52:14 UTC
I'm just hoping for humanity's sake that you're a troll.
2014-10-10 02:37:55 UTC
Wow, waaaayyyy too far!!! My mum and i are literally like best friends and she was quite hard on me when i was young, but that? you literally have zero chance of having any kind of a relationship with your daughter if you are going to be treating her like that. shes seventeen. i'm sorry but i am so glad i didn't grow up with a mother like you. She will never come to you for advice. Shame on you...
2014-10-12 17:30:54 UTC
w a nurses aid/med-tech who's studying to be a RN.. I couldn't be more proud of her..

I have never interfered with her personal life what so ever as it is NONE OF MY BUSINESS..

I told her when she turned 15 and wanted to start dating that her personal life was her business.. And if she wanted to be a rug muncher that was her business..

I've tried to EDUCATE her as much as possible about all the pitfalls and the responsibilities of having a personal life.. Then I gave her a hug and a peck on the cheek and crossed my fingers that she would make the right choices which are HERS to make NOT MINE, OR YOURS.......
Esme Molina
2014-10-05 21:00:36 UTC
Yup i think you took it to far honestly maybe she did that because you were to strict and maybe she dosent trust you for that reason i complety understand her! Im also a 17 year old.girl but i havent had sex but yeah took it to far women! Need to calm down bc next thing you know once shes 18 you wont hear from her if you keep doing that smh😒
2014-10-07 22:39:13 UTC
Wow , you sound like my mother. What you did to her was abuse. I feel so sorry for your daughter. Your actions will haunt her. Are you mad because you don't have the control you thought you had over her so you feel the need to attack your daughter? I feel so very sorry you are her mother, poor girl.
2014-10-09 13:01:01 UTC
Sounds like you are abusive. You should be ashamed of yourself. Just FYI, if you want to ever have a relationship with your daughter or your future grandchildren I recommend you take a hard look at yourself and see a therapist. You call her filth and a whore. Well I call you abusive and mean.
2014-10-09 20:12:45 UTC
if i were her i would never apologize and as soon as i left the house i would never ever talk to u, not even go to ur funeral i'm sorry, but that's messed up. You really went too far!
2014-10-08 15:22:26 UTC
I'm afraid you messed up your relationship with your daughter.
2014-10-08 10:35:26 UTC
Didn't I see this on one of those bad afternoon school specials?
2014-10-07 05:14:11 UTC
you went to far u should have confronted her in a better way. smacking her really be a mother and apologize and explain why u did what u did and that u were just trying to protect her from harm and explain binderies more and consider getting family counseling
2014-10-06 13:17:07 UTC
According to Islam, marriage and establishing the family enjoys a special importance because it is a means through which one can keep away from sins and control his sexual instincts, thus he can remain in peace and move towards religious perfection. Monasticism (renouncing worldly pursuits) or living a life sequestered from the world has been reproached as it is believed to be against seeking perfection and attaining prosperity. According to Islam, marriage is desirable and recommended by itself but if a person is in need of marriage and is afraid that he may fall into haram, then marriage becomes obligatory on him.

According to Islamic Shari'ah, satisfying the physical and sexual needs is permissible only through legal means i.e. permanent or temporary marriage. Of course, during the early period of Islam, there were other legal means also over and above to marriage. They were matrimonial relations with captive and slave women who were halal for such purposes but today there is no way for saturating the sexual desires other than legal marriage.

In this regard, the Quran says:

«وَ أَنْکِحُوا الْأَیامى‏ مِنْکُمْ وَ الصَّالِحینَ مِنْ عِبادِکُمْ وَ إِمائِکُمْ إِنْ یَکُونُوا فُقَراءَ یُغْنِهِمُ اللَّهُ مِنْ فَضْلِهِ وَ اللَّهُ واسِعٌ عَلیم‏»

"Marry those among you who are single, or the virtuous ones among yourselves, male or female: if they are in poverty, Allah will give them means out of His grace: for Allah encompasseth all, and he knoweth all things."[i]

«وَ مِنْ آیاتِهِ أَنْ خَلَقَ لَکُمْ مِنْ أَنْفُسِکُمْ أَزْواجاً لِتَسْکُنُوا إِلَیْها وَ جَعَلَ بَیْنَکُمْ مَوَدَّةً وَ رَحْمَةً إِنَّ فی‏ ذلِکَ لَآیاتٍ لِقَوْمٍ یَتَفَکَّرُون‏»

"And among His Signs is this, that He created for you mates from among yourselves, that ye may dwell in tranquility with them, and He has put love and mercy between your (hearts): verily in that are Signs for those who reflect."[ii]

The Holy Prophet of Islam (s) said: 'O, youths, whoever of you affords should adopt a spouse; because marriage covers the eye from non-mahram (stranger) and makes it more chaste.'[iii]

Therefore, a person feels the urge to marry should work hard, rely on God and choose a spouse who is financially at a lower position. He should avoid ceremonial, useless and unnecessary customs and habits which, unfortunately, our society is entangled with and which form a great barrier to the marriage of most the youths. Thus, one should suffice to minimum facilities and means so that he, God forbid, may not commit a haram act.

If you are afraid lest you should fall into a sin as a result of not marrying, it is necessary that you should act according to the following pieces of moral advice so that you may remain immune against any error until you can afford marriage:

1. Fasting is very useful for controlling the physical desires and strengthening your will. If you are not capable of fasting, try to not to overeat or at least your belly should not be full before going to bed.

2. Do not eat the food that causes sexual excitement. Do not eat bananas, chocolates, figs, dates, onions, pepper, eggs, beef, oily foods etc.

