Did I deserved to be shouted at by my mum?
2016-01-14 10:35:48 UTC
On Facebook about an hour ago, I posted something in Facebook for the late Alan Rickman (RIP). At the end of the post it, it says "Cancer sucks! F**k you cancer!"

A few minutes ago, my mum shouted at me because I used the word "f**k". She then said she will punish me if I don't take it down from Facebook.

Did I deserve to be shouted at? Do I deserve to be punished if I don't take the Facebook post down?
320 answers:
2016-01-15 15:29:29 UTC
Well, she should not have shouted because 2 wrongs will never make a right.

Some parents don't like the use of those kinds of words, especially many of the older ones, and especially when they were not raised in a home of hearing those kinds of words.

Many parents believe too that whatever their children post is a reflection of them and they want their children to potray a good character at all times, regardless of where they are...and there is nothing wrong or off with that theory.

To make peace reign, I think you should go to her and tell her you are sorry and you won't use those words ever again especially on social media and that you will try to delete it from your vocabulary and that you will try to remove it.

Tell her very politely that you felt very hurt when she shouted at you, and that you did not mean to hurt her by what you did.

I understand how you feel about the cancer, however, you'll need to try and be calm and try not to take things too personally in the future.

Hope this helps!
2016-01-16 15:09:01 UTC
Hmm . . that's a hairy dilemma. As Lisa M mentioned, how often your mum shouts at you should be considered but swearing and edgy/racy statements or photos are never things to post at the drop of a hat, especially if you've got a public profile

Yelling, on her part, was not the most composed response to this but it sounds like cussing is definitely frowned upon in your house and you should have known better. I would take it down if you haven't already, when there's so many other things to say in place of 'f**k,' though at the same time you should clear things up with your mum about what's appropriate and what's not. If the way she came down on you was unreasonable to you it'd be wise to talk honestly about that, as well

Hope this helped :)
2016-01-17 09:42:32 UTC
Heyy dude same here,

I know it's hard to have a parents yelling for saying a little speech, I mean c'mon people swear all the time public and stuff I think you're mom is overreacting and putting too hard on that good old fashioned mom knows best retro kick theory where all child must be polite and never swear but swearing is not the problem, getting upset on such thing is, but I don't wanna make ur mom down a bit, I can also see your moms idea maybe it can be offensive to your mom cus you post it fb where all your relatives are friended and they would probably blame your mom for not raising you properly, you know the relatives who talk shits bout ur family behind, the best solution is to reign the peace, say sorry to ur mom for unbehaving and tell her it was kind of hurtful when she shouted at you, and for the next time try make a new FB account where your family doesn't know except from your friends where you can swear, hangout, and do all the teen stuff, I know what it likes to feel bruh, I totally gets your point and ur moms, and make sure to block your mom, with new fb :)) Enjoy!

My experience as a teenager.
Lisa M
2016-01-16 10:58:11 UTC
Your mum shouldn't shout. Is this just a once every blue moon thing? She didn't call you names right?

I use FB for business, so I never swear on FB. It can really come back to haunt you. Anything you post on the internet (unless it's anonymous) should be respectable. That goes for photos also. Never post naked or scantily dresses photos. It's not just in bad taste but someone in your future can blackmail you with it.

But if your mum starts yelling more often, please tell a trusted adult. Yelling is a sign of a real problem. Either stress or mental illness that should be treated as soon as possible otherwise it damages the family.
2016-01-18 21:25:21 UTC
Maybe yes. You did not post your age, but she might very well be shocked that you used the For Unlawful Carnal Knowledge acronym. She thought she raised you better. Also if your only way to express yourself is to use the F Bomb, you need to develop your vocabulary and expand your education a bit.

If shouting was all she did, well that seems within the realm of a concerned parent. Forget all that touchey feely B.S. she was just showing she loves you and is concerned.

Do yourself a favor, and take the part she objected to down.

The advise part comes now. Something my father passed on to me, and it still took me a few years to figure the wisdom out when I got married.

Decide if you want to be right. OR if you want to be happy.

Understand that in the grand scheme of things, this event does not really matter. Is it really that important?

most likely though you will not take this advice, my guess you are such as most children, think that something like this really matters
Jedi Jan
2016-01-16 00:16:16 UTC
Well; depends. Did she ask you nicely and politely first and you pouted then argued, then yes, you deserve to be shouted at. Then again, if she just blew up and shouted, without any adequate dialogue, you have got to understand what she is about. She is your Mother, you only have one and it was such a little command that I don't understand why you just didn't delete it ... and add it back later when she was not looking. Facebook friends come and go but your Mother is there for you all her time, so be nice to her and take a little flack now and then.
2016-01-16 23:58:11 UTC
Listen love. Some parents have decent standards and some really do not. It will never feel good being shouted at but please think of this. She doesn't want you the daughter she loves to be swearing because in all honesty it's vulgar, rough and aggressive. Let others do that. Please just respect that I think there are far more serious things. Her job is to love care for and raise a lovely daughter the best way she knows how and she doesn't want you to be like that. Cancer is a horrible thing but unfortunately it's in most cases brought on by unhealthy lifestyles and that's also an important thing to learn.
2016-01-14 14:36:05 UTC
How age may be a factor in all of this. From your perspective, you may feel slightly taken aback by her reaction of an expression of somewhat honorable frustration at the death of a great person. You wrote it with good intentions. From her perspective, she's probably anxious that it might become a habit, after all, swearing is verbal weaponry (depending on intent). I don't think shouting is a skillful way to handle talking to you, and calm reasoning is a much better alternative. But to alleviate her parenting worry, you could take it down. Up to you though! You feel how you feel!
2016-01-16 14:22:13 UTC
Adults don't acknowledge it but on some level they just love exercising authority just for the sake of it.

I'm an adult now and my parents wouldn't bat an eye at it if I said something like "f cancer", and as of now I still live with them. They might even agree. But if I was your age they may have reacted that way.

In spite of acknowledging that kids are less mature than adults they hold kids to stricter standards than they do other adults, even adults living under the same roof who they could arguably impose over based on the fact that they pay the bills. Other examples are if their friends say the same thing they will agree or will say nothing. If they were going to be consistent they would tell them not to say those things while they are hanging out, but if they tell them to avoid saying those things it will only be to not say those things around their kids or possibly in the workplace or university classroom (and sometimes they will even accept that). Another worse example is that many of them will shout at their kids and punish them for swearing even while they swear and not just in moments of impulse but freely and without regreting it afterwards.

Your mom will never admit to this, not even to herself. It's the nature of power I'm afraid. The best bet is to just play the game, apologize and find some substitute comment you think she wouldn't be mad at and repost it without the f word. Don't bring up my argument, it will do you no good and she will just get madder.

