My boyfriend just went to jail, should I stay with him?
2015-01-14 12:01:22 UTC
My boyfriend just went to jail, should I stay with him?
502 answers:
Mama Mia
2015-01-14 19:30:05 UTC
Everyone has choices in this life. Sometimes it is a whole lot easier to make a bad choice and hope you will get by with it than it is to make a good choice and pay the dues that go along with it. For myself, I want someone who is going to make good choices , Not just because they are afraid of getting caught, but because it is so ingrained in their character that they wouldn't dream of doing the wrong or hurtful thing. That is what I want for myself, and what I will expect from my kids. Yes, sometimes people can change, but by the time you are 16 you ought to be able to make good decisions, without being watched or prompted. So, no, I wouldn't stay with someone who had made a bad choice that was serious enough to land them in a jail cell.
2015-01-19 10:03:26 UTC
People aren't perfect. It depends on what your boy friend did. There are some crimes that are serious enough that you can't jeopardize your future with this person. There could be mental issues and that will wreck your life and that of your future family.

I advise you learn as much as possible about his mental state before this crime happened,

People who are in prison for a long time experience many things those who are free don't and that prison experience can affect the person and everyone they ar around into the future, Think hard on this.

Some times love isn't enough
2015-01-20 14:05:16 UTC
if you truly love him you should stay with him under these conditions. You can communicate by talking to the phone and visiting him when you can. But I think that it's better to have a boyfriend who doesn't brake the rules and he isn't in the jail... In this way you will be better and you will spend much time with your boyfriend.
2015-01-20 02:14:54 UTC
this is a RED FLAG hon. Do you want your children to follow his example?he is in jail for a good reason.he got caught breaking the law and if you are with him when he is breaking the law YOU go to jail too! If you have kids, not only do you go to jail but cps TAKES your kids! How is he going to work and pay the bills when he is in jail?You need to dump him and tell him not to contact you anymore until he is out of jail done with the courts and is working has his own transportation and a steady job and place of his own and has kept it for a year.If he doesnt love you enough to prove it by doing this then be ready to spend your hard earned money bailing him out of jail going to visit him in prison with your kids while everyone looks at you and judges you for picking such a loser.
Alexa Faith Moore
2015-01-15 10:49:31 UTC
It all comes down to this. If you don't really truly love him it is not worth it.

My fiancé has been in jail since September and let me tell you it is a very painful and lonely experience. You know they are suffering and there is nothing you can do, people judge you and him and your relationship, they make up rumors, and you can't even give him a hug. Only you know what you should do.
Jarrod N
2015-01-15 18:25:16 UTC
Why would you want to have a relationship with a criminal.... and someone you can't even spend time with? I guess if talking occassionally on the phone and having a relationship by mail is your idea of a meaningful thing you should stay with that person, but I would think you would rather spend time with someone who is reliable, doesn't break the law, and is able to actually be there for you.
2015-01-19 18:35:39 UTC
Hell no girl! If anyone I knew went to jail I would stay the heck away from them, because jail is for idiots who do stupid things (unless he did something like not bad lol)
2015-01-24 20:32:58 UTC
What is your problem? If you loved him then you wouldn't even think about leaving him. If you loved him, you would give him the love and support he needs to get thought this. My boyfriend just went to Jail. And may have you to 9 months. But leaving him doesn't cross my mind at all. Plus asking this online is stupid..
2016-03-01 01:41:02 UTC
Depends on what he went to jail for. Meaning if he was wrongly accused. Otherwise, if you tried to help him walk a better path but he's still not improving, then leave.
2015-01-14 18:12:47 UTC
What did he go to jail for? I personally wouldnt associate with someone whose been to jail for any type of crime because they might influence me to act and think like them unless they've had some dramatic change in their life. You might lose friends, close family members, your job or even respect for still staying with this man. If he has harmed you or anyone else leave. Ask your self why you're still even considering staying with him and determine whether it's worth it.
2015-01-16 08:26:07 UTC
It really, truly depends. What is he in jail for, how long is he in jail, has he been in jail already, etc. And really, do you love him enough to do that? Only you can decide for sure, but I would recommend deciding if he is worth it to have a more complicated than usual relationship.
2015-01-20 04:41:18 UTC
I'm not sure that the Jail would let you stay with him. Your best to see him at visiting times.
2015-01-17 15:56:18 UTC
The problem is money when he comes out. I went to prison myself and it is so hard getting a job after being in the slammer.

I can just tell you that you are young so I'll give you a chunk of advice. When you eat a second helping make sure you know why you want that second helping. I love to eat so that second helping is usually a different dish because I eat in singles.
2015-01-15 04:54:54 UTC
I think it all depends on how bad the crime was. Also, did he hit u, or abuse u. If so, I don't think u should. Bcuz he would prob just keep abusing u. But, main thing, u should pray about it.ask God what he thinks. Then, u should go and c ur bf. C if he's sorry 4 whatever landed him n jail. But, most of the time they could just b faking it. Although not all r that way.
2015-01-21 11:26:35 UTC
I wouldn't stay with a woman that's in jail unless I were married to her. Watch the series "Orange is the new black" on Netflix. It's the same situation your having except the opposite gender.
2015-01-15 19:17:53 UTC
Thats a decision you would have to make. Me and my boyfriend have been together for 4 years and he went to jail for one of those years and it honestly brought us a lot closer taught us to not take each other for granted and we had deeper conversations about future and where we say each other. I recommend you sticking by your man only if you long him and willing to go the distance but its not easy
2015-01-16 09:55:08 UTC
It depends on why he was sent to jail. Child abuse? Run away. Sex abuse or rape? Run away. What do you know of his behavior on a daily basis… is he always stealing, making excuses, not taking responsibility, dishonest? If so, leave him. It's not worth it. Much easier to be with an honest person who has respect for others.
2015-01-16 11:22:15 UTC
Depends on what he went to jail for
2015-01-20 21:49:31 UTC
Your boyfriend has went to jail because he must had done something wrong you also want to be part of his mistake so don't think so much and leave him he must realise his mistake......
2015-01-19 17:14:50 UTC
Depends on why he went to jail for.
2015-01-16 06:50:01 UTC
Ask yourself this question, "WHAT KIND OF LIFE DO I WANT FOR MYSELF" You didn't say why he went to jail so we have to guess. Lets say it was DWI, which means he NEVER stopped drinking which means he probably never will. Drugs, if this is the way he made his money he probably will never stop. If he was doing drugs is he going to stop for YOU! hahaha don't kid yourself. Theft/Burglary, for what reason did he have to steel, is he working if not why? Do you want to spend anymore time with a guy that doesn't want to work, you will have financial problems your whole life. Just be honest with yourself, what kind of like do YOU want to live. What kind of person do YOU want to be. The answer is within you not us.
2015-01-19 10:48:47 UTC
I am reading this five days later.

I doubt the jailhouse will allow you to stay with your boyfriend in the jail.
2015-01-20 13:31:02 UTC
Depends, is he in jail for murdering his last ex-girlfriend? Cause if so, stay with him or you're next.
2015-01-16 19:15:38 UTC
there's no room for you in his jailcell so you have no choice but to sleep alone in your own bed. Know that your connection to someone who has been in jail, depending on what he's in there for, could ruin your life. Now is the best time to disown him.
2015-01-20 11:45:36 UTC
When you mean stay with him are you also going to jail?
2015-05-03 20:06:24 UTC
My boyfriend/babydaddy is in jail. I can't visit him or talk to him. If you love him you will wait till his out.
2015-01-20 10:37:59 UTC
Survival of the fittest, If this is the guy you want fathering your children and you are completely convinced that he "loves" you then roll the dice and see what comes up.

If you were my daughter I would say dump him and move on. He should have been thinking about how much it would hurt you for him to become a convict and be diecrimanted upon for the rest of his life.
2015-01-16 18:32:14 UTC
it depends upon if you're ok with being judged for staying with him because it will definitely happen and if you can be faithful to him for the time he is in jail and also don't forget jail changes people so he might not even be the same guy you liked while your were dating him. me personally i couldn't do it. but if you feel you can do it. and i wish you the best of luck(:
2015-01-24 15:59:05 UTC
It depends not only what he did, but also why he did it.

A man shoplifts a can of beans its theft he goes to jail. It does not matter to the justice sistem why.

WWJD Jesus woud turn the other cheek, and forgive him.
2015-01-15 15:38:12 UTC
no. and unlike in Dickens' time, you can't even move into the jail with him. Move on to the non-criminal class of boyfriends.
2015-01-15 08:55:54 UTC
I didn't know they allow people to stay together in Jail !
2015-01-15 09:26:28 UTC
You're asking this question on here?

That alone tells me that you do not want to stay with him

Move on with your life
2015-01-20 04:58:59 UTC
it depends what he went to prison for. I mean, if it was a minor crime, where nobody really got hurt, then yes, you should stay. however if he's a repeat offender who isn't trying to make life better for you both, or if his crime was a violent one, then I would seriously think about leaving him.
2015-01-17 11:45:31 UTC
Ummm, NO! he is a convict! where will he work once he is out? how can you marry someone with absolutely zero future opportunities? It sounds selfish, like stand by your man, but you are not married, you dont have children (i hope) so good bye to bad trash. I am sure you can do much better, and this time dont hook up with a loser. People do not go to jail because they are upstanding citizens that you would want to have children with or marry. Please have a little self respect. By standing by him you are selling yourself, and your future very short.
2015-01-19 17:35:48 UTC
It depend, what did he go to jail for, how long will be in jail and do you love him.
2015-01-19 20:57:09 UTC
Depends. What is he in for and how long? If he is in for a long sentence it probably won't work out. If he's in for a violent crime you shouldn't stay with him.
2015-01-21 04:16:23 UTC
I would say that...

If his imprisonment is unfair, then yes, you should stay with him.

If he really did something to get himself there, unless there's some exceptional way to justify his actions, no, you shouldn't.
2016-01-26 01:59:44 UTC
Getyour Ex Back Permanently Forever :
2015-01-17 17:01:14 UTC
well it depends on u friend to find out the real reason for he is in jail it you find him innocent den you can stay wid him but if hes cought in some kind of crime soo nd soo leave him

coz commiting crime is very bad dat typ of a person cannot be trusteed

sooo first find out the truth coz love means trust care nd respect dear

all the best :)
2015-01-15 20:21:44 UTC
I say heck no. If my fiance went to jail or even Prison. He would be gone.
2015-01-14 14:33:21 UTC
Hi, I'm answering only because I've actually dated a guy who was in jail for 4 months. It was really difficult, and depressing..I spent 4 months very down and lonely... Its something you really need to be ready for. if you love him stay with him, if you don't see a future with him leave. The only advice i will give you, is don't make his problems your problems... Still go out and have a good time with friends, just because he is in jail doesn't mean you are. Remember that.
2016-09-29 02:01:29 UTC
Should I Stay With Him
2016-02-07 04:02:34 UTC
Guaranteed Ex Back StepByStep Guide :
2015-01-17 10:19:03 UTC
Depends was it really his fault did he take the fall for u or even one of ur family members not to offend anyone sometimes people overseas the little details like these if it is something of that Guerra he probably worth. Keeping around them kind of guys are rare
2015-01-16 01:03:25 UTC
good luck my boyfriend just got out of jail. he was in there for one year. the man of my life that I love so much .is out and out of my life for good .and IM AM HURT BUT I WILL GET OVER HIM SO GOOG LUCK.
2015-01-19 10:39:54 UTC
Weigh up the following;

How strong, deep, real is your relationship?