3. Always keep your bladder empty.

4. Read something before going to bed. Also do not sleep with your face down to the ground.[iv]

5. Although sexual problem is a reality, it appears to man bigger than it really is. Thus, he thinks that he cannot control it but the reality is that man can overcome and control this problem with strong will, firm determination and proper thinking.

[i] - Al-Noor:32

[ii] - Tauzihul Masail of Imam Khomeini (with connotation), vol.2, pg.449, Rules of Marriage, issue No.2443.

[iii] - Mustadrak al-Wasail, vol.2, pg.531, hadith No.21.

[iv] - Extracted from question No.1123.
2014-10-09 12:07:47 UTC
You called your daughter a filthy whore. and slapped her face. then tore up her diary. Way Way Way to far. You are way outta line. No matter what. Never call your child names like that. She is a kid, you are the mom. Maybe you shold have talked to her about sex not just forbidding it..
2014-10-06 11:17:51 UTC
the only one who shoulkd be punished is YOU. obviously there were "cracks" and "holes' in ur plan to keep her pure. all you can do is get a tighter grip on her and hope you don't punished with a grandchild far far far too soon.
2014-10-09 13:41:20 UTC
Wow, dont expect to be at your daughters wedding. She wont want you there. I know I wouldn't. How horrible are you to be calling your own daughter "dirt" and a filthy "whore." Learn to be a better mother and stop being so dam over protective.
2015-01-18 21:53:23 UTC
Your a ******* disgusting mother. You went way to far. How dare you make ur daughter feel so low of herself then physically hurt her. Idgaf if its ur daughter your rules but this is cruel. Someone should call child services on your ***. This I how u get ur daughter to commit suicide you sick demented demon.
2014-10-06 15:37:24 UTC
In my opinion, you did what was right. I'm guessing, you didn't go far enough.
2014-10-05 21:03:13 UTC
You took it too far when you slapped her. Next thing you know, she'll be 18. She'll move out. You'll never see her again.
2014-10-07 08:02:20 UTC
You went too far- I had a policeman tell me that its completely legal to spank on the bottom with a hand, but not with an object. She is almost an adult.
2014-10-09 09:00:35 UTC
Everyone on here said you went to far. Why????????
2014-10-09 08:29:43 UTC
Really? okay, quick question. what part of sleeping with ONE person makes you a whore? Also, are you trying to turn this good girl into a socially unstable and naïve person who doesn't understand how the real world works? she's seventeen. be proud! do you know how many pregnant girls I went to MIDDLE SCHOOL with??? you should educate her, not put such a tight leash around her neck so that she feels like a collared dog instead of a young human woman. Yes, I know, in normal circumstances I would have no input in how you run your life and raise your children. But just remember that YOU asked this question to a world filled with people who have multiple opinions on how to run their lives. If all you were looking for was reinforcement that you did the right thing-which you will NOT get here- then go back to your hard-*** intolerant church and ask all the all-loving yet ironically condescending and contemptuous people who've made you into someone your daughter will resent for the rest of both her, and your life.
2014-10-09 02:49:55 UTC
instead of being an understanding parent you have totally ruined your relationship with your daughter, destroyed her trust and in the process crushed her self esteem, you need to apologize to her
2014-10-08 21:38:00 UTC
I hate to have you as a mother just remember that karma is a ***** and it always comes back to bite you in the butt
2014-10-08 18:50:32 UTC
You went too far, shame on you. The thing is she probably has chemistry for the kid. Then it is not lust, it is love.
2014-10-08 15:59:44 UTC
Your daughter is 17 years old okay? That's enough said already. She's not a filthy whore because she's old enough to be in love or at least try to figure it out. How about instead of smacking her find out why she had sex with him and talk to her about it. Seventeen is the age where most girls are ready to experience things on their own and you just have to accept that she's growing up. You shouldn't have invaded her privacy with reading the diary because whatever she wrote down was very private and sacred to her if she didn't tell you. Your child should never be afraid to come to you about something like that so that just shows she doesn't trust you and you calling your own child out of her name is very childish of you
2014-10-08 13:08:45 UTC
You went to far. You should trust your daughter more it's not cool to slap your daughter with a diary and why would you call your daughter a filthy whore? She's not out on the streets late at night selling her body for money. For me personally you made wrong and should definitely apologize to your daughter.
2014-10-08 10:58:36 UTC
"filthy whore" thank god you are not my mother!!! dont try to brainwash your children minds......i guess she will leave the house by the next 6 months and she have every right to do it
2014-10-08 08:01:21 UTC
Sounds like you're an overbearing **** of a mom, who needs to take some classes of her own on how to be a better mother! That is unless, of course, you don't want her around when she gets older. She will most likely resent your hateful ways. Or maybe you do not want her to be a whore like you were or are!! Either way, you should try to be more understanding and try to remember when you were her age! You're a hateful B!@#h and for her sake and her future children’s sake, I hope you never see her again!! Or maybe she'll kill you while you sleep!!
ben r
2014-10-08 07:47:55 UTC
yes. child abuse is never the answer. go apologize now, and if you dont you are a terrible parent.
2014-10-08 07:31:04 UTC
what if it was your son instead of a daughter? would he get the same treatment?

Did you listen to her side of the story? Did you try to find out all details?

