I want to end my life..Should I?
2016-07-06 07:41:11 UTC
I want to end my life...My mom hates me,She doesn t love me..She treats me differently.She said that I was her worst child and that Im not good enough..It hurts because she is my mother and I love her but I can t take it anymore..Im too tired :( I want to be happy but I can t because she does the same thing everyday.She doesn t say "Im proud of you" or "I love you" to me but she says it to my sister :(. I try my best at school and I get good grades all the time but she never appreciates me :(.I also have friends but they leave me out all the time..I can t talk to them about anything...I have no one to talk to..Im alone,worthless,useless,not good enough.Thanks for reading..
62 answers:
2016-07-06 14:36:50 UTC

She may be your mother but to me she sounds like a horrible person (no offence) Just because she gave birth to you doesn't mean you have to be grateful to her. A lot of people have parent issues and it's nothing that you should end your life over. You have the future ahead of you and things will get better no matter how crappy things are now.

A while ago, I was in your position and to be honest I'm glad that I got help. Because now, I'm happier and you will be too! Ask other family members and friends for support: If you need help, get help. If you want to confront your mom to ask her why she says those things, ask her. Just don't end your life because of someone else, whether their your mother or not.
2016-07-06 08:32:23 UTC
Your life hasn't even started yet. Now would be an odd time to end it.

Your mom is a parent, a woman with children she is charged with raising. Ask her what she meant by saying you are her worst child. Worst in what way? Get some specifics.

Ask her what you would need to do to be "good enough."

Constructive criticism is good. Toxic remarks aren't. You will feel better if you get your mom on a more constructive track with you. She doesn't know how you are feeling, so keep her apprised of that and press her for concrete information with her criticism.

Don't let your imagination run amok. That is what has you tired.
2016-07-10 16:00:58 UTC
Please don't do it honey I beg of you... You're so young and you're life is precious. You're not worthless no sir. You're unique and special and there's only one of you. Your situation seems tough right now but as long as she's not abusing you keep your distance from all these people for a while.. If that's not possible speak to someone you trust like a relative. You said you're getting good grades - that's a good sign girlfriend! That's awesome keep it up because if you try your best at school you'll be able to get a good job in a few years time then you can do what you want
2016-07-07 16:13:39 UTC
Please don't end your life, there's so much more in life that you need to expirence and you have to be there to see it, honestly I know how it feels when you thinks no one loves you and your worthless but I promise that one day you'll have a awesome life and you'll be so proud of your self that you end your life when you were having a hard time. :)

One more thing you can do is join classes like extra languages, dance, art you can make friends outside school and once your 18 either move out or go study abro

2016-07-07 07:37:54 UTC
Turn to God!! You might not feel a connection or not believe but please just pray and mean what you say! If you are mad say that to him as long as your talking to him!

My mum and dad I don't get a long with to so god became my father my guidance I know this sounds mad but you've gotta trust this! I had mad experiences that's just to real! But believe me I feel like something amazing is going to happen like a miracle I'm not just saying this keep your hopes high and God is going to come into your life! I really hope you don't do this because no matter what people do care about you even strangers we still want what's best for you! What matters is the goodness you have in your heart and you do just like everyone else