How do you feel about what he 'did'?

How will both of you 'make it work'?

All the best!
2015-01-15 11:42:10 UTC
Sure just move right in 3 square meals, 51 inch TV. Get real dump bum you deserve a lot better .
Texas Czech Chick
2015-01-15 09:57:58 UTC
Depends on what he did in my opinion. You have to make the choice, but there is a 50/50 chance he is a total loser. Good luck.
2015-01-15 08:41:59 UTC
This depends entirely on the situation, but I don't think you should. If he's doing things that are getting him in trouble, you shouldn't date him- you might get involved.
2015-01-17 08:10:20 UTC
yes go to jail with him. However If he dropped the soap in jail then he might not by a virgin just for you anymore
2015-01-15 06:15:19 UTC
Better question is WHY would want to??

Men don't do well in the FREE world when

they are called Ex-cons
2015-01-15 02:10:49 UTC
NO. if he loved you and wanted to be with you. he wouldnt do anything to get put in jail. whatever he did was more important to him than you were. grow up, and move on.
Avner Eliyahu R
2015-01-16 05:56:07 UTC
You should discuss it with him. It also depends on the length of his jail term, as well as the reason he is in jail.
2015-01-15 01:10:39 UTC
It's not really my part to say, but I think that you should ask yourself,

1) How long have you been dating him?

2) Why is he in jail? was it on purpose?

3) Is he capable of changing?

If u love him and have been dating him for a while, and you trust that he is not truly a criminal and can change, stay with him :D
2015-01-18 21:41:36 UTC
**** no
2015-01-18 13:30:35 UTC
well id have to hear more about the current situation hun... I meen loyalty is a must in a relationship so id stick by him with whatever hes going throo.. but then again I don't know what exsactly he did.. did he hurt u? did he hurt a kid? did he rob a gas station? I meen I cant completely answer u cus I don't know what happened. this first offense or he has multiple or what?
2015-01-18 12:09:16 UTC
No, dump him and fast. He made his bed, now he has to sleep in it.
2015-01-18 09:54:21 UTC
After reading all the answers, I would just like to say "NO," don't stay with him.
Ravi Bikram
2015-01-18 09:05:56 UTC
First find the reason of him for being jailed? ;; If u find him positive do stay other wise choose to leave.
2015-01-18 03:41:19 UTC
2015-01-18 03:05:39 UTC
2015-01-17 20:30:01 UTC
depends. what for?
2015-01-17 20:07:13 UTC
How long? And what did he do? That would determine if you should stay or not!

Everyone make mistakes... nobody's perfect... and if you love him, you will never see him for his mistakes because you have his best interest. And when someone is in jail... they need support. Especially if they are doing hard time--- they start to feel forgotten.

However, anything over 3 years... I would say move on! Because even if you stayed... it will never be the same because you spent too much time away from each-other.
Ramzi Abbas Jr
2015-01-17 18:01:45 UTC
why he was sent to jail ? what offense did he commit ?
Emily Purdy
2015-01-17 11:10:21 UTC
2015-01-17 10:41:27 UTC
Boy friend meany you are not married!!! NO COMMITMENT!!!!! I would say that unless he went to jail for preaching the gospel in a muslim country, or contempt of court with a liberal judge for refusing to bake a wedding cake for a homosexual couple...If its not something like that you should probably run for the hills as fast as you can.
2015-01-17 10:01:36 UTC
No. Those jail beds don't hold two people.
2015-01-17 07:41:38 UTC
Of course you should continue relation with him.
2015-01-16 23:08:55 UTC
Well why was he sent to jail?? That has a lot to do in the question of taking him back or not? Sometimes people tell you not to and all, but sometimes you have to block everyone and everything out and focus on what you want. If it fails or whatever happens from their is your own fault. Sometimes you gotta find out for yourself without people having an input n it. Best of luck!
2015-01-16 20:40:44 UTC
i think one must be responsible of whatever s\he does or even decides to do .

if ur bf made a bad thing he deserves to b in jail , he doesn't deserve mercy if it was a big mistake he did .

but then comes the fact that he might been to jail by mistake , which happens sometimes , u must know it and show u'r there for him .

but that doesn't happen very often so ..

i think he mostly deserves to be alone for some time. + it's no YOUR fault that he went to jail .. right ?
2015-01-18 23:34:57 UTC
Sure maybe you will end up in Jail with him
2015-01-18 18:16:16 UTC
I'm in the same situation as of right now. He went last Tuesday. But he told me how long he might be in for. But I looked him up and his case was right there. It depends on how you feel. The question speaks for itself, if you're uncomfortable, move forward with your life. If you're not mentally or emotionally prepared, you shouldn't put yourself in that predicament. But ask yourself, Are you willing to lose yourself in this situation? Do you really love and care for him? If so, stay. If not, why risk your future. Plus, it all depends on the charges he have to face. His charge wasn't really that bad though. Take a while to think and have some alone time to collect your thoughts. I'm in a long distance relationship and it's harder for me because he's in Chicago and I'm 100-something miles apart. So you have to think.
2015-01-17 18:51:54 UTC
Depends on your relationship if your questioning it through social media then no the relationship isn't all that good
Sumit K
2015-01-17 18:12:26 UTC
Depends on the reason of his going to jail.

If he is good than you must stay with him.

If he is selfish and wrong doer than it is up to you.
Alan D
2015-01-17 16:46:15 UTC
That depends on many things a few of which. What kind of sentence and was he actually guilty. How much do you love him and are you willing to wait for him. Depending on sentence can affect his employment ability. If you intend to marry would you be comfortable living on a reduced income if that were the case. Most divorces are due to income problems. If he is guilty as charged is he the type that will reform? I tend to agree with Jesse that if yo have to ask you probably don't love him. He is probably going to need friends when he gets out. I think Dear John letters are cruel and add insult to injury in these sort of situations. though he might be expecting that you will move on while he is incarcerated..
2015-01-17 16:37:55 UTC
Ask your friends and family, who know you, know him, and the situation. I'm a stranger, and don't have enough info to judge. Speaking very broadly, if he went to jail because he hurt someone, I'd say break up with him. If he went to jail for a crime of conscience (arrested at a peaceful demonstration), that's a different matter.
2015-01-17 16:22:50 UTC
The choice is yours. However I would consider Why he went.
2015-01-17 13:46:50 UTC
With so little info, it's impossible to give and answer (opinion). Why is he in? How often does he break the law and in what way if he does? Do you participate and thereby encourage it? How long is he in for? I mean it's like did he get 30 days for a DUI for being stupid or did he get 20 years for manslaughter? How long have you been together? Do you have kids together? C'mon, work with us...

You can see that "nobody" can form an accurate opinion about a complicated situation like that from a 1 sentence question.

If you are even asking this question, you have doubts already... Would you stick with it if you chose to stay with him? If you are questioning this, don't string him along, just break it off and start fresh for your benefit AND his.
2015-01-17 10:40:59 UTC
does he want you to stay with him oyherwise he may have other plans i would ask him before moving
2015-01-17 07:25:23 UTC
hahah good
2015-01-16 20:26:42 UTC
you could do sooooo much better
nice guys always finish last
2015-01-16 19:24:18 UTC
Noy, I'm going to give you the best answer and its No, a man who won't make you his love for you and your relationship with you his number 1 priority you don't need. A man who won't get a real job and make sure that he doesn't end up in dumb **** so he won't winde up in situations like this is not worth your time. You need a legit human being who is willing to conform to modern society and get a job or a career that will have a retirement pension and health care for his family and you if he is willing to make you number 1 priority and yall future priority then he is not worth your time. Don't fall victim to that BS ohh he is gonna change get better you need a man that's right now not sometime at some point. Your better than that and you can have any man who is willing to do that for you and be with. Good luck wish you the best don't be a victim of never change loser!!
2015-01-16 18:56:48 UTC
why would you stay if he's now getting married to jail. :) are u willing to wait? if u will can he find a job after? :(
2015-01-16 16:48:12 UTC
2015-01-16 16:47:42 UTC
Well a lot of GOOD men have been dumped for far less than going to prison , if you stay with him you will probably regret it later.
Louise Smith
2015-01-16 15:06:28 UTC
Depends on your age, if you're young, no. You have a whole life ahead of you, not one that should be waiting for something or someone else.
2015-01-16 14:51:42 UTC
it's not worth it.
2015-01-16 14:15:00 UTC
Short answer, NO. Probably a precursor to the future ahead for you......a living hell. Most guys have a long lead-up to the point in time where they actually physically get put in jail.....cut out now, save yourself a TON of heartbreak and disappointments, and possible physical abuse to yourself.
Biased Liberal Media Is Not News
2015-01-16 10:24:21 UTC
You have to ask?
Antique Silver Buttons
2015-01-16 09:25:13 UTC
Well, that could depend on why he is there. If it's something minor like marijuana possession or a traffic violation, then it's not like he's living a life of crime. But I'm assuming that if it were that minor, you wouldn't be asking the question. So, NO, you shouldn't stay with him. Do you really have so little self-esteem that you think you can't find a better man? How do you know he won't do worse things later on, or become abusive toward you? The world is a big place and there are lots of eligible, decent men in it. Make it your goal to meet some of them. You should be on the prowl for some action, girl, not moping around after one guy who probably won't last.
2015-01-18 12:14:19 UTC
It depends on what he went to jail for. If it is drugs, then NO!
2015-01-17 17:04:42 UTC
It depends.were you playing monopoly?
2015-01-17 15:11:28 UTC
To me, it depends on what he did... Did he steal something and get caught? Stupid, but forgivable if an honest effort at change is made after his release. Did he beat someone within an inch of their life? Time to move on, because you could be the next victim, even if you don't think so right now.
2015-01-17 10:41:37 UTC
Depends on what he did and how you feel about that. You're on the outside and he's at the Greybar Hotel. Hopefully you'll meet a guy who wont be headed to prison.
2015-01-17 08:47:40 UTC
Bottom line, never, ever date a man that is not of the quality that you would not want your best friend, mother, daughter sister or close female relative to date. Never date a man that treats you in a manner that you would be ashamed of your own brother or son treating a woman in. People make dumb mistakes and some people learn from them.

Ask yourself, Do we share the same faith values and ethics that it would take to raise a child?

Do we both have the same desire to or not to have children and pets?

Is he financially stable? If he has bad spending habits or debts that leads to divorce. When you join your finances with someone else it affects you for life for good or bad.

Will he help you obtain your life goals or will he be an obstacle to your success?

You want to be with a man who helps your mission in life not a man who becomes your mission in life.

I don't care if he is in jail or not the bottom line is that you should not date or be with a man that effects you in a negative manner. Maybe he is a good guy that made a big mistake, if so continuing to be with him might turn out well for you but if he is a bad man that made a big mistake dump him and be single for a while, get your head screwed on right first and start dating again when you are ready.