I am not saying you're wrong. But its wrong to hit her.
2014-10-08 01:01:51 UTC
You told her that it is strictly forbidden but you did not told her why.....She haven`t understand the matter.......Don`t know if you are Muslim..You can go to Islamic chat rooms there you will get help in this matter
2014-10-09 00:37:55 UTC
yeah you did
2014-10-08 20:28:34 UTC
I am so glad you were not my mother. You are just terrible. I feel so sorry for your daughter!
2014-10-08 20:00:18 UTC
I'm assuming you regularly go to church, and are Christian, and that is why you have tried to raise her with this upbringing? I'm a follower of Christ. I also have a degree in youth min, and work with students weekly. Sexual pressures are something that kids are facing younger and younger these days, and personally, I would start talking about a biblical view of sex as young as 6th grade.

I agree with you that "sex is for marriage." But adolescents need far more then simply having that statement drilled into their heads! You, as a parent need to be creating an environment where it's okay to talk about sex. Help her to understand that it is a beautiful and wonderful thing within the bounds of marriage. Teach them, even as early from middle school that there's more to being in a relationship then sex. Being in a relationship should be about getting to know the person, and getting to to yourself on an intimate level. Help her to understand why it is best to wait. STDs, unwanted pregnancies, broken hearts are all things that sex outside of marriage could lead too. There are so many biblical statistics, verses, and studies. YOU CAN DO THE RESEARCH. Unlitamtely, remind your daughter (and all of your children) that God gives us those boundaries because he loves us. Personally, I would also talk to her (and any other kids you have when they are high school age) about contraceptives. Kids need to be educated. BT if you are wanting to instill Christian values in your kids, I would not provide them. This article gives reasons why that's not a good idea:

All in all, wanting your kids to wait until marriage is not wrong, but the ways you've said and handle things are. YOU need to help your kids understand WHY. Did you know kids who come from homes how you've described yours to be are MORE LIKELY to get pregnant and develop STDs, and all because they don't feel comfortable talking to their parents about sex? Is that really the type of home you want to raise your kids in?

Lastly, what you've said to her was VERY wrong. What she did DOES NOT make her a whore. It makes her human! This may sound blunt, but you need to apologize for the things you have said and done, and you need to seriously rethink how you can make your home a safe place to talk about sex. Ultimateley, be mindful of the fact that is DOES NOT mean your kids won't have premarital sex. You can instill waiting until marriage those values IN A LOVING WAY - especially before they turn 18 and live in your home. But eventually THEY HAVE TO DECIDE FOR THEMSELVES.
2014-10-08 19:58:47 UTC
You should talk to someone professionally about the right steps to take in this situation. You made a poor decision, and now I can only hope for your daughter that someday your relationship with her will be mended, but the chances seem slim. If you would like to be her mother when she leaves for college; if you want her to call every Sunday and ask for school advice; if you want her grandchildren to visit during Christmas, then apologize. Let go of some of that pride of yours. It will not do you any favors.
2014-10-08 19:24:40 UTC
Yes. That's probably not what you wanted to hear is it? Well, whether or not you want to read this, you need to. You should NEVER strike a child, even a 17-year old child. Spankings are different, but she's too old for that. Did you consider the fact that she was telling the truth? 17-year olds can do that you know. Do you recognize the diary? Is it possible her friend has an identical copy? Is this her handwriting, try comparing it.

Whether or not she was telling the truth. Your punishment for the act was wrong. I understand that you don't believe teenagers should have sex, but please do not use the words 'filthy whore' to refer to your own daughter. That is not right. She is still your little girl whether or not she had sex and this will only make her feel like she doesn't want to live anymore. Do you believe in suicide? You better change your attitude, teenagers are very fragile things.

Now, you should give her the safe sex speech. Whether or not you want her to be having sex, she needs to hear how to do it safely so that she doesn't contract any diseases or get pregnant.

The correct punishment for this varies. If she were my daughter, I would ground her a week for lying (only if she was lying and the diary really was hers, test first please) and two months for having sex. During this time she would have to work to be responsible. You can tell her to work on a farm, or somewhere else that instructs responsibility. She will despise you for this, but being a parent isn't about being liked, it's about instructing your children whom you LOVE! (I'm capitalizing this so you know not to call her a 'filthy whore')

What you did deeply affected the way your daughter views you. I would suggest you bring her down for a solo one-on-one talk about how you still care about her but view what she did as wrong.

Please also understand that teenagers have needs, even girls. Even if you view the act as wrong, you should still understand the reasons behind it.

Oh and... don't hit her again... If you do I suggest anger management.
2014-10-08 14:05:05 UTC
I'm a teenager......and honestly the reason i would be most upset with you about is you reading my diary. My mom is VERY STRICT.... but she respects my privacy and would NEVER read my diary even if it was laying there open. I totally understand that you are the parent but it's not far that you went through her diary if you were her and your mom read your diary you would be soooo UPSET. And about the sex she is not a whore for having sex with one guy , she is young , experimenting so she made a mistake not a reason to call YOUR daughter a filthy whore. If i was your daughter i would be beyond upset with you for passing the limit of privacy and again i understand you are the parent but you have now put the impression that you don't trust your daughter nor do you respect her privacy. I will tell you this from my point she will probably not respect you for a LONG time because you did this. You should have not read her diary.
2014-10-08 13:44:37 UTC
While reading your question i couldn't help but feel sorry for the poor girl.She is a teenager,a TEENAGER!How could you do this to her when she is going throuth this fragile period??If you are so annoyed over the fact that she had sex you should blame yourself because you didn't sexually educate her you just prohibited sex until marriage like it is a terrible sin.The fact that she agrees that she is a filthy whore makes it even worse because you manipulated her into believing that!While you think your daughter is simply laying,"conteplating" about hes "sins",your daughter is going through a mental torture of blaming herself ,thinking that she is a worthless and lowering her self esteem into dangerous levels.Don't you think that her silence is a good sign!!Are you even slightly aware of what your doing?You are lowering your daughter's self esteem and you are treating her like a prisoner for thing all girls in her age do!You should be ashamed of yourself!!If you are not willing to fix this by apologizing to her everything will backfire with severe consequances both for your daughter and for you!!
2014-10-08 12:49:32 UTC
Apologize to her and tell her you will change. Nobody waits until marriage anymore.
2014-10-08 10:06:51 UTC
Your daughter is not a filthy whore !! You are a giant asshole ! How dare you assault her because of your twisted issues with sex. How is she ever suppose to trust you when you violated her privacy. This a huge invasion of privacy.. We as parents are suppose to lead by example. All you have taught her is what it is like to be physically abused and not valued.

