I just read many entries from people responding to this.
They have not been given any information.
He has not been accused of anything.
They have referred to him as a bum, a crimminal,
Said he abused his girl, called him an abuser,
saying all this with no evidence against him.
The system does the same thing. I once sat for
a day listening to cases and watching attorneys of
apparrent stature lining up to make deals with the accuser,
The prosecuter. since clients cannot afford representation, and contrived accusations are written up about someone they
just met, they recommend making a deal that is not fully explained. The system grinds people up and destroys their futures without proving anything, it is a monetary decision to the confused perpetrator, or just the accused.
When the door was opened I looked in there,
They were all reporting to a little kid in a cheap suit.
You need to update your question with facts or as close as you can get without compromising his position.
I have watched so many guilty go free to continue being the problem and calling themselves the solution.
You must simply answer yourself. Are you and he part of the problem? or part of the solution.
The reams of wasted paper they tack onto his "deal" will plague you both for years to come. That was not explained to him, was it?
Please update to clarify. he could still be just "accused" as far as we know.
Or is he convicted of inability to pay?