If he is in jail for hurting someone else dump him. If he is in jail because he was set up as the fall guy for something then consider his character. I can respect a man who is charged with assault or murder for defending someone else, like say his dad beat his mom near to death and he fired a shot and it hit the wrong place and was fatal. I can respect an accidental killing in defense of the helpless but if he went to jail for child porn or theft I can't respect that and you shouldn't either. If he is a good man stay if he is what you are looking for in a spouse and if he is a bad man go and be free.
2015-01-17 07:10:06 UTC
Depends on what he did
2015-01-16 23:25:23 UTC
Everybody makes mistakes but whatever you feel in your heart that you should do and would like to do, then do it. The answers within you, sometimes it just takes us asking other people to hear the words we need to hear at that time to help us realize our own answers. Good Luck girl! Everything is gonna turn out great anyways regardless, no need to worry.. (=
2015-01-16 18:23:30 UTC
i wouldntt
2015-01-16 17:32:53 UTC
Know that this is an opportunity for you to think this out. Doubt can be an chance to really May come to right thought ,right action and allow you to find the answer that is best for you. The great question is has this young man learn his lesson and most important is willing to take responsibility for his actions and change his life. Nobody has the right to judge him. know that there is a power withing you that already has the right answer for you. When there is doubt it is an opportunity and a lesson to learn from. God Bless you!
Raymond L.
2015-01-16 16:06:47 UTC
What is he in jail for?????

you left out that IMPORTANT detail.
2015-01-16 15:41:21 UTC
Well they won't let you in with him sorry :)
2015-01-16 15:36:26 UTC
Taking suggestion from family/friends is different from taking decisions for yourself. Since we can only suggest, it is purely our own individual perception and has got nothing to do with understanding your situation and level of involvement with him. But if you are considering to base your decision on suggestions you get from people here, then I suppose you are being biased to your own self and not giving due credibility to your own judgment.

However, since our society is governed by a set of rules and laws, anybody who is convicted and serving a jail term, has not met those obligations towards the society and are generally bad examples. Considering his personal accountability and failure to do so, it would be tangibly thought that he might fail you too in fulfilling his obligations towards you.

But then, you know him best. Sometimes the rigidity of rules and laws fail to understand the real reason behind a crime and the person gets convicted. So, if you feel he is a good man and if you give him the desired love and care, eventually he will become a person who contributes to the society; I suppose in that case it is worth waiting for him.
Trevor S
2015-01-16 13:48:43 UTC
If its only a first time and a minor offence, then by all means stay with him.

If he has had a series of offending, then just forget about hime and find some one decent
2015-01-16 11:41:26 UTC
NO!! He's Jail Bait and a big LOOSER **** Stat
2015-01-16 11:26:44 UTC
Why did he go
2015-01-16 10:36:26 UTC
2015-01-16 10:34:07 UTC
you can't, you will have to wait for him to get out.
2015-01-16 10:27:19 UTC
Run girl. Run as fast as you can.
2015-01-16 07:37:11 UTC
depends on the reason he went to jail
2015-01-16 06:07:38 UTC
easy answer: no

first of all, he's a criminal! and secondly, if you really loved him, you wouldn't be asking that to a bunch of strangers online
2015-01-18 14:32:48 UTC
only if its for more than 3 months
2015-01-18 11:53:01 UTC
Why is he in jail and how long will he be there? What are your ages? Any kids involved? It all depends on the circumstances, you didn't any details. Some say cut you losses without knowing all or any details. Many people get out jail and lead productive lives....wish I had more info to go on.
2015-01-18 03:09:44 UTC
Let me put it this way: Why makes you want to stay with him? If he went to jail, it had to be for a reason. If he was thrown in there for violent crime, cut your losses and move on. If it was for something like tax evasion or fraud, you might want to sit down and think about whether you have the cunning and skill to match someone who might be a compulsive liar. If it was for something like getting drunk and then driving around naked with Old Glory as his cape and screaming "Freedom!", well... Let's just say that he might have impulse control problems, and you need to make sure you're okay with his lifestyle, and can either control yourself and influence him to stay on the straight and narrow or not feel any regret when you land in the same cell as him.

I can't really see a happy ending unless we're talking about the last possibility...
2015-01-17 18:48:18 UTC
Honestly if you have to ask that you shouldn't plus he doesn't deserve someone who would really put that on yahoo.
2015-01-17 18:03:35 UTC
YOU ARE PATHETIC! What is it with women staying with jerks? No wonder we are the weaker sex!
2015-01-17 11:14:15 UTC
2015-01-17 11:11:10 UTC
It all Depends for how long? a month ? a year ? 10 years? is he black?
2015-01-17 08:56:37 UTC
why are u asking this kinda stupid question, what does it have to do wif others whether you wanna stay wif him or not, it's ur own life & choice. Get a LIFE u dumb *** freak
Mr. India
2015-01-17 08:26:15 UTC
No. You can't.
2015-01-17 06:25:27 UTC
How your boyfriend's character, if he is a good man, and he will love you, if not, even if he did not go to jail, he will abandon you.

If it is a long time, not only the time dimension, but also these unforgettable memories. The laugh and tears between you, which making you stand by your side each other.
Sona Vansika
2015-01-17 01:04:56 UTC
Yessss Goo Stayy With Him Goo Doo What Makes You Happyy
2015-01-16 22:05:16 UTC
If you have to ask, you need help !!!
2015-01-16 19:18:58 UTC
Was he cheating on you while he was in there?
2015-01-16 15:50:08 UTC
Um, that really depends, if he did not do anything wrong, then go for it, but if he is a criminal, depending on what he did that landed him in jail good luck with that.
2015-01-16 15:02:17 UTC
2015-01-16 14:46:25 UTC
well depends for what , for how long and how attached you are to him
2015-01-16 11:16:05 UTC
Yeah... Sit in his body alike you true angels do ini.

"You never know" the ill policegirls might try to seduce him in the cells and succeed otherwise... Then you'd be defunct from the back.
2015-01-16 02:55:40 UTC
2015-01-16 00:39:28 UTC
depends what he went in for lol
2015-01-15 22:19:53 UTC
Obviously YES honey love is not so afraid of JAIL

but if you fare the word jail the all is yours choice.

Personal feeling: I feel despair on achieving love from my Girlfriend ----by the Q.
2015-01-19 08:18:28 UTC
Your better off without him
2015-01-18 16:05:09 UTC
pretty sure you already know the answer to that one.
2015-01-18 14:37:29 UTC
Probs not.
2015-01-17 19:25:01 UTC
Well what did he do? I mean everyone DOES make mistakes every now and again. Some mistakes are worse than others. I mean if he gets out and learns from it and never does it again and you two really do care about each other enough then yes stay with him. However if its something he can't get over doing, he'll do it again, or he is just a bad guy overall, then no. It all depends on what he did.
2015-01-17 13:16:18 UTC
no, once they go its an in and out kind of thing u deserve better
2015-01-17 11:48:18 UTC
If he is innocent yes.
2015-01-17 11:25:18 UTC
I do not think so only because life will be difficult. I have a friend who had that happen to her and she just ended it with him because she thought that if she kept dating him it would make her life miserable. Also she had no other ties with the guy. If you have things like kids with that guy or so on than say with him.
2015-01-17 11:14:05 UTC
That's not a lot to go on. What did he go to jail for? Just because he went to jail over unpaid parking fines or getting in a scuffle at a bar or back child support or; that doesn't mean much. Now, if he went to jail for beating on you or for molesting some kid or for dealing drugs or for killing someone or for multiple offenses dealing with alcohol or for a myriad of other things, then it means something. Also, some people go to jail and learn to change; others go to jail and refuse to change; so the fact someone goes to jail has much less relevance (in my book) then what the person does with it makes much bigger difference than the fact someone went to jail.
2015-01-17 01:46:35 UTC
It depends on what he went to jail for, I suppose. But at the same time... I've never been locked up. Yes, as a teen I did drugs. I didn't go out around people or endanger anyone other than myself. But still, I was doing something illegal.

If he is locked up for something that you KNOW is WRONG (ie. selling drugs, burglary, stealing, manufacturing...) then no... no you should not stay with him.
2015-01-16 22:39:24 UTC
If you love him, then yes,
2015-01-16 20:05:18 UTC
If it was a crime or something illegal, then you should consider leaving him.
2015-01-16 19:15:49 UTC
If you love him yes
2015-01-16 14:33:41 UTC
Stay with him forever, you know he is your best option.
2015-01-16 13:25:07 UTC
Depends how long he is in there, and if you REALLY want to stay with him
2015-01-16 11:32:18 UTC
No, Just start over.

You can do better if you wanted to.

Unless you have his kids, then I would not walk I would run away to another city and start over.

Get a new life...
2015-01-16 10:11:53 UTC
Big Cat 4
2015-01-16 06:53:59 UTC
What do you feel is right?> How many times has he been in jail and what is he in jail for. ???? Really if it was a one time deal then yes. Give him another chance. Now if it is an on going deal you may want to weigh your options. Has he been arrested before how does he treat you and is he dragging you down? Are you and him hanging out with friends that you don't really care for ? Ask your self is he worth the time and money and the heart ache. Will he be a good father for your kids.?
2015-01-16 05:49:06 UTC
Get someone who doesn't go to jail.
2015-01-16 03:21:31 UTC
I think It is better if your boyfriend do not have any bad side. And he understands his mistake. If you like her, because she would have been in any situation and can accept that!
2015-01-15 17:29:49 UTC
Well find out for your self give it a chance if it turns to **** then I say leave it it works then stay.
Tony C
2015-01-19 05:05:10 UTC
They probably won't let you in but you could give it a try. lol
2015-01-19 03:56:08 UTC
Depends what he went to jail for and how long he is going to be there. If he is a serial rapist or doing time for a series of violent assaults then I would get him out of your life ASAP. If on the other hand he is there for two or three years for doing something stupid (fraud, deception) or something out of character (a one-time burglary or robbery), then stick with him, provided he is committed not to repeating his behavior and will behave properly in future.
2015-01-18 06:47:24 UTC
Bad seed, bad apple. Dont be blind....Leave!
2015-01-17 18:12:41 UTC
It depends on the reason. If it was for something truly awful and intentional, no. if that is not the case, stay with him if you love him. it's your choice. it would be easier to answer if you have a bit more detail.
2015-01-17 15:40:06 UTC
No. Let me give you a thorough explanation of what a CONVICT is.

CON- con artist, knows how to play the game.

VICT -victim

put those words together and what'd you got? Conning a victim.
2015-01-17 07:32:52 UTC
2015-01-17 07:11:17 UTC
Depends on what it was for. Does he have a track record of breaking the Law? Was it violence? Was it initiated by him?
2015-01-17 01:15:19 UTC
It is up to you and you only, if you think he is guy for you even he did some bad things stay, if you think that it is not good for you to be with hima after that incident you can broke up with him, but also note that he can be shocked with your desition and sometimes he can force you after jail to be with him again! I dont know how person is he but with this advices it is all up to you...
2015-01-16 22:33:25 UTC
If you love him, your gonna be ride or die. If you don't really care about him then who cares
Karla B
2015-01-16 19:17:44 UTC
If he knows his mistake already , then yes , everyone deserves a second chance , especially that he needs support at this time

But if not , U should leave him !
2015-01-16 12:27:05 UTC
Oh my god DUMP HIM!
Je Suis Moi
2015-01-16 10:25:34 UTC
depends what he did and if he is guilty
2015-01-16 00:28:56 UTC
My darling, actually i think you have already had the decision. This is concerning about you life, about your hapiness. Nobody can make a decision for you, you should do it by yourself.