2014-10-08 07:11:37 UTC
As a 17 year old girl. I think you went too far. My mother is strict. I have a boyfriend. She has a lot of rules about my relationship no "just us dates", no closed doors, no home alone, no at each others houses after 10.My mom gave birth to my brother at my age. I understand why she is very protective and strict about the sex policy she has. But she also lets me have my freedom and room to make my own mistakes. I am allowed to go to parties as long as there is an adult. no co ed sleepovers (though most my friends are allowed to) Me and my boyfriend have talked about sex before. I told him my stand point in that I do not want to have sex any time soon. And that i want to wait till im married. You are punishing her a lot. You see if my mom had that reaction i wouldnt have talked to her either. And i've done online school and she will get highly depressed and feel totally alone. And with those two comes a whole boat load of problems. She will leave and she will feel like you don't care about her happiness at all. You need to tell her that what she did is wrong and that she is in trouble but don't make her feel like you don't love her anymore and definitely stop calling her those names because if she ever sees this you will probably never have a relationship with her or her children ever again. (when she has them)
2014-10-08 03:43:04 UTC
I believe you did in fact got too far, i understand your predicament however it is common for a child with strict parents to rebel and it's common for a girl her age to do such things. Telling her off was the right thing to do and threatening her about taking away her favourite thing might've been a good option but ripping up her diary and hitting her was indeed to far. It's not alright to call your daughter know what, even if she was sleeping with a guy, she won't apologize so i believe it has t be you to make the first move
2014-10-07 23:07:53 UTC
This made me want to cry... How could you, a mother, do such a horrible thing to your own child?

I'm a Christian, and if my daughter did this, I would NEVER strike her for it, let alone humiliate her by removing her doors and taking away her RIGHT to privacy and secrecy. She's almost an adult! Let her learn from her own mistakes. Weren't you a stupid teen yourself? I'm sure you did dumb things like her! Maybe not to her extent, but you are not perfect yourself, and you need to accept that of her as well.

Did Jesus strike the woman who committed adultery? No, He didn't! Even though He had never sinned, He instead forgave her and let her go. Go and apologize to your child and give her her privacy back. Show her you are her mother, and not her master. She's a human, and so are you.
2014-10-07 22:01:43 UTC
So I had written 3 page essay on this but yahoo said it wouldn't fit

I'll try to make this short

1) you have RUIND your reaction ship

2) if she went though your medical files or you bills howmwould u like it?

3) do you know ANTHING about the teenage brain?

4) I mean go to a 10th grade health class like really

5) mastrabation is normal babies will start at ages 1-6 then slowly stop once homones kick In girls will start agin between ages 11-13 and boys 12-14 then continue the rest of there lives


6) say you are sorry now or you will forever not be a part of your child's life

7) think about this you have seen the movies were a parent Isi t invited to the girls wedding... That's you. The grandma that has NEVER met her grand children... That's you. The old women on hear death bed regretting never saying sorry and missing on her child's life, never having a relationship with her. The sitting there dying and regretting it all... That's you

8) you ounishment scare me ( and I have had horrible punishments by my step mom try 6 months hand washing dishes, 5 months not TV 4 months no books, and 4 months no friends that was because I didnt clean my room) yours SCARE me

9) the teenage brain is trying to become independnt so they feel,like they can't talk to anyone so they express them selves though art, music, writing, and DAIRYS! By goi g though what is like the only place they feel like they can be themselves you have shattere any trust that was EVER there

10) because of what u have done she WILL rebel you can not stop her she will sneak out, runaway,

11) she is now more likely to have sex. Because of what u have said calling her. Whore and dirt you have cause major insecurities being insecure cause the brain to crave the feeling of being wanted in any way her her case she will happily settle for being wanted in a physical way not only cause it is her natural desire to be wanted but also she wants to rebl. She will sneak out. You take away doors? She goes to the woods? You home school? She sneaks out the window. It's sad what u have down to your family

12) I PRAY TO GOD THAT YOU REAISE WHAT U HAVE DONE AND BE THE ADULT IMPRAY FOR YOU GAUGHTERS SAFTEY AND IMPARY FOR HER EMOTIONAL WELL BEING. I PRAY THAT YOU BE A BUG GIRL AND FORGJVE HER FOR WHO SHE IS!! It's in the last now you can only move foward there are two choices 1) FORGJVE her and watch her grow up get married have kids or 2) grow so far apart that one day you won't even know we're she is living. I PRAY THAT GOD RESTS HIS NEALING HAND ON YOU BOTH AND RESLOVES WHAT IS GOING ON
2014-10-07 20:07:02 UTC
Not only did you go TOO FAR, but you called your daughter a whore? REally? You are a pathetic parent.
2014-10-07 19:24:47 UTC
In the old days, spanking was much more common. Physical displays of displeasure are being recognized as childish acts. You have only given her a poor example of how she should deal with her children. I didn't hear anything about the father in this situation. Parenting requires joint effort. The reason that today's children are not living up to the standards of old is because of the mobility that they enjoy. They have freedoms that didn't exist years ago because they aren't given responsibility to learn from at an early age. They are parked in front of the TV to be entertained and don't experience the trials of having to earn their self respect from accomplishing quality work results. The television is a marketing tool for consumption...rarely a source of knowledge on how to produce something of value. She needs to hear how to produce quality children that results from the sex act. She needs to understand she has to produce teachers of how to produce not simply consume. Just explain that her activity was leading to a major consumption event and she hasn't acquired the intellectual resources of educational production yet.
2014-10-07 18:36:24 UTC
sounds to me like you dont even deserve kids in the first place
2014-10-07 18:16:26 UTC
She lied to you! She deserves to be punished.
Heywood Jablome
2014-10-07 18:05:31 UTC
How about you be more specific? Did you go to far by

