2010-11-10 21:25:37 UTC
as shes gotten older her dad hasnt been able to harm her as much physically
but she told me about one time in particular a couple of years ago maybe when she was 13 14 shes 16 now
she has a slow computer and was working on a homeowrk assignment
she was printing a paper
her dad yelled at her to turn the computer off
because the computer is slow it was taking a few minutes to turn it off
her dad came in and started yelling at her
he blocked her path
and she tried to get past him but he grabbed her wrist and it twisted she started to run up the stair and he tried to grab through the stair railing at her feet she tripped up the stairs wuickly got up and ran to her room her wrist was swollen and sore for a few days , so it was a sprain
her dad is a pastor and is a pretty good guy he just gets angry sometimes
she is techinically a foster child but has been with this family for years she doesnt want to talk to anyone about her dad because she would probably be put in a children's home until she turned 18
she knows her dad loves her but he just doesnt treat her like it
he also says very rude things to her sometimes she developed bulimia because he would make comments about what she would eat and she hides food from him sometime so he wont comment on what shes eating
shes scared of him
she told me she rememberes when she was younger and her dad and her would fight she would always yell at her mom she was going to call the police on him but she never did
is he abusing her?
should i tell an adult about this?
i dont know what to do
please help
shes not going out of her way to anger her dad he gets mad at the littlest things and overreacts
and he has never apoligized he acts as if nothing happened the next day
and for reference this isnt like a once incident ype thing, she has dark skin so u could never really see bruises and it happens like a couple times a week he doesnt always physically harm her but mentally alot doing the week physically shes scared of him when he startes yelling she runs to her room and hides in her closet she is scared of him she told me the reason she wont tell people besides not wanting to leave her home is because her dad will deny and make her look like the bad person no ones going to believe her dad would do this and its tearing her apart inside she doesnt think she can last 2 more years
for the jerks out there....
its harder to see dark bruises sort of blend with dark skin unless your legitemently looking you cant see them,
my friends crying right now i have no idea what to do she keeps listening to runaway love - ludacris , she keeps saying she cant do it anymore , someone please help me
as the days go by she just seems to be drifting farther and farther away she doesnt want to live there anymore but she really doesnt have any other options she doesnt want to go back to foster care im afraid she might resort to suicide also she feels like she has no other options and thats the only way, she can only tell me so much an this is a hard topic to talk to people about anyone in education is required to report this kind of stuff and she doesnt really know anyone going through the same thing and all her friends who are college age would just tell the authorities i dont know what to do
also her mom just kind of ignores the situation shes not much help
she sticks up for the dad