Why did he went to jail? Does he deserve your wait? all of these issues, you should think it over.
First NameRbrbv
2015-01-15 23:29:30 UTC
2015-01-15 22:25:15 UTC
2015-01-15 21:24:19 UTC
Depends how long he's there for, and the severity of his crime. Are you ready to forgive him?
2015-01-15 19:23:21 UTC
Answer is YES if he is not guilty and NO if he is guilty for a major reasons. But there is a but if he confess truly you feel answer is YES also.
Margot D
2015-01-15 17:59:38 UTC
Simple answer: no
2015-01-15 15:17:26 UTC
It depends on your love.If you really love him,being in a jail of him doesnt mean anything.Very special man in my life was in jail too,and he was also totally right,and it was a big unfairness,but who cares? I stay with him and now,he is with us,thanks God,and im really happy that i didnt leave him alone in that bad days.But if you are just hanging out with him,it may be suffering cause you know,you wont see him everytime,and you wont go for entertaintments for a period of time and may be he will be hazardous for you too.Just think about it.''Do i love him or not?'' If you love him,dont leave him alone,you can even finish your relationship,but just support him at least as a friend.Im sure,he does needs it.However,if he is almost nothing for you,and if you are sure that you are the same for him too,just let it go...
2015-01-15 13:04:51 UTC
Obviously you cant if he is in jail well what reasons can you give for staying committed to him ? obviously he was guilty of not following the laws you what does that say about his character ?
2015-01-18 07:59:52 UTC
You cannot.
2015-01-18 06:07:56 UTC
2015-01-18 04:56:20 UTC
It is up to you , as an adult, but there are no easy choices sometimes.

Be careful that your boy friend does not become what I call an emotional vampire. That he uses you, in other words. That he depends on you to bail him out , by putting your house or money up for bail. To hire his layer or arrange for a PD. To put YOUR money on the books for his use.

Like an officer told me one time, go to church and move some where else if you want to have and meet better people.

Like I say, you can also find other friends or lovers , but you can not ex- your family or -out-laws.
2015-01-18 04:36:32 UTC
Will the jail accept you?
2015-01-18 04:26:34 UTC
Continue to remember those in prison as if you were together with them in prison, and those who are mistreated as if you yourselves were suffering..this was qouted in the Bible hebrew 13:3.

Jesus said "i did not come for the righteous but for the sinners Luke 5:32.

and what measure you did to your fellowman is the same measure it will be use against you in time of judgement..Matthew 7:2..many times when we pray,we ask the Lord to forgive us in our sins,but we easily judge others by thier mistakes..

And in Romans 3:23 it says none is righteous,no not one!

So my brothers,becareful on how you think of the fault of others,Jesus Christ dies for them too in the cross,only God has the right to judge..the very reasons war never end is "no forgirveness".

Your bf sinned,but what he needs now is affection and understanding,and help not to be blame,can you imagined yourself being in his situation? How would you fell if no ONE listens to you anymore? You might go rebellious and become more criminal right? People in jail needs cure not to be condemn! Pray for the Lord wisdom.God bless you!
2015-01-18 02:26:35 UTC
tammy s
2015-01-17 23:54:59 UTC
2015-01-17 18:43:47 UTC
yes you should stay with him.. good women like you deserve scumbags like him.. anything else just wouldnt get you turned out.. maybe lesbians but idk if you are into that
2015-01-17 14:40:54 UTC
It depend on what he did, if it was a crime too unforgivable then it is best to stay away however, if you genuinely love him and don't think that he truly meant what he did then you should stay with him. P.S. if the crime is too severe (murder) you have to think about your own safety.
J Hanson
2015-01-17 10:13:28 UTC
2015-01-16 23:59:05 UTC
Hi, i think you should choose by your heart. If he make mistake going to jail it's not his behavior, it's someone teach him bad. Good luck for him. If you feel alone, you can find some android tv box with exciting entertement. Android tv box M5 quad core is better for you choose.
2015-01-16 23:24:46 UTC
Tell him you want out and leave him. It will be foolish to live or marry someone with a prison record.
2015-01-16 18:42:10 UTC
Depends on the Offense
2015-01-16 15:41:33 UTC
I'd say "Let's just be friends until you are released and then we'll see if we're both still interested in moving forward." In the meantime, keep your options open, go out with other guys and/or your friends, don't sit home lonely and crying.
2015-01-16 12:56:05 UTC
depends on what he done, how long he will be in prison for, and does he have a criminal past, if he is in for a minor crime and is not in for long, then yeah you should stay with him, but if he is in for long and has a criminal past then stay away from him.
2015-01-16 12:55:25 UTC
Is he guilty? Is the evidence overwhelming and you're choosing to ignore it? And, depends on the crime -if it involves violence, rape, children and you have any doubts at all about his innocence distance yourself immediately and stay away. But one thing bothers me - if you are so unsure of this that you'd turn to yahoo answers you're not really committed to him anyway, and this is a good excuse to go your own way.
mission cat
2015-01-16 06:12:13 UTC
I think you should not abandon him now. Support him as you would any friend who has come to grief, even if by his own doing.

After his case is decided, or he gets out, then decide if you should continue based on how you feel after he has returned. You will have done your duty and will have nothing to be ashamed of.

Never run from trouble.
2015-01-16 00:16:40 UTC
his name is jerado
2015-01-15 21:22:51 UTC
All these answers make sense. But it is you who must determine your values and make a free decision.
2015-01-15 10:58:11 UTC
if you really like him and he'll be out soon sure but if yall arent really in it for the long run and he's gonna be a while then i'd dump him and on to the next.
2015-01-19 08:54:07 UTC
It depends on what he did.
2015-01-19 08:32:08 UTC
Kaoru Kaw
2015-01-19 06:21:10 UTC
Ark your self. Do you love him or not?
2015-01-18 23:43:52 UTC
well if your's is true love then yes, else look for better future.
Cindy S.
2015-01-18 20:33:15 UTC
Depends what's the reason for going to jail. If its something bad move on cause it make no sense to stay with someone who will hurt in the future.
Whiskey Tom
2015-01-17 08:43:52 UTC
If you don t mind sharing a cell.
2015-01-17 08:01:21 UTC
The Inquisitor
2015-01-17 06:04:39 UTC
Shelby has given the best advice.
2015-01-17 05:49:10 UTC
Y would u wanna stay with a criminal?
2015-01-17 02:21:38 UTC
yes, you should stay till last
2015-01-16 19:10:24 UTC
It depends how long he will be incarcerated. Ask yourself, why do you still stay with him even to consider and determine whether it is worth it.
2015-01-16 18:01:29 UTC
I think most of the people answering are right on the mark.

Your BF is a loser and will likely keep up the same behavior that got him in trouble to begin with.

It is a lot of stress and work being married to a loser, but life is easier with someone who takes responsibility for his decisions and tries to do all the right things.

Move on and find yourself some nice, mature people to hang out with.
2015-01-16 17:21:26 UTC
it depends did he rape? did he murder? did he assault? if he raped another women u better break up with him because its cheating and crime if he killed some1 you better stay away if he stole something from a store or got into a fight then wouldn't break up with him why didn't you tell us what he did? what a dumb person you are seriously your stupid
Hon. Peter
2015-01-16 16:33:19 UTC
Old Sage saying: "If you lie down with dogs you'll catch their fleas". Consider also the counsel of those who provided the life you enjoy OR if your parents aren't socially adult and functionally capable of helping you resolve your dilemma THEN at least seek the counsel of other adults who know you well & care enough for you to provide that counselling, especially if any of them know your "boy friend." Finally, if you are a woman, consider whether or not you would you tell another woman as your best friend to marry a man identical to your boyfriend, not only because she 'loved' him, but because he would make an outstanding father of your children and also stand by you if you ever became a crtppled or disabled person through misadventure. IF your conscience says "no" to any of these tests, then you are an idiot unworthy of any more of our time unless you go and tell this fellow that he is kidding himself & you. You owe it to him to cut him loose so he can make a clean break with all significant elements of his past and the things from which he drew support for his bad anti-social behaviour offending his fellow humans. Tell him that it is only in that way that he'll be able reform the basis of his life and rebuild it. He has to be able to thereby purge all the poor ideas about self and activities which improve self-image. The pathology in his past anti-social behaviour must go into the rubbish bin of remorse with all the supports of his current sick behaviour/attitudes in all respects, especially you. Tell him he must reflect on how to structure his life and his time on a day to day basis, hour by hour and decide what things and activities bring him self-respect and the support & the respect and friendship of others with whom he wants to hang out. If you truly love him you will do that for him.

The underlying assumption I make is your use of the word 'boyfriend' means a you have a relationship which is sexually intimate and physically affectionate; as well as being a emotionally affectionate with a caring, sharing person who is materially supportive in sickness and in health; whereas a 'friend' is a person with whom you have a similar relationship in varying degrees of intensity, but always without the sex.
Kaleigh Leckbee
2015-01-16 10:53:25 UTC
Well it depends! Why'd he go to jail?

If it was for like reckless driving or something, that's not much to be worried about.

If it's something like being a pimp or smuggling drugs, I think the answer should be obvious enough. :T
2015-01-16 08:26:12 UTC
depending on how he acts
2015-01-16 07:30:44 UTC
only if you can stay in the same cell
2015-01-16 02:48:45 UTC
no!as someone pointed out you could even loose your job by association.

unfortunatelly most people who go to jail will wind up there again and again...
2015-01-15 17:27:13 UTC
You should move in to his cell.
2015-01-15 12:49:39 UTC
drop him faster than a hot potato.
kelly k
2015-01-18 14:37:00 UTC
if you want dead weight
2015-01-18 12:15:15 UTC
it will be kind of hard to stay with him if he is in jail. if you want to stay with him break a law and get sentenced and see if you can be cellmates.
2015-01-18 08:39:48 UTC
Biggest question: WHY?
2015-01-17 20:45:21 UTC

I wouldn't.

hes probably getting gangbanged by a group of big bobs.
2015-01-17 14:36:32 UTC
2015-01-17 09:31:31 UTC
why he went to jail... murder... or anything else?
Poppa Smurf
2015-01-17 06:09:58 UTC
Oh sure you should, he has so much to offer you,, lets see,, you get to go visit him , and he will be providing for you while he is incarcerated, and he is sure going to learn to be a good boy when he gets out.. but then if you dont want to change your habits why should he change his.. so yeah I say stay with him,, I am sure your family is proud of the choices in partners you have made.. and this one being one of them..
Greeny Cloud
2015-01-16 20:11:08 UTC
2015-01-16 16:15:20 UTC
I don't know? do you like him?