Always remember she still loves you. She's just being human. Then again I don't know your individual situation, maybe she is consistent and tells other adults off for the same behavior, but I doubt it.
2016-01-16 18:36:31 UTC
I cannot say you deserve being yelled at

But she could have addressed the problem in a different way

Dont be sad, if you feel defensive and sad it means you are too sensitive

In the End she is your mom

Whether you like her or not she likes you no matter what even if she denys it

Its better to appoligise first, saying sorry when you are wrong is strength not weakness

Because yourself will prevent you and you self pride

I once when I was 15 used this word in text and my dad told me its not nice to use this word and there are tons of other words I could use

I know how it feels

But just remove it and use another word and upload it again problem solved

Advice: act like nothing happened people will see that you are mature and in control of your feelings
2016-01-18 12:22:07 UTC
I can see this from two side. One: You shouldn't have used the "f" word. Second: I do understand you were supporting a post. Your mum's side: One: She was shouting and you didn't deserve that. Second: She doesn't like your language. Maybe you should apologize to her and explain to her you were supporting a post that you felt needed to be recognized. I would personally explain to her what you feel because two wrongs do not make a right.
2016-01-17 23:14:25 UTC
No one is deserved to be shouted at by anyone and perhaps something had happened to lead to the scene or the state of mind, do not keep the grudge in mind for too long, communicate gently with her and let her know that you were hurt it is maybe something else happened that get in the way to result in the situation and keep in mind that you still care for each other. Finding some positive outlet like exercise or listening to music, keeping a diary or something fun that you enjoy doing and distract from the negativity to prevent more conflicts.
2016-01-16 08:41:08 UTC
To make peace reign, I think you should go to her and tell her you are sorry and you won't use those words ever again especially on social media and that you will try to delete it from your vocabulary and that you will try to remove it. Tell her very politely that you felt very hurt when she shouted at you, and that you did not mean to hurt her by what you did. But, beyond that, you should take it down just so your mother doesn't get more angered and feel forced to unleash worser punishment. Don't think of it as a loss, just think of it as you being the better person, seeing that your mom can't control herself, possibly, due to stress from her job and work at home, so you have to be the better person and act calm for the both of you.
2016-01-17 12:27:19 UTC
Well, I don't know your age, but using bad language is not a good idea at any age. For example, even companies now days search the Internet about you before hiring you. However, you mom should also should be careful with disciplining the kids. Using such words is not that of a major concern as supposed to criminal activities some kids are up to on the Internet these days.
2016-01-16 18:20:44 UTC
To make peace reign, I think you should go to her and tell her you are sorry and you won't use those words ever again especially on social media and that you will try to delete it from your vocabulary and that you will try to remove it. Tell her very politely that you felt very hurt when she shouted at you, and that you did not mean to hurt her by what you did. But, beyond that, you should take it down just so your mother doesn't get more angered and feel forced to unleash worser punishment. Don't think of it as a loss, just think of it as you being the better person, seeing that your mom can't control herself, possibly, due to stress from her job and work at home, so you have to be the better person and act calm for the both of you..
2016-01-15 15:45:13 UTC
Nope, I hate it when parents shout at kids over something as trivial as this. This is a popular post in the media at the moment due to the recent celebrity deaths at the hands of cancer! It's had something like over 10 000 shares if it's the photo I'm thinking of.

A possible solution to your problem could be to exclude your mum from the audience of that particular particular post (see attachment)

Ps ILy Alan Rickman xx
2016-01-16 18:16:47 UTC
It was probably dumb of you to use that word on your public Facebook, which your mother will be able to see, in the first place. If you want to say ****, go ahead. No one can stop you from saying a word, and as you get older no matter how much it disappoints your mother, you will probably say it even more. As for Alan Rickman's death, there were a lot of other words you could have used to show your sadness. Using "****", as necessary as it may seem in some situations, just wasn't necessary this time around. Take it down for your mom's sake before you get punished.
2016-01-16 00:12:18 UTC
Well, it depends. First of all, what exactly would the punishment be? Secondly, it would depend on you age as well. If you're younger than 18, then your mom definitely has the right to yell/shout at you because you are probably unaware of the consequences that putting up posts can have. I understand your frustration towards cancer; however there are different ways to express it without using swear words.
2016-01-15 22:58:41 UTC
Maybe not punished in the strictest sense, that's illegal now I believe, but yeah, you do deserve to be called out at the very least ! That is such a fowl word, and who uses it on FB to be cool, 90% of the ppl on it, as I believe you did. My daughter first said that word, out loud anyway, and I heard her; she was 14. It just sounded so much worse than I had imagined. And I would say it my fair share when I was younger. You'll see someday. It's just a useless word, unless you're venting to yourself. Then by all means, F--K Away!!
2016-01-14 20:11:46 UTC
Mums will be mums , but the fact that you are actually posting as question like this shows that you are still young. Depending in your age , your mum ofcourse might have a problem with this.....however everyone swears , but if you wanna do it then atleast be smart about it , and dont do it in a way where your mum would see or hear.
2016-01-18 16:25:11 UTC
No, you didn't. The reason why swear words are bad is because they are hurtful when used at or about people. But in this case, you were simply expressing yourself and did no harm to anyone in doing so. You had a strong emotion and you needed a strong word to express it. Swearing is cathartic. Cancer is an awful thing and if your life has been touched by it sometimes you need release of your anger or sadness. Swearing is often a good way to do that. Even if your life hasn't personally been touched by it, many famous people that many people look up to passed away from it and that sucks. Sometimes you just need to let it out. Swear on, my friend.
2016-01-15 11:20:52 UTC
Honestly, no.

( 1 ) It's self expression to let go of pressure and stress. It's better to say rather than do something physical.

( 2 ) It wasn't insulting. Yeah, you insulted cancer, but you basically said, "cancer is bad", which is good.

( 3 ) With parenting, you aren't supposed to yell at your kids so suddenly for something that small.

But, besides that, she's not completely in the wrong, though. You shouldn't swear, just, because swear words have a special magic to them to instantly offend, worry and anger people who come in contact of hearing or seeing them, whether they're used in that way or not. To use swear words, you can't throw them around so easily like that or else something worse could happen besides your mom yelling at you. But, beyond that, you should take it down just so your mother doesn't get more angered and feel forced to unleash worser punishment. Don't think of it as a loss, just think of it as you being the better person, seeing that your mom can't control herself, possibly, due to stress from her job and work at home, so you have to be the better person and act calm for the both of you.
2016-01-15 09:54:43 UTC
Shouting isn't the most effective way of communication. That said, however, you ARE living in your parents' house, using the computer they paid for(?).

Have you heard the saying, "my house, my rules'? Until you're out on your own, paying your own way, you're likely going to have to make compromises -- or capitulate completely. Since your mother apparently can see your Facebook posts, you'd best acquiesce. Then, in a calm moment (for both of you) why not talk to her about language -- what's acceptable, what isn't and, yes, why.

My mother always said people who swear have limited imaginations. I have a vivid one and I'll drop the f-bomb depending on the situation. So did Mom in her later years...
2016-01-16 11:56:23 UTC
I think she was overreacting a little, because profanity is harmless for the most part and you are directing it towards something bad, not good. Sure, it doesn't sound that tasteful, but you could've said something way worse than that. Foul language is just a reality of life, you will hear it everywhere you go. They're really just words when you think about it, you could do something far worse.
2016-01-17 02:15:44 UTC
Should she have shouted? No.

Could you have said something other than the "F" word? Yes.

If you don't want her yelling at you or punishing you I would go under settings and hide it from her so she can't see it. I'm not saying block her or do it for all your posts. Only for the ones she'd yell at you for. That way you can express yourself and your freedom of speech without punishment. Or you could take the other route and just you know, delete it and never swear again.

I always hide things on Social Media from the people I don't want to see it. This way there is never a complaint. I can be myself and those who don't want to see anything they don't want to, won't.
Jake No Chat
2016-01-17 05:54:02 UTC
No one deserves to get shouted at unless you need to shout to get someone's attention, or to warn them of an impending dangerous situation. Perhaps that is what your mom was thinking. In any case, as long as she is not always shouting at you, take this as an isolated case and bear no grudges, I would think she did what she did because she was emotional at the time and had your best interest in her heart.
2016-01-16 21:46:34 UTC

Your mom has a right to her opinion and if you are pretty young, she may certainly discipline you for swearing. We weren't allowed to swear in our home or in public.

