2009-01-23 19:22:15 UTC
For example, on the first night this girl had the lights on in her room after lights out. So I went in to tell her to go to sleep, and she absolutely refused to turn off the lights. Okay, I realize little kids are sometimes scared of the dark, but she’s thirteen, not a baby, and when I asked her why she wanted the lights on, she said, “Bad things happen in the dark.” And the way she said it disturbed me quite a bit, so I asked her what kind of bad things and she turned away from me and wouldn’t answer. And another thing is that, even though she claims it was mainly her mother who abused her, her actions tell me otherwise. She seems to be especially scared of her stepfather, to the extent that whenever he comes to the school to pick up her brother (twice a week), she starts shivering and asks if she can stay in the classroom with me, and then spends between ten minutes and an hour shivering and staring out the window, and holding or sometimes writing in this little notebook she carries around with her constantly.
Maybe it’s just that I know she’s been physically and emotionally abused so I’m on the lookout for her, but do you think my concerns of sexual abuse are legitimate or am I overreacting? Something doesn’t seem right, but what should I do?