Will the waiting be worth it?
2015-01-16 13:11:02 UTC
depends how much you love him. i love my boyfriend and i would stay with him because i love him.
2015-01-16 12:23:20 UTC
do you love him? how long have you been together? how long is he staying in jail? are you sure that he would have wanted to be with you after one, two, ten years if he hadn't gone to jail? it doesn't matter if he seems that he loves you right now he's in prison. issue is how much in love did he seem to be with you? I'm guessing that if you have your doubts, then probably you're not that into him. don't waste your time. go visit him. but start dating others as well. be careful though. it's one thing if he's in for petty theft or fraud or white-collar crimes, and it's another if he's in for murder. careful he doesn't want to take revenge if you blurt out that you've found someone else. I wouldn't say so if I were you.
2015-01-16 11:28:47 UTC
NO... He will have a Boyfriend in Jail!
2015-01-16 10:27:07 UTC
2015-01-16 08:33:18 UTC
sure why not have 35 kids the guy is a loser and if you stay with him you are one too
2015-01-16 08:29:22 UTC
I would definately leave him. Life goes

on and he should have known that before

he went to prison.
2015-01-16 08:12:39 UTC
No, don't stay with him til he gets outta jail and moves into a nicer place.
2015-01-16 07:47:08 UTC
Not enough information to answer this question fairly....
2015-01-16 05:36:42 UTC
Bake bf a cake with hack saw blade in it. You and boy friend will be together soon...................
2015-01-15 16:31:08 UTC
2015-01-15 16:28:39 UTC
Maybe you should listen to your heart and see what it tells you... if you really love him you would help him to STOP but honestly you need to ask yourself do you wanna spend your whole life with a guy who has no future what's so ever?
2015-01-18 20:40:55 UTC
Depends on why he went to jail. Also depends on whether or not you're willing and able to stay faithful to him. Ask yourself if he is worth it to you. If the answer is no then you've solved your own question. Remember not everyone that goes to jail is a bad person. Some people make mistakes and learn from them. Some don't. You just have to decide how you feel about the crime he committed, and whether or not you feel that he's a bad person, and if he's worth your time and feelings.
2015-01-18 18:42:34 UTC
2015-01-18 11:46:20 UTC
2015-01-18 11:18:09 UTC
2015-01-18 01:56:21 UTC
If he committed a serious crime, then stay away from that freak. Otherwise, it's all up to you whether you want to stay with him or not. Think about it. Did he do something that warranted his sentence, or was he wrongly arrested?

If he was wrongly arrested, I suggest you pay his bail. Other than that if he committed a serious crime then like said, stay away from him. Again, it's all up to you.
2015-01-17 11:38:53 UTC
He will learn a lot in there and it could build his character
2015-01-17 07:12:45 UTC
life is far to short to let a jail sentence get in your way , if he made a mistake and is doing time it can`t be his first police problem we simply don`t go to jail for something simple .My son was arrested and sent to jail for 2 years for motor manslaughter he was in an accident where all the drivers including himself were considered drunk 18 year old and had a great future he made a mistake and is now paying the price, he has been in jail and rehab for the last 18 months

his girlfriend has moved on and found another yes he was sad,

but realised just how idiotic his drunken driving had caused his problem in life

and blames no one but himself .

one thing for sure he appears to be twice the man he was before he went to prison so what É

I would suggest is you really keep an eye on him if he doesn't show remorse for his crime or embarrassment for doing time

you must make up your mind because it can only get worst.

but if he is showing those things I spoke about kindness and humbleness

he may be a keeper its your choice, good luck
2015-01-17 03:46:11 UTC
2015-01-16 15:15:16 UTC
I don't think you should stay with him. It really depends on what he did, but I personally wouldn't stay with a guy who couldn't stay out of trouble with the law.
2015-01-16 15:12:28 UTC
Do you love him and do you wanna wait for him? If so, then absolutely yes. It does depend on what he went to jail for though, child abuse, then dont stay with him, murdere, then don't stay with him. Bar fight, then you should.
2015-01-16 14:27:16 UTC
2015-01-16 13:42:37 UTC
Leave this looser !
2015-01-16 12:27:46 UTC
No you shouldn't are you crazy? Jail is only for bad people also if get's put in jail you probably have a new view of him now. If you are Asian you would be even more unlucky, your parents wouldn't even let you THINK about him for the rest of your life. Just saying.
2015-01-16 11:56:46 UTC
2015-01-16 06:45:23 UTC
Well if u love him u should
2015-01-16 06:40:21 UTC
2015-01-15 23:36:15 UTC
depends on the reason why he went to jail.
2015-01-15 20:54:06 UTC
You did not give much information, is he Charles Manson, or a drug dealer, or did not pay for traffic tickets?
2015-01-15 17:16:48 UTC
you should figure out the reason why he went to jail. if he did something unforgivable or really bad, I guess there is no need to stay with him any more.
2015-01-15 10:17:02 UTC
**** YES

that diggna has put his heart and soul iunbto u and you gonna say that yu dont love him

! how u gona say that

ho9w yoyh are yth fkjnhgkjhf you ahewv gfkodj n!
2015-01-18 14:10:38 UTC
No, you probably deserve someone better, but it also depends on reason why he went to jail.

Many people go to jail when they have been wrongfully convicted.

The problem is that when people are convicted and put in jail, it is very difficul for them to make financially. My nephew went to jail for two years, and when he got out, he couldn't find a job anywhere.

Every place he went to apply for a job, they asked him about his criminal record.
2015-01-18 09:29:49 UTC
Depends if you see a future with him or not and whether or not you can deal with the crime he committed.
2015-01-18 04:13:29 UTC
If what he did didn't ruin other people's lives (murder,assault) , or his own temporarily (illegal substances), and if you think he can change, than stay with him. Personally, I would not date someone who went in jail, but its your choise.
2015-01-18 00:26:44 UTC
Depends on the reason and if you love him and think you will be happy once he is out. No one can tell you what to do or should tell you. Do what the heart wants not the brain
Creamy Strawberry
2015-01-17 17:37:30 UTC
You don't mention some important facts, such as your age, and what crime your boyfriend committed.

Anyway, as someone who had some problems in past (although I wasn't arrested), and who's still living with the consequences, I think you would be better off without him.

I know that it's in the hard times that people need the most someone to stand by them.

But maybe he is indeed someone very difficult to be around, and it's not up to you to change him.

You would probably not have the wisdom for that, and even those who had might not succeed.

So, spare yourself.

You deserve better.

Best wished.

So, leave him.
2015-01-17 14:57:41 UTC
leave that buster , i'll show you what a real man is like . i'll show what a real trap star is . ill make you my versace boo(;
2015-01-17 11:17:54 UTC
Nobody can answer this vague question which gives no background info.

It all depends is the best possible answer, of course. It depends on the circumstances, whether he went to jail because he did something bad, or was it for sticking up for his beliefs? We have nothing to go on.
2015-01-17 02:40:39 UTC
George G
2015-01-16 20:05:12 UTC
Yes, stay with him forever even if it means that you'll have to pan handle and live under a freeway. Using public restrooms and eating top ramen can't be all that bad. At least you'll have each other, how sweet.
2015-01-16 12:20:01 UTC
sure if they have co-ed jails
2015-01-16 11:55:10 UTC
No. If you stay with him you enable him. That won't do either one of you any good. Help him to stay out of trouble going forward by moving on. If his head is on straight he will accept it. If it isn't, all the more reason for you to leave.
2015-01-16 11:31:27 UTC
what would your mother/father/guardian say?
2015-01-16 10:26:51 UTC
yes you can
2015-01-16 08:43:43 UTC
My bf also just went to jail. He was convicted of a fraud type offence. He's never hurt anyone and there were circumstance surrounding his crime. I'm not dismissing he did something illegal but in my eyes, not the eyes of the law its not a "crime"!

Therefore I am staying with him as I truly love him.

Not every criminal is a scum bag and the people who assume they are narrow minded and cold if u ask me.

Beware though that its very difficult being with a guy in prison, its difficult for both the prisoner and the partner.

I never know if my bf will call me, it depends on numerous things including the mood of the prison staff.

I have visited as much as I possibly can and I always get emotional when I leave him. Its a stressful situation. If you don't love him leave him now. If you do continue to support him, write regularly and visit as often as possible. Good Luck

For me it would depend on the nature and severity of his crime, the sentence etc.

If he's murdered/raped etc then walk away.

If he's there for a low level crime and isn't going to be gone for years and years and of course you love him - stay true to him
2015-01-16 05:24:09 UTC
if u love him
2015-01-16 01:08:23 UTC
2015-01-15 23:27:11 UTC
your choice, but if he's in jail it seems like he doesn't really have his life together unless he's wrongfully accused
2015-01-15 17:27:59 UTC
If you love him and you understand the reason why he was sent to jail, then sure you can stay with him. But, if he did something that was extremely wrong (something you absolutely cannot accept), then don't stay with him. You guys may love each other but know that you might get hurt in the future. You should probably get some advice from your peers and family because they probably know what is best for you.
2015-01-15 15:27:09 UTC
Personally, I would not. Usually a guy does not go to jail just once. He will probably repeat.
2015-01-15 12:59:01 UTC
If he went because he was mistaken identity yes stay, but if he committed a crime, I would be out of there before he could put his shoes away. I am afraid of any man that goes to jail. I would not continue with him , but you probably are because women always pout up with so much crap from their boyfriends. I don't know why, but they are so not strong in many ways. Get out!!!!!
2015-01-18 07:33:24 UTC
It is important to look at the crime and the amount of time he will be in jail. Keep in mind the consequences for someone with a criminal record for employment after he gets out.
2015-01-18 01:49:59 UTC
if u lov him, u would stay no matter what
2015-01-18 01:09:58 UTC
no stay out of jail if at all possible
2015-01-17 12:56:09 UTC
The question resides in YOU! Are you co-dependent on him or can you launch off without him?? That's the question, a healthy person leaves him. An unhealthy person goes back for more dysfunctional activities if he ever gets out of prison.
2015-01-17 09:41:54 UTC
2015-01-17 05:16:21 UTC
2015-01-16 21:14:19 UTC
Depends on how much you love him, and also what he did can you understand it? And does his moralities line up with your convictions?
2015-01-16 19:23:45 UTC
More details please
2015-01-16 15:49:26 UTC
Depends on what he did. Honestly, it it's something major like killing someone, sexually abusing someone or something that can lead to years in jail time.. I wouldn't.
Steve L
2015-01-16 14:47:12 UTC
Of course you should , and while you are at it , have a couple of kids by him and or one of his friends ,then you all can be role models for them ... grow up get some self-respect and get your mind out of the ghetto ....
2015-01-16 10:22:02 UTC
That is a difficult decision. Do not let your heart and loyalty cloud your thinking. I am not suggesting once a person go to jail, he or she will hurt their chances to be a valuable citizen. One has to know, that chances become limited once he has a label.
2015-01-16 09:50:53 UTC
it depends what he got arrested for. if he was arrested for something that he did not do and you have evidence to prove it, then you should stay with him. if he has committed a seriously horrible crime, then you shouldn't stay with him.
2015-01-16 09:15:52 UTC
2015-01-16 08:27:09 UTC
NO, you he isn't the right person.
2015-01-16 07:52:31 UTC
Depends why he went. And how long YOU are willing to wait. If he went for murder or something crazy, that's not the type of persona anyone should be with. If its for something little like debt he never paid, give the scrub a chance.
2015-01-15 21:56:49 UTC
I just read many entries from people responding to this.

They have not been given any information.

He has not been accused of anything.

They have referred to him as a bum, a crimminal,

Said he abused his girl, called him an abuser,

saying all this with no evidence against him.

The system does the same thing. I once sat for

a day listening to cases and watching attorneys of

apparrent stature lining up to make deals with the accuser,

The prosecuter. since clients cannot afford representation, and contrived accusations are written up about someone they

just met, they recommend making a deal that is not fully explained. The system grinds people up and destroys their futures without proving anything, it is a monetary decision to the confused perpetrator, or just the accused.

When the door was opened I looked in there,

They were all reporting to a little kid in a cheap suit.

You need to update your question with facts or as close as you can get without compromising his position.

I have watched so many guilty go free to continue being the problem and calling themselves the solution.

You must simply answer yourself. Are you and he part of the problem? or part of the solution.