Your mom may worry about her friends seeing your Facebook and realizing you say this word. Maybe uncles, grandparents use Facebook.

I have asked my kid or gently reminded her that other people may read her Facebook like possible employers or a possible college she is interested in attending . She hated me for making these suggestions. This was before they had all these privacy options.

I would just block your mom from reading your posts or remove it since it offends her.

You can make it posts private so she doesn't see it .

She may know how that works but the what you do is up to you.
2016-01-16 17:54:49 UTC
Eh, some people are kinda cringe-y about swear words. I don't think you actually did deserve to be yelled at considering it's probably your own parents who are responsible more or less (I mean, come on, parents swear around their kids all the time). But, to be nice and not cause unnecessary arguments, I'd recommend taking the post down.
Hannah Banana
2016-01-17 09:20:15 UTC
OK I am not going to pick any sides here but in my family were not allowed to cuss, some family are like that. She was stating her hate on cancer in not a positive way but still her opinion. Now here mom she shouldn't had yelled or forced you take down anything but she is a mom, instead she could have talk about your feelings ask you polity to take it down but in my if I did that I would get yelled at. But research say's that teens are being in more arguments with there mom at the age 12-16 about whatever this is my opinion.
2016-01-17 14:10:08 UTC
Did I deserve to be shouted at? - NO.

Do I deserve to be punished if I don't take the Facebook post down? - YES
2016-01-14 11:33:09 UTC
Each parent has their own rules and your's doesn't want you cursing on social media. If you don't want her or other individuals to see the post, you can have the post privacy changed to where you can choose who you want to see it without deleting her on your Facebook. You can also delete her. I had a friend who would post fighting video's and twerking video's constantly. I'm not interested in seeing a woman shaking her booty every 5 second's that I'm on Facebook. I unfollowed her and now she's my friend, I just don't see her post's. As for whether you think you should or should not have been punished would solely be the rule of your parent if you are in their household and/or under a certain age. Past 18 and living on your own, you should be entitled to do as you please.
2016-01-18 17:30:52 UTC
No but saying the word fxxk is worth a punishment. No child deserves to be shouted at. I would've tooken away my child's devices for an hour or two.
2016-01-16 20:48:31 UTC
Maybe she shouldn't have shouted but I think she is smart. "Cancer sucks! F**k you cancer!"? You aren't exactly going out on a limb there to be controversial. So when you subtract cancer from both sides of the equation you end up with nothing but profanity. I mean, if you said something more meaningful then it might be different. But there too, you would not go far wrong following your mother on the point of eschewing profanity altogether. Unless you drive a truck. Sorry.
2016-01-18 03:26:02 UTC
You don't deserve to be yelled at. But obviously your Mum has an issue with swearing.
2016-01-17 05:59:34 UTC
If you are underage, yes, I understand where your mom is coming from. I know you probably cuss around your friends, I certainly did growing up, but the rule was to make sure not to do it around my parents. I understood that. If you're going to be friends with your mother on social media, and you are underage, well, that is the trapping of being where you are at. When you're an adult, you can post whatever you want, but with that said I'm middle aged and refuse to post anything on FB with language like that on it because of family. We all have different standards, however, but to satisfy the wishes of your mom I would take it down.
2016-01-19 07:51:15 UTC
No. But You shouldnt use that word. Its not good. I dont blame her. Another thing. I have a lot of bi-polar friends. It more common than ppl think. she is bi-polar and should be on medication. If she used those exact words because those words would be considered from the mentally I'll and if she threatened you in any manner about anything she's bi-polar. They make threats like that. Show this to her if you dare but other wise don't tell her that she's bi-polar
pat z
2016-01-15 00:04:50 UTC
Shouting isn't the most effective way of communication. That said, however, you ARE living in your parents' house, using the computer they paid for(?).

Have you heard the saying, "my house, my rules'? Until you're out on your own, paying your own way, you're likely going to have to make compromises -- or capitulate completely. Since your mother apparently can see your Facebook posts, you'd best acquiesce. Then, in a calm moment (for both of you) why not talk to her about language -- what's acceptable, what isn't and, yes, why.

My mother always said people who swear have limited imaginations. I have a vivid one and I'll drop the f-bomb depending on the situation. So did Mom in her later years.
2016-01-18 19:06:47 UTC
As a daughter I did not deserved to shout my mum. Even your mum always angry to you-you did not deserved to shout her. Our mum give us always love and care. Always remember that our mum is always here to guide us and to protect us.
2016-01-14 16:02:44 UTC
look kid idk how old you are but it's time to learn the proper application of shorthand. FCK is a perfectly acceptable substitute, so is DMN & SHT. WORD OF ADVICE THOUGH: USE SPARINGLY & WITH CAREFUL CONSIDERATION ON HOW ITS USED. THESE SHOULD NEVER BE USED AGAINST SOMEONE IN ANGER. you expressed sadness & outrage in your FB post, rightfully so but consider what I said. also, if you wanna school your mum in ethics apologize for your bluntness by gently telling her you can't recall ever having hearing problems, so she doesn't have to yell. then edit your FB post with SHORTHAND, because face facts, you're you & imperfectly PERFECT the way He intended so SHT will sometimes come out but it's not meant to hurt, it just goes away with the rest of anything you'll ever say in your life & God knows this so don't trip chip✌🏼️
2016-01-17 15:02:11 UTC
Why the hell would you curse on a Facebook post your mother would see?? To the people saying "two wrongs won't make a right" lol how can you apply that to parenting. Disciplining your kid isn't wrong. In my opinion you deserved to be shouted at by your mother because you disrespected her, lol. If you think that posting a picture on Fb with a caption that your mother will not like, is something little then her just yelling at you shouldn't be a big deal either. Lol you should of expected that it's kind of your fault. Don't overeact because your mother yelled at you, it's not like she smacked you or anything. Just take it down, you're not going to die. It hurts her more to see it than for you from losing it.
2016-01-15 15:05:24 UTC
You did not deserve to be shouted at. She should have explain her frustrations to you in a calm and detailed fashion. If youre a child living in her house then yeah you kind of do have to listen to her if you want to have a functioning relationship with her. And you could do better in the futuere to express your greef without inappropriate language
2016-01-17 11:58:42 UTC
Your mother has both the right and the duty to decide what kind of languages spoken in her household. You should tell her that you're sorry you use that word but you should also tell her that you were very angry at the idea of cancer hurting and destroying so many people. You should know though There are ways to express frustration verbally without using foul language. When you're older adults you can choose for yourself whether to use that kind of language but right now It's up to your mother.
2016-01-15 11:17:02 UTC
Write how you feel about something but using foul language spoils it and is unnecessary, as someone has already said it gives the impression that you are lacking educationly. Plus it is highly offensive to many people especially at such a difficult situation as someone s death. Your mum is correct either take it down or delete the offensive language.
2016-01-18 00:40:37 UTC
I don't think shouting is the way to go, forcefulness through shouting and violence should not be used. maybe she needs to rethink shouting as saying it nicely or shouting it, if she said it nicely u would have listened. the otherway with shouting u aren't happy. well if she's a bible jellopi there's 18 signs in the new testament, one of them is raising the voice. it's best to explain nicely. i don't think anyone deserves to be shouted at. swaring yes is not the best use of vocabulary but it sures says to me you were angry when you used it at the cancer. Don't worry, just try not to swear.
2016-01-17 06:59:53 UTC
You know, our parent's generation and our generation speak a different kind of vernacular. Maybe there are certain things that are common for us and are not really a big deal but those same things are disrespectful and unethical for our parents. In your situation, the word f**k, triggered the anger because to them it might be disrespectful but your intentions are not to do the same. Its difficult to conform to this, but if it bothers your parents or in this case your mother, then you should take it down, as she means well and it doesn't matter if you would word your sentiments in a different manner, people would still feel the pain you do.
2016-01-16 17:53:47 UTC
I'm not sure if you can edit your post at all but just simply take it down and put it back up, discluding f**k cancer. I don't think so I mean it's kind of stupid because of the subject matter but if you would have said f**k you to a person then I get your mom being angry and yelling.
2016-01-17 13:03:02 UTC
Not shouted at no - but take the offending word out yes - because swearing is inappropriate no matter how upset you are - its a violent word to use. Use a dictionary and look another word up - apologise to your mother and show her your edited word - then ask her not to shout as that is equally offensive.
2016-01-17 15:02:40 UTC
It is a foul word. Yes your mother should correct you. Their are many younger people on this thread that continue to use it. Their parents probably would not approve. Put yourself in your mothers place. Would you want your daughter to use that on facebook? I can understand why you felt that way toward such a horrible disease, but if you took the word down and replaced it, don't you think your mother would feel like she raised a more mature young lady?
2016-01-17 13:30:44 UTC
Well every parent don't want their child to swear. But some just don't mind. Well, I doesn't say that you deserved to get shout, but what I mean is they don't like bad word and maybe just want to good for you.
2016-01-18 00:00:34 UTC
sometimes reason for shouting is something else and we take it otherwise. It may be the same with your mother. she could be upset with you for some other reason. Do try and find out what is annoying her, i am sure you will find your answer. I know you are not feeling good about it but there is no harm in apologizing for small things and start fresh. I am sure this will strengthen your relationship. Good luck
2016-01-17 09:28:07 UTC
Well, I personally think that there's nothing wrong with that post. It could be about your age? In you're like 18 or something, then that's unreasonable but if you're 10 that could be the reason. Is your mom a Christian, perhaps?
2016-01-16 17:55:26 UTC
No, shouting really ain't cool . But you should listen to her. Vulgar language can make people think less of you (rightly or wrongly) especially colleges, and employers and especially if you are a girl, which i would guess you are from the wording of the question.
2016-01-15 20:18:50 UTC
Just think about how Snape would have reacted reading your post, he probably would have told you take it down too because of the f-word. Just use some other word ("death to cancer" or something less offensive). Obviously your mom doesn't want you using profanity where everyone in the whole world can read it (you have to consider there may be little kids reading the page).
2016-01-18 09:07:28 UTC
YOUR MOTHER OBVIOUSLY KNOWS that what appears on face book can be reviewed by any one who wants to look you up, meaning colleges, or possible employers in the future. Perhaps one comment like yours would not be a problem, but to often people put things on face book that come back at them years later. You mother was right, she might have not shouted, but she got you attention and that is what is needed. I would simply say from my generation - get over it.
2016-01-17 08:03:37 UTC
Your mum is just not pleased at the way you said it. There's always an appropriate way of expressing your self online be aware that everyone and I mean everyone can see what you say or post so you should always think twice before your post :) your not wrong! Either is your mother she just wants you to represent yourself well while online! Haha
2016-01-17 16:24:52 UTC
i don't think that you should have been shouted at because first of all cancer is heartbreaking and it was for a good cause. But...if you are not allowed to use that word then i suggest taking it down and using another one instead.
2016-01-15 09:56:13 UTC
Yes Take it down Using foul language only makes you look uneducated. There are thousands of appropriate words in the dictionary to choose over slang trash. Remember what the real meaning of a word is before using it.