a) Reading her diary and grossly invading her privacy

b) Giving her sexual advice that was outdated in 1980 let alone 2014

c) Telling her that masturbation is shameful

d) Humiliating her by making her read her most private thoughts to you out loud

e) Thinking that your daughter is a filthy whore

f) All of the above

The answer is F. You are an absolute disgrace as a human being and a terrible parent. There is a special place in hell for you.
2014-10-07 18:03:51 UTC
I feel so bad for your daughter. EVERYONE has a sexuality FEMALES to. not just males. There's no such thing as being a whore, or a slut, or any other sexual derogatory name you can think of. I can honestly say that i'm happy you're not my mother. You should apologize.
2014-10-07 15:53:35 UTC
Did you go too far? Yes I am a strict parent but I am not abusive, what you did was abuse and I personally would call cps on you.

No wonder she is going somewhere else for warmth and comfort and you just proved it.
2014-10-08 20:42:39 UTC
You're a dick head. Do you realize what this will do to her head? I may be younger than most people in these comments and even your daughter, but I've gone through enough trauma and abuse to know completely what horrible impact this has had on her. I hope you burn in the depths of hell and take my mother with you, you abusive piece of scum.
Sandra F
2014-10-08 19:47:26 UTC

I hope your daughter reports you.
2014-10-08 19:41:27 UTC
You are a terrible person. You're a control freak and you're abusive. I hope to god when she is of age she leaves you to rot and die alone because that's what you deserve. You want to destroy and crush her mentally? You want to take away her personal outlet that she uses to be able to cope with? You want to make her feel ashamed for being a human?? You aren't teaching her. You're depriving her. Of a life. Of being social. If she can't be social it will f*ck with her. It f*cked with me. She will be socially awkward, mentally brainwashed, and scared of herself all because of a controlling hag of a mother. She's probably going to be depressed and either take part in self mutilation or attempt suicide because of your terrible parenting skills. If I were her I would have called CPS first thing. And you know what? Karma sucks. It's going to bite you in the @$$ lady. I hope it bites as hard as it can. I hope you have to live a long life knowing you screwed not only with your daughters head but with her emotions and her life. You shouldn't have EVER had kids if you were going to control everything they do such as write. Do you not read the bible?? God gave us FREE AGENCY and by taking that away you are acting as a disciple of satan. After all that's what he wanted to do... was take our free agency away. And that itself is a sin.. I would pray for repentance and change my ways before god damned me to hell
2014-10-08 18:48:14 UTC
you did the right thing
2014-10-08 18:45:11 UTC
Your a ******* crazy *****. How can you call your daughter a filthy whore? To me your a crazy ***** that belongs in a mental asylum for controllive behaviour. It's your daughter, her body her choices. Shes not a prostitute. If you are going to be a hipocrit, then okay but just remember you also have sex so you're a dirty whore to :) I call child abuse.

Wouldn't bother apologizing because if you were my mother i'd knock you the **** out and grab my **** and never talk to you again. If she does talk to you, she's an idiot for even thinking for a second you are worth it because you brought her up from childhood. Wrong. Being a parent isn't you forte.
2014-10-08 18:33:34 UTC
You took that way too far.. She's a teenager, she'll be bound to do it sometime in her life.. You did it for crying out loud. Don't call her a filthy whore that'll make everything worse for the both of you.
2014-10-08 11:37:25 UTC
You went WAY too far. YOU should apologize to her
2014-10-08 05:11:03 UTC
I WOULD HATE TO BE YOUR DAUGHTER! and I am sure she hates being your daughter too, she is 17, yes she had sex, and do you know why she did not tell you? because she does not trust you or feel close to you.

You may forbid masturbation in your home butit's been done. I guarantee you that!

How dare you call your daughter a filthy whore or dirt? you gave birth to her, so what are you? you know the apple doesn't fall far from the tree.

I thought my mother was strict but I just realise how easy going she is. What you need to teach your daughter is independance, not hate. Self respect and independence will keep her in line. that's what my mother thought me, respect yourself and stand on your own two feet. So I don't just sleep with anyone because i am horny or date anyone because i am lonely. I am 21 financially capable and respect myself. teach her that, nobody is perfect yes she made a mistake, be her mother, correct her by being there for her, all you are doing is making her hate you. With this kind of behavior, she will get pregnant under your roof, good luck with that, and don't kill the baby!
2014-10-07 22:36:47 UTC
Personally, I think you are a TROLL looking for a controversial topic to incite everyone who reads it!
2014-10-07 20:43:16 UTC
Well that's awkward..
2014-10-07 20:17:10 UTC
You went waaaaay too far. You should simply apologize for over-reacting or for hitting her. There is a lot of sexual tension in teens and it is obvious that she is struggling. Plus, if it was my diary I wouldn't just leave it lying around so it p. IT WAS ALSO WAAAAAY TOO INAPROPRIATE TO GO THROUGH HER DIARY. THAT WAS WAY OUT OF LINE. And you really shouldn't call your own daughter such cruel names. That's verbal and physical abuse right there.
2014-10-07 20:07:34 UTC
Think about it this way, you should have gotten mad at her, grounded her, taken away her cell phone, but you never, ever hit your child. Sex before marriage is bad, and you should get someone to talk with her and get her to understand this. She probably won't listen to you after what happened, so get someone that she trusts to talk to her. so to answer your question, you went over the line.
2014-10-07 18:24:33 UTC
Hey Diane,