Hope you can heal and recover things are going to get better just pray! X
2016-07-06 09:24:45 UTC
Not now and not because of your mom. As a mom of 5 kids, I know that we moms always say we love each child equally, but there are things about each child that we like and don't like. Moms aren't perfect any more than any other person. I found that I praised the child who was most like I wanted to be in my heart, but I criticized most the child who was most like me and did things that I wanted to change in myself. On a day that is GOOD, go to your mom and ask her what it was like for her as a child. Ask her if she ever hated herself and if she had unhappy times. Ask if she had trouble with bullies, or her friends not liking her. If she wants to know why, tell her that you are having trouble and you value her input. You have to form a different kind of bond with her and you will catch her off guard. My guess is that you have a negative relationship with her at the moment and she doesn't know how to change it. You need to approach her from a different angle. Keep in mind this: O=E+M, which is an outcome is equal to an event plus my reaction to it. YOU choose whether it is positive or negative. If after this, some lines of positive communication are not opened, talk to you school counselor (some are available during the summer) or your doctor or minister.
2016-07-06 11:45:56 UTC
Killing yourself is not the answer, you need to step back and look at the situation, yes your mom is like that, have you talked to her about it? have you asked her why she does what she does? are you and your sister close? do you have other family you can go with? let me tell you a lil something, you were brought here for a reason and that reason is not killing yourself, you may not know that reason but there is one. you are very strong to write this and that right there says that you want a change, find that change in life, you are dealing with this but find a program at school or church to help you overcome this feeling. you may be able to help others who are going through the same thing you are and in turn finding a friend who you can help with each other. Life is hard and there will always be bumps in the road, I have had a lot of issues in my life but I always remind myself that God never gives you more then you can handle and if you feel he does he is right there with you. stay strong
2016-07-06 19:05:27 UTC
Awww! I'm so sorry! You are worth way more than the way your mom and anyone else treats you! :) Go to your school counseler and relatives. Talk to them about your situation, and they'll have a plan for you. Maybe you'll move out of your house as an adult and start a fresh new life! There's a way to get out of tough situations!
2016-07-09 00:24:26 UTC
Pls dear don't to end ur life.. Your happiness is on u not ur mom. you are good enough..It hurts because she is your mother and you love her . Hang in there and continue to make good grades. She will eventually see it. And these will get you through in life. I want you to be happy. I am so proud of you for writing these and I love with all my heart. I am a mom too. Am sure your mom appreciates you but just don't say it

For your friends, drop them like is hurt. Hang around with positive people that have good things u can learn from them. If they leave me out all the time then they are not worthy enough to be your friends. I am here and you can talk to me anytime. Repeat these words: you are not alone,worthless,useless, that you are good enough.
2016-07-06 17:48:01 UTC
No, You can make a difference in this world. Know that Jesus loves you and I care about you even though I don't know you. Life is always challenging for those who will make a difference in the future. I deal with almost the same. My abusive family and being a loner at each school I attended. Eventually your mother will see how she hurt you and come back to say sorry.
2016-07-10 14:06:54 UTC
I'm 14 (female) and me and mum argue 24/7 .she never appreciate that I get straight A's. She doesn't let me out and hang with my friends. I don't come out of my room bcoz I avoid arguing wiv her. She blames for the mistakes she done when she was young and free, and that I hold her back and make her look old . Tbh her nasty,mean words don't hurt me anymore bcoz I'm used to. Her side of the family just judge and I never seen them for the past 6 years.

What makes better is tell myself that I will walk out of this sh*t hole and someone will love me someday and I would NEVER see them(family) again.

You have no idea how many times that sh*t crossed my mind but I have life head of me and I will enjoy every single moment of it. I hate her more than anything. She doesn't treat me right and I won't ever.

Just another 4 years and i am FREE
2016-07-06 19:47:27 UTC
Your mother is a gutless coward that is one of millions that treat their kids like animals. She treats you like you're nothing because there is something in you that your sister and her will never have. This is a 30 year old survivor of family abuse writing by the way, what I am writing might seem like I don't know your situation, but I'm thinking mainly about the pain and suffering this sort of **** does in the end.
2016-07-09 21:59:07 UTC
No baby. Always know that somewhere in the world there's always someone having it worse than you. Poor soul. Love yourself. You don't need no one, really. Just love yourself. Know that you deserve better. And most importantly, turn that negative energy into something productive like school, or on being successful so in the future, you won't even have to see those people that make you feel like crap. Love yourself babe. I've been in your position. Just know that we can overcome this. <3

PS: I'm not Tryna make you feel bad, and I don't know your religious affiliation, but in the bible it states if you commit suicide you are going directly to hell to suffer because it means you don't appreciate the life God gave you. Remember God loves you too. And he wouldn't want to see you do bad. Pray to Him. Tell Him your problems. And believe in Him. <3
2016-07-06 11:05:33 UTC
You need to get help.Please don't end it, life isn't always perfect,neither are parents,friends NOONE! If you're at a point of killing yourself you need to tell someone get the help you need.I know it may be hard now but things get better if you work on it ,and fhen things get worse but that's life.Live and learn.Live and go get help ASAP.Also it sounds like you and your mom need counseling but now focus on yourself.
2016-07-08 03:01:45 UTC
You need to be stronger in life, alot can happen and change. Focus on what you want in life and make it happen. Eventually one day your Mum will say the things you long to hear!

Just speak to people online for support and help, were always here with an opinion!!