Your mom is just trying to help you to be polite and speak well.
2016-01-15 20:16:43 UTC
Meh, not really. My mum always says it's ok to swear but not at someone (As long as you don't go around swearing for no reason). Maybe just delete the post & Re-upload it, just change your wording. btw how old are you? if your older than 15 then your mum shouldn't care. if your younger than that then you gotta just deal w/ it...
2016-01-17 05:31:22 UTC
Yes you deserved to be shouted at. The language you used is filthy and disrespectful, especially in the context of someone's passing. Your mother is teaching you. Listen and learn
2016-01-18 07:40:27 UTC
2016-01-17 06:05:31 UTC
2016-01-18 09:03:58 UTC
No one deserves to be yelled at. However, it's your choice to respect your mom's decision. It's also your decision to not respect it. Everyone's parents are different. My mom wouldn't care if I cussed at all, my dad on the other hand would respond like your mom. I would ask her what would she rather you say? And just level with her and apologize for cussing so she can get off your butt for it!
Sur La Mer
2016-01-14 11:00:32 UTC
Common sense. It's a joke or not a joke, it's HOW you talk.

You can: unfriend your mom, so she will never see your posts again, or you can grow up, and do what you're told - mom is always right!

Mothers DO SHOUT (no I'm not shouting, this is HOW I talk & write).
2016-01-14 19:40:20 UTC
It doesn't matter what religion or anything you are. This is social media. You can delete it but it will always be there. She is looking out for you. Yes your saying that about cancer but that doesn't change the fact that you swore just to swear. There was no point in it.
2016-01-15 22:13:57 UTC
Assuming you're a minor, and your mother has parental rights, she is responsible for you. She didn't need to yell at you, and she reserves the right to parent you however she wants. But Facebook is a social media, a place to express yourself. Assuming you shared the post, not writing it out yourself, you had no control over the words they used. You just shared, agreeing with anothers point of view. She's basically putting words in your mouth that you in fact didn't say, just agreed to. Maybe better apologizing, and agreeing that it's wrong to use that chose of words, but you didn't say them, just agreed in respects to the recently deceased.
2016-01-14 14:42:27 UTC
Hi. I know you expressed yourself, but do you agree than any expression is not good? I don't want to defend your mother or any other parents unreasonably, but It's a fact that not any mother or father normally wants their children to use bad language or behavior. To understand their feeling, I think it's good to put ourselves in their place and see from their eyes. Imagine your child do such a thing. You doubtlessly get angry and may even think that you have somehow failed in your children's civility or like that. don't you agree, my friend? in these cases, parents become upset and unhappy, more than becoming angry. but sometimes they don't know what to do, so they find themselves having shouted at their children. let's understand them, even if they have made a mistake. after all, she's your mother, and of course WE have made mistakes by such behavior. so let's understand them.
2016-01-16 16:00:09 UTC
SHOUTED at? No. Told to remove it? Yup. If you do this stuff all the time though, then yeah, maybe she thought shouting it at you would make you hear it better.

So edit the curse words out, genius. Unless you're over 18 and PAY for the internet service you have. If you don't and she does, then take it out.

Cancer sucks, but it can't hear or see you cursing it, so it's not going to hurt anyone if you remove it, and saying your bit for Alan is still there.
2016-01-19 14:50:19 UTC
F*ck is a pretty bad word to be posting where everyone can see. I would yell at my daughter for it. What you do and say is a reflection of how you were raised and how much you respect yourself and others. A good girl doesn't post that on fb
2016-01-18 02:05:50 UTC
Yes that is not a good word. She didn't like it so she shouted. Why are u making a big issue? Just listen to her. She is your mother. You wont become small if you obey your mom right?
2016-01-17 12:33:14 UTC
Looks like your Mom has taken a stand and isn't going to back down. I'd let it go just to get past the argument as this is not one you are going to win. (I might try posting again and saying something like "Cancer sucks! Phooey (not word used) on you Cancer." but then I'm a smart alec. If you could get her laughing at the silliness it might help?
Gary B
2016-01-16 20:28:24 UTC
You. Mum probably pays for your phone and your internet service. SHE is responsible for what YOU say.

So,, you doo what she says, without question.