The reams of wasted paper they tack onto his "deal" will plague you both for years to come. That was not explained to him, was it?

Please update to clarify. he could still be just "accused" as far as we know.

Or is he convicted of inability to pay?
2015-01-15 21:49:46 UTC
depends on how long he's staying in jail. if he's staying a long time, you should leave him. but also be careful he doesnt try to kill you when he gets out for cheating on him
2015-01-15 19:10:32 UTC
No - run away! He's a loser.
Smokies Hiker
2015-01-15 16:43:49 UTC
I'm sure you know the "truth" about whatever he did that got him arrested, convicted and sentenced to jail time. There are many innocent people in jail, as there are guilty people that are free. Since you should know the truth about what he did to be put in jail, that should help you determine if you should wait for him or move on with your life.
2015-01-15 09:05:02 UTC
It depends on the crime. every human being has to have some moral principles in life, and your's and your partner's should be close. judge his crime by that, you'll know the answer.
Katniss Everdeen.
2015-01-19 04:07:13 UTC
If you do truly love him, you should stay with him. If you don't, break up with him. What did he get imprisoned for, anyway?
2015-01-18 06:32:13 UTC
if he was jailed defending you? then yes you should stay with him for life.
2015-01-17 13:38:24 UTC
2015-01-17 12:16:12 UTC
as a real man he needs to understand that this is not right ask you to stay, but you need listen to your heart!
2015-01-17 00:00:37 UTC
Depends why and what he did.... Murderer? no. Drug use? most likely not they often because abusers/cheaters Stealing something? I'd say kinda yeah kinda not just depends if he's worth it and you love him.
2015-01-16 22:06:40 UTC
I can tell you right now. I work at a prison and know that it is very hard to keep your relationship going. Plus I can also tell you that a lot of these guys will be talking to other girls as well.
2015-01-16 20:51:14 UTC
Its gonna be hard for both you guys. But If you really love him and he trust you and you are faithful Its gonna be an awesome relationship for me!
anjana k
2015-01-16 19:22:43 UTC
A definitive no... are you that stupid.
2015-01-16 15:41:41 UTC
2015-01-16 15:14:36 UTC
depends on what he did if he killed someone no but if it was like something small that is easily

forgiven yes
2015-01-16 13:55:19 UTC
I think the real question is, do you WANT to stay with him?

After all, love is love. If you love him, wouldn't it be a shame to leave love behind?
2015-01-16 13:20:36 UTC
Of course go and suck his dick.
2015-01-16 13:18:21 UTC
i would think its kindof hot, stay with him, gotta love bad boys
2015-01-16 05:13:56 UTC
You havent given much info like your age and how long you guys have been together. I`m going to assume that you are young, about in your 20`s. Here is my advise. if the jail time is over a year i suggest you move on with your life, you are young so you will get another. It may be hard but its not like u started to build a life with this guys where kids are involved (I assume). Just do what u have to do.
2015-01-16 04:41:15 UTC
l think of orange is the new black when i think of this question. Larry leaves Piper, then sleeps with her best friend who is also married and just had a child. Larry was stubborn and was probably craving sex and jealous Piper had a bit of lesbian time in her stay. How long is he in for? months? years? It's hard to have a long distance relationship nevermind someone who is in prison. I would leave it a while, but don't make many promises and if you feel uncomfortable leave him, but don't do it the asshole way.

I hoped this helped :) ps i'm too addicted to Netflix with this knowledge lol.
2015-01-16 01:29:20 UTC
no cause jail is a place of bad people
Yolly Jane
2015-01-15 23:34:02 UTC
The answer always depend on you. Do you love him? Try to look what you feel inside. And go, for what you think is right even some people around you may not understand. What do you think is the right thing? For me, the right thing is what makes me happy.
2015-01-15 23:32:44 UTC
2015-01-15 23:08:24 UTC
I've been in this situation...I waited...he got out & left me. Not all men are like this but if he loves you he will understand that this is a big decision for you & will be ok with you doing your own thing. Trust me honey...if you will be a sentence that effects two. Best of luck x
2015-01-15 14:44:35 UTC
Well all depends what he went to jail for. If you love him and choose to support him through ALL of his mistakes then why not..
2015-01-19 09:19:58 UTC
Depends on why he went to jail, how long he will be there, how old your both are, whether the two of you have children. Will he do it again? Will you be in danger when he is around?

Need to consult a Minister or Psychologist, and ask/answer these questions.
2015-01-18 23:13:24 UTC
Depends upon your happiness after you left him.
2015-01-18 07:18:04 UTC
if you want to be a ride or die
MR B260
2015-01-17 20:14:36 UTC
Depends on the reason?
Don't Fear The Reaper
2015-01-17 18:52:42 UTC
The circumstances of his being in jail should be the key to such a decision. Even if guilty that are circumstances that make staying with him a strength. Do you trust him and think he is innocent? Is he guilty but his circumstances meant he could not pay fines? Did he commit crime out of need for food or self defense? Then stay. Was the crime charged involve his violence on you? Then LEAVE. You don;t deserve that.

His character is the prime identifier of 'stay or go.'
2015-01-17 16:15:31 UTC
upto you hen
2015-01-17 08:00:45 UTC
No! you might find it uncomfortable in Prison! "Sorry"
ruben open eyes
2015-01-17 04:21:22 UTC
well depends how severe his charges are. and what he has to say for himself. you should talk with him first before you make any decisions
2015-01-16 17:33:09 UTC
I feel it all depends on the situation.
2015-01-16 17:00:26 UTC
No, you shouldn't stay with him at all.
2015-01-16 16:16:21 UTC
it depends on what he did, how long he will be in for & how much you love him. If you fear that he is dangerous then i'd break up with him. But, there's always the fear that he could try to harm u if u do end it with him IF he is dangerous. However, if ur serious about it then stay with him. Go with ur gut and ask ur friends & family their view on it all
2015-01-16 11:26:44 UTC
That's a silly question...

What did he go to jail for? Was it something you don't approve of? Was it a deal breaker for you?

Do you actually care about him?

People go to jail for stupid **** all of the time and to be honest, he probably needs you now more than ever...

So the real question is Do you care enough about him to stick around.. If going to jail is a deal breaker for you then you clearly are not the girl for him... He needs someone who accepts him for all that he is. Even the bad and so do you.. If you even have to question that then perhaps he's really just not the one for you
Holo Holo
2015-01-16 11:05:46 UTC
What did he go to jail for? A lot of those people never change! Do you like life that way? Does that help you with the answer?
Monster Energy
2015-01-16 10:30:19 UTC
2015-01-16 06:21:31 UTC
needy calibre
2015-01-16 03:38:08 UTC
Support the right and good
2015-01-15 23:12:48 UTC
I think you should leave your boyfriend because his mind is set to be criminal and its a serious problem for your future.
2015-01-15 22:58:46 UTC
Leave him...your obviously questioning the situation already so don't make it too difficult and leave him. Move on with your life cause there is so much more out there than to wait for a dude behind bars. He made the decision to put himself there and didn't think about you obviously so move on.
2015-01-15 21:03:05 UTC
Kind of hard to give an opinion without knowing why he went to jail... don't you think?
2015-01-15 17:26:38 UTC
2015-01-17 19:58:21 UTC
If reader can find better then please do so.

If not, work harder to clean up his problem.
2015-01-17 17:41:12 UTC
Hey if he is sexy and cute nd he is good in bed I say why not
2015-01-17 13:32:00 UTC
Listen everyone makes mistakes for this kid was only 16 this kid deserves a chance, did he kill someone no} did he rape someone no},, he is a teenager experimenting, This well only make him stronger and more determined. once he has a god support network an goes back school, If he falls back in with hes old friends blank him.....
2015-01-17 13:21:02 UTC
It depends on the gravity of the situation.
2015-01-17 10:44:24 UTC
It depends on the circumstances of the situation. If it was for drugs then honey you should leave him. But if it was something innocent then give him a second chance
2015-01-17 06:58:15 UTC
Depends what he has done if it is something bad then I think you should break up with him but if it isn't that bad then you could stay with him but only you can make that decision.
2015-01-17 06:21:42 UTC
Heck no get some one that is a good guy you deserve better than that let him hang out with other thugs and be a jail bird unless you want that kind of life. Live a little in the real world.
2015-01-16 20:07:10 UTC
Well,first ask yourself ,Is it not possible to you stay separate each other ,Why he is going to Jail.People go to jail doing fault which is happen by their ignorance or doing criminal activity to met up their desire.If your boyfriend is innocent then you go with him if jail authority allow you,otherwise don`t thing that kind of stupid activity.
2015-01-16 19:19:21 UTC
That is up to you, and why he is in jail.
El cabrón
2015-01-16 13:34:28 UTC
Depends what he's gone inside for. If it's summin' like not paying tax or his T.V. licence, that's entirely up to you, but if it's for summin' like murder or paedophilia, then I, personally, wouldn't, but once again, that's entirely up to you, if you're prepared to run the risk of society, tarring you with the same brush that your boyfriend's gone and got himself tarred with. Come what may, I wish you all the luck in the world. Peace and love. Be lucky. xxxx
2015-01-16 13:03:19 UTC
no don't
2015-01-16 08:45:57 UTC
Sounds like a winner can't you pick em better?
2015-01-16 05:53:44 UTC
it's up to u
2015-01-15 22:05:54 UTC
Whatever your boyfriend did he needs to know that there is someone outside that still cares for him when alone at night. You're the only thing that can keep him from adapting too well to his prison persona. A reason to avoid all the rigors of prison life. All to often men in jail who have been 'dumped' have dwelled in anger throughout their sentences, creating a lot of mental anguish. A letter from home is the only high point in an otherwise dreary environment
2015-01-15 21:52:45 UTC
Yes. Or else you have to live with the fact you rejected him when he was down.

Lots of other people do not respect that.
Joe Pizza
2015-01-15 20:03:13 UTC
If you can manage it that's true love right there. He might be more aggressive when he gets out though. Without knowing more about why he went to jail and the context of the situation it's up to you to weigh the situation and decide what to do.

Love is about trials and tribulations, compromise and sacrifice and not finding an excuse to give up on someone too easily. There was a story on Investigation Discovery once (Was it on Who the Bleep Did I Marry? I can't remember) where a lady's husband and high school sweethart resorted to robbing banks for a living. She had no idea it was going on and the guy was caught and went to prison. When he got out they were still together and vowed to remain together. They have a kid together and he no longer robs banks.

That's kinda inspiring because not many people are that loyal these days. Most people will abandon you in a heartbeat if you did something like that as evidenced by most of the answers here. You can't really blame them for being that way but I consider this a story of true love.

Although if it's a prison "lifer" situation or DV (domestic violence) situation it would be difficult to maintain a relationship that way.
2015-01-15 17:55:46 UTC
1. If he is innocent and you are sure of it then stay with him

2. If he is guilty but you can vouch for him that he will be a transformed person once he returns and the crime was a petty one, stay with him.