I'm gonna start off by saying that I'm a guy, but I still want to give you my up most honest opinion of this situation. I also grew up in a strict home, where sex was not an okay thing to do unless you were able to afford taking care of yourself and the baby, so I could relate to this situation.

This rule that many families have is such a great rule! And while it is such a great rule, some teenagers will not listen, and it really is a pain because it affects all the family. This has happened in my family too. My sister, to be infact. She got pregnant right after graduating high school. And as much as I hated it, I couldn't do anything but talk to her about her future.

Your daughter lied to you because of how strict you are. The more strict you are with your children, the more secrets they will hold from you. That is a given. And I really understand why you hit her, if I had a daughter and I found out she had sex, I'd be really pissed too. I would want to hit her (even tho I wouldn't..or maybe I would, idk I haven't been there yet (thankfully)). And while I would be as mad as to almost hit my daughter, it would be taking it too far.

However, you didn't take it "That" far, so you don't need to worry much. Your daughter is in her room with a ton of emotions.. Maybe thinking things like "I screwed up" while at the same time possibly mad at you. What I would do is give her a bit of time to herself, then later in the night when she calms down, go to her bedroom and calmly apologize. I know, I know. You don't want to apologize first, but you're the grown up and need to take the first move if she doesn't. Go in her room and apologize with a calm motherly voice.

Now that you apologize, hopefully she'll apologize too. It would be the right thing to do since she really did wrong.

Explain to her why it bothers you so much. Why it worries you. tell her that you just want whats best for her and you don't want her to get pregnant. Having sex until marriage is understandable, but you yourself needs to be more realistic. This is a new generation of kids, and things aren't always going to happen the way you planned. I'm not saying to except what kids these days are doing, absolutaley not. Keep inforcing your rules, just let off just a little bit. Being too strict makes the children feel uncofortable with telling you what's going on in there life and will hold secrets from you. Do you want that? I dont think so.

Give your daughter a little bit of freedom. Now wait, before you stop reading this (because I know how much that freedom sentence may have pissed you off), a little bit of freedom is good for the kid. It's how they will learn.

Anyway i'm kinda jumping all over the place with this message, aren't I? Just go to your daughters room later and apologize, tell her how you feel and why you feel that way. Then again turn that "how you feel" talk into a "why sex at an early age is bad " talk. She will hopefully apologize and tell you she won't do it again, but if she doesn't say that then you gotta encourage her to always use protection. When parents say that, the kids will sorta laugh because it'll seem to them that their parent is giving them permission to have sex, which basically you are (but only because you know that you can't do anything about it). Tell her that you're serious, to always use protection.

If you become more strict on her and take away the freedom she has left, you might lose her. Good luck.
Nicole Dominguez
2014-10-07 18:04:57 UTC
to be honest you are a horrible father what kind of father hits his daughter and invading her personal privacy
2014-10-07 17:07:08 UTC
i think your the worst parent in the world you should not be allowed to have children
2014-10-07 15:54:18 UTC
Nooooo, you just abused your own goddamn daughter. You are the one who should be ashamed.
2014-10-07 15:19:17 UTC
You sound like a frigid *****. Now she'll NEVER confide in you. Way to go.
2014-10-07 14:49:32 UTC
You went way to far. Just remember she will get you back for this one. how bad she does depends on how you fix this problem with her. I feel so sorry for her having to deal with a parent as cruel as you. What you just did could push a girl her age into suicidal rage really quickly. If she does that how will u feel the rest of your life knowing her blood is on your hands and that the last thing you called her was a filthy whore. You are a terrible parent.
2014-10-07 11:33:13 UTC
YES !!! Can't help but think you were a filthy whore and now you don't want your daughter to be one too. Actually you disgust me calling her that. I hope she finds it in her heart to forgive you and you two are able to mend your relationship, but if not...completely your fault
2014-10-07 10:39:15 UTC
You should be utterly ashamed of yourself, did you never do biology, psychology, or any type of human science? im guessing not because if you had you would know that what your daughter chooses to do with her personal life is her choice and actually has nothing to do with you, you are an insensitive, controlling, evil person and a good girl like herself who does well in school, studying, house chores, has manners etc has earned her right have a personal life, you should definitely be worried about her antisocial behaviour, infact you may have lost her forever simply because of this. I was a lovely girl until the day my dad turned around and did something even worse, I lost all respect for him and let him die alone, is that what you want? because one day she will lose all respect you will mean nothing to her and let me tell you right now that calling her a whore will only make things worse, heres an example, I was a good child, had personal relationships, the minute my dad interfered is the minute he died to me, the way he made me feel I thought well if hes going to assume im a whore well.. then i'll show him what a real whore is ! he wanted to call me a *****? well he hadn't seen half of my inner ***** but she damn well came out ! he eventually got his karma and died of cancer, if you carry on this way with your daughter I can guarantee that karma will get you to *****.
2014-10-09 10:55:09 UTC
You went WAY too far. Infact thats not the case. You are a terrible mother. What she does in her bedroom regarding masturbation and sex has NOTHING to do with you. Grow up. Your like Margarette White from the movie Carrie. You need serious help. You do. When I read that, I had a tear in my eye because you are a cowardly loud mouthed bully, that is a cowardly thing to do. This is your daughter. How can you possibly say that she is dirt to you and that she is a filthy whore. What makes you think that you are going to get good answers after saying that. But heck that is not even the point. The point is that you are a ******* donkey *** sucking, big mouthed abusive **** mother and you should be in ******* jail. If I knew who you were I would call the cops on you. Your daughter will not be a normal human when she moves out. If you keep this up I do hope that God will punish you. You just ruined my day. I must say. I wish somebody carved out your vagina. You shouldn't even be allowed to have a child. I think it might even be to late for her, she is already 17. She is a young woman. But the least you can do is apologise and try to teach her about what a real life is about. She shouldn't even follow´you. I hope karma chews of your ***. God bless your daughter.
2014-10-09 09:40:42 UTC
First of all, why are you asking this question if you don't want to change no matter what people say? That said:

To be completely honest, you are the one acting like a child here. "I haven't apologized and I won't." "I do, however, refuse to apologize until she apologizes for being a filthy whore." YOU ARE THE MOTHER IN THIS SITUATION. IF YOU WANT HER TO TALK TO YOU ABOUT IT, YOU SHOULDN'T HIT HER OR CALL HER A WHORE. YOU DON'T KNOW THE WHOLE STORY TO BEGIN WITH.

First of all, you read her diary. She's a seventeen year old girl who doesn't feel comfortable talking to her family about things like this, no WONDER she has a diary. After that charade, I bet she needs a therapist.

Second, when she said it wasn't hers, maybe you should have stopped and thought and asked her more about the situation instead of blowing up? Maybe it really was her friend's diary. Or maybe it was hers. She's a seventeen year old girl. As you probably know, because you were one too "back in the day", it's very hard to keep your virginity at that age, or any other above that age.

I'm not trying to be rude here. I am sincerely trying to help. That's what I do. Help people solve their problems.

Third, GET THROUGH YOUR HEAD: She's seventeen, and not from your generation. She's not going to understand everything immediately about why you don't want her to have sex until she's married. SHE'S 17!

Seventeen year old girls, I'm sure you've realized at some point have girls all around them talking about losing their "v card" and have peer pressure coming from all sides. Even from you (from what I read). Peer pressure to do this, or peer pressure to do that. Peer pressure to follow your orders, and others. Instead of someone actually asking what she feels about it. I'd like to talk to her and understand what she's thinking to be honest.

And NO WONDER she's silent. First, you read her private thoughts (when I was at that age, I didn't have a lot going on, so I wrote fiction in my diary, she could have even been doing that. You don't know because you never gave her the chance to explain. You didn't even let her finish). Second, you didn't let her explain. Third you tore out of her private book, her most private pages of thoughts. Third, you hit her.

No wonder she's not talking. You scared her to death. I would've stopped talking to you too. For all you know, she could just not be talking because of the fact that she's not afraid of you. This is one of the many ways a child can become suicidal, I hope you realize this. Getting your only source of relief from life destroyed is a very common way to start being super depressed. Then on top of that, you didn't let her explain, then on top of that you hit for no other reason than words written on a page. Then, you scared her, then you began acting like a 12 year old by saying I'm not gonna apologize until she does. THAT'S SUPER CHILDISH!


She is trying to find her way in life and needs way more support than you are giving her. THE MOST IMPORTANT FACT THAT YOU NEED TO REMEMBER IS: She's your daughter, not a circus animal or a pet. She needs love, support, advice, and not hate, manipulation, and a child along side her. You are not a child, act like an adult. If you can't keep your temper at bay, go get some therapy. If you don't want her to go against you, don't make rules that include "strictly forbidden" Seventeen year olds turn into teenage rebels because of those two words.

Try to act your age, and then solve the problem correctly.

If you have any questions or comments, please contact me:
2014-10-09 08:53:35 UTC
Absolutely yes and you sound like a miserable horrible person / control freak.
2014-10-09 08:38:36 UTC
U went pretty damn far! U could have just sat down with her and discussed it calmly. U could have given her a chance to admit it, then u would calmly forbid her to see this kid and give her a punishment that's suits her age. Not abuse her and hit her and yell at her and all that ****. That's abusive and mark my words when she turns of age she will rebel. She will do things that are terrible, just to get back at you. I would apologize first. Your the parent, who is responsible for her actions. It is mostly your fault she did what she did. U sent her to that public school where she is in constant contact with sluts and sex maniacs. U know that saying, monkey do, monkey see. She saw that she was the only one who was different. Everyone else did all that ****, except for her. So who is she going to believe is right? U or the the million kids and people in her school who do it all the time and say it is fine? She is going to think u are weird, because everyone else does exactly what u have been telling her not to do. She is in constant contact with people who tell her their parents are freaks, they have problems, they don't approve of this and that, so naturally she is going to think that to. And now u just further added proof to what she has been learning by doing exactly what other kids say their parents do. They don't understand, they don't wanna understand, so they beat the kid or punish the kind really bad. And now, well now you got a problem that is not going to go away anytime soon. Unless you apologize first, and prove to her that u really do care about her and am not what she has been taught to think u are, your daughter will never be your daughter again.
2014-10-09 03:46:50 UTC
Hmm, you know what else is filthy? Feces! With your amazing skills as a parent, you should just forbid her to defecate. Ever. Because, ya know, "filth". Would make about as much sense as what you're doing now.