Using such foul languague shows an immature mindd. What you SHOULD have said wS " ... And Im gonnba give ALL ly alllowance to the Cancer Society, and tell all my friends to do tge same!"

2016-01-15 09:33:23 UTC
It doesn't matter what religion or anything you are. This is social media. You can delete it but it will always be there. She is looking out for you. Yes your saying that about cancer but that doesn't change the fact that you swore just to swear. There was no point in.
2016-01-15 00:11:52 UTC
Some advice from an old broad.....don't use curse words....on Facebook or in conversation. It tends to cheapen someone's perception of you as well lessen whatever message you wanted to deliver. While I understand your context and cancer is horrible....there are better words you could use to get your sentiment across and maintain grace and poise. Afterall, how you present yourself to others tells others how you were raised.
2016-01-17 08:23:24 UTC
I think the shouting was unessary but she is your parent to an extent you have to respect her wishes . So I'd take it down and reword it. It's very sad about Alan Rickman. He will be greatly missed.
2016-01-15 18:19:10 UTC
Your mom was being unfair with you and this is freedom of speech. I agree with you 100% about what you said about cancer. They have been trying to find the cure for decades and until today, nothing. I sure hope that they find the cure for cancer very soon as well as for other terminal illnesses like AIDS, muscular dystrophy and many others. It's your facebook and you do whatever you want in it as well as with your cell phone.
2016-01-15 15:58:35 UTC
2016-01-17 19:44:45 UTC
Yes you deserved to be shouted at. Yes you should take it down. Quit being such a crybaby.
2016-01-16 00:44:05 UTC
Try to shout back that's your right as a human being.
2016-01-16 18:36:10 UTC
Cancer does suck . Ive said that many times myself but it also sucks to have memories of upsetting your mother after your mother is gone. Do what your mother tells you to do and always treat her good . I went to a right to life rally in Washington DC years ago and there were rabbis and preachers on the platform and some kid put a sign infront of the stage that said Abortion Sucks. It was a strange sight . There were thousands of people there but nobody bothered the sign. .Some things realy do suck. Your question indicates that your a thoughtfull person and i bet your mother was faking her anger because she knows your a good kid but feels she cant approve of the language.
David N
2016-01-16 13:17:41 UTC

People who use profanity are just advertising their ignorance of their own language to the world.

If you want to explicitly express yourself to the world, the English language is loaded with words that can express your feelings much better than the vagaries of profanity.

Why don't you broaden your horizons with some schmutzwortsuche (looking up rude/dirty words in the dictionary)?
2016-01-16 01:15:14 UTC
Well You found your mistake. There is no point to make confession if your mother smiled at you after all this means she trust you a lot.

Don't worry much about your act of yelling at your mother she understood it wasn't you who smoke.

Also always try to make conversation with any of family members in polite manner it makes relation more stronger trust me. I experienced it
2016-01-15 06:18:33 UTC
Older people see things so differently to younger people. Your mum sees you as denigrating yourself by using this language. Just ask yourself is it truly acceptable? Do not belittle yourself, have some respect for yourself and take it down.

2016-01-17 11:39:15 UTC
She shouldn't have shouted you but some parents don't like when kids cuss
2016-01-15 18:57:28 UTC
I don't think she should've shouted at you, but apparently she doesn't like the use of such words. If I were you, I would take it down so I wouldn't get in any more trouble.
2016-01-17 14:50:30 UTC
If you live in your mom's house, you have to live by her rules. If she does not like that word, you should abide by her wishes. By posting it or using it in public, it makes her look like a bad mom. And, if you really want to do something about cancer, raise money for a cause or get on the microscope and look for a cure; using the eff word does nothing but make you look stupid and low class.
2016-01-16 22:31:42 UTC
You are her child and sometimes its more about respect.... Up until I was 18 I never cussed on the internet or around anyone older than me,to show the respect I would want. If my children cussed on facebook I would probably say take it off and post something with out the cuss words
seedy history
2016-01-14 11:14:31 UTC
You're riding a bandwagon. And your Mom doesn't want you to jump on bandwagons and develop a social media history of cuss words. You likely have no personal relationship with Mr. Rickman or his family. I doubt you have posters of him on your wall or have made a point of seeing every movie he ever made. So, really, you're just reaching out and getting comfortable with creating a social media personality that cusses. Cussing at Cancer is a meaningless action that certainly doesn't scare Cancer or make it disappear. Mom doesn't want you to cuss. And she means it.
2016-01-17 12:48:04 UTC
I feel like you're mom didn't want you to use profanity online. I think that you could have just been able to edit it instead of actually removing the whole post, but it's understandable why she was mad.
2016-01-14 13:27:54 UTC
2016-01-16 05:32:33 UTC
I do agree with the you're living in my house, these are my rules. Bugt I also think if she yelled at you now, she'll yell at you even if you move out. I don't agree with your mom about one thing - youdidn't say it to a person, yousaid it to a disease that everybody hates.
Jess Marcela
2016-01-17 03:28:51 UTC
2016-01-17 04:50:52 UTC
No reason what so ever it may be, no one has the right to shout at another, especially if it is family member.The same could have been discussed in a cool manner.
2016-01-15 07:25:04 UTC
2016-01-14 11:07:40 UTC
Yes language
2016-01-18 21:26:18 UTC
My aunt died of cancer and I completely understand why you said "F**k you Cancer!" I also have a strong hate for cancer and all of the turmoil it causes. Also, I think that your mom did overreact. Curse words are used to express your feelings and ideas on a much more intense level. I see why they are seen as something one should not say, but c'mon! Your friend died of cancer and she thinks after all that you do not have the right to express you true feelings? Give me a break!
2016-01-17 08:54:08 UTC
I thought "mum" was a deodorant?

If you post profanity on social media, you're getting off easy with a tongue-lashing
2016-01-16 21:03:40 UTC
Well it depends on how old you are. If you're like 10 or 11 or 12, then yeah you might be in the wrong.

If you're older, then she should chill.
2016-01-15 15:55:14 UTC
She is probably worried because she does not want you to get in trouble. You know what I mean? People are getting in trouble for thing they are posting and saying on Social Media. She is just looking out for you. :D The best thing to do is take it off your Facebook and say you are sorry and you will take the punishment. She might be surprised she might not even punish you because, you are taking ownership of your actions.
2016-01-17 13:19:12 UTC
No she didn't have right to yell. Something similar happened to me. I posted the thunder buddies song from Ted and got yelled at for saying f*** and di** so I had to take it down. But it is your page, your rules! Parents just do not get that.
2016-01-15 05:11:04 UTC
Yes. Swearing can be very offensive to many people. You should avoid swearing on the Internet especially when you're showing your respects to a famous actor.
Allama Prabhu
2016-01-15 06:30:48 UTC
Her threat to punish you is to drive a lesson to your mind that in any social media you should avoid these words. The fact that you have posted this question itself simply goes to prove that the desired effect is already being made on you.