Take care :-)
2016-07-06 07:56:56 UTC
Nope, if you die you just wasted your life. Life is not materialistic. Toys you throw them away and get a new one easy. Life when it's gone it's gone. Try to look forward what you are going to do in the future, the moment you leave your. Mothers hands to the world of work where you will try to. Ake the best of it. Don't kills yourself, wether she hates you or not, no one wants there children under a pile of dirt.
2016-07-06 14:36:01 UTC
I always feel this way. I have no friends and I believe my mom is emotionally abusive. I keep a smile on my face, I try to hide everything. My motto is, don't feel the pain just smile back. I am quite depressed.... One day the feelings might just spew out and I might try to kill myself or something. But I believe in hell, and I guess my terrible life is better than that.... So ya know. Try to enjoy the little things.
2016-07-10 15:53:47 UTC
I suggest you not to do that. Then i was 14 years old i have to live in a basement cause my mom throw me from home. I remember my friends gave me some to eat cause i haven't. Now i'm 33 years old and i realize that my mom had her own problems (obesity, depression that father left us long time ago, etc.). Also not every parent know how to show their love. My mom now gets old and now i see that my mom always loved me and i'm not angry on her anymore. Now i want to make her happy cause i saw how many years she was unhappy. She still alone, she still loves my dad and i realize why she are so sensitive. Every people are different and they showing their love differently.
2016-07-07 12:47:41 UTC
Please don't kill yourself. I know you think that you are worthless, there is nothing for you to do or say to impress your mother. Even though she treats you differently doesn't mean she doesn't love you. I know she says it but words are just words and nothing more. If you need someone to talk to talk to me message me and i will talk to you. I believe you can get through this. Show life that you can win this. No matter what obstacle you throw at me i will get through it. dont you want to have your own kids and show them that you love them? Dont let your mother's feelings ruin your future. I believe in you!
2016-07-08 19:09:44 UTC
Remember that the things that's happening to you right now is a challenge to make you better and stronger. Taking your own life is a sin to God and you should always think the brighter side of things.
Youssef Metwaly
2016-07-10 00:30:46 UTC
You absolutely should not. There are people you can call to talk about these things to. Also maybe go try to live with an aunt or uncle or grandparents if it's that bad. If you ever have this thought again and you take nothing away from these answers I beg of you to please remember this phrase:

2016-07-07 00:14:38 UTC
I have adhd. My father was abusive to my mom. When he threatened to kill her she left with me. Then for the rest of my life I went to school and was bullied. I came home bruised and crying. One day I lost it. I snapped crackled and poped. I tried to kill the little girl. I spent my seventh birthday in the mental hospital. Years later after years more of bullying. I lost it. I became depressed for two months till I finally throes to kill myself. I went to the hospital again and then I realized that I love me no matter what and o don't want to let that go. And when you bring yourself down. You are bringing down the people that love you too. Don't kill yourself because the only thing more painful than death is when you do it to yourself. You are not worth dying.
2016-07-08 05:04:09 UTC
There is a theory that suicidal thoughts are a way of rooting out the members of our species that should not pass on their genes. I would say then don't have children
2016-07-06 10:30:58 UTC
Me too. I understand.

But suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem.

And (not assuming you do but just saying)

Cutting yourself doesn't end the problem. It only gives satisfaction for a few seconds.
2016-07-06 07:45:07 UTC
No, you should not.

First of All what about your family? Your dad? What do they think of you?

You should try to stay more with them.

By the way, I obviously don't know your mom, but have you ever tried to ask her why she tells you those things? What you can improve to look better to her? Maybe this could help..
2016-07-06 07:46:46 UTC
You post constantly and always whine about your miserable life, but you never do anything to help yourself.

Start by learning to communicate in written English. Work on your social skills.
2016-07-07 01:36:01 UTC
I can't blame you. Life is a sexually transmitted disease and then you die. It ain't no gift! The more life haters the better. But understand that you could have it so much worse--you could be socially inept, which is a death sentence!
2016-07-08 16:37:03 UTC
2016-07-06 12:02:04 UTC

you are perfectly human. but you did not mention your age... so blankly, i will say that as long as you are you are living...ITS WORTH LIVING.