You had to have sex to have *her*.
2014-10-08 19:11:19 UTC
This has nothing to do with this but my battery is on like 9% and i've been on the computer for like an hour without a charger on eco mode.
2014-10-08 16:38:54 UTC
You cannot control what your daughter does. Do you really want her to remain abstinent and then go hogwild with the sex when she moves out? Why not let her experience it now and make sure you talk with her about being safe? It's going to happen. She's going to have sex whether you freak out about it or not. But treating her this way about it and reacting the way you did will only make her hide it from you. Sorry but that's the sad truth about teenagers. Good luck.
2014-10-08 15:16:20 UTC
OMG did you just call your daughter a "filthy whore" and "dirt"? I am completely appalled! You are going to lose her, and you deserve it.
2014-10-08 11:28:54 UTC
I understand where you're coming from and you have a fair reason to be protective like that, but you did go too far. It was her decision to do it and not yours. I dare say you would've been a bit like that at her age, or at least wanted to. You may not want to forgive her, but she is your daughter, you'll need each other at one point or another.
2014-10-08 10:40:41 UTC
2014-10-08 06:56:07 UTC
yes, u went to far but i probably would of done the same thing. I found my 14 yr old watching porn on her phone. and i think she is a whore now to, but oh well, every girl nowa days r whores. I didnt talk to my daughter for 2 weeks cause she disgusted me. I am over it now and just accept it. but i still keep a tight leash on her and bring up the porn form time to time to embarrass and remind her.
2014-10-08 03:21:57 UTC

You could have told her, YOUR BELIEFS ARE that, you wait for marriage before having sex". or 18yrs

of age when your on your own. When you found the "DIARY", you could have asked her about it,

and NOT beat her for what you found! YES,you need to apologize to her for losing your temper!!!

Your only making her hate you and do what you don't want her to do all the more. Your suppose

to guide her to what is right so she doesn't end up pregnant or get an std.

Sounds like you hate your daughter because of what you found. Your only making things worse, keeping her from society. YOUR NOT BEING A LOVING GUIDING PARENT,


2014-10-07 16:20:26 UTC
lol dude you've got to be trolling us...
2014-10-07 09:00:53 UTC
Yes. You went WAY to far. You SLAPPED her. And she is NOT a whore. Sex is natural. I can understand not wanting her to have an overactive sex life as a teen but that does not mean you SLAP her. She is not a whore for having sex. Also you can't stop her from having sex once she turns 18. She'll have sex outside of marriage if she wants to.
Sweetdaddy Rex
2014-10-07 11:05:05 UTC
I had a mother like you; I left home at 17, and NEVER went back !
2014-10-10 02:21:28 UTC
So glad you aren't my mother. Thank you universe, and that's really saying something because my mom was an abusive alcoholic.
2014-10-06 22:11:55 UTC
b!+ch you tripping, leaver her the fvck alone. you are a bad parent like damn, you slapped her? wow, you ripped her diary? WOOOOW, and you just called her a whore? What kind of mother are you -.-
2014-10-07 14:07:45 UTC
it was BOUND to happen. Why restrict someone of something that they might have not though of?

I can understad drugs or joining a cult, but you went too far
2014-10-08 05:37:50 UTC
Well you're a ***** Feel good to be called names? Asshole
2014-10-06 22:22:02 UTC
Your daughter is 17, she is not a small child,let her decide for herself.
2014-10-07 10:10:43 UTC
if you want to control someone,theres plenty of psychological techniques on the net,somewich were developed by the nazits they work realy love you to slap me tho it turns me on..
2014-10-11 04:17:22 UTC
30 thousand years ago your daughter would naturally be having sex, it is just our modern world that is restraining her. It is a natural urge.
2014-10-07 17:41:05 UTC
2014-10-09 22:53:13 UTC
I guess masturbation does not seem so bad know. Eh Dad?
2014-10-09 11:29:30 UTC
wow i agree also something is clearly wrong with you shes young .you told her about sex and now your mad .does she have a yahoo account if she does i will email her and tell her to run away
2014-10-07 15:00:01 UTC
you did the right thing. Even the bible says beating a kid with a stick would not kill them
2014-10-08 16:43:13 UTC
Gawd dayum u got so many answers!
2014-10-06 00:12:32 UTC
You were SO wrong. The #1 answer is absolutely right on. PERFECT answer and so right.
2014-10-06 17:31:13 UTC
WHyyyyy too far you prick! Tiimes have changed not saying its bibicaly correct but they have live with it!
2015-06-05 18:43:21 UTC
You are a bad parent for doing this. VERY bad.
2014-10-07 04:51:12 UTC
You went way to far
2014-10-06 16:29:16 UTC
Your a terrible person
2014-10-09 13:19:02 UTC
I am contacting the police about this. You are not allowed to hit anyone. It is very illegal.
2014-10-09 13:20:35 UTC
Some people would think what you did was wrong.
2014-10-06 16:34:38 UTC
youre a crazy religious jackass, and i wouldnt blame her if she never talks to you again
2014-10-09 13:07:10 UTC
You are a piece of sh*t
2014-10-07 13:31:00 UTC
welp. shes vegan now
2014-10-07 03:43:22 UTC
2014-10-09 06:00:51 UTC
F*** yeah you went too far.
2014-10-09 12:21:33 UTC
2014-10-09 16:44:13 UTC
you did the right thing. that'll teach her
2014-10-09 19:09:28 UTC
yea you did
2014-10-05 21:38:01 UTC
you should sodomize your cat. thatll teach her
2014-10-07 10:59:51 UTC
2014-10-07 12:50:35 UTC
2014-10-07 10:11:31 UTC

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.