Remember, effective communication is always possible without using them.
2016-01-15 23:16:27 UTC
First of all, how old are you? If you're underage, well, you didn't earn anything but your parents paid for everything, so I think it's a good idea for you to listen to your parents. If you're an adult, tell her to "Go f yourself, i will do whatevah i want b!tch!" in very polite way.
2016-01-16 15:38:36 UTC
I believe so. I understand how you feel about cancer, but I think you should know better than to write something that inappropriate on the web. I really don't like cancer that much, either. Just think about this cal my and rationally without upsetting your mother. I hope this helps.
2016-01-17 13:13:06 UTC
Since it offends your mother why not take it down? In it's precision, breadth and depth the English language is superb. Surely you can exercise some ingenuity by finding another word which would not offend your mother?
2016-01-17 19:17:26 UTC
Delete her on Facebook. It's never a good idea to have your parents on any social media site until you're an adult.
2016-01-14 22:52:09 UTC
Such expressions should not have been used in a social media like Facebook .You deseerved to be shouted at by your mother . Listen to her and delete the statement .
2016-01-15 01:48:12 UTC
If you are old enough, what you post of Facebook is up to you. Your mum is smart, employeers actually search peoples facebook before they hire them, its not a good look to curse on facebook.
2016-01-16 16:40:47 UTC
Well she shouldn't have shouted but could have discussed she didn't like your language assuming that's the problem here.
2016-01-18 02:55:19 UTC
They deserved to shout to their son
2016-01-18 23:54:55 UTC
No you do not deserve to be yelled at.. There was nothing wrong with you post.. My mom encouraged me to cuz. She said it's a stress reliever..
2016-01-14 18:51:28 UTC
2016-01-16 14:52:45 UTC
2016-01-18 16:24:21 UTC
Of course you shouldn't of been yelled at, a really cool man passed away from a horrific illness. You were sharing how you feel, a feeling is different from everyday swearing.
Brian Wesley
2016-01-14 10:49:06 UTC
I guess the question here is... "Was it really necessary to curse?"

Perhaps you should be concerned, as your mother is, about how you appear to others when you use profanity needlessly.

Shouted at, you did not deserve...

Punishment if you do not comply?... absolutely.
2016-01-14 14:03:14 UTC
You could have simply said like, cancer is bad, or I hate cancer. But ur posting something publicly about cancer and using bad language. U meant well but it's bad language, and might even sound harsh/rude to the reader at first
2016-01-17 11:10:44 UTC
There's much better words to use than the f word so take it down and promise your mum that you will strive to increase your vocabulary with the better use of words.
2016-01-17 08:03:43 UTC
2016-01-17 01:37:24 UTC
2016-01-14 11:06:49 UTC
2016-01-15 15:54:44 UTC
It all depends on how your parents feel about cussing. Please just take the post down and avoid cussing in the future. I understand the point that you were trying to convey, you just gotta go about it in a different way. Don't let this small incident get to you.
2016-01-18 06:04:36 UTC
Your mom shouldn't of shouted because you was stating that cancer is bad and a big issue. She should of just let you know in a calmly manner not to use inappropriate language.
2016-01-17 12:33:53 UTC
yes, she has every right to yell at you if she sees you acting in ways that are offensive, disrespectful, immature etc. Cursing is a very uneducated way of expressing yourself and she doesn t want to see you behave in this manner. Learn from it and move forward like the mature individual I m sure you are.
2016-01-17 08:22:25 UTC
Id say no, beause you were simply expressing your feelings on a horrible condition known as cancer. You could tell her that you are sorry for what you did, but you didnt mean to be bad. You just really hate cancer, and that you feel strongly about it.
2016-01-16 12:39:32 UTC
I understand your frustration with cancer..:(.... feel free to express yourself , however, use other words other that get your point across other than provanity . Being on social media, numerous and various people see your posts and it may affect you negatively later.

As far as your mom yelling, yes she has the right to get onto you, its her job to correct you and guide you properly. One day you will be in her shoes my luv. Moms know best
2016-01-14 23:08:05 UTC
It's not wrong to feel upset but maybe a better choice of words will improve the situation.
2016-02-07 10:18:32 UTC
Maybe not shouted at but told calmly to take it down.
2016-01-14 21:12:03 UTC
Your mum is right and you have a good mum. Apologize to her and take down the f word.
2016-01-14 14:42:45 UTC
are you 8 or what?
2016-01-16 16:33:14 UTC
In my opinion, she shouldn't have shouted at you. Its a word. What harm can it do? Nothing! She should be happy it can't kill her.
2016-01-15 10:15:26 UTC
You swore which will be seen by friends and family. You mum has a right to be mad
2016-01-16 17:35:54 UTC
You used it to express your dislike towards cancer, a bad thing. I get your mom's overreacting but she may find it offensive. I would explain why you used to word and apologize for expressing you sorrow with that word.
2016-01-16 09:40:42 UTC
Unfortunately she is your mother , others may think you don't deserve to be punished but it's not going to change anyhting.
2016-01-14 14:23:00 UTC
Yes. The word is descriptive of an action which no relationship to your feeling toward the deceased which you were trying to convey. It is customary that on ones passing we try to express our loss not to express our hatred toward a the cause.
2016-01-16 12:39:13 UTC
No definitely not but if you live under her (your parents roof) then it's best that you follow their rules and take down the post
2016-01-14 17:52:08 UTC
Will I think she is right bc say f**k to someone is bad and it will effect other people I would listen not just force other just so u don't get any punishment
John S
2016-01-15 10:51:40 UTC
Yes. Definitely. She is your mother. Who pays for the internet access and the computer/smartphone equipment?

When you are on your own, paying your own way, you can do what you want. By then, you likely will have matured and you understand all of this better.
2016-01-16 14:31:13 UTC
To solve your punishment problem: Just go on the privacy settings of the post and go on "share with except..." and then mark your mom dad, anyone who might talk to your mom about it or say that it's still up.
2016-01-15 06:10:35 UTC
no one deserves to be yelled at unless its for a very good reason... your age could have a thing or two to do with it.... no to come off as rude but you should have thought about it before posting it knowing your mom would probably see it... ive gotten in trouble for that before... ive posted something about her and it want even mean it was a nice thing but her friend that im friends with told her and she yelled at me..
2016-01-18 10:23:40 UTC
I would only make post available to be seen by friends and then defriend my mum!
2016-01-18 14:37:31 UTC
No, you didn't. But as long as people continue to think cussing is wrong regardless of context, this will unfortunately continue to happen.
2016-01-16 13:18:00 UTC
Well it seems impolite/negative, and unclassy, perhaps, in her view and you should take that down. I know that you did not mean to do anything very wrong but try to see it her way and trust her. She cares about you and the impact that you make... Also your reputation is important...
2016-01-17 11:26:25 UTC
No. But you can edit the post by deleting cuss words to keep the peace between you and your mom and also deliver the message that Cancer takes lives
2016-01-16 17:18:43 UTC
Swears are just words, she's ungreatful for complaining about a simple swear even though she & you already know what that word is.
2016-01-15 15:04:45 UTC
no you did not deserved to be shouted at, because it's IN the post, as long as you didn't type it yourself
2016-01-16 20:13:56 UTC
Dont shout talk with polite.
2016-01-16 06:53:56 UTC
Yes, you did. You should never use profanity on social media because their are children who get on there and do not need to be exposed to that sort of stuff.
2016-01-16 22:27:40 UTC
Depends on your age though.

And if your old enough, maybe because you have younger relatives in your friends' list.
2016-01-16 13:07:51 UTC
No, besides it's your facebook isn't it? So only you have a say. Besides, it's not like you used the curse word to insult someone. I mean, cancer does suck so....
2016-01-16 12:51:20 UTC
There's no real answer, it's just family rules and what she expects. It can be stupid but that's how it is.
2016-01-17 09:42:51 UTC
As a child, you shouldn't be using such foul language. So yes, I would say you did deserve to be yelled at. Now, please take that post down from Facebook. (:
2016-01-18 22:07:05 UTC
Yes I know you had good intentions and were not trying to be rude but maybe you should replace that word with sucks
2016-01-16 14:10:30 UTC
Yes and Yes take it down. No using of the F word or other things especially on the internet where it could last forever.
2016-01-14 16:15:31 UTC
2016-01-14 19:55:13 UTC
2016-01-16 18:21:43 UTC
Well if you knew your mom didn't like that word then why use it and who used Facebook anymore?
Hanfaa Khatoon
2016-01-15 17:32:34 UTC
In a way yes because there are more better ways to show your hate for cancer. But yet again you were also insulting cancer which is good.
2016-01-14 10:55:24 UTC
you deserved it take it down, Many people find foul language insulting In would leave it at Cancer sucks Much more respectful
2016-01-15 21:51:23 UTC
People are dropping dead left and right but we should watch our language.