3. If the above two conditions don't match , just leave him.

While he is in jail, don't make your life hell. move on and learn something useful, enjoy your life diligently but don't go overboard. Wait for him for sure but not being in depression. good luck
2015-01-15 15:25:20 UTC
Lol why be with a bum?
2015-01-15 10:45:58 UTC
You never explained why we went to jail. But in my opinion you shouldn't stay with him, don't put your future on hold for him. If he's a threat to the public or even you, then end things with him because he's dangerous. Now that he's in jail, when he gets out it will be much more difficult for him to get a good job with a decent living. My advice is don't be in a relationship with someone who breaks the law or you'll be involved too.
2015-01-15 03:53:07 UTC
Would he stay with you?
2015-01-18 13:24:48 UTC
Well, it doesn't really matter what anybody says on here if you truly love him you'll stay with him but know if he did do something bad then he can become toxic for your future such as where you can move, or something completely different like getting you in jail too, or possibly just making it so you spend most of your money on attorneys and bail money so you wind up unable to achieve the "American Dream". But that's just my opinion the choice is all up to you.
2015-01-18 11:05:20 UTC
it depends on what the circumstnces are. if he got arrested for dui or he got arrested for murder its an obvious choice. but it's what's in your heart that matters. how do you feel about him going to jail. my way of thinking is if you're questioning the fact that should you guys stay because he went to jail I wouldn't stay because it came to my mind that I should leave. but its your choice do what's best for you. ask yourself is this his first time? what did he get arrested for? will it possibly happen again?
2015-01-17 18:05:44 UTC
I would say it depends on WHAT he is serving a jail term for and HOW LONG before he even has a chance for parole.
2015-01-17 16:13:26 UTC
No. Well.... no. Just no.
2015-01-17 09:51:49 UTC
What did he go to jail for?
Fee Nix
2015-01-17 08:14:40 UTC
its your choice depends on what he did imo
2015-01-16 17:14:11 UTC
OH HEY NO!!! There are over 4 billion men on this planet, find 1 that can provide for you and has never been to jail!!!
Uʍop Ǝpısdn ก็็็็็็็็็็็็็ʕ•͡ᴥ•ʔ ก้้้้้้้้้้้
2015-01-16 15:11:08 UTC
OMG hell yes, you are so lucky to have such a intelligent man, that man is a keeper !!!
2015-01-16 14:21:39 UTC
The warden won't let you .
2015-01-16 13:41:55 UTC
Only losers go to jail. I know you don't want to be with a loser. You're too good for him.
Ali Mohammad Kaboom
2015-01-16 11:50:12 UTC
2015-01-16 07:32:01 UTC
Ash yourself the question everyone you know would ask: "What's wrong with you? can't you find a better man?
2015-01-16 07:01:42 UTC
He made bad choices that led him to jail. You on the other hand, did not. You have your freedom and should put it to positive use and pursue your life goals. Right now, you may be melancholy but you will eventually get over it. What is sad is to give up your dreams and opportunities for someone who chose to create a problem for themselves. If he learns anything, hopefully, and it will take him a lot of effort, he can make something of himself. However, why should you choose to saddle yourself with such a burden? Has he done something for you materially and intrinsically to prove that he deserves that type of devotion? If not, move on.
2015-01-16 06:11:54 UTC
Yes, but only if you're guilty, too. :)

Now, on the serious side, it depends on what he did, how long he's going to be inside and if you love him or not. You see, there are some decisions that we have to make alone. Do not let anybody else take control of your life, especially in situations like this.
I care
2015-01-16 00:41:08 UTC
You make no mention of how old you are.

You make no mention how serious the jail situation is.

How long you have been dating him.

There are too many unanswered questions to give a good answer.
2015-01-15 23:15:53 UTC
That really depends on what he went to jail for. How long he will be away and what your relationship is like. Only you can know this and what you want in life and what you are willing to put up with.
2015-01-15 17:49:17 UTC
Veronica Bucio
2015-01-15 11:00:03 UTC
it depends if you really love him and you care about him then you will wait for me when I was dating my boyfriend and he went to jail I waited for him.
2015-01-15 08:12:17 UTC
why should you put your life on hold because his stupid mistake move on forget about him
2015-01-15 06:39:24 UTC
Is he a good person and family member? is he a good influence for you? What is the future that you can have with him? Good luck.
2015-01-18 14:36:05 UTC
the hell with that ****** idiot if he is a jailbird then he will always be one know what i'm saying
Free Spirit
2015-01-18 13:50:00 UTC
according to his felony or what he had done?
2015-01-18 08:21:30 UTC
That depends on why he went.
Lucas Wheatcroft
2015-01-18 06:06:57 UTC
I'd say it depends on the crime, dear. Was he convicted on a misdemeanor or felony? How does your state dictate crimes, and did the Presiding Honorable prescribe the verdict? Jail is for accused citizens who are housed in a penal institution and are awaiting trial, or they have been convicted and are serving a sentence no longer than one year. Prisons are for convicted murderers, rapists, robbers, assaulters, child molesters, and the like. Jail is usually for forgery, larceny, minor tax scam, cheating, and violations that your State deems to be punishable by the law.

However, you are in charge of your decision and it's good that you are reaching out for advice because it is a sticky situation. You don't want to put your foot in your mouth and stay with him if he's not going to change or if his crime is very serious, i.e. child molesters, significant tax fraud, assault, etc. If he is sorry for what he has done, you may elect to remain with him and support him throughout his sentence. You'll have to accept the fact that people may question you, but if you are happy with him, so what? I've seen the TV series "Lockup" and many inmates still have their girlfriends, and some are even married and have children (mother takes care of them and the father is serving his sentence.) This could be something good for you both: it can give you both a chance to grow and help him mature. Jail is meant to be a place of rehabilitation where the inmate can attend therapy and work with a case manager to help him get his life back on track. The U.S. Justice system is not the best, but the staff usually try their best to help the inmates overcome their problems and get them on a healthy, crime-free path to reunite with their families and loved ones. That's why parole exists, dear. It's meant to give inmates a second chance in life and a parole officer guides them and provides them with the help and encouragement that they need.

Don't be too quick to judge him and work with him and the jail staff to work out visitations, mail, and work with a case manager so that they can better understand you and your boyfriend. Therapy may be an ideal program for your boyfriend: he can attend art sessions, find hobbies in the jail, and learn to appreciate what freedom really is. Going to jail doesn't mean that you're a bad person: it's just that the person has made a bad mistake and they need help to come out of it to become a better citizen. Prison is similar, but it houses the more severe inmates who have committed atrocious and heinous crimes against other people, including children.
2015-01-18 04:56:20 UTC
If he is a professional criminal, you must avoid him.If he is a new one of the crime world, you would rather convince him to come back to the right way and he is the victim of the circumstance, you should stay with him and help him for his bail.
2015-01-17 22:04:18 UTC
Well, it depends on the crime that he did, the amount of time he is supposed to serve, and how it makes you as an individual feel.
2015-01-17 15:49:35 UTC
2015-01-17 12:32:46 UTC
2015-01-17 11:27:44 UTC
i am young, smart, flexible, extremely loyal but poor. i want to come in europe. i ll keep u like flowers. i ll wash ur feet. i ll bring moon for u. i ll give u every comfort. i ll wok all day to give better future to you.

consider it as my cv. i am applying for ur boyfriend.

color: brown

height: 6 feet almost (negotiable)

structure: slim

intelligence: few

loyalty: 100%

age: 26
2015-01-17 11:26:27 UTC
if he does something terrible then no but something minor i guess you can
2015-01-17 02:44:26 UTC
If they have room in his cell then why not?
2015-01-16 23:47:11 UTC
Think of alternative. Your stars plan a different route.
2015-01-16 11:33:53 UTC
You need to elaborate on why he went to jail and if he actually did what he is in jail for
2015-01-16 11:28:03 UTC
If he isn't a jerk
2015-01-16 07:56:19 UTC
If you love him yes
2015-01-16 06:17:48 UTC
2015-01-16 06:13:22 UTC
No. Don't reward someone for bad behavior.
2015-01-16 04:54:02 UTC
Yes you have to stay with him.
2015-01-15 19:21:33 UTC
2015-01-15 14:10:45 UTC
Possible scenarios:

1. While on the inside he becomes someone's girlfriend and from the very first day of his regained freedom he'll have the same problem u have now. He'll whine and bi+ch constantly.

2. He'll come out still heterosexual but emotionally broken and thinking not so much of you as of what have u been doing all the while and with whom. He'll become abusive and unbearable.

Conclusion: Dump him !
2015-01-18 22:34:53 UTC
depend for what reason he went there ...... maybe he is guilty or maybe not
2015-01-18 14:43:51 UTC
Depends on whether or not he has a cell mate.
2015-01-18 14:05:30 UTC
only u would truly know the answer to you love him? How long will he be locked up?
2015-01-18 12:51:37 UTC
Girl get your life! He made one mistake don't you make another. Run while you can I will put a bet on it that if you stay with him, when he gets out you all will break up.
2015-01-18 07:15:29 UTC
If he did something dangerous or crazy then don't
2015-01-17 23:11:51 UTC
It is your choice dear.We can not desire that.
2015-01-17 14:19:39 UTC
I would not stay with him.
2015-01-17 10:34:56 UTC
2015-01-17 02:52:44 UTC
Yes you should
2015-01-17 01:45:00 UTC
No at all.
2015-01-16 19:17:40 UTC
for what reason?
2015-01-16 17:28:04 UTC
Ohhh bad choice
2015-01-16 17:25:20 UTC
Rustynailer here

if you are looking at a long term prison sentence and if he was good to you then yes by all means stay with him you be that loyal girl waiting for there man, there isnt very much of us old skool folks out there any more . your man would respect and care for you as you did if he is a good ole boy in his heart like you are a good ole gal . I PERSONALY THINK YOUR A VERY GOOD WOMAN FOR EVEN BRINGING THIS TOPIC UP AN MY HATS OFF TO YOU YOUNG LADY AND MY PRAYERS ARE WITH BOTH YOU AND GOODLUCK
2015-01-16 17:09:29 UTC
it depends how much you love him and what he did shouldnt matter
2015-01-16 16:08:26 UTC
He shouldn't have put you in this position , he was only thinking about himself, what if you had kids by this guy, would it be fair to them if they had to wait on him also, help make him become a man, let him know that you need a man on this side of the bars
2015-01-16 13:49:58 UTC
I don't really think they would let you, except on conjugal (sp?) visits.
2015-01-16 02:37:04 UTC
2015-01-15 22:41:54 UTC
2015-01-15 11:19:29 UTC
Do you want to stay with him?
2015-01-15 11:15:09 UTC
if hes in jail for a felony...getting a job wont be easy..or taking care of you

i bet you can do better..there are guys with no criminal record.
2015-01-17 17:28:51 UTC
It depends on what he went to jail for. If it was for murdering someone or ausing someone, or something of that sort, no, you should not stay with him. If you think there was a chance he may change, stay. If you think he will or if he does cheat on you in jail then obviously no. There's many different scenarios and if depends on his crime, on him, and on you. Good luck!
2015-01-17 16:09:03 UTC
yes but still see other people jail is there u are here .. an your apart of just enjoy this ****
2015-01-17 15:21:53 UTC
As others have said, it depends on a lot of factors. For example, what did he go to jail for? If it's something that demonstrates violent tendencies or a major lack of self control or common sense, it could be dangerous to associate with him because you never know when he could become violent toward you or do something stupid while you're with him and potentially get you arrested too. Also, how long is the sentence? If he's expected to be in jail for years, is he really worth waiting for? If it'll only be a month or two, or a few days, it would be a little more reasonable to wait, as long as you don't think he's dangerous. Finally, how much do you love him, if at all? If it's a casual thing, why bother? There are plenty of fish in the sea who aren't in prison, so find one of those unless you love him enough to set him apart from other people you now have the opportunity to meet and date..
2015-01-17 10:04:38 UTC
How much do you know about your boyfriend, i am not saying in terms of a relationship but as a person, as an individual. if he is good than how good?? or if bad than how bad??. probably he went to jail for not a good thing. it might be a possible that circumstances for him were not in control. he is already stuck in a bad situation, the worst thing will happen to him if u leave him. just think about it. my piece of advise to you would be just give him a chance to prove that how much does he wants you and believe me after a while the picture will be cleared enough for you to judge whether you should leave him or not. good luck.
2015-01-17 02:23:21 UTC
they wont let you stay with him.....
K.D. Jordan
2015-01-16 22:50:45 UTC
Hell no. There are loads of real men out here who are kind and decent, meet their responsibilities to each other, their families and communities. If your boyfriend went to jail he has none of the above qualities, which by the by are the EXACT qualities you should be looking for in a future mate.