THE BEST PARENTS/GUARDIANS in the world may be bad/worst in their opinion...but thats just that...opinion..according to their knowledge and experience and view of life. not a fact......... but first ask yourself will this (her bad treatment of you) matter ten years from now?... try to have patience... call your relatives... talk to your teacher at school.. your counselor...any mature person who can listen and understand.... you have a right to live a healthy happy life just as anyone else on earth. understand your right to live.....

call for help. anyone that you can you trust.
2016-07-06 07:50:07 UTC
You should talk back to your mother tell her to shut up and tell her she have no respect and why you want to die? No need to kill yourself for something that is temporary, you are not going to live with your parents forever when you grow up you can find a job, live on your own, you will have your own car, your own money, and you will find a girlfriend or boyfriend. No need to kill yourself just because you live with a mother that hates you
2016-07-09 21:09:15 UTC
don't end your life! You will miss so many things, like the first cat emperor! just ignore your mom to whatever negative she says, ignore all the negativities and focus on the positivities!
2016-07-06 22:31:31 UTC
I've had those feelings for the last five years. Everything that happened to you happened to me. I'm left isolated from the rest of my family.
2016-07-06 11:53:41 UTC
Yes. :3
2016-07-08 11:52:58 UTC
your mother sounds like a mean, evil, nasty **** sucker, I'm sorry this is your mother, but your life is not 'her' life, it's yours, and you are worth everything! **** her! is there anyone you can move in with? to get away from her negative energy and get away from her abuse? call CPS on her.
2016-07-06 18:43:51 UTC
Wait, just wait. Someday you'll prove her wrong and be successful and amazing! We'll be proud of you and believe me your mom will care then but don't live to make her proud just be proud of yourself.

Love yourself, learn your limits and destroy them!
2016-07-07 16:11:17 UTC
you should not do this human comes to this world for short time life and life is good thing and you must use your time for enjoying in this beauty world
2016-07-09 23:45:45 UTC
It is your choice to end your life... it is your life... but you can see if you can call social services on that ***** and say that she is emotionally hurting you...
2016-07-08 16:54:29 UTC
don't kill yourself, speak to the school nurse, or the school consouler or something like that trusty teacher, my teacher told me a story that she had this boy talk to her and he was different and he came to her one day and said im going to run away and she sorted it all out and made the boy happy with his parents extra.
2016-07-06 08:17:00 UTC
2016-07-09 00:17:39 UTC
No please don't commit suicide. My mom tried to in multiple occasions and every time it was devastating. It mentally messes with everyone around you. Your friends, your peers, your parents friends etc.
2016-07-08 22:51:52 UTC
You are special..don't let your mom make you feel bad.
2016-07-08 06:01:52 UTC
No. Call Lifeline.
2016-07-07 08:30:27 UTC
Just lift your wyw wkw
2016-07-08 23:58:29 UTC
No you should never just know that if you ever feel alone just know that god is with you and loves you.
2016-07-10 14:06:51 UTC
Death is not the answer to everything. You'll be good and grown soon.
2016-07-09 23:14:47 UTC
Life is too valuable for suicide.
2016-07-06 09:50:37 UTC
2016-07-08 18:41:00 UTC
please don't. please, find the change you're looking for. turn to god if it helps. turn to social media if it helps. turn to anything except suicide, self harm and drugs if it helps. maybe start a youtube channel. maybe try to make new friends. you can get through this!
2016-07-08 09:19:36 UTC
Jump off a cliff...
2016-07-06 11:21:16 UTC
they say in death, all life's questions are answered.
2016-07-06 15:15:24 UTC
don't! you have so much to live for
2016-07-06 07:55:47 UTC
Get help.
2016-07-07 23:44:44 UTC
kill kill kill killl killl killll killllll killlll killll urr sef ohh yaaahh
2016-07-06 07:44:49 UTC
YOU are responsible for YOUR OWN happiness.
2016-07-10 01:26:21 UTC
2016-07-07 18:49:52 UTC
Obviously not, no matter what the situation is suicide is not the answer.
2016-07-09 18:01:12 UTC
2016-07-06 10:34:00 UTC
aww . i care .idk if ul listen or not but god is testing us to see if we can care aobut eeryone purely, love god and love good people who care when its hard. if u want a friend email but please be careful online. please listen u cna tel a teacher this is illegal.
2016-07-08 12:10:56 UTC
2016-07-08 14:53:23 UTC
Nooooo.. Not at all..
Krista W
2016-07-07 20:54:19 UTC
Do not ever consider that. ...
2016-07-08 00:16:31 UTC
no silly

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.