Wtf is wrong with some people?

Anyone of us could get mangled in a car accident tomorrow and some people can't stand others saying the word ****. Seems a tiny bit askew.
2016-01-14 12:46:03 UTC
If you're living under her roof, I suggest you obey her. You can always edit your post and take out the word.
2016-01-14 12:28:20 UTC
No, not really, but unfortunately, when you're a teen, sometimes you have to toe the line or adjust your privacy settings :-)

F*ck cancer.
The King of Sting
2016-01-16 18:35:31 UTC
Of course you do. Trashy people swear in public. It's just the way it is.
2016-01-16 12:50:13 UTC
Don't take it personally, it's not your fault that your no good and your mother shouldn't have yelled at you. The correct route would be to belt you, right across the mouth. I mean, how else are you going to learn you dumb ****, HA?! EVERY GODDAMN TIME SHE TELLS YOU NOT TO USE THE F WORD, AND YOU STILL DO IT!!! WTF IS WRONG WITH YOU, YOU LITTLE ****?! WHY DON"T YOU BEHAVE???
2016-01-17 08:20:09 UTC
Quite right you did. You shouldn't use foul language in public.
2016-01-15 13:56:23 UTC
Well, some people just don't like cussing. I guess she just didn't like that you were saying a bad work
2016-01-16 19:59:47 UTC
Tell your mom to get a life and stop reading your Facebook comments she is f**king weird.
2016-01-17 12:49:32 UTC
depends how old you are , some parents arnt used to hearing them worlds especially from there kids , apologise and explain you were expressing your feelings and edit that part out ( or just block your mam )
2016-01-16 17:55:44 UTC
Possibly man!
2016-01-14 11:27:08 UTC
No, your mom is blindly don't deserve to be punished, not at all.
2016-01-14 21:54:03 UTC
Mom can do anything. I love my mom and she has rights to shout on me.
2016-01-14 10:50:45 UTC
If that's a rule your mom has, then you deserve to be punished for breaking it. Saying "**** you cancer!" doesn't make sense anyway.
2016-01-17 16:05:48 UTC
No parent wants their child using filthy language, ever. Tell her you're sorry and take it down.
2016-01-17 13:01:00 UTC
not a good word to include in your vocabulary, I agree with mum
2016-01-15 07:27:48 UTC
So she, in this new media world, is a supporter of cancer, I'm sure she's never sworn.
2016-01-17 23:45:38 UTC
Yes , Ever in your life, Parents are good care taker for their child. If they are wrong or right according to you.
2016-01-16 16:15:10 UTC
No she didn't and you can easily edit the wording and take out the word **** if she has a big issue
2016-01-16 05:08:07 UTC
What is your age? If you are under 18, then you should get into trouble for cursing.
2016-01-16 22:15:55 UTC
You deserve to be punished because you asked the internet
Orla C
2016-01-17 07:08:20 UTC
Cancer DOES suck, but what is the point of upsetting everyone around you by using language that upsets them?

Upsetting people causes stress, and stress is a major cause of cancer. Think about it.
2016-01-15 07:34:21 UTC
Well maybe she could of just told you to take it down and remind yo uclamly not to use bad words.
2016-01-16 19:47:20 UTC
No... it is a word. A word can t be "bad"... That s absurd. I would just pretend to be sorry, though, just to keep the peace. Choose your battles, you know? As long as you know the truth in your heart.
Cathi K
2016-01-16 22:43:26 UTC
Profanity is never necessary. It is uncouth and rude. It is not allowed in my house. I unfriend people on facebook if they post it regularly.
2016-01-17 01:38:34 UTC
yes because if your mom doesn't want you posting swears no matter the reason you need to listen to her as long as like your underage and like live with her (I'm assuming you are)
2016-01-17 08:15:32 UTC
You should be punished for allowing your mom to see your facebook page in the first place.
Tayeb Ahamed
2016-01-16 16:58:13 UTC
In a way yes because their are more words in this world that is stronger than the word F*@#
2016-01-17 22:01:48 UTC
Unfortunately yeah,you f**king deserve it.
2016-01-18 11:52:05 UTC
Swearing is a form of emphasis, hence its name "strong language". There shouldn't be a problem
2016-01-14 19:08:46 UTC
yes, never curse in front of your parents or on social media, you should be forced to live in a snake hole for your entire life
2016-01-16 22:32:29 UTC
Yes, because your employer could see that in the future and that may turn out bad for you.
2016-01-14 13:56:35 UTC
Yet another fight caused by social media... it's simple guys. Really. DELETE YOUR FACEBOOK TO SET YOURSELF FREE!
2016-01-14 21:13:44 UTC
Set up ur profile so she can't see ur post but you don't have to delete her
2016-01-17 05:06:20 UTC
Mother's don't like when their children say words like that.I'm 15 and my mother doesn't like it too,but when i am with my friends i boldly can say dirty words,but not with my mom,because parents don't like that.So you have to abstain saying bad words with your mom and dad.
2016-01-17 07:16:20 UTC
I would nicely ask that the f word be removed and not used that's all ! No drama
2016-01-18 07:03:03 UTC
I understand she doesn't like it when you curse but I also understand why you cursed... just apologize and take it down.
2016-01-17 00:22:30 UTC
Yes, you deserved it. Sorry
2016-01-15 21:00:59 UTC
Not exactly. The situation sounds a bit weird
2016-01-17 10:32:45 UTC
No, your mom shouldn't be stalking your Facebook anyways. What the **** is she doing?
2016-01-16 16:05:17 UTC
I suggest you report your mother to Children's Services. She has no right to discipline you
2016-01-15 00:09:56 UTC
Can't you just edit the post and not swear, then everyone's happy.
2016-01-17 21:42:16 UTC
Ur mum stupid. I bet she white lol
2016-01-15 05:49:54 UTC
As long as you stay in your parents house. You must listen to their good advices.
2016-01-18 06:54:23 UTC
nope you're not deserved at this situation
2016-01-17 23:27:58 UTC