Run don't walk to the nearest exit from this relationship.
2015-01-16 14:34:17 UTC
it depends how long you been with him and what he done?
2015-01-16 07:06:27 UTC
You can stay with him if he did not really committed the offence or if he was set up., but a man who deliberately committed an offence and was jailed, can do the same to anyone around him. You have your choice.
2015-01-17 08:46:16 UTC
HELL YES. He needs to know that you'll be there for when he gets out.... He don't need to know that you're looking for another guy to replace him. Love him as a person, but get yourself another guy.
2015-01-16 17:28:26 UTC
My granddaughter is in a relationship with a felon. He did the time but now has a hard time finding employment and living quarters. He wasn't in for that long and his crime wasn't that bad. They have lived with his mother, her mother and friends. This might not be they life you want so think it over carefully.
2015-01-15 06:20:30 UTC
The LAST thing you need is a convict boyfriend being an albatross around your neck.Its best to dump the jailbird and move on to better things.
2015-01-15 05:44:06 UTC
I don't think they will let you stay, but if you want you could bake him a cake with a file in it
2015-01-15 09:51:19 UTC
if he is in jail....why would you want to be with someone that breaks the law? not sure what he's done...but whatever it's enough for the state to say he belongs in jail*...It's a no brainer question here..this is the time for YOU to move on without him and get your life back on track*. If u wait for him...and go back with him...who's to say the next time you'll be in the wrong place at the wrong time and you'll go down with him* just for being with him* Time for you to move on and get ur life back on track~*
2015-01-21 00:11:31 UTC
Depending on the situation, i don't know what happened so i can't give you an answer.
Vinegar Taster
2015-01-15 13:40:59 UTC
No. Move on. He's Trouble.
2015-01-14 12:04:24 UTC
depends how old you are and depends how long is he going for..

99% of the time the answer is move on .. and find someone else...

in my book you get points by staying out of the joint
2015-01-14 12:50:55 UTC
It depends on what he did. Also do you see him as a danger to yourself. If you see him as a danger in anyway then you shouldnt stay with him
2015-01-16 16:56:22 UTC
Is this his first time for the same thing or is it something different...! If it is for the same thing like drugs or abuse you need to say good by to this bum. One mistake is one thing but twice for the same thing is not good as it will just keep on happening and happening over and over,so you just need to go on to a better guy.
2015-01-15 12:39:58 UTC
Change my address, my telephone n umber. Move to a different state. Lose all mutual friends.
2015-01-15 17:41:43 UTC
If you ask this question; it means you have doubts about him. Then absolutely No! However, if you were willingly supporting him regardless of his actions, I would say Yes but you wouldn t ask it in the first place.
2016-02-06 10:35:45 UTC
Winning Your Ex Lover Back :
2015-01-14 12:02:33 UTC
Depends on what he went to jail for....
2015-01-17 02:39:07 UTC
No, they don't allow you to take your girl friends to jail with you.
2015-01-16 19:44:53 UTC
Easy answer. NO. Anyone that can get themselves arrested will likely never be a good choice for a life partner.
2015-01-15 15:01:16 UTC
if only the jail offers

100% discount for double occupancy room.
Old Folkie
2015-01-16 06:01:36 UTC
They won't let you. No unisex jails.
2015-01-16 11:29:50 UTC
Listen to & take a lesson from the 4 Seasons tune "Dawn" ... "Think what your future would be with a poor boy like me"
2015-01-15 16:39:31 UTC
depende de muchas cosas, cuanto lo conoces todo eso y si sabes que cometió solo un error pues quedate y acompáñalo pero si crees que es así pues no te aconsejo que sigas con el ya que se te va hacer algo muy difícil y va a empezar la desconfanza
Colin T
2015-01-16 07:00:57 UTC
what should you stay with him in Jail?
2015-01-16 07:13:28 UTC
They won't let you stay with him there but you might get conjugal visits.
2015-01-14 12:06:08 UTC
For missing traffic court? Sure.

For double homicide? I recommend nope.
2015-01-14 12:04:52 UTC
Why are with him in the first place, sounds like a real winner.... but will agree with the other answer, depends on just why he went to jail.
2015-01-15 04:16:00 UTC
would depend what his crime was and if hes a drinker and drug user and for how long will he be in jail.
2015-01-14 20:09:13 UTC
2015-01-15 12:21:04 UTC
will if you care about him youd stick around and you can visit him. but if you don't want to waste your time then let him know you wont wait for him
2015-01-20 13:05:32 UTC
if you love him then yes but make sure that he has learned his lesson and that you still love him and tell him that it doesn't matter how much we went through I still love you
2015-01-20 19:22:25 UTC
Leave dat fool
2015-01-14 12:38:55 UTC
The most important decision you will EVER make is who to spend your life with. So choose wisely.

This is one of those times it's appropriate to be a bit picky.
2015-01-14 17:12:49 UTC
Sure just move right in 3 square meals, 51 inch TV. Get real dump bum you deserve a lot better
2015-01-18 11:59:37 UTC
2015-01-16 10:59:04 UTC
Depends. If you think you should not adjust with him after back then leave.
2015-01-14 22:42:51 UTC
Lots to need know here. What did he go to jail for, does he have a good job, does he own property? Or is he unemployed, uses drugs unreliable and such?
2015-01-16 02:40:16 UTC
If your country's LAW allow you to join your boyfriend's picnic you should go for it .
2015-01-14 19:16:29 UTC
The US is the only country in the world that sentences minors to life in prison -it's a telltale sign that the justice system in the US and in many other countries is very very ill.

Loving your boyfriend and staying with him through his incarceration will give him the best chance at re-entering society as a functional human-being.
2015-01-14 19:27:27 UTC
depends on why & how long. but that is really your call whether or not you should.

another thing to think on. whatever the reason is if it will prevent him from getting a good job and you have to support his a** then no way sister
Fu Au
2015-01-15 12:35:29 UTC
Hell no! Poor choices from people influences you negatively
2015-01-14 13:47:24 UTC
i think you should think in what kind of guy you want in your life a guy...i dont think been with someone that has problems with the laws is going to end up well and if i tell you these is because i went threw stuff like that with my ex and to be honest that is no life..i recommend you to move on and find someone else..good luck!
2015-01-16 13:04:23 UTC
Break up and find someone responsible and educated.
Poison Ivy
2015-01-14 12:04:28 UTC
Wow you need to upgrade your taste in men ..
2015-01-20 15:12:37 UTC
No, he's a loser. If you are attracted to thugs and bangers, you are also a loser.
2015-01-15 15:35:52 UTC
If it was a violent crime...dump him. If he just did something stupid but harmless, ahhhhhh.
2015-01-16 11:37:40 UTC
....not all people are bad that go to jail or derranged....lots of people do jail time and they are wonderful souls...

2015-04-19 09:03:21 UTC
Depends what for
2015-01-20 08:46:44 UTC
2015-01-14 14:02:40 UTC
What crime he committed specifically and the gravity of it would determine my decision, personally.
2015-01-15 08:30:53 UTC
2015-01-15 01:16:37 UTC
If you are afraid of him then you should not stay with him.
2015-01-16 00:02:56 UTC
Love is love no matter what. Forgive and forget :)
2015-01-15 00:44:41 UTC
Do what comforts you. Personally, I would stay with my boyfriend even if he turned out to be a murderer.
Ms Clever
2015-01-15 00:21:21 UTC
I would say it depends what happened? My husband been there once; but no reasons to leave him.
creole lady
2015-01-16 06:26:29 UTC
It depends how long he will be incarcerated. But also, what is his track record? Has he constantly been in trouble? Does he have a bad attitude, childhood?

What are his prospects for leading a legal, productive life when he gets out? Does he have family to support and nuture him when he is released?

I asked alll of those questions but truly I would cut my losses. A convict will always be behind the eight ball because of his record. Everything will be a whole lot harder for him. If he was convicted of a felony he will be prohibited from traveling to many foreign countries including Canada. He will not be able to recieve many perks from the US govt. He may not be able to vote depending on the area in which he lives.

Do not let him con you with; " I need you to stay with me so that I can be strong inside. I need you to send me money. I need you to..etc. etc"

Convicts pass along lines to keep women hooked.

He got himself in trouble tell him to stay outof in jail and undergo the internal change it will take to change his life.

Only he can do that. You cannot love him enough to do it.

Take care of YOUr self. Unhoook what appears to be a loser.
2015-01-16 16:05:58 UTC
No, he'll be gay once he gets out
Spiny Norman
2015-01-17 23:29:22 UTC
In a nutshell = No.
2015-01-16 10:03:06 UTC
Only if the cell has two cotts!
2015-01-14 12:03:27 UTC
yes what did he got for. if violent or sexual crime hell no, if something petty then that's up to you
2015-01-15 07:00:48 UTC
Come to a real *****
2015-01-16 07:48:04 UTC
they won't let you sleep in the same cell
2015-01-14 12:11:19 UTC
No. Probably won't end well.
2015-01-14 14:01:49 UTC
If you truly love him then yes :)
2015-01-16 12:44:27 UTC
Yes why you leave him?
2015-01-19 10:14:30 UTC
naa somebody made him his gal now
2015-01-19 10:32:36 UTC
Depends what he did.
2015-01-15 05:17:22 UTC
No. Criminals deserve no sympathy.
2015-01-16 07:48:08 UTC
Run ***** run for your life, get some help!!!
2015-01-16 07:12:53 UTC
that is depend on his faults
2015-01-15 00:45:12 UTC
2015-01-16 20:20:13 UTC
its always better to be alone
2015-01-15 06:13:49 UTC
Depending what crime he did :)
2015-01-14 12:04:26 UTC
no one can tell you that. do you love him? if you loved him you wouldn't have asked this question
2015-01-16 09:09:57 UTC
it depends on what he did. but honestly i would not
2015-01-17 05:46:45 UTC
Pearl L
2015-01-14 12:47:00 UTC
that depends on what he did and why hes there
2015-01-21 03:01:16 UTC
as you wish
2015-01-19 11:51:15 UTC
of course not!
2015-01-15 05:25:13 UTC
did u just ask that here,in yahoo?
2015-01-14 22:37:33 UTC
no, bad influence
2015-01-14 12:14:02 UTC
2015-01-16 19:31:53 UTC
Umm... no
2015-01-16 09:59:48 UTC
IMO? No.
2015-01-19 14:27:15 UTC
Hell nah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
2015-01-19 14:54:33 UTC
wtf no
leslie r
2015-01-16 10:37:56 UTC

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.