You didn t deserve that

She could have addressed / solved the problem another way

You just said ****

But it s true cancer suck

So **** YOU CANCER!!!
2016-01-17 10:41:38 UTC
She probably looks down on people who cuss... maybe she didn't want you to look bad?
2016-01-15 00:17:19 UTC
u r fortunate . Many have no moms to shout. So be respectful and grateful.
2016-01-16 21:30:23 UTC
Yeah, she's over reacting, and why is she reading your comments?
2016-01-16 18:36:32 UTC
She's your mom. She can say whatever she wants to you.
Joseph B
2016-01-16 20:48:56 UTC
I think you did. In the old days, they would wash your mouth out with strong lye soap.
2016-01-17 15:51:20 UTC
If you got in trouble yes
2016-01-18 00:47:12 UTC
2016-01-15 09:17:03 UTC
No it's kind of dumb. Your mom is probably someone who cares what others think so that's why she did that. >_>
2016-01-16 17:11:42 UTC
Too dramatic
2016-01-14 17:43:50 UTC
2016-01-14 19:09:13 UTC
She's your mom, you should have gotten slapped repeatedly.
2016-01-14 21:24:59 UTC
Yes. As mom, she has right to guide and control you. she can also punish you any way.
2016-01-15 14:24:16 UTC
Swearing makes you cool.
2016-01-17 12:32:35 UTC
no, you have the right to say/ post whatever you want. also you werent even directing it at a person and you werent being rude
2016-01-15 09:32:05 UTC
Vulgar language is nothing to be proud of.
Sterling Archer
2016-01-15 02:36:51 UTC
I think the real question here is why are you on Facebook with your parents?
2016-01-17 00:18:51 UTC
She needs to chill
2016-01-14 14:11:09 UTC
2016-01-15 14:27:30 UTC
Listen to your mom
2016-01-17 03:55:07 UTC
2016-01-15 11:34:13 UTC
Yes you could have kept it clean
2016-01-16 15:08:42 UTC
No she didn't have the right to yell at you.
2016-01-15 13:02:06 UTC
I would just take it down
2016-01-16 17:55:07 UTC
It is not a lovely word, but your mother over reacted.
2016-01-16 17:14:25 UTC
No you didn't
2016-01-17 04:23:18 UTC
I think she could have handled it better yes
2016-01-16 16:40:21 UTC
Well kinda try not to curse
2016-01-17 20:44:50 UTC
My mom would be like "hey why did you say the f word?" But she would agree that cancer is bad
glen c
2016-01-17 12:25:11 UTC
The fact that your asking the question online says alot about you.
2016-01-15 08:11:53 UTC
Change the f word. Your mother has moral standards and your a reflection of your mother dear.
Sweetdaddy Rex
2016-01-14 14:30:40 UTC
Her house, her RULES ! Don't like it? MOVE !
2016-01-17 11:46:35 UTC
You could always get a job and move out.
2016-01-17 11:15:40 UTC
No doubt one of the stupidest questions ever.
2016-01-14 18:18:19 UTC
NOOOOO. Cancer does suck. But to not get in trouble do not curse
2016-01-18 15:17:53 UTC
Just unfriend her or block her u.u
2016-01-18 18:48:54 UTC
Why is your mom controlling your facebook? Do what you want man...
2016-01-18 04:04:00 UTC
make it simple for u and for ur mum....del, that word. act normal
2016-01-16 17:36:45 UTC
of course not you dont deserve that
2016-01-18 02:40:05 UTC
2016-01-17 06:47:29 UTC
Yes, in my opinion.
2016-01-17 03:07:58 UTC
you embarass yourself by insulting on public sites
2016-01-16 20:34:31 UTC
Tell your mom that she is a right **** and that she can **** off.
Pearl L
2016-01-14 12:00:23 UTC
i dont think you shouldve been punished for that, everyone feels that way about cancer, you were just expressing it
2016-01-14 13:39:11 UTC need to use that disgusting sexual swear word....degrading to women.
2016-01-14 17:47:53 UTC
Cursing is bad.
2016-01-17 02:43:37 UTC
No... But maybe she didn't like that you used the f word...
2016-01-18 07:03:08 UTC
Amulya Jedia
2016-01-15 06:27:34 UTC
Listen, she's not angry... But just worried!!
2016-01-16 22:20:50 UTC
no , you can't . as she grow you and protect you from everything.
2016-01-19 01:41:46 UTC
Unfortunately, your parents dictate you. She says what you can and cannot do or say.
Live Love Laugh --- Die
2016-01-16 23:55:02 UTC
F**kn right your mum should have shouted at you. WTF is becoming of you kids? Take it down and stand in the corner.
2016-01-15 14:46:43 UTC
yes - these words are only acceptable when you are with your peers
2016-01-17 06:49:48 UTC
Why do you guys take it so seriously
Linda R
2016-01-17 14:26:23 UTC
Yes. NEVER cuss on the internet.
2016-01-17 02:28:55 UTC
of course
2016-01-16 15:22:18 UTC
No way
2016-01-15 22:37:42 UTC
No if You think you are doing wrong.
2016-01-16 22:38:54 UTC
Your mom is a moron, using the work "fu*k" is not wrong in your case.
2016-01-15 20:32:11 UTC
No . She could have dealt with that better.
2016-01-17 19:20:48 UTC
Yup, you shoot use fouled language, it will not do any good for you.
2016-01-18 20:09:00 UTC
omg noooo
2016-01-14 14:47:31 UTC
"Cancer sucks" would have sufficed. You can still show your hatred of cancer without profanity.
Alyssa D
2016-01-16 19:13:28 UTC
Your mother shouldnt be on your facebook
2016-01-17 11:33:04 UTC
don't have potty mouth lol
2016-01-18 18:07:30 UTC
i get in trouble for that kind of stuff
Back W
2016-01-15 10:03:07 UTC
your probably still living under her roof and if so... she makes the rules
2016-01-16 23:58:31 UTC
2016-01-14 15:16:01 UTC
2016-01-16 10:21:50 UTC
her house her rules I am afraid
2016-01-17 14:42:55 UTC
2016-01-17 19:52:09 UTC
Shut up and take it!
2016-01-16 19:50:49 UTC
If u r a toy, everyone can yell at you
2016-01-15 14:22:30 UTC
yes and no
2016-01-15 12:08:25 UTC
Not sure
2016-01-16 13:19:26 UTC
depends how old and independent you are
2016-01-16 13:32:49 UTC
I guess
2016-01-16 16:05:16 UTC
yelling is vile
2016-01-17 11:08:32 UTC
I would think so
2016-01-16 22:20:25 UTC
no, don't take it down. #FuckCancer
2016-01-17 03:19:56 UTC
I don t have an answer!
2016-01-16 14:23:38 UTC
shes wrong
2016-01-16 17:47:07 UTC
No she is cray
2016-01-17 07:49:52 UTC
2016-01-17 03:13:49 UTC
2016-01-16 23:04:24 UTC
2016-01-16 17:26:43 UTC
2016-01-16 13:52:57 UTC
2016-01-15 08:58:39 UTC
2016-01-18 01:47:00 UTC
2016-01-15 13:15:50 UTC
2016-01-14 20:38:27 UTC
2016-01-17 12:00:02 UTC
that is drama. Ignore it all.
2016-01-14 12:22:42 UTC
2016-01-16 13:50:03 UTC
sort of
2016-01-16 11:35:00 UTC
no you didn't.
2016-01-19 16:26:57 UTC
it is not right block her
2016-01-16 12:33:07 UTC
White kid problems....
2016-01-15 00:55:50 UTC
No, not really
Spread God And Love
2016-01-16 12:48:43 UTC
its not that goods
2016-01-14 10:36:06 UTC
No you did not.
2016-01-16 15:55:02 UTC
2016-01-15 06:12:55 UTC
2016-01-17 11:46:10 UTC
no tbh
2016-01-16 07:41:42 UTC
is she trying to say that u have no reason to express ur hate for cancer through english words? THEN WTF ARE THEY FOR???
2016-01-17 16:52:49 UTC
that is what they are supposed to do
2016-01-17 05:30:11 UTC
2016-01-15 11:32:06 UTC
2016-01-14 17:38:12 UTC
2016-01-16 20:55:11 UTC
2016-01-16 06:08:22 UTC
2016-01-16 10:36:50 UTC
F**k no
2016-01-17 08:52:41 UTC
2016-01-17 07:52:28 UTC
2016-01-17 04:44:28 UTC
2016-01-17 03:29:02 UTC
2016-01-16 12:54:38 UTC
2016-01-16 20:05:39 UTC
**** her!
2016-01-14 20:15:20 UTC

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.